MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 152 bun

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It is said that I have to sleep back, but in real time, I just got up and lay up for half an hour. He carefully washed and changed his clothes, changed his clothes, and said that he would stay in the clothes left in the closet, and then he would mention the backpack that Lianjun had helped him to organize, and he did not return to the small building.

The mountains in the winter morning are cold and tidal, and they are still foggy.

When I stepped on the wooden bridge on the pond, I lifted my wrist and looked at the watch. I estimated the time it took to get to the top of the mountain from here, and looked up at the top of the mountain.

For almost an hour, if Lianjun really wants to climb the mountain, it should have reached the top of the mountain now... Unfortunately, such a big fog, the sunrise should not be seen.

The small death suddenly opened: "When you enter, do you want to brush buff? It will be more clear."

"No need." When leaning against the railing of the bridge, he took back his sight and looked down at the surface of the pond with a thin layer of ice. He said, "I just want to stand here for a while and don't want to see anything."

Who will want to see the picture of the lover leaving?

Time passed by, and after about a quarter of an hour, Lianjun’s progress bar showed a significant drop.

When I entered the heart, the eyebrows were lifted slightly, and I looked at the direction of the top of the mountain, then stood straight and walked toward the main road of the villa.

"Go in, what are you doing?" Little death asked, some anxious, "Don't run around, be careful to miss the baby arrangement to pick you up."

"No." When he shook his head, he stepped on the main road leaving the village and looked in the direction of the gate of the villa. "I just want to go to the door to welcome them."


When I entered this welcoming, I immediately greeted the mountain road down the mountain.

When a whole row of vehicles with a military area number appeared in the field of vision, he stopped and lifted his wrist and looked at the watch.

At half past eight, the team that caught the people came faster than he expected. Was it already ambushing down the mountain?

He glanced at the progress bar that started to slowly increase in the brain, and his palm was a little sweaty.

Lianjun should not be in the mountains now...

"Go in..." Little death worries.

"It's okay." He opened his mouth and slammed his hand into the pocket of the down jacket to appease the little death. He also comforted himself. "Leng Jun will be fine."


The team approached, the leading vehicle stopped in front of the time, Liu Zhenjun came out from the rear seat probe of the vehicle, looked into the eyes, and then looked into the eyes, and asked: "Let's why? Why are you alone? Here?"

Time to work hard to keep nothing to look at, look up at him, and return, "Lian Jun is still in the mountain village, I am back to school today, his legs and feet are not convenient, can not send me, I went down myself, ready to go to the foot of the mountain to take a taxi. How can you be here, how can you find someone to be honest?"

Liu Zhenjun frowned and said: "When you enter, don't pretend to be stupid."

"I didn't pretend to be stupid." When he moved the hand in his pocket, he asked, "Why should I be stupid? You ask, I replied, such a normal conversation, where I am stupid."

Liu Zhenjun frowned more tightly, suddenly reached out and opened the door from the inside, indicating: "Get on the bus, take me to see Lianjun."

"I don't go, I want to go to school." When he entered the line of sight, he continued to move toward the mountain.

Oh, la la la.

Suddenly in the back of a few cars suddenly came down a dozen people, they immediately dismissed after getting off the bus, blocking the road into the mountains.

When the time stops, the expression becomes tight.

Liu Zhenjun got off the bus and looked at his back and said: "When you enter, now the mountain is all my people. They have blocked all the entrances and exits of this mountain. Without my orders, no one will let go. Every city of B The main traffic checkpoints, Zhang Zhuoyuan also arranged for people to guard. Don't let me say it again, get on the bus."

When he entered the force, he closed his eyes and looked at the progress bar of Lianjun, which was still slowly increasing. He turned to Liu Zhenjun and looked at him. He passed him and took the car he was sitting on.

"Go in, your progress bar has begun to rise." Little death worried about opening.

"Nothing." Shijin calmed it in his heart and looked at the scenery outside the mountain road. "I believe in honesty."

Liu Zhenjun got on the train one step later and sat next to him. He said to the driver of the driver's seat: "Carry the car and go to the small building where Lianjun lives."


Shi Jin was brought back to the front of the small building. He insisted on not entering the door. He smashed the branches at the pond and poked the thin ice on the pool like a child.

The people brought by Liu Zhenjun quickly searched the small building, and naturally they found nothing. Liu Zhenjun frowned. When he came in, he asked: "Where did the Lianjun go? When did he go? In which direction?"

When I didn’t speak, the strength of the ice was increased.

"There was a trace of burning fire at the entrance of the small building. There was a broken small safe next to it. There were a few batteries in the living room trash. The study on the upper floor also had traces of finishing. What did you burn? What was it? Liu Zhenjun continued to ask.

At this time, he returned, and he said no to his head: "Bake a few sweet potatoes and eat it. The safe is broken, so it is lost. There is nothing in the study itself."

"When the student enters, please answer my question positively!" Liu Zhenjun added a tone, "This is the order!"

When the hand holding the branch was stiff, he paused and bowed his head, stood up and clap his hands, turned to face Liu Zhenjun, raised his hand and performed a military ceremony, and replied: "Yes, sir."

