MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 47 Candle castle

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"Marstad, can you tell me more about Candle Castle!"

Qin Lun’s eyes flashed. When he was in front of Milares, the fascinating Japanese elf prince introduced him to many famous events and regions in the mainland of Ferenc. There were also contents about the candle, but only a few words. The details of the inside, Milares himself is not clear.

"Of course!" The Highland Elves are not surprised that the Prince of the Moon will not know the Candle Fort.

In fact, although the candle castle is famous in the mainland of Feilun, most of the people who know it are knowledgeable historical scholars and arcane researchers. Ordinary people even the aristocratic classes of all countries are not very good at this place, only know That place is a fortified library occupied by arcane scholars.

Candletown and the important trading city of the Gulf Coast, Belchester, across the sea, between the two is a road called the Lion Road.

This gathering of knowledge stands on a towering cliff overlooking Jianwan. It is a hexagonal prismatic fortress. The angle between each side is a mage tower.

It was once the home of the great prophet and the great sage "Alando". The large library here preserves many of his historical predictions about Feren. One of the most famous prophecies is about the magical sunflower. appear.

Formerly a few scholars gathered in the study of the Alando prophecy, and as more and more research works and knowledge were left here, it has gradually become a famous library and arcane holy land in the whole continent. .

(The arcanes referred to here are not single-finger magic, but also include all areas involved in magic spells, such as: enchantments, alchemy, magical creatures, ancient runes and magic, as well as philosophy, music, architecture, forging, politics. Economics and other popular scholars.)

There are two kinds of costs for outsiders to enter the castle. One is a lot of gold coins, the other is the knowledge or the literature that is not available in Candle Castle. The usual rumor on the mainland is to provide a new book for Candle Castle.

The candle castle is surrounded by powerful multi-protection spells to ensure that nothing but the wick and wax oil burns, and no piece of book paper can burn in the castle. This protection also blocks destructive spells, kills bacteria and mites, and prohibits anyone who does not wear the Candleburg Mark from entering the Central Library.

However, this protective spell that covers the entire fort is extremely depleted of magic crystals, so the annual maintenance cost is an astronomical figure.

Candle Castle has an absolute rule: "Anyone who destroys knowledge, whether using ink, using fire, or using a sword, is self-destructive. Here, books are more important than human life!"

There are two types of resident staff at Candle Castle. One is a research scholar who is usually dressed in monk costumes and is more loyal than the most devout religious believers. They call themselves knowledge advocates and communicators, and they also entrust agents to buy some precious books and texts.

Another resident of Candletown is an arcane researcher who is usually a powerful magician and a great sage. They signed a contract with the proponents of Candletown for generations, and Candle Castle provided them with the knowledge of the books and the Tower Lab, and they provided the Armor with the protection of force.

One of the most powerful is called the Guardian of the Book, and his assistant is called the First Reader. He is both the traditional second power and the most knowledgeable sage and diviner in Candle Castle.

There are other big readers, singers, professors, and tower guards under these two.

The central tower of the candle castle, the central library, is surrounded by beautiful gardens and surrounded by other buildings. Including visitors' residences, griffins, barns, sundries warehouses, hospitals, Ogma Monastery (the **** of knowledge), and a **** of Daniel, Gonder and Millier, the outermost side is the hexagonal edge Shaped walls and mage towers.

Foreign visitors can usually stay in the candle for one day until the tenth day, and can not enter again within one month after leaving. Visitors are not allowed to write records in the library, but they can be commissioned to copy copies.

Each ordinary copybook price is 100 wealthy coins, magic books and some precious documents are more expensive, usually between hundreds and hundreds of thousands of wealth coins, and curse spells are not allowed to read and drain.

The most precious documents of Candle Castle are generally kept in the storage room of the underground labyrinth, where there are also scholars' tombs that have contributed their lives to knowledge.

Although these scholars do not regard books as funerary objects when they die, their graves often leave personal inheritance and spell notes, which is definitely a precious treasure. In general, only the successors they have recognized can take it out of the tomb.

The defense here is so tight that no sneak can really enter the candle fort from the underground maze. Even if a legendary thief enters here, he will face the maze's strongest guard, Miru Mu.

