MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 59 Enemy

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"The information obtained from the hand of the light, two of the lords of the city who opposed the founding of the country four months ago, were the lords of Airward and Quelva." Hill asked, "Qin Lun, Which one do you think the goal of the Tallinn will be?"

Although the Tallinn has already had the means to sneak into the palace during the celebration, there are probably not many people who can sneak into it. Apart from the pretenders of Angelo, there are at most several peripheral waiters who cannot access the core area of ​​the banquet. Respond.

As a result, they may not be able to assassinate the lords of Airward and Quelva at the same time, and only choose one of them.

Airward is a large city located just below the southern part of the eternal wilderness, very close to the highest forest. The city's race consists of humans, elves, half-elves and halflings, with a large wall protection on the periphery.

The city is dominated by commercial activities, and it is an ally with Silvermoon City during the battle of the Goblin tribe in the eternal wilderness. Only the governing body of the city is the Sixth Elders' Parliament. The lords are rotated by six elders, and there are serious rights struggles inside.

In fact, these six elders basically support Alvard to join the future Silvermoon Federation, but under each other's battles, there will always be a few elders who have to choose to become opponents in order to compete with political enemies. This is the case for the elders.

It is a general trend for Airward to join the Silvermoon Federation, because the city has been surrounded by enemies since its establishment and the surrounding environment is very bad.

Its geographical location is in the plains, the roads extend in all directions, and the business activities are prosperous. Whether it is the goblin of the eternal wilderness, or the wilderness giants are eyeing them, coveting the richness of the city.

In addition, the Tulan people in the southern part of the city to the high forests are gradually moving the border of the forest to the north, and Airward is a stumbling block in front of them. The reason given by the tree people is to drive the remnants of Hellman Fort to the east, so that the two sides will inevitably have contradictions.

On the one hand, the banyan tree people hate urban residents holding an axe into the high forest. On the other hand, the daily life of the citizens is also affected by the shadow of the woods. The sunshine time in the southern part of the city is very short.

As for the Quinwa in this incident, it is somewhat different from the situation in Alward. It is not a big city like Airward, just a small woodland town.

Quelva is a secondary ally of the Silvermoon Alliance, and residents are made up of humans and half-elves. The city is made up of winemaking and logging, and the people of the Silvermoon Alliance have joked that Quelva must stay in the league because it has the best woodland hotel, the Minglu Tavern!

"I think if there is a choice, the main goal of the Tallinn will be Airward. After all, the city has more people and stronger strength, which will have a greater impact on the Silvermoon Alliance."

Qin Lun said without hesitation, "What's more, the model of the elders' parliament, the administrative efficiency is too low, and the big thing that the lord was assassinated is estimated to be chaotic for a while, reaching the goal of the Tallinn will delay the founding of the Yinyue Alliance. As for Quel Tiles, the influence is much smaller. Although it can also play the role of a mountain, but it should be only the second goal."

"In any case, since we now understand the conspiracy, the plan of the Tallinn will be very difficult to succeed." Hill said with a smile. "How do we deal with the body of Angelo?"

"You don't have to tempted me. I am like a person who is so emotional. In order not to stun the snake, my old friend may have to stay here for a while." Qin Lun did not look at the old **** stick, and said quietly.

"With the tight arrangement of the Tallinn this time, it is hard to imagine that they will leave such a big flaw. Although I don’t know why they have left in a hurry, even the body has not been disposed of. But I believe that once it is finished The things at hand, they are likely to turn around, after all, in their view, this stronghold has not been exposed."

"Oh, you can think so best! We are very lucky, but if you want to achieve this task perfectly, I am afraid you need the cooperation of the other side." Hill smiled and nodded. "The lineup of the two legendary strongmen alone, we simply Unable to confront, and the plan to kill the Tallinn in the middle, we will not get too high a world exploration."

Hill and Qin Lun’s faces each have a smile, the legendary strong, what a beautiful word!

The people who participated in the assassination plan at this time will have at least higher levels. In the middle of the plan to destroy the scattered Tallinn, they will not carry out the assassination, and can only achieve the task with minimum completion. But if the high-end assassins of the Tallinn will be left behind by the legendary powerhouse, then the ultimate gains from the mission will be maximized.

In this way, they need a group of helpers to block the legendary strongmen of the scattered Tallinn, so that each can be broken, and the lords and guards on the Silvermoon celebration are naturally the best cannon fodder.

