MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 167 Home (ten)

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The adoption procedure for the small death was fast, and after only three days, when I entered the name, I had a son. That's right, because he hasn't married Lianjun yet, so the little death is adopted in his name.

God knows how a person who has not yet reached the legal age of marriage has passed the government adoption review procedure...

What is even more frightening is that for him to adopt a small death, police officers such as Lao Deng have shown the principle of "it should be like this". Even when they entered, they found that the case of the trafficker who sent him to his side was in the police station. The file disappeared silently.

The little death became such a child naturally, without causing anyone's attention and doubt.

When I entered the vicissitudes of the sky, I finally got a sense of sourness in the Bug-level thighs that I actually embraced the world. Then he looked down at the phone and sent a text message to the five brothers to inform them that they had a son.

The next morning, the brothers and sisters who came back from all over the world blocked the door when they entered the house.

The little die came out and opened the door for them. He stood on the porch's small stool, holding the door handle, wearing a piece of conjoined bunny's home service, and wearing a buns face that had only six minutes to enter, said: "Small voice, still in. Sleeping, he caught the bad guys late last night, very tired."

When Wei Chong and others stood together, they stared at the small death in the door, and then the first break in Rongzhou, saying: "This, this child seems to be small! And he, he..."

"It's still very cheap." Fei Yujing added, carefully look at the face of a small death and ask, "Who are your biological parents?"

Little death looked at him, frowning: "I don't have parents, I know you, you used to bully and enter, and you, you, you, you also bullied and entered, only you are better." Ao court.

I sighed at Ao Ting, then warmed up and bent down to look at him. Wen Sheng asked: "These are Xiaojin telling you? What is your name?"

"I won’t say your bad things when I enter, I’m a little dead." Xiaodeng replied, just preparing to teach these bullies, who were bullying too late, and they were heard by the Lianjun who came over from the stool. .

He turned his head and looked at Lian Jun, glanced at Lian Jun’s neck and shut up his mouth.

Lian Jun first helped him to sort out the messy clothes, then looked at the door brothers at the door and said, "Come in, time has already gotten up. Don't be surprised, this child is indeed adopted, just happens to look like I am in time."

It happens to look like?

The five brothers of the family looked at the face of a small death and did not believe this explanation.


A group of people entered the living room, and Lian Jun put down the little death, and poured tea on the time.

After the small death was put down, he did not run around, so he sat down on the sofa and played with his own toys.

When Wei Chong always looked at the small death, the more he saw it, the more he felt like he was, and he couldn’t help himself. He took the initiative to speak with Xiaodie and asked: "Is your name a small wire? I just didn't hear it clearly."

Xiaomeng looked up at him and shook his head: "No, it is death, death is dead."

When this was said, not only did Wei Chong, but the other brothers all frowned.

Death of death? Which parent will give the child such a name.

They looked at the honesty who had finished the tea. Just ready to ask, they heard the doorbell rang again.

Lian Jun glanced at the door and said, "Sorry, I went to open the door and lost my companion." Then I went to open the door.

After a dozen seconds, a group of residents, such as Jia Longshu, Mr. Feng, and Zhang Gong, all came in. As soon as they came in, they surrounded the little dead, this pinching his face, the one who licked his head, all smiled, and his relatives were already awkward.

I noticed the toy in the hand of Xiaozhu, and said, "How do you play this in the small death, Mr. Feng is fooling you again? Don't believe him, playing this really won't be smart."

Mr. Feng’s face was black and he said: “If you don’t teach less, you will have a broken child!”

The little dead was let them argue and toss, the buns on the face were very calm, and my heart actually had a mouth and wanted to cry - these adults are terrible, he wants to enter...

When Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Shijin only ran downstairs in a pajamas. When everyone saw them, he said loudly: "It’s good to come, it’s really a big help, fast, small death has reached the age of kindergarten. Now, I have to give him a formal account, but the name is really not fixed. Let me help me think about it."


Everyone heard a word, remembered the name of a small death, and they frowned. - Indeed, this child is good, the original name is too unlucky.


