MTL - Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel-Chapter 18 [018] The author is here

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   Chapter 18 [018] The author is here

   Chaotiandu Post Station, divided into folk and imperial.

  The folk station is mainly responsible for the distant transportation of goods and letters at the level of the common people. For example, if you are doing business in the north and want to send a letter to your home, or send local specialties, you can do so through the station.

  The imperial post was only used by people with official positions. It was usually used to transmit military information, or the memorials that local officials wanted to submit to the emperor for correction.

Ning Xiu, as the Iron Horse Fighting Demon Division, naturally chose the imperial post station. When he came to the imperial post station set up in Wendeng County, there was no one in it except for a few post soldiers and two teenagers in brocade clothes. others too.

It can be said that it is very deserted. In fact, being a courier in the imperial post is a leisure job. Except for the tight war or the outbreak of evil and harmful incidents somewhere, the courier will not be too busy for most of the year. .

"My father just got down from the seat of the county magistrate, so you said that I can no longer use the imperial post office to deliver goods now? It's unreasonable, you are saying that people take the tea, but my father hasn't left yet. "

   "My son really has something important to do today, you can be accommodating, the old county magistrate is also the county magistrate."

   "You can't, Mr. Huang, this is the rule of the imperial post. Non-official people are not allowed to use the imperial post. Not to mention that Huang Xiancheng has only been in the post for a few days. Even if he is down this morning, he will not be able to use this post in the afternoon."

  Ning Xiu had just walked into the station when he saw that the two young men were chatting with the station guard. The two seemed to know that one was the son of a certain family, and the other was a follower.

   Seeing these people talk more and more anxiously, I'm afraid that if this continues, there will be no results for a few hours.

  Ning Xiu asked aloud, "What kind of goods are you sending?"

   The jailer and the two teenagers turned their heads and looked over when they heard the sound. After seeing Ning Xiu, the three of them had puzzled expressions on their faces at the same time.

   is almost like ‘Who are you? ' Those three words were written on his face.

  Ning Xiu took out his token, the jailer saw it, and instantly recognized Ning Xiu's identity, and quickly said respectfully, "I have seen your lord."

   Seeing this situation, the two of them were speechless. The man in front of him looked younger than him, but he was an official?

   "Sir, this Mr. Huang is the eldest son of the former county magistrate, Huang You. This time I want to send a box of books to Lin'an House." The jailer replied.

   "Show me the goods." Ning Xiu waved his hand, and the jailer immediately ran over with a wooden box.

   As Ning Xiu opened the box, a box of books with apricot-colored covers came into his eyes.

  The familiar yellow writing, the familiar picture in the house of one man and two women, the only difference from the book Ning Xiu saw in Dong Fu is that this time the titles of these books have a suffix behind them.


   Counting, there are as many as fifteen books in this box.

   " have quite a complete collection." Ning Xiu was a little choked for a while. If the people above knew that someone was planning to use the imperial post to send books about Huang Bao, I really don't know how he would feel.

   "Sir, it's not a collection, these are all my own writings, first-hand writing."

Huang You patted his chest: "It's not that I am proud to show off to you, I have always made money by writing such elegant books, as long as I send the manuscript to the book club in Lin'an House, they will help me publish the book. At that time, a large amount of silver taels from book sales would enter my bank account every month."

   "Good guy, the author is in front of me." Ning Xiu was even more choked up, what a fate.

   The little valet next to him immediately echoed: "My lord, can I trouble you to ask this courier to help my son send these manuscripts, so as not to delay the publication date, my son will definitely thank you."

   Huang You was reminded by this servant, and said quickly: "Yes, I hope you can help me, I will thank you next time."

  Ning Xiu checked the whole box of books with the spirit eye qi technique. After confirming that there was no evil spirit, he nodded to the jailer and said, "Let him send it one last time, only this time."

   "Okay." With the permission of Fu Mowei, the rule is that the dead are alive, and the courier naturally responded immediately.

"I also want to send something to Chaotiandu immediately. You should know where I do things. Just send it there and give it to someone named Su Qianqian. It's urgent, so don't delay." Ning Xiu He took out the incantation picture he copied from Liu Fu's body and handed it to the courier.

   "Yes!" As soon as Ning Xiu said the word "urgent", the courier's expression instantly became serious.

The entrustment of Fu Mowei is always the highest priority in any court post, so the postmen did not delay, handed over a box of Huang You's yellow books to other postmen to do, and went directly to the stable to ride a horse. , and quickly left Wendeng County with the incantation map.

   In this way, Ning Xiu only needs to wait for Su Qianqian to read the spell picture, write the meaning of the spell picture on the paper and send it back.

"The situation of the other deceased, I have asked Fang Ping to ask Dong Fu to send someone to check. I don't know if all the people who died of drowning this time have become corpses." Ning Xiu thought to himself, and planned to go back to the Yamen first. If there is news coming back, you can also know firsthand.

   However, just as he walked out of the inn, there was a call from behind him.

   "Sir! Take a step, my lord."

   looked back, but it was Huang You and his valet.

  Ning Xiu said: "What else?"

