MTL - Death Notice-v12 Chapter 34 Find clues

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"Wilson and Luke are not dead in the manor, they are not killed by you!" Seeing Susan approaching collapse, Qin Lun had to bear the comfort of his temper. "Why do you have to blame yourself?"

"No, you don't understand, Chris, you don't know..." Susan shook her head hard and said sadly. "No wonder I was very surprised when I saw this manor." Familiar. Because when I was a child, I was in my grandfather’s room, and I saw a picture of this manor painting more than once!"

"I really have a relationship with her, so I can explain the murderer dressed as a British gentleman. Why didn't she kill her on the spot." Qin Lun was a little surprised, but he also knew that he had the idea that the murderer wanted to hold a cult ritual. A little deviation.

"You also said that it was just a painting left by your grandfather. We don't know what it is. What's more, Wilson and Luke are dead in another kind of monster. I don't think they have anything to do with this manor. ""

Qin Lun’s comfort gradually worked. Susan no longer looked so painful, but she was still very depressed. She was almost half-covered by him. Qin Lun did not dare to stay here more, and if it was blocked by the undead servants, it would be really finished.

"Susan, cheer up a little, what is the picture left by your grandfather?" Qin Lun took the woman who was not in the house to the wall and patted her cheek gently. "Listen, don't go again." Think about the people who have passed away, think about Karin who entered the manor to find you, and Dana, who needs your strength now."

"Kalin and Dana are also caught in?" Two familiar names finally made the woman wake up as if she was dreaming, and stood up nervously against the wall.

"No, they just can't leave you alone. Now come in with some of Arcadia's search and rescue personnel..." Qin Lun turned his eyes and lie to him without change. "Of course, there are still some people who want to Covering this evil manor, I guess they are all cultists!"

In order to conceal the conflicts that may occur with the reincarnation, Qin Lun did not hesitate to make a little pave the way. Then if he has a fight with a living person, Susan will automatically fill those people's brains into cultists.

"Karin and Dana will have something to do, we have to do something!" Susan reached out and licked the scattered blond hair, barely letting herself out of frustration.

"Yes, we have to do something! Susan, try to think about it, about the painting, and your grandfather, anything that is related to this ghost place?" Qin Lun uses a hypnotic tone to guide the girl. Thinking, trying to get more clues from her head.

"...I, I can't think of anything!" Susan grinned annoyedly and shouted, "I'm really useless!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, dear, come to me!" Qin Lun stretched out his arms and put Susan into his arms, caressing her hair. "Close your eyes, don't think about anything, let us Forgot this place, I forgot this manor. You are safe now, I won’t let you go wrong, it won’t be dangerous...”

Qin Lun had patience at this time, and the psychological knowledge he had learned played a role. People like Susan who have just suffered serious injuries, especially women, have only two ways to make them remember in their heads.

One is to exert stronger violence, and their psychological defenses will completely collapse. At that time, under the stimulation of survival instincts, their brains will turn faster than supercomputers.

The second is to let them relax, get rid of the victim's psychology, realize that it is safe now, and let the brain return to calm.

It sounds ridiculous. In fact, most of the so-called victim psychology has people who are not particularly trained.

For example, if someone steals at home, they know that the probability of being stolen in a short time is smaller than that of an air crash. However, at night, they will not feel that they are checking the locks, and they can only fall asleep under the care of the closest person. This is the typical victim psychology!

Susan, a female college student who has not yet entered the society, has a weaker will in this regard. Under normal circumstances, she is currently unlikely to provide any help to Qin Lun, especially since they are not in a safe environment.

Therefore, Qin Lun used some hypnotic means at this time, using Susan's original trust, so that her consciousness temporarily ignored the surrounding environment and potential danger.

The hypnotic Susan pupil was a little sloppy, and the mouth was full of messy words, most of which seemed scattered and illogical. But Qin Lun knew that she was indeed hypnotized, and now she is in a strange "sleep".

In this state, people think very quickly and are very confused. Think about it in the east. West thinks, only under guidance can you tell what the questioner wants to know.

Unfortunately, Qin Lun knew nothing about her childhood or her family, so it is unlikely to guide her like a professional psychiatrist.