Everyone was seated, and Shijin and Lianjun sat on the double sofa, and when they entered the small dead holding their legs, they flipped a dictionary with him.

"Would you like to find a word that is similar to the syllable of the dead word, such as the world, release, history, etc." The first one made a suggestion.

Shi Jin immediately vetoed: "No, no, my name, the child will be released, or history, not even good."

Everyone heard the words in the heart, the time, the time, the real thing? How to match the news, and swear. And time history... restaurants? Forget it, this name is definitely not available.

"Do you have to be a surname? In fact, it is better to follow the name of Jun Shao. It is better to take the name."

The five brothers of the family heard all the words and saw the fierce light--the children who adopted the name in the time, and why they followed the name of Lianjun! This is the child of his old family!

卦7: "..."

Time has obviously considered this possibility, and the words immediately said: "The surname is all right, that is, the name really has to be changed. If the little death is followed by the Lianjun surname, it is not good to call Lianzheng."

Everyone is silent, and they have to admit that it makes sense to make progress.

Mr. Feng suddenly said: "Now the newborn is on the hukou, it seems that the name of a word has not been taken."

When I entered, I was stupid: "Ah? Have you stopped?" He said that he quickly took out his mobile phone and searched it. Seeing that he did not let it go, he took the forehead angrily and said, "I really don't let it, then Let's think of the name of two words." Finished looking at Lianjun.

Lian Jun thought for a moment, suddenly reached out and touched the head of a small silence that had been silent, and asked: "Do you have any favorite words?"

Little dead blush, I am sorry to say.

Time can't help but laugh and said: "I asked about it last night. He said that he wants to call Jinjun."

"Go in." Little death is anxious to pull his clothes, let him not say.

When you enter the king, isn't this the same as the name of Shijinjin and Lianjun?

Everyone looked at the little death and looked down on the embarrassed look, and couldn’t help but rise up.

Sure enough, a child, ask him what words he likes, just put the names of the two parents together... Is this indirect to say that I like two parents?

Lian Jun was stunned by this answer, then his eyes softened, and he reached out and touched the little death. Then he simply took him over and let him sit on his lap and looked at his eyes and said: "If you like this, then call this."

Through these days of getting along, he has probably figured out the character of a small death. This is really a child who is too simple and kind... very like a time, very cute, and easy to like.

Everyone: "Ah?"

Time advances and small deaths are also a bit embarrassing.

"I really want to call this?" asked the time to confirm.

"He likes this, so let's call it. Parents should learn to respect the children's opinions. If you don't feel good, we can also change the way to find similar words, such as Jin, 瑾, Jin, Jing, or Jun, 钧, 珺, 骏, 筠 can all.” He said while picking up the note paper and writing down the words that seemed appropriate, and handing it to the little dead, Wen Wen asked, “Which one do you like? Literacy? If you are illiterate, I can explain them to you one by one."

Shi Jin also took a look at it and found that the words written in similar syllables were quite good. Some of them were good. They couldn’t help but touch the head of a small dead. They smiled and said: "This seems like it can be small. Die you pick one you like."

The little dead cockroach looked at the gentle and inquiring look of Lian Jun and the smiling face that came in and came over. Suddenly his mouth slammed and he hugged the Lianjun and said: "All can be... Baby, you don't hate me. Hey, I am really embarrassed..."

“How did you suddenly cry?” When he quickly touched his head, he looked at Lianjun. “You said you hate him?”

Lian Jun remembered his attitude towards him when he first met with Xiaoyan. He tightened his hand with a small death and shook his head in the direction of the moment. He nodded again and said, "A little misunderstanding, I am going to squat. He." After talking about holding up the little dead, he went to the small living room behind.

Everyone watched him leave, and for a while, they all smiled.

I didn’t expect Lianjun to have a day as a father... It’s good, this home is getting more and more popular.


Finally, the name of the small death was finalized, called Jin Jun, he picked himself. When I looked at this inexplicable name with a little rusticity and lavishness, I suddenly turned into a small death of a sinister, and gave him the name.

