MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 165 Home (eight)

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People who leave home are returning home one by one, and the community is getting more and more lively. Everyone often gets together and talks about their lives after separation.

The experience of the Sixth Six is ​​the most boring. He is doing logistics in the eradication, and there is no danger in retreating. After leaving, he picks up a beautiful place to live in seclusion. Every day, he fishes all kinds of flowers and cares about the domestic situation. The eyeliner said that someone in the Wanpu Garden was living, and he rushed back without stopping.

The experience of the third and the fifth was more thrilling. The way the two were evacuated was very risky. When they left, they were more or less injured. It was a while in bed to recover. After the physical recovery, they randomly picked a city to settle down, tried to do various kinds of work, and finally found that they could not fully adapt to the life of ordinary people in a group of strangers, or they simply did not have the heart to adapt, and they still remembered At home, I went to adventure tourism everywhere and tried to distract my attention.

They don't have a close relationship with the people who have been destroyed at the grassroots level like the Sixth-Five. They leave and really leave. There is no eyeliner in the country, so because of all kinds of concerns, I don’t know until I see the recruitment advertisement of Wanpu. The time is ripe, and I realize that Lianjun is paving the way for their normal return to China.

卦 卦 卦 卦 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是The two had a good ability to kill the fish. One of them gradually gained a little reputation by selling and singing. They were almost dug by the scouts and became a singer. They each experienced a wonderful life, and then after seeing the advertisement of Wanpu, I received my heart and returned to China.

卦7, 卦11 is the last batch of retreats. After retreating, I also found a city to settle down. Coincidentally, they first evacuated with the first one, and the other with the evacuation of the second, is the last person who met with the first one and the second.

When I heard this in my heart, I was busy asking: "When the evacuation, did they say where they want to go? Or where are they going?"

The seventh is the apprentice who brought out the hand with one hand, and the relationship with him is very good, but even so, he still has not got much information from the first one. He shook his head and replied: "No, I agreed with Master to leave the evacuation site, so I don't know where the other party went. I didn't touch Master in the DZ direction."

卦11 also followed back: "I also separated separately here, and I didn't tell me anything."

When the time came to hear the words, the eyebrows fell, and then everyone saw that they were brought a bit of fun, and they were busy with the spirit, and pulled something else and shifted the topic.


At the beginning, everyone was convinced that the first one, the second and the second will come back sooner, but when the summer is over, the autumn is coming, then the autumn is gradually over. When the first snow in winter falls, everyone suddenly Not sure.

With the ability of the first and second, and the conditions of the nine, they must be mixed in the ordinary people's society, it is easy. Perhaps after getting used to the life of ordinary people, they no longer want to have anything to do with the past.

On the birthday of the birthday, there was unprecedented excitement in the Wanpu Garden. It’s just a Saturday, everyone can celebrate. The five brothers of the family all vacated the time and rushed over to give them a birthday. The sixth day was to call everyone in the community one day in advance, and prepared a birthday party for the time.

To be honest, time is very happy, but after I am happy, my heart is a bit empty.

After the birthday, the New Year is coming, and another year is about to end, but they still have no news of waiting for others.

When will they come back, will they... come back?

"Chairman Wang called me and said that the New Year of this year must be a clean New Year." Lian Jun did not know when he appeared behind him.

When I went back to God, I turned to look at him and asked: "Clean New Year? What do you mean?"

Lian Jun stood side by side with the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the lively scene in the backyard. He said: "The meaning is that the tolerance for medium-sized organizations has reached the limit and I want to smash my hand. I gave Zhang Zhuoyuan some things. He secretly paved the net for a half year, and there will be big moves in the near future. After this time, the violent organizations should withdraw from the historical stage. If they are not careful because the domestic environment is still not clean, then this is not the case. After that, they should be back."

When I entered, my heart ignited hope again, confirming and asking: "Really? Are you sure?"

Lian Jun did not answer, only raised his hand and touched his head, said: "Happy birthday, happy."


After the birthday party ended, I went to bed after washing, and I was inexplicably insomnia. Lian Jun has fallen asleep. He is in the other's arms, his eyes are closed, but he has no sleepiness. He turns his mind uncontrollably.

卦一 and 卦二 may have some scruples before they come back. If the scruples are eliminated, they should come back. What about the ninth? Will he still come back? He clearly said that he would come back and fish with himself -

Yes, fishing! That fishing forum!

