MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 96 Deep trench

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Through the persuasion of Dark Elf Raven, the Minotaur tribe accepted the olive branch handed out by the dwarves. After the most pressing things passed, the expedition team began to treat the wounds and clean the battlefield.

"Hey, what about Ferrar?" The whistling from the distant Ilistin made Hill and Rand not look tight. They turned around and found that Qin Lun, who was still in the hall during the battle, disappeared.

"I didn't notice, let alone he wants to avoid us. It's a breeze." Seeing Rand's confused eyes, Hill waved his hand.

The changes that took place in the hall allowed the members of the expedition team to gather again. Under mutual inquiry, no one noticed the trace of Qin Lun.

"If you are looking for a silver-haired human..." The loud discussion of the dwarfs caught the attention of a little minotaur. The little guy leaned out of his head behind a tall, tall, adult bullhead and looked at everyone with his big, watery eyes.

"Little guy, do you know where Ferrar is going?" Gilliam shouted loudly, and the big dwarf's big trick scared it, and the little head of the young Minotaur slammed back.

"Don't ignore the old guy, kid, if you saw the silver-haired elf, can you tell us?" Marstad glanced at the old dwarf and let him slam back.

Encouraged by the adult Minotaur, the Minotaur was finally blushing and stood up in horror.

"That man...oh, the elf, he just kept his head squatting on the ground, as if he was very uncomfortable. When he got up, he went straight there!" The little bullhead pointed at the portal they had come out before.

"Where does that portal lead?" Elistin changed his face and asked Raven's arm.

"That is the straight road of the labyrinth. There is no partition wall along the way. You can go straight to the rear exit of the labyrinth." The answerer is an adult Minotaur, which speaks in a slow and dull voice.

"Why does he have to go alone?" Ilistin lost some of his soul.

"Maybe he went to the front to explore the road." Idrija stepped forward and held her in her arms, whispering comfortably.

"Don't worry, we will know later." Gilliam frowned and waved at Lorraine. "You stay, meet the prospecting experts behind you, and explore the location of the outpost camp nearby. We First go to the front to explore the road. In addition, arrange several soldiers to send the two dark elves back to the surface cave."

"Depart!" With the order of Gilliam, more than a dozen people who had just finished the battle set foot on the journey again.

"Monkey, you go with the two dark elves. After you reach the surface, remember to leave their maps." Weiss yelled at the team channel, hesitating, or asked Hill, "Qin Lun what happened?"

"He has some small troubles, but it won't affect our mission." Hill smiled back. "Do not worry, this mission is now, it is nearing completion. After the completion, you can return to the stars first. Concerned about us."

"That's best!" Weiss looked at Hill with a meaningful look. He already knew that Qin Lun might have a problem.

However, as Hill said, this task is now done, and the Qinlun three will not continue to cooperate, it does not matter. They should get everything, even if the two sides immediately tore their faces, at least the plot characters will not help Qin Lun to kill their companions, they do not have to worry about anything.

The Labyrinth Hall is located in the heart of the labyrinth, and the expedition team arrived here from the entrance for a total of several days. But without the blockage of the wall, when they saw the exit of the labyrinth, it took only a little half a day.

Along the way, they could not see the figure of Qin Lun. As a hunter, Qin Lun had the highest agility in addition to his perception. Most of the members of the expedition team are short dwarfs, and of course they can't catch up with him.

"No dwarf expert is exploring the road ahead. Where can he go?" Ilistin was full of worries.

"Hill, is he still not responding to your telepathy?" The Elf Druid looked at Hill with anticipation. It was only the silence of the latter that quickly made her understand the answer.

Hill certainly tried to call Qin Lun on the team channel, and the other party did not respond at all.

Although Qin Lun was not seen at the exit of the maze, the Dwarf Discovery Team would not stop for this. While exploring the surrounding environment, they continued to look for Qin Lun.

Although at this time, the dwarves' prospecting experts were still behind, assisting Lorraine in surveying the location of the outpost camp, but in this area, all the dwarves in the team basically felt that the Miyin Hall mining area was nearby.

"We are almost at the destination." A dwarf on the ground, the axe, stood up. He rubbed his fingers and showed a yellow powder on his fingertips.

“This is cooked sulphur, a mineral additive that our dwarves use in mining, smelting, forging, etc., all the time.” Gillim said with some excitement, “The powder can be found everywhere in the shallow soil of this area. It was emitted during the blasting process and merged into the plain with air circulation."

