MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1057v2 I almost forgot I still have Goldfinger

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  Chapter 1057 I almost forgot that I still have cheats

   "I can even be said to be Nether's biological son now." Lu Bai felt the power in his body, every move, even though Lu Bai himself did not have that kind of power realm, but he instinctively revealed the blood of Nether power.

  The reason why this can be achieved is Lu Bai's golden finger, the ring of life and death.

   This thing, in the early days, could only help Lu Bai convert some dead things.

  In the mid-term, it can help Lu Bai convert some of the deceased's talents, knowledge and skills.

   Then it is basically useless.

  Even because he was afraid of attracting the attention of other real dimensions, Lu Bai's other uses of the ring of life and death have been reduced a lot, and it has basically reached the point where it is not used.

  The previous function of transforming Nether Water into Nether Flame is all transformed with skills, creating various righteous methods.

   But this time, Lu Bai died thoroughly enough that even his soul collapsed.

  During the process of rebirth, Lu Bai discovered that the ring of life and death still followed him, so when reshaping his new life, he instinctively used the ring of life and death.

  If it was before, Lu Bai would not be able to touch other functions of the Ring of Life and Death at all.

   Even using the ring of life and death to revive him can't help, but now in the process of resurrection, the power of the ring of life and death has been aroused, so that his new light body is more suitable for the nether world.

   This is because, when Lu Bai was greedy for a wave, he introduced the power of the real dimension to fight in his soul, thus obtaining high-end cognition.

  Through this cognition, the essence of the circle of life and death can be observed.

   This thing is the death rule set by Nether for all living beings.

  If it is substituted into the myth, then the ring of life and death is a combination of the judge's pen and the book of life and death.

  If Lu Bai goes a step further, he can even use the ring of life and death to rewrite the state of life and death of all things.

  Because of this, Lu Bai's life level leaped to this level after he was born again.

  The previous life form of Lu Bai was divided into life and death, the state of light is death, and the state of light is life.

   In this way, life and death are accepted.

  However, now, after Lu Bai divided the light state, the light state alone contains the power of life and death.

   "However, if this is the case, I'm afraid there will be problems once I leave here." The aura on Lu Bai's body quickly stopped.

  The leaked Nether Power was slowly recovered, and the naturally emitted Nether Flame also surrounded Lu Bai, turning into a black lotus.

  Lu Bai has now reached the peak of the moon level, and he only needs to take a small step forward to reach the star level.

   These two realms, for Lu Bai, have no secrets. As long as the energy level is sufficient, Lu Bai can step through it at any time.

   Now what you need to pay attention to is the development of the new body. Don't increase the energy level too quickly, which will lead to the growth of the new body.

   Moreover, Lu Bai's resonance rate had unknowingly reached 80% at this time.

   Reaching this resonance rate, even if Lu Bai does nothing, as long as he lives instinctively, he will be pushed to the star.

   But now Lu Bai wants to suppress this kind of promotion, so that the newborn body has more time to develop.

   Let the body develop further, and Lu Bai's resonance rate will continue to increase until it reaches 90%.

  At that time, Lu Bai needed to make final adjustments to his power system.

   It seems that there is still a long time, but for the current Lu Bai, it may be very soon.

  Because of his body's excellent talent, even if he is breathing now, it is possible to increase the resonance rate because he took an extra breath.

   "This is not entirely a good thing, the nether world occupies too much proportion." Lu Bai frowned, and raised his hand while thinking.

  The palm of the hand moved slightly, and a little magical light bloomed from the hand, and then connected to many demons in this world.

  Bo Xun's Demon Palm·Magic Light Shines!

  The power of magic enters into everything, and the Lone Star collides to such a huge size that it has great demands on the external environment.

  Lu Bai himself is also a person who has experienced the Huaxing path, and knows the weaknesses of the Huaxing path.

  The moment everything is polluted by Lu Bai's demonic nature, Lone Star can sense that his living environment has become worse.

  Especially, this world itself is actually not suitable for him to survive.

  Because of the stubbornness of the outlier A Shi, the superficial situation in this world is that the power of Cape has the upper hand.

  It cares about the life of human beings, so everything beyond the reach of normal human beings will be restricted.

  This environment is simply the worst place for Tianya Life.

  But with Immortal King Xuansan's success in usurping the throne, all this is changing. He was holding the Immortal King's corpse before, so he was able to ignore this problem.

  But now, Lu Bai's previous display of ghost power made him dare not act like this.

   It was okay not to use the Immortal King Corpse, but the world has changed dramatically.

  But Lu Bai used the magic light to mobilize the remnants of the world's cape power.

   Lone Star's huge body felt the malice from the world at this moment.

  Tianya Life fell into an environment full of Haijiao's power, and felt that all the functions of his body had stopped.

  The ever-changing energy omnipotence was also stopped, and he had to exit the Lone Star mode.