His thoughts stopped, like grabbing the last hope, gently climbed up, picked up his mobile phone from the bedside table, opened the browser, and entered the forum address by memory.

The page jumped slowly, he didn't consciously hold his breath, and then he watched a fancy, illegal X-color ad page jump out.

He was almost stuck by the gas he was holding, and he was so busy that he coughed down the air and pulled the advertisement page. He found that he stupidly entered the wrong website and hurriedly quit the page and re-created in the search box. Enter the URL once.

The page started to jump again. This time, I didn’t have time to hold my breath. A blank page jumped out and the sound of the fireworks sounded. Hey, the beautiful fireworks rose from the bottom of the page and was full. The entire screen.

When I was dumbfounded, I turned off the sound of my mobile phone. I looked back at Lianjun and found that he was still asleep. He was not awakened, relieved, turned back and looked back at the screen of the mobile phone full of fireworks. The heartbeat slowly accelerated.

This fireworks... He is sure that he has never entered the wrong URL this time! It’s nine! It must be him! He is using this to contact him!

He couldn't help but pull up this page again and wanted to see if there was any other useful information besides the fireworks.

Like guessing that he would pull this page, the fireworks slowly disappeared, and several old-fashioned colorful flash fonts appeared in the middle of the screen, slowly pieced together into a happy birthday.

Sure enough, it’s nine!

Time to surprise, then get angry.

This guy has time to do these messy things, even remember his birthday, then why not come back! It’s hard to buy a ticket back to China or make a phone call back!

Just when he was too angry to pull out a hole in the screen of the mobile phone, another line appeared on the page: I was learning to fish, and when I got caught, I went home and said hello to Jun Shao and everyone.

Then the picture disappears and becomes a fork with invalid access.

Time advance: "..."

Actually, I went to learn fishing! Fishing is more important than going home! If you go fishing, you can't contact everyone first!

When I entered and left the anger, I couldn't help but enter this URL again and searched repeatedly. The result is invalid, invalid, invalid... Damn! His hair was almost blasted, and he was about to continue his test. The waist was surrounded by an arm, and then one hand reached in front of him and took his cell phone.

"Sleep." Lian Jun calmly licked his ear with his chin, put the phone aside, and hugged him back to the bed.

When I lie down passively, I watched the eyes of the Lianjun in the darkness, and my heart was empty. I was a little calm and said: "I woke you up? Right, just me..."

"I know." Lian Jun kissed his lips, held him in his arms, and comfortably followed his back, not letting him see his dark eyes, saying, "Nothing, sleep, they Will come back soon, very soon."



Shi Jin always felt that his tone was a bit heavy. It seemed to be angry. He looked up at him but didn't succeed. He hesitated and silently swallowed what he wanted to say. He closed his eyes.

When I entered, I quickly fell asleep. Lian Jun stroked his back in the darkness of a room, but it was a little sleepy, full of wind and rain - fishing? Very good, this is really a few "obedient" subordinates.


When I went home for another week, I found out that the community was empty. Except for the Sixth, the remaining few were gone.

"What about them?" he asked doubtingly.

Lian Jun sat behind the desk and turned the file and replied: "The training has gone. They will be officially employed after the year. They have to get familiar with what they need to do in advance."

Time has become more and more doubtful: "Is this part of the training not gone, how come again?" Before the Lianjun, in order to let the third year they adapt to the work of Wanpu faster, they paid a lot of money to them. The management class, they are also very contentious, and they have learned very seriously, and they have finished classes half a month ago.

"It's a sort of class. It's not long, only half a month, and I will be back soon." Lian Jun explained, put down the documents and got up, and asked the topic, "Is this year's final review tired?"

Shi Jin really was distracted, and he instinctively glanced at Mr. Feng’s direction and suffered a bitter face. He is a senior, and he will go to an internship next year. Why is Mr. Feng still so strict with him?


In a rural house in the distant country of R, the beard with a beard was in the corner of the room. After listening to the phone call from the informant, the expression became very weird, with a hint of faintness.

“What's wrong?” asked the nine in front of a row of computers.

When I saw him, I couldn't help but take out a cigarette. I took a sigh of relief and said, "Why are you doing something? The domestic eyeliner tells me that Zhang Zhuoyuan suddenly has a few more appearances. From the help of a mysterious army in the country. These people only sit behind the town, one person and one area, helping Zhang Zhuoyuan to carry out cleaning for medium-sized organizations. The methods are very hot, and the dark lines of each organization are very clear..."

