MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 114 Idiot and idiot

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Everyone's brother? It’s really inexplicable.

Shi Jin feels a little annoyed. When he is so big, he rarely has emotions such as irritability or boredom in his heart, but now he really feels a little annoyed. It is not in the troubles of the continent, but in the troubles that seem to be entangled in the brother relationship.

"There is still no end... Hey, little die, can I kill this guy with cream? Can I kill him?"

Little death did not return, as if there was no general silence.

When I couldn’t stand it, I held the arm in Rongzhou backhand and rudely pushed him against the chair. I smashed the cream on his face and looked at his face. He said: In Rongzhou, are you not very dissatisfied with me? Don't you hate me? If you say it, say it, I want you to say it all!"

Rong Zhouzhong was stupid by his series of operations. He looked at his rare impatience and looked awkwardly. His lips moved and he called: "Xiaojin..."

"Don't call me! 'You are a dead fat man' 'You don't know anything idiots'. You are really hateful and pathetic. 'You are going to die, you are finally dead.' Why do you have to be more like this? A child', these are what you want to say, you actually look at me like this, say it, you all say it, I want you to say it all in one sentence!"

As time goes by, the voice is gradually rising, and those who let him indulge in those unwarranted emotions, but they can never enter their own memories as they did last time, and all of them suddenly rushed over.

The surrounding area is no longer the audio-visual room, but the gorgeous empty houses of the M country, the terrible hospitals, and the beds that make people unable to move. He sat in an empty house, sat in the uninhabited garden of the hospital, lying on a bed without temperature, and the people around him came and went, but no one listened to him, and no one reached out to him. He is a ruined monster, a poor fat man who is desperate to die.

Then his favorite third brother came, with the gesture of the winner, taunting with the condescending mercy, talking about the bad words that are heartbreaking.

[Time to enter, I hate you, everyone hates you. In fact, you are not a child of the time, you look at you, fat is really ugly, dead fat. 】

[I actually want to unite Xu Tianhua and my eldest brother, are you stupid? Ah, no, I shouldn’t have asked this. You were stupid, you don’t know anything about idiots. 】

[Want to know the truth? I can tell you all... This is crying? You are really hateful and pitiful. 】

[How can everyone really treat you as a younger brother, don't be naive, you are not the same as us... Why do you have to have such a child? 】

[Are you dead, you are finally dead. I don’t want to be born in my life, no one wants you to be such a younger brother. 】

The memory is fierce, the grievances of grievances, anger, sadness, etc., and the emotions are rushed out together. Those who are shocked, or because of sadness, or because of physical reasons, do not want to counter these words, but they are screaming and tearing. all. When he entered the force, he closed his eyes. Suddenly, he took a dagger from behind his back and the blade was more than the good face in Rongzhou.

In the face of Rongzhou, the pupils shrank and said, "When you enter, what do you want to do!"

"I will kill you." When he looked at him, he moved the dagger to his lips, and his eyes fell on it. There was a kind of madness that was irrational. "I am too uncomfortable... just because I came back again." Just because I changed everything... then you all forgot, and only I still remember, there is only me! What are you doing now to make a good brother, the ones I have experienced are a few words of concern. Sorry, can you compensate for the things you have returned? You don’t even know what happened. You have forgotten how cruel you have been, how much compensation is enough! How much is the weight of those sorry! Don't remember, think about it, think about it, why don't you think about it!"

"Small into..." Zhong Zhou looked at him and reached out and touched his face. "Don't cry, don't cry..."

"Don't move!" When he entered, he suddenly stunned his expression and forced him to press on his back. He said coldly, "It doesn't matter if you can't remember. I will let you know what you have done. Follow me and say, you are dead. Fat man."

The shoulders lingered on the back of the chair, and Rong Zhou looked at the situation when he was obviously not right. He frowned and said: "Small, you..."

"Quickly say!" When he used the dagger to cut off his hair, he said, "If you don't say it, the next time you cut your face."

It is serious, and the words of the time are serious, he really will do it.

In the mouth of Rongzhou, Zhang opened his mouth, but he could not make a sound. Can't say that intuition tells him that those words can't be said, and everything is finished.

Staring at his lips, with a kind of fanaticism in his eyes, but he did not hear the voice of Rong Zhou.

"Why don't you say it!" The irritating mood became more and more intense. He browed his eyebrows and raised his dagger.

Rong Zhou closed his eyes and waited for the pain to come.


