MTL - Demon God-Chapter 724 Kill all!

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() Now, in the entire immortal world, hundreds of millions of immortals, including some hidden mysterious immortals, have paid close attention to two battles. One of them, the Battle of the White Phoenix City, has come to an end like lightning!

Tian Yimen's five low-level immortals came aggressively, full of confidence, and wanted to level Baifeng City with a crushing posture!

That ’s right, there are 5 low-level immortals, leading many high-end true immortals, enough to settle at least 70% of the cities and gates of the immortal world! There is a white phoenix city, and the main force has already gone to the windward canyon for trading, and I can't resist it.

Unexpectedly! Sudden things happened suddenly!

5 low-level fairy emperors, fell instantly!

Heaven and earth weep!

After 5 immortal emperors fell, the remaining high-level true immortals fell naturally in one hit! Six 7th-level alien creatures beheaded again to produce a sword-like approach, drawing the sky out of meteor-like traces, the space was broken, the sword light swept everything, covering the eight wastelands, crushing the void.

With these knives, the Tao has exhausted the essence of the 100-year sword. The sword flashed and the human head fell to the ground. Moreover, the sword is like fairy and immortal and demon and not demon. Terrible state.

The immortals who looked around in all directions, the immortal knowledge they radiated, were almost destroyed.

Fortunately, Daoguang came fast and went faster.

Close up.

"Master, you have wiped out all the enemies!"

The six alien-space life converged instantly, and naturally suppressed the realm to a level 5 true immortal, which was very weird.

See, in the void. A large number of fairy corpses were suspended. They are all different. But the body was not much damaged.

"Master, at your request, none of the fairy bodies were destroyed."

"Okay, very good," Xiao Han was also excited, although now, Xiao Han's own fighting power is an invincible opponent under the Emperor Xian. Almost swept. However, in the face of the lower-level imperial emperor, Xiao Han couldn't fight it. However, these domineering 7-level alien life are also the first part of Xiao Han's strength. It can be said that Xiao Han is now experiencing the thrill of killing Xiandi for the first time!

Yes, it's pleasure!

Immortals, the existence of the top of the immortal pyramid, among the hundreds of millions of true immortals, may not be able to give birth to many immortals! It can be said. Every fairy emperor is heaven and earth. Spirit of Everything! Now, Xiao Han destroyed 5 statues at once!


There is a feeling of crushing!

Even in Xiao Han's heart, the egg of the demon **** moved slightly, and the soul of the demon **** emitted a wave of joy!

"Look ... God is crying ..." Xiao Han grabbed his right hand and caught some raindrops. Above the head, the wind and thunder were violent, and the swirls were violent. The wind blew Xiao Han's hair and fluttered. Xiao Han is like a demon! Stand Void! Use your right hand to put all the fairy corpses into the storage ring!

"All of you who are watching ..." Suddenly, Xiao Han's soul wavered, and sent out the sound waves, and transmitted it to extremely remote places. "Tianyimen, for the evil world, the family grows big, squeezes everywhere, has the upper hand, Plunder resources, bully men and women ... I, Bai Fengmen, declare war on Tianyimen! Challenge Tianyimen's supremacy, only to balance the forces of the immortal world! Today, Tianyimen has suffered heavy losses, and even the Emperor Xian has fallen. A few, for Tianyimen, the fall of the Emperor is a matter that shakes the foundation !!! Now ... I ’ll repeat the old thing, and I am willing to join Baifeng City to fight against Tianyimen together, we can quickly reach Baifengmen ...... The pattern of fairyland is about to be broken. I hope everyone can see the situation clearly! "

When Xiao Han said these words, he used the name of Bai Fengcheng. In this way, if the reclusive senior emperor giants knew the turmoil of the immortal world, they would first consider that it was between various forces in the immortal world. The turmoil, grabbing class and power, and may ignore Xiao Han's true identity.