As for the Silvermoon Alliance, it will not cause significant losses, which is beyond the scope of several apostles. As long as they make the Assassin of the Tallinn Association visible at the last minute, they can complete the task by destroying the actual effect of the conspiracy.

"Sorry, old friend, let you wait a few more days here!" Qin Lun took away his flesh and blood, put the broken clothes back to their original position, and finally glanced at the remains of Anglo, sighed and turned. Go outside.

“Sure enough, there are subtle changes, not just because of the relationship of Ilistin?”

What Qin Lun did not see was Hill behind him, watching his back slightly frowning. The temptations that the shepherd had concealed before were not so simple. In this world, he and Rand are sensitive to the fact that Qin Lun is a little different from the past.

After the two men came out of the cellar, they did not talk about Anglo in Ilistin and Idria. They simply gave a few words and dealt with the traces of their remaining in the farmhouse. The group lost again. Deep night.


After Qin Lun and others left, about a few minutes in the wilderness of the farmhouse in the dawn, there were several figures looming in the mist in the morning.

They have almost ten people, and the faces of the leaders are covered with black crepe. The movements are silent. At first glance, they know that they are the shadows of the dark world.

These people did not talk to each other, and the movements were concise and quick, and they disappeared from the farm's premises in a moment.

"Oh, no, I smell a strange smell." A black shadow that went into the cellar suddenly shouted in surprise.

“Is it something like a mouse?” a companion around him asked in amazement.

"Impossible, we didn't have much time to leave. At that time, the blood smell was much richer than it is now. The dark door of the mantle opened for at least a quarter of an hour, and the smell will dissipate so quickly." The shadow of the leader’s shadows rose sharply. Cried out, "Call Mosmer down, use retrospective magic to see what happened here?"

"The leader can only maintain this long time." A thin black shadow wiped the sweat from his forehead and said tiredly.

There was a blurred image of his magical glow in front of him, which was flashing in an unstable way, eventually turning into a little glory and dissipating in the air.

However, this is enough, and the dozens of shadows around the mirror have seen what happened a few hours ago. Although the retrospective magic is extremely vague, it does not recognize the appearance and appearance of the characters in the mantle, but at least confirms that this secret stronghold has been exposed.

"Awful, just leaving for a little while, those greedy gnolls are really damn..." A tall figure in the shadows slammed on the wall of the cellar, making the entire cellar a shock, while others The black shadow is in a terrible silence.

"We have been preparing for so long, do you want to give up at the last minute?" After a long while, a black shadow hoarse and stunned, extremely unwilling to say.

"No, we can't give up. Silver Moon has given the organization so much pressure in the alliance stage, and we must not let them establish a unified federal state." The leader of the shadows said firmly.

"Don't forget that the leaders of the 'inner ring' have a lot of resources for the organization's expectations. If we don't try it, we will return it, then the consequences can be imagined..."

"But... the leader, if the plan has already been exposed, we can't do anything about the enchantment of the High Palace. The chances of a successful assassination of the Silver Moon Councillors will not be higher than 10%." The shadows said hesitantly.

"Mr. Milot, please don't worry too much! According to the information you provided, the 'crow' disguised as a special person, although the status is very high, but there are very few people who know him in Silvermoon City. Can find his identity in just a few days."

The person who spoke was a few young people in the shadows who were not masked. The young man was eyebrow-blowing and his face was handsome, but his face always had a hint of gloom.

At this point, he smiled and pointed at the body to remind Moreover, from the vague image of the intruder, they did not seem to be fully armed silver guards, perhaps just some adventurers passing by the farm. . It doesn't necessarily mean that we are on our heads, and it might even be possible to treat the situation here as a jackal. ”

"Weiss is right, our plan has not been completely exposed, and maybe we can still gamble." The leader of the black shadow has a strong spirit, and the eyes of young people are getting more and more gentle. He can see that he appreciates this. Only a few months ago, I joined the juniors of the Tallinn.

"Gambling? No, Lord Milot, I never gamble, and I don't like this kind of game that wins with a small probability." The young man named Weiss leaned over, but looked with a trace of pride. "I am just I think this plan has not yet reached the edge of failure, but will not bet that this plan is completely unexposed."

"Oh? Weiss, then your thoughts are..." The leader frowned and asked cautiously.

"Since there is a flaw, then add a backup plan!" Weiss smiled and gradually lowered the voice.

After a long while, the shadows in the cellar finally dispersed again, cleaning up the blood and bodies in the cellar, and quickly left the farm and disappeared into the dawn light. Now that everything is ready, they don't need to stay in this stronghold that may have been exposed.