A muffled sound, the pain did not come.

In the middle of Rongzhou, he tried to open his eyes and found that the dagger in his hand was inserted directly into his face and inserted into the seat back, without hurting him.

"Why don't you say it." Time went down and his face was covered with shadows. It was not clear. "You have been repenting in time, no good brother who has made a big mistake. How can I blame you if wrong? Only the care of the past ten years, it is obviously me who grew up with you, what can I do... You don’t even understand what I said... Three brothers, are you going to drive me crazy? ”

Rong Zhou was shocked by the silence in his tone. Seeing that he was going to go, he reached out and pulled his arm.

It was easy to get rid of his hand and turn and prepare to leave.

Can't let him go, if nothing goes away, nothing will happen.

"Small forward!" Rong Zhou got up and chased.

Shi Jin directly cast the dagger in the past, forced him to stop, and then reached out and touched the door handle.

It’s over, it’s really over.

"You are a dead fat man!"

The voice broke away from the throat, and Rong Zhou realized that he had said something, and his expression changed, as if he had thrown a dagger when he was facing him, and even his fingertips began to tremble.

"No, no, Xiaojin, sorry..."

"Say again." Shijin immediately stopped to look over, his eyes re-lighted, turned back to him, grabbed his arm and said, "Say again, the tone is no longer a bit, then a little cold, you Yes, you can, say it again."

There was an instant, when I saw it in Rongzhou, I laughed. It was a kind of laugh that was about to be released. He didn’t understand. He felt like he was doing a nightmare, like being stripped of himself and throwing it into the public. ... like finally to thoroughly see the despicable and dirty in the deepest part of my heart.

I don't want to say it, but how can I not say that his brother is going crazy?

I am sorry.

"You are a dead fat man." He converges on all emotions, puts himself on the high side, and utters this sentence in a disdainful and malicious tone.

Yes, he is like this. At the beginning, he just saw this younger brother. He is a monster with a poisonous needle in his heart. He dreams of pulling the clean and simple brother into the abyss.

"You don't know anything about idiots."

When the actor's shorthand line ability is really **** good. He looked at the gradually rising eyes and the vivid expression, keeping the mask on his face, and the words kept going.

"You are really hateful and pitiful."

If there is no time for the effort, he will definitely say these words that make people feel bloody.

"Are you dead, you are finally dead."

He is such a bad person, at some point in the past, he actually thought about going forward and it would be fine if he could die.

"Why do you have to have more of a child like this?"

I am sorry.

One sentence after another, he seems to see that he is cutting the heart of the time into the knife, watching him not want to live, watching him bloody, watching him fall from hope to despair, from light to darkness.

These things he once thought about, but never said, then they pressed in the bottom of their hearts to pretend that they did not occupy the hurtful words of thought. They would never know that they would never know each other, and they could pretend to be innocent. Some things, just thinking about it, will cause harm to the other party.

When you enter, you know everything. What you don't understand is himself.

"Sorry, Xiaojin, I am sorry." He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes tiredly.

It is this tone, this expression.

When I entered the breath, I looked at Rong Zhouzhong and watched his lips open and closed. He listened to him even if he spoke out evil words, and he still had a good voice. The memory and reality slowly overlapped, and the memory could not be returned. And anger slowly swells.

Finally, the mouth stopped and all the damage from the enemy was over... he could fight back.


Even if he came back again, he also had the opportunity to fight back for the harm that had never happened in this life.

The breath that was holding it suddenly Panasonic, he looked up at Rong Zhouzhong, suddenly raised his fist without warning, and screamed at his mouth: "Go to hell! You bastard!"

Rong Zhou was beaten with a sigh, fell to the ground, and then just sat on the ground, looking up and looking forward.

Time did not look at him at all, the voice was high, and he moved his foot to the circle in the same place. He used his finger to touch his face from time to time and quickly said: "Cry? Yes, I should not cry, face your malicious. What is the use of crying, to deal with such a bad guy, you are directly smashed! Dead fat? How is my fat, personal attacks are the things that the most people will do! Your fans know that you are actually so bad? When you say this, don't you think you are too much!"

The memories and emotions are covered like tides, and the surrounding scenes have changed. It is a mansion, a hospital, and it is a heart-opening every time you open the door.

