MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 60 competitor

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The assassins who looked at the Tallinn disappeared into the distance. In a wilderness in the southern suburbs of Silvermoon City, several unmasked figures were surrounded by the young man named Weiss.

"Head, the backup plan... Is it too risky!" One of them looked at the young man puzzledly.

"The risk is big, it is also the story of the plot in front, what has something to do with us." Weiss's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a mocking smile, and then sighed, "In fact, I am not worried about the backup plan, nor the Silver Moon Alliance. On the side, but the strangers who broke into the cellar!"

"Head, don't you say that those people are likely to be passers-by?" one of Weiss's companions hesitated and asked, "Don't you worry that they are..."

"Well, yes, I have a hunch, they may be the same people as us. Don't forget that the star has once reminded us that this mission is a competitive story." Weiss's face showed a gloomy color, "scatter The people in the Tallinn are now eager to complete the order, and the mental state is out of balance, otherwise how can they neglect such obvious flaws.

Think about it, if it’s just that some outside adventurers break into the cellar, how can they keep the cellar intact? If they really only know that this is a masterpiece of the Gnoll, how can the body not be buried? This is not a world of technological civilization. Is it necessary to wait for the police and forensic doctors to come over and clean up the scene? ”

A few of the companions around Weiss smiled and looked at each other. This is indeed a big loophole. Of course, this is mainly because there is Mosmir's magical retrospective magic, otherwise they are afraid that they will still be suspicious, even being shackled by the invaders.

"Head, what do the opponents want to do?" asked a dark shadow. "If this is a competitive task, then they only need to bring the body to Alastra, and the plan of the Tallinn will be equivalent to failure." ”

Qin Lun and others did not recognize Anglo's identity at the time, but if the body was brought to Alastra, then the Silvermoon City owner might have a way to identify the identity of the body. After all, that is the voter of the goddess of magic, among the legendary figures are the top ranks of the strong, and even may be the saints above the legend.

"Oh, this depends on what the few people are thinking about. Maybe their next plan is similar to ours. Even if it is a competitive task, the two sides are not completely unable to cooperate." Weiss blinked and grinned. "Of course, now all this is just some unfounded speculation, I hope we will not use our own backup plan..."


"Oh, the Tallinn will be the dirty mouse, for so many days, have not found any clues!" Mastacha slammed the wooden wine glass on the table, and looked a little sly.

"Hey, Marstad, is the voice lighter?" Qin Lun reluctantly licked the sun. "You are also a master of the harpist. It is not so rude. Does your harpist companion have already started the action?" Maybe there will be news soon."

"It’s been useless for five days. The night after tomorrow is the Silvermoon celebration. I’m afraid it’s really too late.” Marstad took a wine cellar and stared at Qin Lun with a drunken eye. “Fillal, I always feel that you should already have clues, but always look at us."

"Yes, you want more." Qin Lun noodles shook the glass without changing the color, said faintly.

"Oh, if you haven't concealed anything, why have you been there for a long time, and you don't have to worry about it at all." Marstad turned his face and his eyes were clear.

"Why do I have to worry that Alastra is a legendary strongman. It is not an easy task to kill her. It will be several days, the plot of the Tallinn, and the intelligence of the nectarist should also be Pass it to your ear by your harpist companion."

Qin Lun smiled indifferently. "Let's relax. We can do everything. Then we will look at the arrangement of yours. What's more, the Silvermoon Alliance can't build a country, nor is it with our elves." Big relationship?"

"Hey, don't you want to take this event to let the Moon Elf and the Silvermoon Alliance reach an alliance intention?" Marstad asked in surprise.

"Things are artificial, but if it doesn't work, I can't force it!" Qin Lun shook his head and smiled. "You seem to have too much expectation for me. I am not a god. I don't want to do anything to succeed."

"Is it?" Mastasia looked at Qin Lu with a meaningful look. "Forget it, I will go back first."

Watching Marstaff staggered out of the underground bar, Ilistin and Idrija face each other.

"Ferrar, we..."

"You have been patient for a few days before telling her what happened on the farm?" Qin Lun sighed. He didn't want to tell the two of his own arrangements a few days ago. First, the two may not agree to take the silver moon alliance as cannon fodder. They can't keep a secret.

