MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 48 Islands

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Qin Lun carefully looked at the horned eagle underneath. The feathers of this large bird are dark green, with two forked gray horns on the head and sharp claws. ⊙Vertical novel, the adult horned eagle wingspan can reach up to five meters, the back is wide, can be placed on the saddle, and can ride up to two people.

The Horned Beast is known as the Air Carriage. It is strong and powerful enough to transport all kinds of cargo and passengers. Some races will also train them as combat airborne rides, with less combat power than the Griffin.

These specially trained horned hawks are smart enough to follow the flight lines themselves. Their saddles are tied with strong piloas that can completely hold the passengers. As long as there is no fear of heights, any adventurer can ride a horned eagle.

Because Qin Lun and his party were in a hurry, they did not take the method of two people sharing, but one person and one horned eagle, and strive to reach the candle for as soon as possible.

Qin Lun overlooked from the air, and most of the creatures on the ground were only the size of ants. The river was like a crystal waterline, shining in the sunlight. Along with the breeze, I felt refreshed for a while.

It is a pity that this novel travel ended in just over three hours, and soon there was a blue sky on the far horizon. It was the color of the sea, and they finally returned to the coast of Jianwan.

“Island?” As the horned beast approaches the shoreline, more than thirty different shaped islands appear on the surface.

Most of these islands are steep cliffs covered with lush vegetation and trees. Below the cliff are dark, sinuous reefs, and underwater corals can be seen in the dark.

I am afraid that it is not accessible to fishing boats, because there is no place to dock and land. The unrestricted reef is enough for any risk-taking vessel to feed the fish, and only the flying mounts can land on these cliffs.

The island is the largest of its kind on the mainland coast. Although it is steep on all sides, the top of the cliff is very flat and stands a huge six-sided bastion. This should be the famous candle castle. .

In fact, in addition to the islands that stand in the candle castle, there are also many lighthouse-like towers on the other islands. Although their heights are not the same, they can sometimes see flashing magic halos, which are common shields in the Master Tower.

On the way to Candlecast, Linda introduced these Master Towers to everyone.

The six towers on the six-sided wall of the candle castle are the mage towers dedicated to the candle castle, while the mage towers on these islands around the candle castle are only partially owned by the candle castle, and the other part belongs to some of the big ones that cooperate with the candle castle. Master.

These big ~ Masters did not intend to stay in Candle Fort for a long time for various reasons, so they only signed an ordinary cooperation contract with Candle Fort. They provide different levels of service to Candlecast to exchange the knowledge they need.

Some of these services are defense work, while others simply provide property and research results.

Guided by Linda, the seven horned beasts were neatly arranged in a row, hovering over the archipelago for a week, and landed on the island where the candleburg was located.

Because there is a certain range of air defense arrays over the candlelight, except for some flying mounts with special markings, other horned eagle cannot enter. They can only descend at the foot of the island's cliffs, and there are more than a dozen large eagle and visitor registers around the foot of the mountain.

The difference between the island where the candle castle is located and the other archipelago islands is that it has a hand-laid gravel road. This stone road spirals up the island's cliffs and ends at the main entrance of the candle castle.

The stone road is not wide, it can only accommodate three people in parallel, and it is not allowed to ride any mounts here, only to walk up the mountain. According to Linda, this is to express respect for this temple of knowledge.

Everyone except Linda started climbing with a curious mood. The stone road was not long. After about half an hour, everyone saw the giant bastion at the end of the road.

Different from what I saw in the sky, when everyone stood at the front door of the stone fort called Candle Fort, it was discovered that it was so huge and magnificent.

The wall of the bastion is made up of large white stone blocks of white and jade. The whole body is almost seamless and smooth, like a mirror. Because the entire fortress is covered with a complex protective magic, there is no living environment for fungi and insects on the wall. It has the same effect as Eternal Cleansing, and no manual cleaning is required.

The city wall is more than 50 meters high and about ten meters thick. The middle and upper part has a square colored crystal window, and the top is a tapered dome covered with glazed tiles. There is no female wall in the usual sense.

According to Linda's private introduction, the wall outside the candle castle not only has the role of a city wall, but also has two rows of opposite private rooms in the middle, mainly for research scholars and guarded residences. After all, the central library as the main library cannot stay. So many people.