The sound of the nine-nine-speaking words was stiff, and the guilty retracted the line of sight, poked the keyboard and said: "This way... that's fine."

"Old nine." The second voice screamed and called him.

"I just sent a birthday card to the time... I didn't expect him to really see it. I thought he had forgotten it..." He said that the voice was getting smaller.

卦 一 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸What are you doing?"

The door was suddenly pulled open, and a farmer dressed up with a probe came in and said: "Qi Yun has taken the lead and is ready to deliver the news."

After the two spirits and the sounds of Qiuqiu’s words, the two stood up and walked to the back of the nine, and then they touched the computer and started to madly tap the keyboard, adjust the monitoring and position lock, and start at the same time. Attack Zhang Zhuoyuan's mailbox.

After a quarter of an hour, the positioning information was successfully sent to Zhang Zhuoyuan.

Nine nines took over. Yu Er still looked at the screen and said: "Jun Shao may know."

When I frowned, I immediately understood what I was looking at and looked at the ninth and called: "卦九."

Yu Jiu’s heart lowered his head.

As soon as he looked at his head, his brow wrinkled. He didn't have the heart to say him. He only said: "It seems that we have to take the initiative to contact Jun. At least we can't let Jun Shao re-involve them. Qi Yun’s position has been locked, and the rest is Zhang Zhuoyuan’s life. I hope he will not take the time again and waste the opportunity we sent to him.”

"It’s late." He took a mobile phone and sneaked in the air. "Jun Shao has sent them to Zhang Zhuoyuan to help finish."

One: "..."

"We are catching the cloud of this fish, Jun Shaotie has already known." Two sighs, it seems to be ten years old, "Ready to punish."

In fact, when they have not officially retreated, Yi Yi and Yu Er have already started to annihilate all the dangerous factors, so they will not pay attention. They seem to have withdrawn from the distance, but in fact they soon got together again, and even found a way to find the good news gathering, and pulled him into the group.

They paid close attention to the situation in China. When they discovered that Meng Qing and Yuan Peng died one by one, and Qi Yun was still missing, he immediately began to track Qi Yun’s position. Qi Yun is a man who is deceitful and tough. One day is not a dead one. It is a hidden danger. Lian Jun and everyone have already washed white. They don’t want everyone to be pulled into the dark world again because of Qi Yun, so they want to secretly solve him.

Originally, they have been able to return to the side of Lianjun, but the helpless Zhang Zhuoyuan is too wasteful! Probably in the last year of the Chinese New Year, they actually locked in the fall of Qi Yun and found him hiding in a small city in H. After getting the news, they were afraid that they would ruin their new identity, and they would be able to help them to wash their white identity. They would betrayed the name of Qi Yun’s subordinates and handed the message to Zhang Zhuoyuan.

Who knows Zhang Zhuoyuan's waste, actually let Qiyun give it away! It hurts them to start from scratch. That Qi Yun is also awkward. When someone finds someone behind him, he becomes very careful. It took them almost a year to recapture Qiyun’s tail.

Wanpu's job advertisements are of course also seen. They also want to go back, but there is no turning back in the opening of the bow. Domestic medium-sized organizations are so difficult to clean up, partly because Qi Yun is secretly playing tricks. Qi Yun knows that once the medium-sized organization is finished, there is really no place for violent organization in the country, so it has been dying. In order to prevent Qiyun from continuing to engage in ghosts, and after recuperating, using the difficult medium-sized organizations to find the troubles of the Lianjun and everyone, they made up their minds and must return Qiyun to death!

As a result, now I have to look at things and they can do it. They can pretend to be reclusive for more than a year. They will return to Lianjun to enjoy everyone’s concern. A birthday card of Jiujiu has turned them into hell.

This time, don't talk about it, don't be sent to the frontier.

"Jun Shao is so reasonable, I can certainly understand and understand our..." Yu Jiu tried to relieve his sin.

When the second eyebrows were vertical, he raised his hand and gave him a head and said: "Sinner shut up!"

Yan Jiu dare not speak up, bowed his head and closed his mouth.

One frown, said: "First concentrate on Qiyun, this time you can never let him run away. Jun Shao there... After I go back, I am responsible for explaining, it is my head, I am pulling You guys work together."

"Don't, good brothers squat together." 卦 hurriedly waved his hand and looked at the house where Qi Yunyun lived in the surveillance. He rubbed his palm and looked bad. "The last fat fish, grab it as soon as possible, let everyone worry about it." Good year."