After the account was settled, I went to find a kindergarten and sent a small death to school.

Little Death doesn't want to go, and Mr. Feng, who is the child's No. 1 representative, immediately stands up and says that he can enlighten the little dead and not force his children to go to school. Time to refuse quickly, said that the small death needs not the enlightenment, is a friend.

On the first day of kindergarten, Xiaodan was blushed by the girl in the same class, and the bunny on the clothes was also pulled down.

When you start, you have to be big, and you are a little angry: "The teacher didn't stop it. This is not a simple fight."

Lian Jun sat on the side with a file, glanced at the little dead, answered no spirit, and frowned.

On the fifth day of kindergarten, the small death was pushed to the edge of the bunker by the big class and hit the head.

When the air is inflated, the hair must be erected, and the anger will leave the garden, indicating that you want to find a kindergarten for the little death!

Long Shu blacked his face and dealt with the wound again. He was angry. He said: "This kindergarten is too poor to manage. It really can't continue. Fortunately, the wound on Xiaojun's head is not deep and will not stay."

Lianjun couldn’t sit still, put down the documents, went to the front of Xiaodie’s knees, raised his hand and touched his forehead and asked: “Want to go to school?”

Xiao Chen looked at him and replied and shook his head: "I don't want to... I will teach those teachers."

"I don't want to make friends?" Lianjun continued to ask.

Little death or shaking his head: "I don't need friends." He really doesn't need friends. He came back like this, not originally to make friends.

Lian Jun touched his head and said: "If you don't want to go, then don't go, I will open a kindergarten for you."

When I entered it, I turned it around and looked silly. I asked, "Open a family?"

Lian Jun nodded, very serious: "Well, open a family."

The little dead eyes are big, and when you open your mouth. The two of them looked at Lianjun together, and then suddenly they realized that this family was originally a cheaper and more child-loving!


A month later, Wanpu Kindergarten opened up and opened in the community. Lianjun specially made a piece of land on the wall, re-cut it, renovated it, and made a small children's paradise on the side.

After the formalities were completed, Mr. Feng took up the post of the kindergarten director, and then used his network to quickly get the teacher's all-inclusive. After that, Lianjun promoted in his own company, so there was also a student source, and the choice of students could be completely controlled by him.

When I entered, I felt that Lian Jun’s behavior of opening a kindergarten for a small death was too far off the mark, but when he saw that the little death was led by Mr. Feng and he was happy to go to school, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Just like this, your child is still on his own site, so that people can rest assured.


The three-month internship ended in a blink of an eye, and then returned to school.

The atmosphere of graduation has become strong, and Shijin has concentrated on preparing his last final assessment, and then ushered in graduation in early June.

On the official graduation day, the police school opened the campus. Shi Jin and other students, changed their uniforms early to go to the school gate and waited for the parents to attend the graduation ceremony.

At 9:00 am, the parents will get the school at 8:30. Look at the time from time to time, a little anxious. Lian Jun and Yi Yi, they do not worry, everyone will be able to get on time, but a few brothers may not be. Especially in Rongzhou, he seems to be filming in other provinces the day before.

At eight o'clock, a train team slowly stopped at the school gate under the eyes of the graduates and the parents of the graduates. Then a car in the head immediately opened the back door of the car, and Lian Jun took the car out of a small death.

Lian Jun wore a very formal suit today, and the small death he was holding was specially put on a small suit. As soon as they appeared, they immediately embellished the school gate that was crowded with the car into a red carpet.

"This side!" When the eyes entered, he ran over happily, reached out and took the little death, and kissed him with a force, and asked, "Son, do you want me?"

The little death was blushing, but he still hugged his face and kissed him. He nodded honestly: "I think, I haven’t been home for a long time."

"I am not busy with the exam." When he answered, he looked at Lianjun and praised, "Baby is really handsome today!"

Lian Jun hooked his lips and leaned over to kiss him.