"Yes, I am fat, I am stupid, but isn't that you either intentionally or unintentionally turning me into this? If I am really smart, you should blame me for being smart. Admit it, you are 嫉妒I, fear me, want to be close, and afraid to approach me, of course I am different from you, I am a human, you are the devil, how can we be the same! Ha, the most ridiculous thing is that you actually think that I am poor? I live a dozen Years, even if it is an illusion, but I grew up in a love environment, and you, one by one, indulge yourself in the interests and hatred, there is no warm memory in the decades of life, really Poor is you!"

Rong Zhou tightened his palm and avoided his sight.

"Are you going to be mad? Seeing that I have not become a monster that only knows hatred as you wish, and become a cold-blooded guy like you. Are you disappointed? Are you dreaming of me? Revenge you, then you can say 'Look at you, the simple guy who was carefully guarded by the time, and finally became like us. He is no longer a special one.' I can almost listen to this. The sound of excitement and trepidation in your heart!"

"I am not." Rong Zhou could not help but refute.

"No?" When the elephant heard the fantasy of the night, he turned back and looked at him, bent over and grabbed his collar and looked at his eyes and said, "If not, why are you so eager to turn your face and can't wait? Show me maliciousness in my heart? In my heart, I hate a person for more than ten years. I suddenly saw the possibility of letting the other person respond to this hatred. With your straight-line idiot thinking, how can you care for so much? Cucumber pillow Well, you can't even wait for Dad's death. Just knowing that he is dying, he will eagerly send the things that declare war to me. Your mind is almost written on your face!"

The most unwillingness to be pryed into the heart was pricked by the party. Rong Zhou was furious and retorted: "I don't have it, you are an idiot!"

"No, I am an 'idiot', you are an idiot, you are half-pounded, you don't have any high capital!" Shijin fell to the ground and stood up and looked at him with a high court. Coldly said, " I won't die, I will live longer than all of you. You will never have a chance to say the sentence 'You are finally dead' in this life. Only me can say this. Let me correct you with a wrong concept. When you don't have more than one child, you can't be born if you don't want me, and you and others. Don't be grateful to me, if not me. After a few years of late reincarnation, you all have to be shot on the wall, sissy!"

Goddess -

This sentence is simply a crit, Rong Zhou looked at him unbelievably, climbed up from the ground, a look of anger and did not know what to say, frequent side-by-side breathing, seems to want to suppress anger.


Time advances have not stopped, one sentence after another, each word is very vomiting, as if you want to suppress your heart for two lifetimes, all spit out with the words.

"A person who is poisoned by a mouth is going to be pulled out of his tongue."

"You are hateful and pitiful!"

"When you are going to die, I will go to your bed and set off firecrackers to celebrate."

"I am not a super child, you are!"

Rong Zhou looked at him with a slight open mouth, as if he could not believe that these words were actually spoken from his mouth. It is clear that the heart is angry, and the chest is indeed angered, but strangely unable to make a fire.

Time suddenly came close to him.

In the back of the Confucius, I took a step back and used the toughness to conceal the sadness of my heart being sifted into a sieve. I frowned and said, "What do you want to marry? If you want to fight, I will not endure this time." ""

When he suddenly raised his hand and took a picture of his heart, he smiled at him and said, "I am so embarrassed, it is very difficult here."

Rong Zhou’s expression is tight, and only this, he is not willing to admit.

"You deserve it." The time is softly added, full of maliciousness.

"You--" Rong Zhouzhong was really angry, raising his hand to catch his wrist.

When he entered, he avoided his hand and stepped back and said: "I am sorry for what you said before. I don't accept it. Some injuries can be erased without apologizing."

In the middle of Rongzhou, the anger suddenly dissipated. As he gradually recovered his sensible and serious eyes, he gradually realized what he was doing. He said, "Why?" So is it not ready to accept him as a hateful brother? ?

"But we are even." Shi Jinjin said, looking at Rong Zhou's look at this time, the memory of his high-pitched confession gradually dissipated and continued, "You married me, I also married you." You hurt me, I hurt you too, no one owes anyone. I am very tired, you are not worth making me so tired."

The heart of Rongzhou’s sinking and sinking suddenly stopped, looked up at him, and there was a little hope in his heart. He said almost incoherently: “You, mean...”

"And, I won't apologize, you never want to hear a sorry from me." When he walked to the door, his hand touched the doorknob, and the voice suddenly fell down and said, "Good night, three brothers."


The door opens and closes.