The main entrance of the castle is very atmospheric. It is about ten meters wide and consists of two mega-locks. It can be opened with huge winches and chains. It has four side doors on each side. This main entrance is not open most of the time, whether it is a visitor or an insider, you need to enter and exit from the side door.

The side doors on both sides have two steel statues with a height of more than five meters. This magic image is driven by the magic crystal and is given a certain artificial intelligence by the rune. The Golem has no facial features and is only inlaid with a crystal spar with green light, which is equivalent to the role of the eye.

At the left and right ends of the city wall, the two towers connected to the city wall are towering into the sky, and the height is close to hundreds of meters. It is very different from the weather that you see when you are on the back of the horned eagle.

Seeing the arrival of strangers, one of the four Golems walked towards them with a heavy footstep. Linda hurried forward and took out the nameplate she had just received at the foot of the mountain and handed it to the Golem Scan.

Although the little girl is also considered to be the insider of Candletown, these steel creations will not be able to talk about friendship, without nameplates, and after three warnings, they will launch an expulsion attack.

Let the golem check the visitor nameplate and the side door of the candlestick will automatically open. When passing the side door, everyone looked curiously around.

After entering the interior, they found that Linda was right. The wall of Candletown was indeed different from the ordinary city wall. Behind the side door was a wide porch. The rooms with closed doors on both sides were not like the inside of the wall.

"Linda, you are back!" The group walked with Linda not far away, and there was a surprise greeting from the opposite side.

It was a female mage wearing a black robe and a monocle. Her hair was like a chicken coop, holding a large stack of books in her arms. Although the robes on the body are not dirty, but the rumpled is very ugly, like the thick lens at the bottom of the beer bottle makes her look like a brown eye mask, the image is really rustic and embarrassing.

"Mrs. Lenny, I am back!"

Unexpectedly, in the face of this thin, unmagly female mage, she was very embarrassed along the way, as if she didn't care about Linda, but she bowed down and bowed, and shook her back. The little hand behind him, indicating that everyone is going to salute with her.

Qin Lun and others are not stupid, and immediately bowed and bowed.

"Well, Linda, since you are back, just go see your teacher, he seems a little angry."

Ms. Leni vacated a hand, swayed in disappointment, and continued to walk forward with her books. Because the books in my arms are too high, blocking the line of sight, from time to time I will see the garlic mixed under her feet, but every time it is swaying, it can stand still again, making people look very worried.

"Linda, the lady Lenny is..." Marstad asked tentatively.

“Ms. Leni is one of the eight great readers of Candle Castle, second only to the Guardians of the History and the first reader, and the 17th Prophet and the Great Sage in the history of Candlecast!” Linda’s mouth was drawn. Pumping, said with no expression.

When I heard Linda’s words, everyone couldn’t help but twitch, only to feel that a kind and humble image in my mind collapsed...

However, as Linda came along, everyone found that passing scholars did not seem to pay much attention to the appearance of the image, and some scholars even wore a patched robes.

Most of the research scholars in Candle Castle are magicians. They naturally do not lack money, but they are too lazy to go shopping in mainland cities, and all the time is invested in their favorite business.

Of course, the miracle of Ms. Lenny is still rare, and the nerd is nothing. The nerd, together with the attributes of the house girl, has become one of the most terrible creatures in the world.

"Where are we going next?" After a while, Qin Lun took the lead in breaking the silence.

"I have to go to see the teacher Do you see the magic door in front of you? There is the toll booth of Candletown. If you want to enter the underground labyrinth and borrow a long-distance transmission array, you have to pay a large fee. Linda pointed to an elliptical magic door like a water mirror at the front of the 100 meters.

"Pay the fee? Do we need to pay if we follow you?" Marstad asked strangely.

"Of course, the rules of the candle castle are no exception, and I have the right to waive your expenses!" Linda blinked and squinted. "Good pull, I will go first!"

The little girl ran away like a gust of wind, leaving a group of people face to face, faintly felt a little bad.

"Cough, Marstaff, this action is based on your harpist alliance, you should have money?" Qin Lun looked forward to the Highland Elves with expectations.

"Ah? Don't you have no money?" Marstaffy stared at the eyes and stared at Qin Lun innocently. "Don't lie to me. When I leave the troll's claws, I can see you take it out." A lot of wealth coins to Rick and West Buddha!"

"Hehehe, trouble!" Qin Lun turned to look at Hill and Rand, the three people burst into a smile.