MTL - Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel-Chapter 197 【197】Heaven Road Monument

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   Chapter 197 [197] Monument of Heaven

The expression on the    giant face was the same as that of the guy standing on the behemoth, showing a smile.

   And a large amount of molten slurry in the mouth rolled, and with a forceful spit, it all spewed out, and the sky was densely covered, making the sky become scarlet.

   Drops of molten lava dripped from the sky, like a rain of flames, and the ground was burned with potholes and fires everywhere.

   Such an act of declaring war, Ning Xiu couldn't help but narrow his eyes immediately, the visitor is not good.

   Suddenly, there was such a mysterious and powerful guy approaching Dashang Zhongzhou, and at a glance, he knew that he would not have a very good purpose.

   Now that Ning Xiu is a sacred place in the interior scene, he naturally has the responsibility to sit in the big business and protect all the people of Zhongzhou.

   He didn't care about drinking anymore, he got up and disappeared in place in an instant.

   "Huh? What's going on."

   "Lord Ning, where did you go? You left so suddenly."

   "There must be something going on, otherwise how could you just say that and leave."

   Emperor Wu's expression was indifferent. He should be the only one who guessed that Ning Xiu had stepped into the Holy Land of Interior Scenery.

   This kind of realm has only been entered by the Three Saints since the beginning of Dashang for hundreds of years, and he can be regarded as the first person in Dashang today.

   Even if Emperor Wu faced Ning Xiu, he could not show the majesty of an emperor because he was still young, and he could be treated with equal or even respect.

   Just like how the previous emperor treated the three saints, Ning Xiu's sudden departure, in Wu Tianzi's opinion, must be because the other party suddenly has something urgent to do, and it is too late to explain.

   Shen Jiangxing wondered: "Could it be that something happened."

   He immediately mobilized his life star to look around in the sky, but found nothing.

   Immediately mobilized the life star to diffuse to the surrounding area further away, but there was still no discovery.

   In fact, at this time, the strange visitor had already quietly arrived at a place not far from the Yangyao Emperor Pole Formation, but Shen Jiangxing did not find the existence of this guy, which means that the strength of the other party surpassed him by too much.

  Ningxiu stood high in the sky and confronted the visitor.

The person standing under him turned out to be a giant whale with a length of 1,000 meters. To say it was a whale was a bit inappropriate, because the body of this monster was covered with gray feathers, and a pair of wings that covered the sky were spread out, which was enough to attack him. This area is shaded from the sun.

  Ning Xiu's mind suddenly came up with a thought, could it be that Kunpeng failed?

   In this world, there are monsters Ning Xiu knows, but they are nothing more than some common beasts such as wolves, tigers, lions and eagles, dogs, snakes, foxes and birds.

   It is even rarer, Jiaolong is already the pinnacle of the bloodline of the current demon race.

   Kunpeng, a big monster that only exists in legends, Ning Xiu never thought that it would actually exist.

   "Sure enough, if you live for a long time, you can see everything." Ning Xiu said to himself.

   The skin that stood on Kunpeng's back was like a diamond, bright, clear and pure, and his hair was like a crystal, emitting a bright light.

  Ning Xiu was really not sure for a while whether this guy was a human race, and what was the purpose of coming to Dashang today.

   "The big business frontier is forbidden." Ning Xiu said indifferently.

   Although he didn't say it loudly, his voice was like thunder, roaring and roaring, and it was impossible for anyone within a hundred miles to hear it clearly.

   "If you hand over the Tiandao inscription on your own initiative, this seat can be courteous to you, and you won't do it yourself. Otherwise, even if this seat is digging three feet into the ground, you have to find what you want."

"Heavenly Taoist Monument..." Ning Xiu frowned slightly, but he didn't understand what it was, but after thinking that after he stepped into the Holy Land of Interior Scenery, a mysterious rune that was exactly the same as the one that appeared on the surface of the God Stone appeared above the sky of Dashang. .

   He suddenly realized, could that thing be the Heavenly Dao Monument?

  For hundreds of years, someone who knew the details of the stele finally appeared.

   However, the person in front of him is obviously not a good person, and his attitude is different. The stone tablet of Dashang God has been in Dashang for hundreds of years and has brought great help to Dashang.

   That's it, how could Ning Xiu hand over the Divine Stone Stele to outsiders for nothing? Don't even think about it.

   "You come to ask for something like this, thinking you are something." Ning Xiu's aura was fully released, and his intentions were already very obvious.