Lieutenant Zhongzhou looked at the door, and then his eyes were a little bit bigger. For a long time, he suddenly squatted on the ground, trying to pick something up, his eyes glanced, but he was not handsome enough to have a few drops of crocodile tears.

"Mixed kid..." He rubbed his face hard and laughed. "You can avenge more than me. What will not apologize? I was beaten by you today, it hurts very much..."

He squatted on the floor and looked up at the movie screen. The brother in the movie was unscrupulously venting to the younger brother who knew the truth. His heart trembled and snorted. He moved to the small table and picked up the remote control. Quickly fast forward the movie to the end.

On the edge of the cliff, the younger brother hugged his brother and wanted to fall with him on the cliff. My brother lost his weapon, hugged his brother in the backhand, and closed his eyes in satisfaction. The two fell back together and fell into the abyss.

He looked at it seriously, and suddenly he whispered boring, turned off the screen, looked at the missing piece of cake on the table, reached for the plastic knife that cut the cake, and dug a large piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this moment, he finally understood what he wanted to change. The child who is softer and kinder than everyone else, but stronger than everyone else, has struggled to the present and tortured himself to be crazy. What he wants to change is nothing but a future. The hatred hurts each other and then ends with the end.

Hatred and redemption, when the family of six children, the seemingly powerful five brothers all chose the simplest hatred, only the child who was the most injured, chose the most difficult redemption.

"It's too stupid." He seemed to be picked up by the cake, his voice slowly hoarse and choked. "It really is an idiot."

He lowered his head and raised his hand and held his eyes.


The sky before dawn is the darkest. When I entered this sentence, I walked down the second floor of the villa and took a look at the night outside the villa, which seemed to have no end. I suddenly stepped up and ran into the main bedroom in the first floor. .

When the door was opened, the light inside was actually turned on. He was first stunned, and then his heartbeat quickly accelerated, and he quickly stepped into the door.

A pair of arms suddenly extended and held him firmly in his arms.

When I stepped into the footsteps, I looked sideways at the person holding myself.

"First take a bath and warm up." Lian Jun seems to know that he will rush back like this. He didn't ask anything. He hugged him and only kissed his eyebrow gently, then held his hand. He walked toward the bathroom with the door open behind him.

The water in the bathroom is transpiration, the bath water has already been put in place, and the pajamas and all kinds of toiletries are all ready.

There was a bit of awkwardness in the time, and it was passively pulled by the lord to the shower.

"Chong and take a bath again." Lianjun helped him to take off his clothes, then opened the shower, and did not care if his pajamas would be wet, standing next to him and carefully washing his body.

The skin is wet with warm water, and then the hand with the shower gel is attached to the body, so that the comfort and strength of the gentle movement. The body warmed up a little bit, and when the fingers trembled, I looked at Lian Jun’s serious look and couldn’t help but hugged him.

Lian Jun naturally embraced him and comfortably followed his back.

The heart suddenly went down, and when I tightened my arms, I buried my face on his shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry, I am worried."

Lian Jun comfortably kissed him and comforted him.

"It won't be in the future." When he used his forehead to rub his shoulders, then he retreated slightly, looked up at him, and squeezed a smile at him. He said, "You are the most important, you are my most. Baby baby."

"And the words are used indiscriminately." Lian Jun also laughed and reached out and pulled his face. "It’s a bad habit to stay up all night, punished you for training there, confess?"

"Recognition!" When he entered, he nodded hard and held him in his body again. He repeated, "You are the most important, I will adjust myself and will not worry you anymore." Even if only for this person, he must not let himself be eroded by those inexplicable emotions.

This was a really bad attempt.

He thought this way, unconsciously looking at the progress bar in his brain, but found that his progress bar did not know when it actually fell, to 60.

Dropped... He whispered, then tightened his lips. So sure enough... is that the case?

He tightened his palms, his head clung to the body of Lianjun, and felt the temperature on his body. Something in his heart that could only be considered vague before, slowly became clear.

"Small death." He whispered in his heart, and regardless of whether the other party would answer this time, he said affirmatively. "The last bit of death factor comes from myself. No, specifically, it comes from the original owner. Right? What is the simple truth that can kill a person, except for the external dangers and enemies, as well as the inner self."

This little death is finally no longer silent. It whispered firmly: "Go in, you will live, and then live a very happy life."

"Of course I will live." Shijin put all his weight on Lianjun, and his strength is as big as breaking him. "If you have a good lord, no one wants to beat me." Yourself.