Miremu is a ghost of an ancient silver dragon that has been bound by the great warlock Tols since 1000 years ago to protect the scholars, buildings and books of Candle War. With the support of the protective law of Candlecast, Mirimu is the spirit of immortality. Unless the curse is destroyed by the curse, even if it is defeated, it will die and resurrect in a short time.

However, Miremu usually does not kill the sneak, her soul is too lonely, so she prefers to talk instead of fighting, and often shows up in front of the visitor, using the historical legends she knows to exchange modern things. Information about major events that have occurred.

Of course, if you intend to use false information to deceive Miru Mu, or attack her. Then the ghost of Silver Dragon will not hesitate to throw a lot of dragon language magic, directly smashing you into slag.

One thing to note about Mi Ruimu is that you can't carry books with you, whether it's Candle Castle or your own. This Silver Dragon Ghost will insist that you surrender and return the book "correctly" to Candle Fort.

(In the view of Mirumu, all the books belong to the candle fort, this is the hegemony and evil taste of all the ancient dragons: mine is mine, mine is mine.)

There is at least one copy of every book in Candlecast, and there is a complete "mirror library" hidden in a place in Philen. All the books in Candle Castle have the symbol of the castle - the tower of the castle shining through the candlelight.


"Linda, is the front of Candletown in the Border Gate area?" Marstad turned and asked.

"It's not a big base, it's just a relay station for transferring magic materials." Linda said with a grin. "My teacher has some investment here. We can borrow their horned eagle to return to Candletown. You save some precious time."

Everyone heard the words on the hillside ahead, and there were indeed some screams like eagle in the sparse woodland.

At this time, they have been half a day away from the troll's claws. With the help of the giant eagle that Illistin became, the group left the cliff top in amazement and escaped. It really escaped from the troll mountain range.

The Thorny Trio, West Buddha and Mason’s old housekeepers have parted ways with them. In order to express their gratitude, Qin Lun gave a part of the gold coins obtained by the three murderers from the Ambori Church to the Rick three, and some of them were reserved for the West Buddha Hulan who was replenished to save the people.

In fact, the three apostles are now following Marstaff, and they have not been able to use the gold coins to make a route along the way. Anyway, the gold coin is useless to the apostles. It is better to give Rick and others a good impression on the Highland Elves and Linda.

As for the need to get money after arriving in Candletown, this problem does not require Qin Lun and others to worry about. Even without Linda, Mastasia will find a solution.

Rick and West Buddha did not reject the gift, whether it was the return of the Cavaliers to the Kingdom of Xia or the reconstruction of the caravan of the West Buddha.

The only thing that surprised Qin Lun was that Idrija had experienced so many hardships and actually went to the North with them. The believers of Ms. Lauvita were really crazy and masochistic that could not be described by words.

Because the conspiracy of the scattered Tallinn was close at hand, after Qin Lun and others left the troll's claws, and even had no time to feel the detachment from their friends, they had to go on the road again and come to this place.

It is the closest candlelight stronghold to the north exit of the Troll's claws. It is home to more than a dozen adult horned eagle for the transportation of valuables. It is generally a precious book of literature and magical materials and alchemy items used by the Master Tower.

After climbing the hillside, a simple two-storey wooden house appeared in front of everyone, and in front of the wooden house was a small horned eagle. Although it is a small eagle with only a dozen or so horned eagle can be a large bird, the usual range of activities is large, the footprint is much larger than the horse.

"Miss Linda! Shouldn't you be in Candletown this time?" The magic apprentice stationed in the log cabin obviously knew Linda and was very surprised to see her.

"Hey, Lasker!" The expression of Linda’s little girl was very unnatural. Apparently, the magician’s anger was associated with the teacher’s anger. “This is a long story. Let’s prepare some food for us first. Dead! There are also several companions who have given me some No. 7 holy water, and they all have serious injuries."

Throwing away the heavy burden of nearly half a month, Qin Lun only felt that this time the sleep is extremely sweet. Even with his self-discipline, when he opened his eyes again, it was already the twilight of the next day. Others were no better than him, and had to stay in this forest house for one night.

However, this rest is necessary, although the medical effect of No. 7 holy water is strong, it will take some time to take effect. In particular, Ilistin and Idrija, who suffered a lot of torture, have not completely recovered from the dark wounds.

At dawn on the third day, everyone finally revived the spirit, riding the horned eagle into the sky and began to fly toward the holy place of knowledge, Candletown. I1292