Idrija is a little better, and Ilistin is too soft. If Marstaffado asks two sentences, she will definitely show her bottom.

"When I drink tea together the next morning!" Ilistin's rare face is red.

"We are going late at night. You will be exposed the next morning?" Qin Lun stared at the Elf Druid incredulously, as if he wanted to see a flower from her face. "So Marsta is now Come and ask me, is she patient, not both of you?"

"We didn't find more clues on the farm anyway, didn't we? Or you found out, but didn't tell us!" Ilistin was furious and smothered, kicking the plate and standing up, "I Delia, I am full!"

"You shouldn't be holding her, Ilistin is simple, and I found it almost in the past few days." Idrija said quietly, stood up and chased the elf druid.

"So what is my acting decline?" Qin Lu smiled and looked at the other two companions.

"Don't look at us, I won't help you with a woman!" Rand raised his glass and touched the same smiling Hill.

"Three gentlemen, this is your wine." Just as Qin Lun and others were drinking, the bartenders gave them a round.

"We didn't call the second round?" Qin Lun frowned and looked at the beautiful waitress.

"I am asking you!" The bartender of the bar, who is also the head of the bright hand here, Konan Rondo, waved the waiter to leave. He squatted at the three people and sat down with a wooden chair.

"Thank you!" Qin Lun raised his toast to him, and he stopped looking at him. The atmosphere seemed a bit embarrassing.

"Right, three, have you harvested a few days ago?" The bartender seemed to feel that the three apostles refused to accept the bad attitude thousands of miles away, and asked with a natural smile.

"Why come to ask us, don't you send someone to look at it with your bright hand?" Qin Lun sighed and put the glass on the table. It was calm today.

"The gate was closed that night. We went to the farm the next morning, but there was nothing left, and there was almost no clue." Conan said calmly.

The hand of light as the head of the silver moon city, the gate closed has no effect on them, this is just an excuse.

In fact, Conan did not explore the farm like Qin Lun and others, just because it takes a little time to call people. They are not like Qin Lun, but they are going to explore the assassin that the Tallinn will hide.

However, Conan did not expect Qin Lun and other people to move so fast, and actually passed away that night.

"Nothing is empty?" Qin Lun's heart moved, and Hill and Rand exchanged a blind eye. It seems that after they left, the scattered Tallinn should be back.

"Qin Lun, did you not use lucky coins that night?" Hill couldn't help but ask in the team channel.

"No, it seems that we are very fortunate. Although we don't know why the Tallinn would not be on the farm at the time, it was obviously a time lag for us." Qin Lun smiled and responded on the team channel.

"You, I asked the other waiters at the hotel. You didn't rest at the hotel that night." On the occasion of the team channel exchange, Konan was staring at Qin Lun's eyes, asking one word at a time. .

"Even if you are such a professional person, you can't find anything. How could we have a harvest that night!" Qin Lun calmly confronted Conan's sight. He even slammed Ilistin in the drums. How could it be safe? Glo's things tell the bright hand.

"Prince Ferrar, in your honor, personally came to Silvermoon City, there should be very important things to do." Conan suddenly showed a smile confidently said, "If you can Share the harvest of the night to the bright hand, then maybe I can help you a little. I know that our president is a bit weighty in the eyes of Aylas Zhuo."

Qin Lun appreciatively saw Conan, this person is no wonder that it will be introduced by the bright hand as a receptionist, talking about negotiating skills, no worse than some old foxes.

The meaning of Conan's words is very clear. Qin Lun is the prince of the Seo Pia. It is not hostile to the Silvermoon Alliance, but he wants to find allies for the future Yaoyue Wangting. The bright hand can speak in front of Alaska, they can help him in this respect, and the corresponding thing is that he wants to tell Conan about the clues of the Tallinn.

If Qin Lun is really a prince of the Seo Pia, then the deal of Conan should be able to achieve its goal. Unfortunately, Qin Lun is just an apostle. This Torier world may have nothing but his heart in addition to Ilistin.

"You think more, we really didn't find anything!" Qin Lun shook his head indifferently. "As for the purpose of coming here, I can only tell you one thing. King Tyne Queraz does not know where I am now, so This is not an official visit. It does not matter if you have noticed me, "I640."

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