However, this is not necessary. Qin Lun can guess a lot from her words.

Susan did not know much about the painting. Even if Qin Lun completely ignored her safety, she broke into her deepest memory and did not find too many clues.

This made Qin Lun somewhat disappointed, but it was unexpected. After all, Wilson Manor was already a building hundreds of years ago. Even though the manor had a terrible thing at the time, the past time was too long.

He estimated that even Susan’s grandfather did not know the ancestral paintings, and recorded some history.

The only thing he can confirm at the moment is that the painting was indeed left by Susan's ancestors, not something that an ancestor got from a gallery or auction.

"I, what happened to me?" Susan was soon "woke up" by Qin Lun, and asked some doubts.

"Nothing, you are too tired, just fainted!" Qin Lun smiled and comforted her. "Let's go, let's go upstairs, it's best to find Karin and Dana."

"Well!" Susan was in hypnosis for a while, and the spirit was much better. Feeling that I was awake, the woman asked casually, "Chris, you are not a model agent, right?"

"Sorry, I lied to you, I am not a model agent. I am a private detective. A person named Donald has commissioned me to investigate some time ago. One of his friends has disappeared in Arcadia!" Qin Lun married the girl. At a glance, Zhangkou has compiled another lie.

Karin and Dana can be trapped for her companion, but a model agent will not risk life for Susan. Qin Lun’s original identity is not good.

As for why it was pushed to the fat Donald, it was because Donald had his own people and it might be here. In the unlikely event that Susan really meets with the team's Dana, his current lies will work.

He completely believes that even if the fat man hates him, he can't talk or slay him. Because Allen and others had a good impression of him, Stanson and Fanny said that he and Donald were saved together, and the fat man’s identity was not clean, and he said that there were more mistakes.

Seeing that Susan had the strength to walk, Qin Lun let go of her and walked in front of herself.

Wilson Manor is an old Renaissance building that was popular in Europe from the 15th to the 19th centuries, including Baroque and Classical architecture. When the Western colonists traveled to the Americas, they also brought these architectural styles to the New World.

These buildings are theoretically based on the Renaissance trend of thought, which rejects the Gothic architectural style symbolizing the supremacy of the gods and promotes the revival of ancient Roman architectural forms.

Architects hope to reshape the harmonious order of the ideal classical society by means of the proportionality of classical architecture. So in general, the Renaissance architecture is about symmetry and proportion, with rigorous facades and planes, and a column system that has been inherited from classical architecture.

Wilson Manor is the product of this kind of thinking, so it has a large area, and there are pillar-shaped corridors on both sides of the hall. The various living rooms and study rooms of the host family are distributed on these corridors, and the arched fan door is like a beautiful picture on the inside of the corridor.

During the day, Qin Lun was a temporary worker, and it was impossible for him to enter these places.

Now, he finally has a chance.

"Chris, why don't we go upstairs to see?" Susan held the chain of her ankles and neck with both hands, nervously looking around and asking the lower door.

"The upstairs are basically rooms, the manor's study and the living room, and the hostess's tea room are basically on the first floor." Qin Lun explained softly.

"What about that?" Susan asked inexplicably.

Qinlun closed a small hall that had just been checked, and couldn’t help but patted the brain. He forgot that the girl behind him was just a student still in school, not the old fritter of Hill.

Susan doesn't understand what he means in his If he wants to explain, he must be more clear.

"You already know that this manor has a mysterious power. The dirty things here can't be solved by fighting. We must dig deep secrets and find out its weaknesses, otherwise we can't leave here."

Thinking of this girl being associated with this manor, Qin Lun still feels better to let her participate. "Let's say, if you want to keep a little in front of your parents, you will hide the diary under the pillow, or put it in. Locked cabinet?"

"Of course... Chris, you mean that if the owner of the estate has a secret, then the study and the living room are easier to find clues than the bedroom?" Susan could still understand.

"Yes, you have to keep a diary, you can only put it in a locked drawer. And the owner of Wilson Manor is not a little girl like you. Does he want a special basement, if he wants to build a hidden room in the study or living room? The secret room."

Qin Lun said with a sigh of relief, "As for the bedroom, the probability is the smallest, because sometimes people sleeping next to you are more terrible than outsiders."