MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 32 weapon on tree

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Heavy rain is painful, but light rain is calming. Those fine raindrops are no longer painful, they evaporate too fast, and can't even really wet the surface of the clothes. The sun faintly cast a dim light through the clouds in the sky. Although it was not warm enough, the surrounding scenery was clear enough.

Such weather is suitable for rest and sleep, making up for the feared losses in the storm. But Cheese and the others left early, carrying packages of different sizes. Cheese and Yuni were small bags, while Pinwei was carrying large bags. Even so, the half-demon was still the quickest and quickest of the three.

The previous long trip had taught Cheese a lesson that a team cannot be without a guide. The guide mentioned here does not have to be the kind of local people who know the geographical environment well, but the person who is agile, can open the way in front of the team, and warn the danger in time.

Pinwei has now assumed this role. He walked at the forefront of the team, carefully observing the surrounding environment to prevent the three of them from encountering another mutant dragon unknowingly.

The vast forest is also eerily quiet. Cheese has seen many kinds of forests, some are dense and suffocating, some are sparse and inexplicably empty, and the woods composed of giant trees are more inclined to the latter. Each giant tree needs a lot of land for its roots to grow. Unless they strangle each other underground with their neighbors or simply grow from the same rhizome like bamboo, the base of the plant tends to maintain a certain proportion of the exposed part of the ground.

Thanks to the well-developed rhizomes of these trees, the soil washed away by the rain is actually not much imagined, but occasionally large pieces of tree roots are exposed, like the bones of ****.

"Our direction is not deviated. Let's make some repairs first." Cheese said to the coming back.

Every once in a while, Gray Robe used the same branch to perform divination again to confirm that they were always on the way to the goal. The sound of the rain was almost inaudible, and there was no difficulty in speaking. The previous heavy rain was like a false dream.

Having said that, it is still unrealistic to make a fire. Cheese can only take out Breath of Dawn and place it on the ground to warm the three of them with the heat it emits. Interestingly, it was not Yuni or the mage himself who craved heat the most, but the most physically fit Pengwei. He exercised so frequently that he also had the purpose of heating up his body.

"In your opinion, I have lived in a very hot place for most of my life. When I was a demon before, my body was able to continuously generate heat. Now, I have to get the temperature through eating and heating. . This discomfort should gradually go away, but I don't think I'll ever yearn for coolness." Pugh jokingly rubbed his hands together somewhat exaggeratedly.

"The body temperature of demons is generally more than double that of humans, and the temperature of internal organs will only be higher. Your spirit is accustomed to that body temperature, and now your body is more sensitive to changes in cold and heat, and it is normal to feel cold." Cheese Habit make an analysis.

It is not right to compare the situation of Pinwei with the simple metamorphosis. After all, when the body is deformed, the processing of the senses by the mind will also change. However, the original brain is directly inserted into another body. Whether it can function normally is one thing, whether the brain adapts subjectively is another. This issue is not big or small.

"Huh, I think I should move again, the heat of this lamp is still not enough for me." Pinwei said, looking forward, and strode forward. Given that his movement can also open the way, Cheese didn't say much. A few minutes later, the half-demon walked back with a weird expression on his face, and he was holding a rather strange thing in his hand. By and large, that should be a one-handed warhammer.

Pinwei puts the warhammer in front of Cheese. Gray Pao saw that the recovered weapon was quite different from the round or prismatic warhammer he usually saw. The hammer head of this warhammer was made into a clenched fist. , holding a dagger in his fist. The handle of the dagger extends and thickens to one side, becoming the heavier side of the warhammer, and the side of the blade extends laterally like a normal dagger, and finally converges at the tip.

"Alien warhammer? Where did you pick it up?" Cheese hung his hand above the warhammer to confirm that no magic or curse was placed on it, and then asked about its origin.

"Just ahead, I picked up a handle. There, there are many.

. "Binwei scratched his head, as if he didn't know how to describe what he saw.

Since it can't be described, it's clear to see. Cheese stood up immediately, extinguished the lantern and hung it around his waist, instructing Yuni to walk behind but not too far away from himself, and the half-demon approached where he picked up the warhammer.

The distance is really not that far, but the surrounding air is filled with a misty mist. There is no obvious smell in the mist, it feels like normal steam. In this steam, the appearance of the trees has changed a bit. The trunks that were tall and straight are now rough and rough, as if they have grown a lot of saw teeth.

Pinwei made a gesture and approached the nearest giant tree with a gray robe, and then Cheese understood the reason for his stammering.

"This is indeed a bit crazy." Cheese can only use crazy to describe the scene in front of him. In front of him, a large number of weapons are scattered and disorderly inlaid on the trunk of the giant tree, as if there is a troop targeting the tree. The most desperate way launched the charge.

But what can't be explained like that is why, as far as the eye can see, UU reading www. is about three meters above the ground or even higher, and you can still vaguely see the appearance of the weapon. Humans can't cut so high, no, not even elves. And what's even more bizarre is that the weapons embedded in the trees are clearly not from an era, as evidenced by the trees' healing of wounds.

Cheese tried to pull out an axe that was in his hand. Although the handle of the axe was still strong, its head was already covered by a burr, and no matter how hard it was, it would not move at all.

But on the other hand, Yuni easily pulled out a teardrop-shaped shield with a metal trim on the bottom, which cut into the trunk fairly shallowly. This is very strange, attacking a giant tree with a weapon is obviously a long-term behavior, but why? Is there any point in doing this?

"I got this hammer here." Pinwei pointed to a not-so-obvious gap, which matched the blade of the dagger-end of the Alien Warhammer. @·No mistake starting~~

"Without magic, these things are real. But that's too weird, we'll have to look for clues.".

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