At the end of the preparation period, Zhang Zhuoyuan began the final closing of the net for the cleaning of medium-sized organizations. The news of the violent organization of the fire has appeared frequently again, and the public opinion has expanded rapidly. Even on the final exam papers, there have been questions about violent organizations.

On the day the exam ended, Lian Jun went home and went home when he picked it up.

In the car, Lianjun suddenly said: "Qiyun is off the net."

When I entered the squat, I remembered who Qi Yun was. "Ah," he said, "Is he only arrested now?" He thought that Qi Yun had already finished.

"Yeah." Lian Jun responded and caught his hand. "Qi Yun is very interesting. People who can't fight will avoid it. They will live their lives. If you know how to live, you will have the future. In fact, he has no retreat. After the cleaning of the domestic organization is completed, he will never have the opportunity to return to China and there is no chance to hurt us."

When I was wondering why the Lianjun suddenly said this, but he did not ask, and quietly accompanied him.

Lian Jun suddenly looked at him sideways, smiled and said: "Now he is gone." Not in the hands of a few fools. How could he have such a stupid subordinate, just because Qi Yun’s almost negligible hidden danger, he ventured into the dark world, sacrificed his own stable life, and finally protected everyone.

Now, those idiots should be ready to go home.

When he looked at his smile, he was full of fog - huh? What happened to Lianjun today?


When another heavy snow fell, all the other three people who went out to "train" all came back. When I went to the door to pick them up, I stared at them and got off the taxi one by one. I said with a black face: "Is training not only for half a month? Why are you coming back so many days late, are you secretly going out to play?"

After three months of tiredness, I didn’t expect that when I entered the meeting, I would greet them at the gate. After watching it, I watched the snow on my body. I guess he should have received a call from everyone. After that, I immediately waited at the door, and my heart moved, but I laughed on the face and replied: "Where, we are going to buy gifts for you and Jun."

"Let's say something nice, don't say hello in advance, I remember you." Shijin was still black face, seeing them with tiredness and slowing expression, said, "Let outside, go, go home." Six uncles gave you soup." Turned and opened the door.

Yu San and others quickly followed him, talking to him and looking at the opening of the community door, the fatigue on the face slowly dispersed, very satisfied.

It’s good to be greeted when I go home, there is hot soup waiting at home, and the happiness of ordinary people is probably this –

"Hey! Bring us three together!"

A familiar voice suddenly came across the road, destroying the silent atmosphere at this time.

The feelings of the hearts of the people stopped, and even the hands shook, and the luggage carried in the hand fell to the ground.

The time between the stepping gates suddenly stops, the mouth is slightly open, and after a few seconds, the sideways are stiffly looking towards the sound.

Opposite the road, Yu was standing there in a crumpled black coat, his hair was messy, and the wolf was like a refugee. When I saw him, he raised a big smile and raised his hand and greeted him: "Small progress, long time no see! Poorly pity our three lost children, take us home for the New Year."

When he looked at him, he slowly pressed his lips and turned his eyes to him. He took a breath and shook his breath. He stopped at the outermost periphery, looked at the second, and looked at him. The two people around him who are equally servant.

Standing on the right hand side of the second hand, Yu Jiu was blacked out by his "lost child". He resisted and did not raise his hand to look at him. He looked at the time when he dialed out and waited for him to stand up. He smiled, but because he was too nervous, he turned his face and said: "When you enter, I am coming back and fishing with you."

Standing on the other side of the second side, I was more decisive. I raised my hand and held the head of my second hand. Then I swept the person who had turned all over and looked over. "Low, we are back."

" guys!" There was no reaction at the time, and suddenly it broke out. He kicked his suitcase and picked up his sleeves and rushed toward the second.

The five people and so on also returned to God, and all the expressions were smashed down, and they rushed toward the three people across the road. When he finally returned to God, he wanted to stop, hesitated, and closed his mouth, standing on the side of the road and watching quietly.

A group of people like a wolf rushed toward the "little lamb" across the road, looking fierce, as if to see the killing of the enemy.

"Cushing trough... What are you doing!" The second one was shocked. He wanted to hide. He didn't hide. He was caught in the shoulders by the three scorpions. The backhand was pressed to the ground and he was busy." Don't! Everyone is a brother, have something to say!"