  Did not dare to use the corpse of the fairy king, and quit the lone star mode. He is now an ordinary star-forming star individual.

  However, Lone Star grasped something keenly.

   "I don't dare to use the corpse of the fairy king, and you don't dare to use the power of the nether world." The power of Lone Star turned into countless skyscraper-sized black tentacles and drew towards Lu Bai.

  Lone Star has been successfully recruited by the Immortal King. Naturally, he learned some secrets from the Immortal King, such as some special things about Netherworld.

  Although he didn't know about the Prince of Nether, he also knew that Nether was targeted by other real dimensions because he was too powerful.

  For example, the star cave in front of you is the result of joint targeting.

  Lu Bai is only at the moon level now, and he can display the power of the underworld. The power is so strong that he feels that he has met the fairy king.

   This is definitely abnormal, and this abnormality is obviously not easy for other real dimensions to know.

  There are restrictions on both sides, so according to the theory of relativity, there are no restrictions on both sides.

  In terms of panel strength alone, Lu Bai is only at the peak of the monthly level. Although all the values ​​​​have exceeded the normal monthly level, it is still only the monthly level.

   As for his lone star, although he stopped the lone star mode, the degree of star transformation has not regressed because of the stop of the mode.

  He is still the pinnacle of the star, and he is also the pinnacle of the star path.

   It’s just because of the world environment that the energy level of Huaxing has not been raised to the peak. Its body size is only the size of a city, and its energy is only two or three times higher than that of a normal star. However, the energy quality is very high. In the lone star mode, the versatility of energy is preserved to a certain extent.

   Having figured this out, Lone Star began to use its own advantages to launch a large-scale attack on Lu Bai.

   "Sure enough, my other powers haven't improved too much." Lu Bai could feel the power of this magic light.

  It is considered strong among the moon level, but in terms of his current life level, it is slightly weaker.

  The reason is that Lu Bai's life level evolution this time is more evolution in terms of life and death.

  The power of the tricks in terms of desire is now only doubled or tripled.

  And if, turn this trick into a trick of life and death.

  Looking at the extending tentacles, Lu Bai clasped his hands together, then used his palms as a knife, and slashed at them!

  A large amount of life and death turned into power attached to Lu Bai's palm, and the principles of life and death moved accordingly.

  Waihua Martial Arts·Three Rafts at the End of the Night·Peng Zhi!

  Peng slammed his qi, and immediately released a move, and the activity of energy dropped precipitously.

   Those pitch-black tentacles were all wilted and broken, and apart from that, the energy activity of the whole world fell into a trough.

  Before the fairy king usurped the throne, the shackles of Tianxin were released.

  People in Taoism all over the world were overjoyed, and one by one began to exert their own power.

   There are even many fairy sects who came out of the mountain collectively, began to occupy the territory, publicized their own existence, and told those mortals that the times have changed.

  These immortal cultivators have been Masters since then.

  However, following Peng Zhi's move, he cut his breath!

  Energetic activity fell into dead silence.

  The magic power in the immortal cultivator's body becomes extremely inert at this moment, and it is even more difficult to leverage external energy.

  At this moment, all the members of the Taoist sect who were casting spells went mad and died suddenly.

  As for those Taoists who did not cast spells, many of them died suddenly because of their mana, which caused some problems.

  Its instinctive spellcasting also sent itself to death.

   "The power of this move is outrageous!" Seeing Lone Star's tentacles breaking off one after another, Lu Bai was thoughtful.

  The main body of his attack was Lone Star, but even some aftermaths affected the entire world.

  And this kind of influence is destructive. I am afraid it will take hundreds of years, or even longer, before the influence of this trick will pass.

   Chances are it won't even pass, as this move has permanently rewritten the rules in some places.

  This point, based on the moon-level empowerment of heaven and earth and the existence erosion of stars, one can even vaguely see some characteristics of the day-level 'creation core'.

   Vaguely, it seems that something has been touched, but those things can no longer be seen by Lone Star.

  This is the gap between the two, Lu Bai's current life level is too strong, too close to the Netherworld.

   This does not take advantage of the development of other abilities that do not belong to the nether world.

  Lone Xing felt the terror of the opponent's power, but he was not ready to give up. He was about to make a move, but found that Lu Bai raised his hand again, and the whole person had already rushed towards him.

  However, this time, what Lu Bai attracted was not the power of life and death, but the power of Haijiao.

  The Lone Star Larva occupies Yu Hui's body, with the power of life and death, Lu Bai is afraid that he will not be able to hold back now, so he will kill Yu Hui along with him.

  So, it is better to use Cape.

   "Another harvest, to guide the power of the real dimension!"

   Lone Star only discovered at this time that the power of Cape had grown stronger.

   After the human immortals before were transformed into real immortals by him, Haijiao's gaze had already fallen on this place.

  Suddenly, Lone Star's huge body was pierced and divided, while his original afterglow body was preserved by a stubborn force.

   The second update.



  (end of this chapter)