MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 33 A land of weapons

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There is no tree in this world that bears metal fruit, let alone that fruit that grows into the shape of a weapon in human society. This is something that even an existence at the level of the mother tree that is deeply connected to the surrounding woods cannot do it, because it completely goes against the original state of nature. So Cheese first ruled out the possibility that the weapons on the tree are one with the tree.

Sounds absurd, right? Such a ridiculous possibility should not have been considered in the first place, so why rule it out? The problem is, in the world of magic, it's hard to draw the line between the absurd and the real possibility, something that is extremely unlikely to happen, magic can make it happen.

Shaking his head, he completely dismissed the idea of ​​weapons in trees. Cheese had to accept a more elusive reality. If these weapons did not grow, where did they come from, and why did they appear in the current distribution?

Gray Robe pulled out the alien hammer that Pinwei had inserted again, carefully inspected its structure and material, and used it to strike each other with other weapons on the tree. This is to test whether they are from the same or the same faction blacksmith, and the result is even weirder. The weapons on the tree are not made of the same material, some of them are fine iron, some are bronze, and Yuni is even from bare A dagger made of obsidian was found on the root of the tree.

Weapons with so many materials must not come from the same blacksmith workshop, but it is a pity that Jian Qi has left, otherwise he should be able to distinguish it from the forging skills more professionally. Without Sword Seven, Cheese could also try to distinguish them. He was basically certain that these weapons not only did not come from the same group of forgers, but also did not come from the same cultural circle. The reason is simple, the style of the weapon.

Like painting, clothing and other things, weapons are closely related to the cultural environment in which they were born. For example, metallurgical technology may be developed in places rich in minerals. If people there can forge good armor, the corresponding weapons should also focus on breaking armor. Conversely, this is not required in areas where wood or leather armor is used.

Take that warhammer with a rather delightful shape as an example, its purpose of manufacture is somewhat puzzling. It is said that warhammers are generally used to deal with relatively heavy armor, and installing daggers at both ends of the hammer head is really annoying. Incomprehensible.

A more reasonable explanation is that it is probably not a weapon that is used in actual combat. Similar to the scepter in many places, their prototypes may also be weapons, but their functions have gradually changed during development.

Fortunately, although it is not a practical hammer, it can be used as a practical chisel. With the help of the dagger end on the hammer head, Cheese carefully excavated more weapons. There is no hand-wrap on them that can further confirm the origin, and Rao is very knowledgeable in cheese, and he has no way to recognize the type and origin of their wood just by looking at the wooden handle or long rod. Unless you can give him the appropriate books and equipment, and then give him sufficient research time.

"The weapons here are enough to supply a large-scale war, and there may be a surplus. In the places I have been, so-called soldiers can't use guys with such high metal content."

In his hand, Pinwei walked over with a rectangular, one-sided blade, something similar to a guillotine but with a handle and a counterweight. Only the arm strength of a half-demon can hold the weapon like a smelted metal block with one hand. The long knives used in the hometown to target cavalry mounts will not be so thick and wide.

"Weapons made by humans but not for human use? Sounds weird. As far as I know, maybe only giants in history have done this, but the weapons in your hand are a bit small for giants." Cheese Glancing at what was in the half-demon's hand, he made such a judgment.

There are more and more mysteries here, first unpractical weapons, then unreal weapons, but there are still a lot of normal shapes.

"Teacher, do you know what's going on?" Yuni didn't show any uneasiness or confusion, it was just weapons, and no one was holding them yet. Although they were weird, they weren't scary enough.

"Not yet, let's continue walking. The results of the divination point there, and maybe the answers to these things are there." Cheese didn't hide his situation. For spellcasters, honesty is a quality that must be upheld when researching .

Gray Robe has learned not to fully reveal the truth when dealing with people, but that is when dealing with people and people, and his attitude has not changed when it comes to knowledge.

There is no objection, the three here are far from being able to accommodate explorers in the usual sense, and in a sense, they are already on the side of the story that should be explored. Half-human, half-demon cooks, children who morph into animals, and wizards with powerful mana, it's hard to think of what to fear as they go on as explorers.

There are indeed evil gods in this world that must be avoided no matter what kind of existence they are, but they are still a minority, and they are too few to waste time and energy arranging their evil plans in this rare forest.

The fog, lighter, maybe the people in it are familiar with it, so it's no longer affected. The footsteps have always maintained a similar frequency. Cheese walked to the front of the team. His blue child hole looked at the front from the dual perspective of magic and reality, and was alert to all the dangers that might pose a threat.

Cheese's eyes have turned blue since the battle with the Allosaurus, he has tried to remove them many times, but the result is dismal, which symbolizes the physical change that is highly integrated with magic, UU reading I am afraid that it will disappear only after all the magical structures on his body are destroyed. So Cheese's only hope right now is for his eyes to be as blue as Atta's.

"Stop. There are other things." Cheese raised his hand slightly, then snapped his fingers, and the surrounding fog instantly became thin and transparent, revealing the things hidden beneath it.

Those were some cheetahs, the ones that had attacked under the supervision of Mushroom Guren before. They seemed to be native species of this forest, but they were not native species here. So they died and became the corpses around the three, lifelike corpses.

"The climate here is neither dry nor wet, and the bodies are well preserved. Strange, haven't they been exposed to the rain? It should have been washed away long ago." Pinwe went over to inspect the cheetah's body and quickly realized that it was Something is wrong.

"The fog in the sky is thicker than the ground. There may be something above our heads that can block the rain. There were no signs of water soaking on those weapons just now."

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