With the gradual detection of the concentration of cooked sulfur, the expedition team came to the edge of the Minotaur Plain with a slow and firm speed. However, here, they had to stop the pace, in front of a wide gap, the top is filled with a layer of gray-brown fog.

"In the past few hundred years, the newly formed geological cracks!" The dwarves looked at the bottomless gully in front of them and were surprised and happy.

The good news is that new geological cracks mean new, rare underground minerals. Every time the earth oscillates, it seems that the cultivated land has been re-ploughed again, and the “nutrition” in the depths of the ground will be turned up.

The new geological crack is very dangerous. No one knows what is going on below. It takes a long time to explore down a little bit. The existence of this deep ditch is equivalent to putting a problem in front of everyone, and they can no longer move forward.

"Elder Gilliam, please come over!" Just as the dwarves were hesitant, Weiss’s voice came from far away.

"What's wrong?" Although Qin Lun disappeared without a trace, the dwarves still maintained a great respect for the followers of these elf princes. After all, they also fought with the team to the present.

"Look, there are traces of claws here, I think Prince Ferrar should go to the opposite side." Weiss pointed to a black rock at the edge of the cliff.

"The Ferrar does have a shackle. I turned into a giant eagle to go and see." Ilistin crouched down, his fingers stroked the claw marks, and his face showed a trace of look. "If the width of the gully is not large, I will come back." Carry you back together."

"You have to think clearly, we still don't know if the taupe fog is poisonous!" Marstad frowned and persuaded.

"It doesn't matter, I will do what I can, and I will come back once I can't hold it." Ilistin said calmly and calmly. "No matter what happened to Ferrar, I will save him back."

Idrija opened her mouth, but after hearing the words of the elf Druid, she swallowed it back.

Maybe she doesn't have the feelings of Ilystin to Qin Lun, but once she was curled up in the troll's bamboo cage, she was about to be treated as a sacrifice. When her heart was extremely desperate, the silver-haired elf ignored the danger and crossed the whole piece of death. Land, like the legendary Prince Charming, descended from the sky, pulling her and Ilistin back from hell.

Even if I know that Qin Lun wants to save only one person, Ilistine, she is only a collateral, but this kind of kindness cannot be ignored. Ms. Lauvita is capricious, but as a Knight of the Temple, the word loyalty has been engraved into her bone marrow.

Idria silently removed a ruby ​​ring from the right **** and stuffed it into Ilistin.

"The evil ring is inhibit against the poisonous and dark things. It is one of the legacy I got in the grave of the ancestors in Candle Castle." The knight faintly sighed, "Find the **** and bring him back!"

"I will." Ilistin nodded heavily and turned into a giant eagle, flew into the taupe fog.

Rand gloomy face looked at Weiss and others in the distance. "Hill, why don't you open your mouth, no matter what Qin Lun looks like, since he chooses to leave us, he will not leave this trace intentionally. ”

"Is it useful to explain to a woman who is unable to extricate herself in love?" Hill said with a blank expression, "Weiss is looking at this point and will deliberately let the elf druids explore the path for us. Otherwise, the mission will continue."

Fortunately, the situation that everyone worried about did not happen, and Ilistin returned about half an hour later.

"This deep ditch is about three hundred meters wide, and some towering stone pillars can be used as a foothold in the center." Elf Druid said with joy, "I found some broken on one of the pillars." Stone gravel, Ferrar really turned to the opposite side."

This is really amazing! Hill and Rand look at each and others are wrong.

“In addition, I was still in the middle of the opposite stone cliff and found an artificially built mine.” Elistin said with a smile. “From the perspective of the rusty railroad tracks of the tunnel, it is a very old age. Unsurprisingly, it should belong to one of the mines in the Miyin Hall mining area."

"Wow 呜~~" The dwarfs slammed their chests and held the axe in their hands for a while. After nearly half a year of exploration, they are only one step away from success.

"You are not in danger?" Compared with the ecstatic dwarves, Idrija is more concerned about his companions.

"It's very smooth. The fog that hangs over the deep ditch is not poisonous, but the smell is a bit pungent. You'd better cover a wet cloth, and I will take you in the past." Ilistin looked back at the gray fog and looked firm. "This time, I will not let you escape alone."

She didn't want to delay for half a second. If she didn't have her, everyone would risk to jump the stone pillars. She would probably go straight to track Qin Lun's whereabouts.