Liu Zhenjun looked at him with a face full of resistance. He remembered his confidence and liveliness during the first half of the meeting. His mood became complicated, he frowned, and he lowered his voice and asked: "Where did Lianjun go? When did you go? Which direction to go? Time to enter, answer my questions well, I don't want to be embarrassed about you."

When you put in the hand of the down ceremony, look at the progress bar of Lianjun, see that it has risen to 800, the roots are tight, and look up at Liu Zhenjun’s line of sight, saying: "He said he wants to climb a mountain alone, to see the sunrise. When I got up, he was gone, I don't know when he left. There are several roads up the mountain, I don't know which way he will go up the mountain."

Lianjun specially told him to climb the mountain before he left. He thought that it should be arguable to come here. I believe in Lianjun and believe in Lianjun. He is hypnotizing himself, forcing himself not to pay attention to the progress bar of Lianjun.

Liu Zhenjun said with a frown and said: "Lian Jun is a disabled person. How can he go hiking alone? When you enter, don't make fun of me. Everything you say now will be recorded in the file. Don't ruin your future for a criminal. ""

"Criminal?" When I couldn't help but ask, my emotions gradually became uncontrollable. "So you have been relying on the power of a criminal? Unloading and killing, crossing the river to break the bridge, Major General Liu, I thought you would not do this kind of thing." People!"

Liu Zhenjun felt that some could not look directly into his eyes and shouted: "Time to enter!"

"I am telling the truth!" Shijin also raised his voice and erected a sharp spike. "This is what he told me. He wants to go up the mountain and watch the sunrise! Apart from these, I can't tell you!"

Liu Zhenjun frowned and looked at him. Finally, he took a deep breath and sent his emotions under the pressure. He shouted and said: "Send someone to search for the mountain, then take the time to the car and watch it -"

"Where do you want to take the time?"

A strange male voice suddenly sounded in the distance, Liu Zhenjun looked up, and then looked at the face of the person after seeing the ugly face, asked: "Wang Chairman, how come you?"

"This is obviously the question I want to ask you. You are a naval officer. You don't have to stay in your own place. What are you doing here?" Chairman Wang went to the two to stop and looked dissatisfied. Shouldn’t Lianjun be alive on my side, how did Zhang Zhuoyuan do it, how come you come?”

Liu Zhenjun turned black and said: "I just assisted Zhang Zhuoyuan in dealing with the various issues of violent organization in accordance with the above order. These are documents. Doesn’t Chairman Wang know?"

"That is the old document. Didn't the new document have been sent yet?" Chairman Wang took a piece of material from his carry-on bag and handed it to him. He said, "Don't be a hot brain." Some things that have controversy, but there is no way to discuss the results."

What Liu Zhenjun realized, he took the material and turned it over, and then his expression became very exciting. He said, "This, this..."

"You have your top, I have my top, the economic department, and they are above. When the hidden danger is still big, of course, everyone wants to pull out the tumor, but after this is pulled out, the difference is Come. The people at the bottom will have to eat, those who are tempted by violent organizations, and now they are finally returning to the shore, and they need places to educate and resettle. Now all the provinces are noisy, things haven’t really ended yet, you really In addition to the source, there are other disasters behind it. I hope that you, too, consider the position of each aftermath, and don’t worry about it.” Chairman Wang suddenly changed his attitude and cloud. The fog and the ground and Liu Zhenjun played a bureaucratic voice and cried.

Liu Zhen heard the forehead madness, pinched the material, and suddenly looked into the past.

When you turn your head, pretend to look at the scenery. According to the progress bar that he suddenly stopped increasing, it is speculated that the chairman of the committee, who did not know where it came from, should be the person who arranged for him to pick him up. If there is another person, he should not talk nonsense, honestly The play is good.

"Liu Shaojun, what do you think of the students, I am going to talk to you about business." Chairman Wang helped me to stop.

Liu Zhenjun frowned and retracted his gaze. He hated Zhang Zhuoyuan’s unreliable feelings. He was even more entangled in the bends of those people. The tiger’s face turned the material into the arms of Chairman Wang and said, “What do you want?”

Chairman Wang did not care about his rude treatment, and put the material into the bag and said: "I don't know what to do. Since Zhang Zhuoyuan has asked you, then I will not rob you of your life. You will continue to do what you want to do. Things, the pine is loose, the strictness is strict, this innocent student, I will take it first."

What should be loose, the strictness is strict, which is obviously asking him to release water, and it is too true for the search for Lianjun!

Liu Zhenjun remembered the material content he had just seen. His expression was almost unbearable and distorted. When he glanced at it, he did not say anything. He called out his subordinates, lifted his legs around them, and personally took people to the mountains.

"Lower the drop, the progress bar into the beginning began to fall! The increase in the baby progress bar also stopped." Little death surprise.

When I entered the heart, I was a little loose, and I looked at the Chairman Wang.

Chairman Wang smiled at him with great enthusiasm. He took out a paper bag that was pressed a little flat and a bag of soy milk from the bag. He said, "Give me, I will bring you to you." It’s a bit cold, eat it.”

