MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 38 Tomb Factory

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There are not many things that would be called trouble by cheese, so each one is genuine. Gray Robe's criterion for judging trouble will not be a simple risk assessment, but the one-way nature of the matter. If an incident can be handled in multiple ways, it will not be a trouble. At most, it will be a challenge. The trouble is that you don't have room to play, even if you know every step of the way to deal with it, but you can't make any quicker changes.

"We need three shields first, the kind that can completely block ourselves," the mage said, and started walking towards the trees next to him.

Yuni and Pinwei immediately followed, leaving the little monster alone, as if it was no longer important, so it followed. Without him, this little thing who can only understand Cheese's words also wants to understand what causes the environment in which he lives.

"The tomb in front is a kind of, um, factory. Well-designed magic factory, from some mages or powerful monarchs who have been driven to death by their obsessive-compulsive disorder. They are keen to set their tombs to never fail, always triggerable. traps, and they are reluctant to let those traps destroy the house where they sleep forever. So they will spend a lot of money and material resources to set up a device that is close to perpetual motion in the eyes of others, so that it can continuously wind the mechanism. "

"Teacher, is perpetual motion possible?" Perpetual motion, or using motion as a state to make it last forever, is one of the propositions that mages are keen on, similar to immortality. Yuni will have such doubts because the mages of the City of All Laws have basically denied the feasibility of perpetual motion and perpetual motion devices, believing that it is only a theoretical concept and cannot be done in reality, even if it is Use magic.

"Possibly, but not what you think. Tell me, what in this world is eternal and unfinished, but everlasting is fleeting?" Cheese pulled a shield from the trunk, compared the size, and threw it away Lose.

"Uh, is this a riddle? Such a contradictory thing it should be..." The apprentice pondered the teacher's description carefully, and magical monsters flashed in his mind, hoping to find inspiration.

"Time. The time we use to measure lasts forever, but when you are cooking, every second becomes very fragile, and you will miss it forever if you hesitate." The answer to the riddle, by the way, explained its connection to Yuni. That is to say, the time as a whole as the measuring background of the world's operation and change, and the minute and second moments spent in personal experience, the two are one and the same, but they are very different.

Cheese snapped his fingers, "That's right. If we can't make perpetual motion machines, we should consider whether we can use things with eternal properties to convert them into energy to achieve the same effect. I chose the sun, the celestial bodies, although not really eternal, are enough for us humble mortals. I have also fought the liches who blasphemed death, those things that associate their own life with inanimate things to steal Their stability properties to maintain their existence. In a sense, that is also perpetual motion. If someone can let time move the clock by itself, of course he has a perpetual motion.”

" won't be easy, right?" Yuni frowned, knowing some basic principles of magic, he instinctively sensed something was wrong in what Cheese said, but he couldn't say it.

"Of course it's not easy, because we've captured the time ourselves. You see, I can't repeat a second, neither can Hire, nor the hairball, the time has passed and there's nothing we can do, in other words, we're all time dials The pointer on the dial turns according to its flow. Since it is already a pointer, it is naturally powerless to jump out of the dial and try to change its principle. To capture time, you must at least be able to stand outside the time, and that is unimaginable ."

Gray Robe shrugged and explained in a relaxed tone the inability of perpetual motion machines that use time as an energy source in principle, but then he changed the conversation.

"Actually, it's not impossible to drive things with time. Strictly speaking, in the changes we are experiencing, there is time energy. For example, the hourglass, you can say that the energy that makes the sand fall comes from gravity, but who made the gravity start What works? Time is the catalyst for everything, from a tendency to move to when it actually begins to happen. Without it, the transformation of things cannot take place. Knowing this, it is possible to strip away the tiny energy of time within the change. , but that energy is very, very weak, and it can't be saved, and it can't be used for anything meaningful at all. Unless it's the next best thing."

"What do you mean?" Yuni tried hard to keep up with Cheese's explanation, but after all, he was just an apprentice who had just come into contact with the way of magic, and the scope of his studies was also in the field of animals, so he could only be at a loss.

Of course, Cheese understands the current situation of the apprentice, and he didn't think about letting the other party follow him immediately. Besides, these theories are mysterious and mysterious, and he can't really feel the connection between them until the magic skills have reached a certain level. "It doesn't matter, you just need to know that there is an ancient spell that can drive a small amount of time by building a tomb, and this time is used as energy to build the power to defend the tomb."

"These weapons?" Pengwei held a large shield in his hand. It had a tower-like shape, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and was big enough to cover Cheese's whole body.

"And the soldiers who use them. A legion that is constantly being produced, armed with equipment. These legions will stand in the mausoleum, and as soon as anyone enters, they will pour out, attack indiscriminately, causing us to see The situation. Honestly, this is the first time I have seen the real thing, and before this I have been confused about the possibility of implementing this kind of engineering.”

Gray robe took over the tower shield, UU read www.uukanshu. com tried the weight and nodded in satisfaction.

"Then we are going to enter that mausoleum next?" Yuni's voice trembled a little, which was normal. It was normal for people to be in awe of the land of the dead.

"That's right. But don't be afraid, there are no ghosts in there. This noisy place is the nightmare of the longevity species. They prefer quietness rather than noise." Cheese said, looking at the little monster.

"Then if you say it, what is it? Since the tomb is protected by an endless legion, there is no need or should there be other creatures that can live here for a long time."

The gray robe handed a round shield to the apprentice, which was also big enough to cover his head and feet, but the antlers on Yuni's head that had not completely disappeared were a little out of range.

"That's to ask itself. A mausoleum is a mausoleum, it is it, those are two questions."

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