The vague commotion came from all around, and when it entered a stiff time, I glanced at the students around here and looked at the students. They coughed and suppressed the embarrassment. They took the hands of Lianjun and said, "What, let’s I have to wait, my brother, they haven't come yet."

"Hey, this group of brothers is really troublesome." The second step of getting off the car was a sigh. He also made a formal dress tonight, and his anger converges. It looks particularly handsome and handsome.

Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, a black car suddenly stopped at his side, the window lowered, revealing the face to the court. To the court today, he changed his uniform to the military uniform. He looked forward to the time and said: "Xiao Jin, big brother and second brother will arrive in a short time, the fifth is on the road, the third brother can't contact. I will go to the parking first, for a while. Come on." Speaking of the window, went away.

The second expression is a bit stiff: "I really don't like people wearing military uniforms."

When he entered him, he pointed to his clothes and lowered his voice: "Well?"

"You are a school uniform, not the same."

At 8:15, Shi Wei Chong, Fei Yujing and Li Jiuyi finally arrived. Everyone was dressed in a formal dress. Standing at the time, they stood in the school gate and stood up as a showcase for various styles of suits.

There are a lot of people who are sneak shots, and they try their best to ignore them. Concentrate on what you need to pay attention to when you enter the graduation ceremony.

At half past eight, Rong Zhouzhong finally appeared at the school gate. He stepped down from the nanny car, and his body was also dressed in a formal dress. Probably anxious, he forgot to wear sunglasses, and once again, the car stunned at the school gate.

"Small forward, sorry, it came a little late, traffic jam on the road." Rong Zhouzhong explained that he was approaching as he approached.

Shijin obviously felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not starting right. Some girls couldn’t help but want to lean over. The back was sweaty and vertical, and they were busy putting a small death into the arms of Lianjun. After two sentences, they ushered in the battle of Rongzhou. In the middle of the arm, he took him to the school gate and walked down and said, "Why don't you wear a sunglasses... fast, get ready to run!"


After a rush of horses, everyone finally arrived at the graduation ceremony and settled down. When I entered my seat, I sat down with my classmates.

Liu Yong just sat behind him and couldn't help but poke him: "When you enter, you are pulling the wind today. The family members are all like models. The fiance is also handsome. Even the baby has it, but the child. Is it really your adoption? It looks too much like you."

When I entered the corner of my mouth, I pumped it and said, "Don't, the price of pulling the wind will not be known." The feeling of being surrounded by the crowd is not very good.

At nine o'clock, the graduation ceremony officially began. Still the old process, the principal gave a speech, and then the representatives gave speeches. After that, the students went to the oath to get the diploma, and finally issued the certificate of each outstanding student, and the graduate student representative took the stage to speak.

By the four years of outstanding performance, the time has become the representative of this year's graduates without any suspense. In the applause, he stood up and went to the stage, standing on the stage, watching the students below, and finally moving his eyes to the direction of the family seat, sweeping the positive or proud or emotionally or seriously looking at his partner, child, home. People, smiling and picking up the microphone, said: "Thank you for your affirmation to me. These four years are four years of great importance in my life..."

Four years ago, he was drifting, and four years later, he stood here, and his life was complete, and there was no other demand.

The lights and the sights came together. He smiled and said, and then, after the speech ended, he took the outstanding graduate certificate and flowers from the hands of the special guest, and smiled and embraced the court. Salute everyone towards the stage.

The applause thundered, and he looked at the honest man on his family's seat, looked into his tender and proud eyes, and then smiled brilliantly.


"Stand up! I have to shoot, count down to three seconds, don't blink." Liu Yong took the camera and acted as a temporary photographer.

In the lens, the time is in the middle of the Lianjun who is holding a small death. When he is at hand, he is the five brothers who are arranged in turn. The hands of Lianjun are the first one, the second one, the third, the fifth, the ninety-five. In the back row of them, everyone else also finds a good position and stands upright.

"Photographed, countdown, three, two, one... eggplant!"

Rubbing, the picture is frozen, the happiness is fixed, everyone finally graduated from suffering.