"I have nothing to say to your self-proclaimed person!" He hurriedly raised his fist and felt his body thinner than before. His fists were tight and he couldn’t wave it. I took a look at his head and shouted, "What heroes are you, you are definitely your bad idea, you are thinking too much!"

"I am! Not me!" I quickly retorted.

"Master, what you taught me, you didn't do it yourself! You liar!" There was also a smashing of the seven, and together with 卦10 and 卦8, "the big rebellion" put the 卦 on the ground.

As soon as they were "encircled", their faces were always loose and tight, and they slowly loosened. "This time I didn't do it right, I blame me."

The seven eyes were red at once, and he grabbed his collar and said: "You are too embarrassed, you are a big liar!"

On the other hand, Yu Jiu was also caught by the five, and the two silently looked at each other, and then tacitly raised their fists and collided each other. After the collision, they gave each other a hug for a long time.

A group of people clashed into a group, and when they stood on the road, they looked up, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised. Then they took a breath and took a breath. They pressed the red eyes and saw that there were already passersby’s "groups." Frightened, gathered the emotions, raised the voice and shouted: "Don't make trouble, go home and drink soup!"

Everyone's movements stopped and they looked at him together. Then they bent over and pulled the cockroaches from the ground. They also pulled their masters out of the ground, and they released the cockroaches. Everyone took pictures of the snow on their bodies, looked at each other and looked at each other with a dirty look of snow, and ridiculed each other mercilessly, then secretly hid the hidden red eyes and smiled and walked in together.

Snow did not know when it began to fall again.

When he entered, he walked with him, and while walking, he gave a glimpse of the general situation of the community. As soon as they listened carefully, they carefully looked at the scenery in the community and looked very focused.

When I walked to the artificial lake, I couldn’t help but stop.

Time has also stopped, Wen Sheng said: "There is a fish inside, and it can be caught when the weather is warmer next year."

Nine look at him and smiled and said.

He couldn't help but insert it into the middle of the two people, clinging to the shoulders of the time, jokingly asked: "Small advance, how have you ignored me, angry?"

When I looked at him, he didn't open his arm and said, "I am so angry with you. It is good to come back safely. Don't laugh when you don't want to laugh. See if your nose is frozen. Go ahead. Be careful about getting sick." After that, I walked back and walked forward.

He squatted and took his hand and touched his nose. He looked at the back of the moment and smiled again.

All the way to the road, when turning back to the villa's winding road, everyone noticed that there were two people standing outside the villa yard.

It is the Lianjun and the Sixth.

When I stopped, I looked at the side and looked at the other side.

Qi Yi, Yu Er and Yu Jiu also stopped at the same time. The two who were still hippie and smiling, immediately disappeared after seeing Lian Jun, their lips were close, and they did not feel the lower back.

"Jun Shao." He took the initiative to speak, his voice was a little dumb, "I'm sorry."

Nine-nine also bowed his head and said sorry.

The three people are like the eggplants that are frosted, standing a few steps away from Lianjun, and they are not even close.

"The three of you are really..." He wanted to smack them, and saw that they were obviously arrogant, and they blocked the scorpion, and they couldn’t bear to say anything.

Lian Jun’s sights swept them one by one, a thousand words, and finally only became one sentence: “It’s good to come back... enter the house, drink some warm soup.”

The tears of Yu Er’s tears came down, and he raised his hand to wipe it.

Nine-nine also sneaked his eyes.

One of them slammed his eyes with a sigh of relief. He shouted a sigh of relief and met the eyes of Lian Jun. He said: "Yes, Jun is less."

Yu San and others then laughed and pushed the three forwards to lean toward the honesty.

A group of people finally reunion, accompanied by the villa yard.

When I entered the last one, I stayed side by side with the last one, and looked at the ones, the second and the second, who were surrounded by the three people, and asked: "They are not going to train, they are wrong?"

Lian Jun looked at him sideways and grabbed his hand and said, "Sorry, I didn't tell you at the end of the preparation period."

"Forgive you!" When he entered, he talked very well and buckled his hand. The other hand caught a piece of snow, clenched it, then released it, took a deep breath, spit it out again, and smiled at him sideways. "This year is a reunion year. I can forgive you for what you do."

Lian Jun looked at him with a red-eyed smile, lowered his eyebrows, and indulged himself to reveal a little emotion, saying: "I am very happy when I enter."

"This kind of good day, who will be unhappy?" Time to answer, took him striding into the villa door, raised his hand to sweep the snow on his shoulder, reached out, and kept all the outside snow outside the house.