In terms of power, Xiao Han still dared not fight the four senior immortals.

Having said this, Xiao Han led the alien space creatures back to the general altar of Baifengmen.

Everything is quiet again.

The storm rain began to end. The sky was clear again.

And at this time ...

The downfall of Tianyimen's five lower-level imperial emperors caused an uproar, which did not calm down at all, but intensified ...

"Inconceivable! Heaven is defeated! Tianyimen is going to lose! The immortal world pattern will be broken! In the first battle, there must be an intermediate fairy emperor on the side of Bai Fengcheng! And, there may be more than one intermediate fairy emperor!"

"From this point of view, Bai Fengcheng has enough power to slap his wrists with Tian Yimen and fight against the court!"

"What chamber resists the ceremony? Now the momentum of Bai Fengcheng is definitely going to overwhelm the sky, a crushing advantage! It seems that there is no enduring gate in the immortal world."

"Huh! I said that many injustices must be self-defeating. In recent years, Tianyimen has been so inflated that it has done a lot of blessings and done many poisonous things. Therefore, their luck is over!"


Nowadays, there are many ancestral gates in the fairy realm.


"Now is the critical period! We must stand up for the team! On the other hand, Tianyimen lost power. On the contrary, the rise of Baifengmen is unstoppable! If we go to Baifengmen now, we will definitely be taken seriously. The merits of the ~~~~~~~~~ Good! I made a decision in Qinghe Sect!

"I also went to Baifengmen immediately!"

"Huh! In the past, Tianyimen pressured me Qianjiaogu miserable! Now ... revenge! I Qianjiaogu went to Baifengmen to avenge Tianyimen!"


Numerous ancestral gates, scattered Xiuxian people, have already made a decision to turn to Baifengmen.

Now Tianyimen has some smell of falling trees.

Of course, there are most of the Zongmen and Sanxiu who are still watching ...

"Don't be impatient first, there will be another battle that affects the future trend of Baifengmen and Tianyimen! The battle of the windward canyon!"

"Yes! Now we all turn our attention to it! It is not yet possible to say that Tianyimen was defeated completely, and there is a crucial battle, if. Tianyimen can be in the battle of the windward canyon. Save a game ... then the war will take a turn for the better. "

"In contrast, if the battle in the windward gorge and Tianyimen still fail, the ten thousand years of foundation and luck will probably come to an end."


Everyone focused on the windward canyon!

Countless immortals have been released and enveloped the past.


After Xiao Han returned to the general altar of Baifengmen. Immediately summon Bai Fengzi and Bai Yunzi and others.

The fall of the Emperor Emperor has already created a terrifying shock for Bai Fengcheng and the immortals of the city! It's nothing to kill a level 10 real immortal, but if you kill immortal emperor, things will get bigger!

This is already a major event that disturbs the fairyland pattern!


Bai Fengzi and others, all covered!

In the Chamber. Xiao Hanyun lightly holding a cup of steaming tea, took a sip, and smiled lightly. "Bai Fengzi, now, the foundation of Tianyimen is in chaos. I believe that there will soon be a large number of Zongmen and Sanxiu coming to Baifengmen ... Oh, Tianyi ancestor, are you still calm?" After a meal, Xiao Han looked at the distant distance, and seemed to look at the position of the Tianyimen altar, muttering. "Best, you should defeat your opponents too? Tianyimen, this time I want you to look good !!!"


Windward Canyon!

The 100th, 99th, and 87th, "holding" the wind bracelet, entered the windward canyon.

"Okay, start trading," Tian Yimen's four low-level immortals said slightly impatiently. I don't know why. Suddenly, a weird feeling surged in their hearts ...

Seems like a sudden sadness!

It seems to be a vicious ominous premonition!

And there is also a kind of sad rabbit fox!

Of course, the Battle of Baifengmen, an elder these days, does not yet know the outcome. They just have a certain level of realm, and they have a kind of consciousness that the autumn breeze does not move.