   "Your Excellency helped me with this favor today, and I am truly grateful. I also hope that Your Excellency will appreciate your respect. I will gather at Lanyuelou tonight, and let me do my best to entertain you."

   The old man in his own family has already stepped down, and his right to speak in Wendeng County will inevitably deteriorate day by day. Today, when he encounters such a talkative young official, Huang You has the intention of making good friends.

   If you can have a relationship with Ning Xiu, it will definitely be beneficial to yourself.

Ning Xiu came to Wendeng County this time to investigate the truth about the bizarre drowning cases of more than ten people. He didn't know how long he would stay in Wendeng County. It would also be good for him to get to know someone who could eat well there. .

   Anyway, I was fine in Wendeng County at night, so I agreed.

Before parting, Ning Xiu couldn't help but ask his doubts: "Young Master Huang, I don't think your manuscripts are valuables. Since the imperial inn will not accept them, why not replace them with a private inn? The head is different, and the others don't seem to be much different."

Huang You shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Sir, you don't know, I once chose to use a private post to send the manuscript, but their people actually took out my book and peeked at it on the way, and finally got it. Losing it, I wasted a lot of time, this has to be a reliable post in the imperial court, and the postmen are all professional."

   After saying goodbye to Huang You, Ning Xiu returned to the county office.

   At this time, Dong Fu had no time to read his 'good book' anymore, but wandered back and forth in the study, his face a little anxious.

   After seeing Ning Xiu walking in from the outside, Dong Fu hurriedly greeted him and said, "Master Ning, you are back."

  Ning Xiu said: "I asked you to send someone to investigate, how is the situation?"

"It's very bad. The room where the coffins of the deceased are placed is full of dampness and dripping water. According to your explanation, I did not move any of the coffins, but transported all the coffins back. yamen."

  Even if it is a rank nine corpse, it is not something that ordinary people can handle. If they are not handled well and let them escape, it will inevitably lead to a disaster in Wendeng County.

   Bringing all the corpses back to the yamen, it is convenient for Ning Xiu to perform physical transcendence on them one by one, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

   "Don't worry, as long as you can control the hidden dangers at present, take me to the place where the coffin is stored."

  Accompanied by Dong Fu, Ning Xiu came to the backyard of the county government office. At this time, there were more than ten sets of coffins placed in the open space in the backyard. Water droplets could not stop seeping out from each of them, and the yard became wet and muddy.

  Ning Xiu used the Spiritual Eye Observation Technique to see at a glance that the evil energy in the backyard had already grown to a very serious level.

   Swinging back Dong Fu and accompanying him to catch Kuai, Ning Xiu started to open the coffin and kill the corpse alone. It didn't take long for him to get 8,000 general proficiency points.

   If one corpse turned into a corpse by accident, then all seventeen corpses were corpses, and the situation was very serious.

   On the bodies of the seventeen corpses, Ning Xiu also found the exact same incantation picture as the one on Liu Fu's body. This must be something that was trying to disturb the peace of Wendeng County.

   The mastermind behind the scenes must be hiding somewhere in Wendeng County at this time. Only by uncovering the mastermind behind the scenes can Wendeng County be able to completely restore its past peace.

   When Ning Xiu walked out of the backyard, Dong Fu and the others who were standing outside immediately leaned over and asked, "Sir, how is the situation?"

   "These people have all become corpses. You go to negotiate with the family of the deceased. Compensation is not a problem. It is best to get them to agree to take the corpse for cremation." Ning Xiu said.

   "Okay, I'll order someone to do it."


   In a blink of an eye, it was already night in Wendeng County.

  Because of the relationship between Wen Deng's three musts, Wen Deng County will be far more lively at night than during the day, and the whole county is full of bright lights, bright as day.

  Everyone knows that this is the beginning of nightlife in Wendeng County.

   On the appointment of Huangyou, Ning Xiu came to the most lively Lanyuelou in Wendeng County on time.

  All the tables in the building have been occupied, and the people who serve the dishes and those who drink and drink are very lively.

  Lanyuelou is not a brothel, nor a restaurant, but a trinity that gathers drinking, listening to music, and appreciating beauty.

  Every night, all the three religions and nine styles in Wendeng County will appear here. You can see the old man selling pancakes in the morning, and you can also see some merchants.

   "Guest officer, do you have a seat?" When Ning Xiu walked into the Lanyue Building, someone ran over and asked.

  Ning Xiu said: "I'm here to find Huang You."

   "You are Mr. Huang's distinguished guest, please come in, Mr. Huang has been here for a long time."

   Under the leadership of this man, Ning Xiu came to a private room in the corner of the first floor, where Huang You and his attendant sat.

   Seeing Ning Xiu's arrival, Huang You immediately stood up and greeted, "Sir Ning, sit down, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

  There are a few dishes on the table and a jug of wine. It is not extravagant, but has a market atmosphere, which makes Ning Xiu look very comfortable.

   "Tonight Lanyuelou invited the famous Wanbao caravan to hold a bidding competition here. This is much more interesting than those singing and dancing on weekdays. Lord Ning can feast your eyes on it later."

   (end of this chapter)