MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 36 Yuni's Q&A (Part 2)

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Can. This is a questionable answer because it conflicts with the previous answerer's blocking of cheese divination. But on second thought, it actually has other meanings as well, you can move on, but that will bring some kind of change.

Perhaps the respondent will take hostile action, or perhaps some danger will strike, none of these possible outcomes prevent Cheese from moving forward. Of course, if you think about it arbitrarily, the other party's intention may also be to clearly express that he is unable to fight against the three gray robes, and the warning is just a reminder. Cheese could think of these in an instant, but he didn't speak, he was waiting for Yuni's own judgment to see how the apprentice continued.

"If you keep moving forward, you will encounter..." Yuni tried to imitate the symbols on the ground, and finally gave up, and directly drew an arrow pointing to the answer to the previous question. Not a bad reaction, Cheese thought.

If the other party does not have the habit of referring to themselves in the third person, the question of the apprentice can at least allow them to confirm that the land ahead is concerned by the two beings, and then they can speculate on the relationship between them.

"Yes. It has to be careful." Obvious grammatical error, who should be careful? Is it the cheese they should be careful about it, or is it that it will be frightened by the cheese them? The importance of language for communication is evident.

Yuni pondered for a moment, and was surprised that he didn't look at Cheese. Since the teacher said that this was a test, the apprentice no longer expected to get more help, unless it was a test question that was obviously beyond the syllabus. .

The branch tried to write several times, but stopped quickly. The apprentice frowned slightly, and his expression was somewhat similar to Cheese when he was thinking, "Will we hurt it?"

"Yes, and no. Not sure." Another seemingly pointless answer, eh? No, it makes sense. Because this Morrow's answer means cheese they have the ability to do damage to it.

Assuming that the other party only started to observe when the three people entered the woods, it means that their natural ability to display is enough to hurt it, and if the respondent noticed them from further away, this answer would be even more meaningful. So, how to keep trying? How can we get more information from the opponent's mouth to prepare for the battle that is likely to happen next?

"We don't want to hurt anyone." This answer made Cheese and Pinwei look at each other, both seeing surprise in each other's eyes. The difference is that the surprise of Hire is purer, while Cheese's is quickly transformed into other emotions.

Indeed, the gray-robed mage only wanted to obtain information. In his heart, he was naturally accustomed to fighting and confrontation. He did not worry about opponents, nor did he care about creating opponents. But is that really better than Yoni's answer?

"Really?" The answer came quickly, and at the same time, Pinwei raised his head, his eyes pierced through the fog and cast behind a raised tree root. The half-demon heard something, but just hadn't acted.

"I have no reason to lie to you. We are just passers-by, we don't hurt or plunder." People who used to hide in corners know best what kind of intruders they are afraid of. Yuni still remembers those who curled up and only exposed their eyes. When approaching his grown-ups, he had no other expectations in his heart, he just wanted them to leave quickly or have a clear purpose. If the other party is the same, then this answer may ease the mood.

"That's what you said!" The sharp voice startled both Cheese and Yuni. On the root of the tree that Pengwei was watching, a little monster jumped up, and it was it that was talking.

Judging from what it said, it should have been the one who communicated with Yuni through text just now, and even interfered with Cheese's divination before. It seems that apart from the mushroom people, the residents in this forest are not that rare.

The little monster did not continue to approach, standing on the root of the tree and stared at the three cautiously. In fact, this is not necessary. You don't need to cast a spell, and you can just run over and catch it. But they didn't do it. Without him, the communication opportunity that Yuni won, what to do next should still be decided by the apprentice.

After all, the furry thing looks really lacking in pressure. When I first saw it, Cheese thought it was some kind of dwarf. But on closer inspection, it is not. The hands and feet of the dwarf are closer to humans, while the hands and feet of the knee-high little guy in front of him are shaped like a beast, but the body structure allows him to walk on two legs, so he will not be regarded as a dog.

The things on the roots of the tree are covered in hair, and it looks messy because of the water. Its face wears a mask of bone, and the bones are covered with various bright colors with paint.

Judging by the shape of the mask, the monster's face is relatively flat, likely with a human- or monkey-like jaw rather than a protruding snout. In this way, it seems to be a combination of two animals, a monkey and a leopard.

"That's what I said. You can trust me." Yuni took a step forward, except for the initial surprise, he did not show the slightest rejection of the alien.

"Then you come over, it's only you." The little monster stretched out two hands and pointed at Yuni with the longest of the four fingers. This action was quite joyful, but Cheese and the others couldn't laugh. Without him, the protruding claws are stuck with fresh flesh and blood, no matter how harmless a thing looks, when it is combined with flesh and blood, the risk factor will rise rapidly.

"Okay." Yuni didn't hesitate at all, and the pace he walked over was frighteningly fast. In a blink of an eye, the apprentice had come to the front of the monster and looked down at him, "Is this close enough?"

"Enough! Enough!" The monster on the root of the tree pounced as he spoke, and his claws went straight to Yuni's neck. But it obviously made a mistake in the apprentice's estimate. Yuni lowered his head, and the two slightly sprouted antlers on the top of his head instantly became larger and turned into tree branches with forearm lengths, and all of a sudden the monsters that could not be dodged flew away. behind him.

"Partially deformed, I didn't give him that." Cheese folded his arms, not surprised by the apprentice's performance. He has long seen the trend of magic power flowing in Yuni, but he just didn't expect that the apprentice would be able to master the high-end application skills of transformation spells so accurately.

Yuni has antlers on his head, and the weight makes him have to raise his head to prevent spraining his neck, but to outsiders, this posture is quite arrogant, "I'm coming, do you have anything else to say?"

Where did the little monster want to answer, he got up in embarrassment and wanted to run deep into the woods. But before it could run, Yuni stepped on its tail.

"My question, you haven't answered it yet." With a calm expression and a calm tone, he seemed unaware of the sneak attack and deception just now, but this kind of reaction is often the most frightening.

"Yes, yes! Let me go, let me go and I'll tell you!"

"Okay. But no."

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