"Well, deal," Best smiled slightly.

Between the waves, a scroll and a storage ring floated to the front of Bai Shi.

"This scroll is the latest map of the fairyland, and 5 billion cents are prevented in the storage ring," Tian Yimen, an elder sneered. "Rest assured, this thing, for us Tianyimen, nine cattle and one hair, will not cheat you."

"That would be the best," Best said.

"Now is it time to lift the restraint on the wind bracelet?" Tian Yimen's four elders had a murderous look in their eyes.

"We are also trustworthy people, ha ha ha ha ~~~~~~~~" Best nodded with a laugh, and then swiped directly with his right hand!

"噗 ~~~~~~~~~~~"

A knife light, directly into the wind bracelet!

Immediately, a crisp sound came out of the wind bracelet, as if the shell of an egg was broken.


袅袅 Immortal, transpiration from the skin pores of the wind bracelet!

Suddenly, the wind bracelet returned to the realm!

at this time!

Two things happen almost at the same time!

The first thing is the 100th, 99th, and 87th lives. Grabbed into a corner of the canyon at almost instantaneous speed! Almost instantly, the body was moved by the moment when the ban on wind bracelets was lifted!

The second thing is also after the wind bracelet is determined to be safe, the four elders of Tianyimen immediately ordered ... "Hands on! Killing into **** !!!!!!"

However, the speed and thoughts of Bai Shi's movement must be faster than the attack of Tianyimen!

I saw ...

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The violent and strong attack instantly blasted to the area where the three people including Best were located!

"噗 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

The attacks of 6 low-level imperial emperors, and a large number of high-level true immortals, will instantly tear their afterimages!

"What? !!!" Tian Yimen was shocked! They expected that Baishi and others might run away quickly, but this attack of 6 low-level immortals and a large number of high-level true immortals broke out at the same time, or magic magic attack, or magic weapon The range of the attack was very wide, almost covering the entire canyon directly. A ranged attack was formed. Therefore, no matter how best they dodged, they will be attacked, at least they should be injured. However, this wave of the most powerful scoping attacks was actually avoided by others such as Best!

This is impossible!

No, there is only one possibility ... it is in the canyon.

In this gorge, there is only one place to avoid attacks from any other corner of the gorge, and it can also block the first scans instantly! Even a blind spot that is not easy to spot with the naked eye!

They have already planned in advance. When a soldier attacked the first wave of the day, they directly entered the dead spot!

In this way, you can avoid the first wave of attacks without loss!

Then, at Tianyimen, there was a moment of failure and misunderstanding!


Best can directly hack out a Xeon sword!

The 100th best way of sword! The strongest attack hello!

Intermediate immortal energy, blessing instantly!


Sweep the light!

Hidden in a space array, the two low-level immortal emperors were swept back in two!

The burst of space is broken! !! !! !!

"Hoooo !!!!!! No !!!" The four low-level immortals outside broke out with a heartbreaking scream!

However, at the same time as the 100th attack, the 99th and the 87th also used their whole body power to condense the power and chopped out the amazing swordman!

Disaster comes!

In the case of complete misunderstanding and horror, 4 low-level fairy emperors were so vulnerable when they faced the full blow of 2 middle-level fairy emperors!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Daoguang hanged and smashed 4 low-level fairy emperors into pieces!


Tianyimen 6 low-level fairy emperors ~ ~ all killed!

You know, if it ’s the front-line killing, the low-level immortal emperor has magic weapon, and the best of them has no magic weapon. Then, the two low-level immortal emperor can resist an alien creature.

But in this battle, Best was completely determined and then moved. They snatched a dead end in advance. When the attack from the other side just came to an end, they shot up and killed these low-level immortals one by one!

perfect! !! !! !!


In two battles, Tianyimen lost 11 low-level immortals! And Xiao Han was unscathed!

Extremely perfect! !! !! !!



…… (To be continued ...)