A person who was just full of official squad suddenly took a breakfast from the bag. This contrast... When I got into the meal, I reached out and took the breakfast. Thank you.

"Then let me go with me, I will send you to school. This time, as a policeman who has successfully entered the top of the police, he confuses the leader of the annihilation and let the annihilation of the other large organizations take place. I have to arrange a reward for you here." Wang and He said hello.

When I took the soymilk hand tightly, I squeezed the soymilk out of the mouth that I just bitten, and licked myself. I said, "What? I? Undercover?"

"Yes, undercover." Chairman Wang smiled and took out a pack of paper towels and said to him, "But because your follow-up mission is too big, so this mission, we will not give it on the bright side." You counted in the file and announced it to the public, but you can rest assured that we will not reward you with rewards. You should not be afraid of retaliation. We will include you in the important person protection system and give you your resume and files. A big update, you can study with peace of mind, no one will dare to move you as long as you don't commit too serious things."

When I took the paper towel in a silly manner, I took out a piece of paper and wiped the soymilk on the clothes. I rubbed it and slowed it down. The nose was sour, my eyes were red, and I turned my head.

Lian Jun actually arranged such a way for him. If he said that he wanted to be a hero, he was not jealous of him. Undercover? If he can think of it, he still thinks that he will not be held accountable this time, and he will inevitably be picked up.

"Why do you help Lianjun?" He raised his hand and wiped his face, and adjusted his emotions by chatting.

Chairman Wang looked at his red eyes and said: "To tell the truth, I am not helping Lianjun, but I am helping Zhang Zhuoyuan. It is finished now, and unlike other big organizations, the body is dead. There are still a lot of offline organizations behind, and there are endless troubles. But this is only on the bright side, secretly? Now Zhang Zhuoyuan just cleaned up the top several organizations and opened up the old situation. The small and medium-sized organizations in Wuyang Wuyang can still spend time to toss. You say that in those small and medium-sized organizations, they secretly hide the nails of one or two honesty, and then those who are capable of doing it. I still live one or two... I don’t want to think about it, I don’t think I can sleep well. Zhang Zhuoyuan’s brain is dead, and he concentrates on doing something for too long, and the pressure and burden of his heart gradually makes him not Being sensible, I don’t understand those really smart people. It’s really only suitable for recruiting and not being able to kill.”

I was shocked when I heard it. I don’t know what the chairman really knows. When I used to test him, I was still guessing. I didn’t dare to pick up the words. I bowed my head out of the paper bag and silently picked it up.

"In fact, I am very happy that I can have one of you." Chairman Wang suddenly turned his words and smiled and raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. "With you, I don't have to worry about what Lianjun will do." The young man is doing well, I am a good material to be a policeman!"

To put it bluntly, these people are still afraid of the Lianjun and still have other backhands. I am afraid that the honesty will be forced to a dead end, and the Lianjun will toss another storm. And he is official, it is probably a good tool to limit the threat of integrity.

This is also true, the more the official is afraid of honesty, the safer the cheaper.

When he entered the eyes, he stuffed the buns into his mouth, drummed his cheeks, and twitched his mouth and smiled at the chairman.

Chairman Wang also laughed and said: "But in case, I mean, in case you and Lianjun can still speak, can you help us to say good things to Lianjun? He is really a little business. The foundation, the foundation is so thick, and the violent organizations have been cleaned up, the idle people in the society, and the abandoned industries in various places, there must be someone to clean up."

Actually, I still want to let Lianjun go to help clean up the mess, it is really making the best use of it.

When he entered the heart, he taunted, but he didn’t reveal it on the face, and he pulled his mouth and smiled at him.


After the breakfast was finished, Shijin did not immediately follow the chairman of the committee, but insisted that he waited until the results of the search came out. Chairman Wang did not bother him. He responded to his request and accompanied him with a good temper.

An hour later, Liu Zhenjun’s search for the mountain came out. The search team found a wheelchair in the top of the mountain, speculating that Lian Jun was guilty of suicide and jumping.

Lianjun’s progress bar dropped to 400 at the moment when the result came out, and the fingers that were tightly gripped slowly loosen, and the head covered his face to cover the expression - it was reduced to 400, which proves that Lianjun has no direct life danger, and the rest The question is whether you can successfully get away from changing your identity.

"Let's go." Chairman Wang stood up and said, "This should be the final result."

Shi Jin also stood up.

Liu Zhenjun screamed when he saw it, and his wrinkled brow slightly loosened. He said slowly: "If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can come to me at any time."

Chairman Wang raised his eyebrows and stopped to look at them back and forth.

There was some accident in the time, looking at Liu Zhenjun, seeing his eyes sincerely not like a fake, but also a little expression, politely echoed: "Thank you for your kindness, but no need." In his current position, in addition to the court, he is best Don't have any personal contact with the official.

"Let's go." Chairman Wang regained his gaze and urged him.

When the time was low, he should nod and turned to Liu Zhenjun and nodded. He turned and followed him.

Liu Zhenjun looked at the back of the time, his eyes slowly became complicated, and finally he sighed.