   After he achieved the Holy Land of the Interior Scene, he has not really exerted his full strength. This guy of unknown origin in front of him is the best sharpening stone.

   "You don't want to be ashamed of your face, so don't blame this seat for taking action. Today, this country is destroyed, and you are 90% responsible." The man let out a sneer, and the huge face in the sky spit out angrily.

  A large amount of flames spewed out, like a river of flames pouring down, and the momentum was extremely amazing.


  The flaming river is also mixed with a lot of lava, which does not look like an illusion, but a real substance.

  Ning Xiu's heart moved, and the earth burst into multiple cracks in an instant, and spring pillars shot into the sky, forming a water curtain, blocking all the flaming rivers.

  The fire and water touched each other, and a large amount of scorching mist rose up instantly, filling the entire sky.

   The method of controlling water and fire is originally an exclusive technique of the Immortal Dao, but when it reaches the realm of the interior scene, it is the integration of multiple Daos. Basically, many Dao abilities can be used with the power of the mind.

   Just when the hot steam covered the entire sky and his vision became extremely gray, Ning Xiu suddenly stretched out his hand and punched him in front of him.

   As if predicting, it directly collided with the man's fist.


   Both of them possessed great strength, and when this punch went down, the burst of energy instantly emptied all the fog in this side of the sky.


   Seeing that Ning Xiu was even fighting with himself in terms of strength, Feng Jiukuang was instantly shocked.

  I have already cultivated into a 30% inextinguishable body, and I have a natural advantage in terms of vigor, and even the interior sacred realm cannot compete with myself.

   What is going on with this guy in front of you? How could his vigor talent be so defiant.

  In the realm of the interior scene, some strong people will use the power of mind to make themselves look younger.

   But this method can only deceive people who are lower than your own realm. When you meet a strong person in the same realm, others can see how old you are by looking at your bone age.

  Ning Xiu's age is not only young enough to make Feng Jiukuang jealous, but he has been immersed in the interior scene for many years, and he was even compared to a teenage guy like Ning Xiu.

   What an enchanting talent this is!

  Feng Jiukuang was extremely jealous. He knew very well that with Ning Xiu's talent, if he continued to cultivate, within ten years, his achievements would be far above his own.

   Faced with this situation, Feng Jiu Kuang just wanted to destroy Ning Xiu. As long as he didn't grow up as a genius, he wouldn't be considered a genius.

   Let the genius die, this is the most pleasant thing.

   Facing the shock of Feng Jiukuang, Ning Xiu's fist shook, and the strength of Dengfeng's fifth level of strength exploded instantly.

   Just received the punch from Feng Jiukuang, but he still kept his hand, he didn't show his full strength at all, and it was at this moment that it really broke out.

  Feng Jiukuang didn't react for a while, and the whole person was shocked and flew out in an instant.

  Ning Xiu directly released the state of Dahetian. Feng Jiukuang's origin is unknown, and he is also hostile to Dashang. There is no need for him to talk nonsense with him.

   Six-armed **** sky rushed in front of Feng Jiukuang, six punches beat wildly, Feng Jiukuang barely took thirty punches, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Every punch of Ning Xiu would pass through his body and smash on the ground. As a result, deep pits with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared on the surface of the ground. I don't know how many undead died in it. , spread to death.

  Rao is Feng Jiu Kuang, who is a holy place in the interior scene. He also feels that his internal organs are about to be displaced. Even if he has 30% of his immortal body, if he is beaten again, it is estimated that it will fall apart.

Feng Jiukuang moved and quickly left Ning Xiu's side. Kunpeng, who had been standing beside him, saw that his master was in trouble, he came to help immediately, opened his bottomless **** mouth, and directly pounced on Ning Xiu, trying to give him to him. Swallow in one bite.

   Great Annihilation Spear Technique!

   At this moment, the holy image on Ning Xiu's shoulder quietly opened, and four spears flew out of it in an instant, carrying the black light of annihilation at Kunpeng.

  Since he obtained the powerful spear of the Emperor Shenmu, Ning Xiu's use of the Great Annihilation Spear has become even more powerful.

The power of    is far twice that of the previous three spears, and the black light of Great Annihilation disappeared into Kunpeng's mouth. After a few breaths, it penetrated from its tail, directly piercing the entire Kunpeng's body and pierced a huge hole.


   Kunpeng let out a huge scream, and his entire body could no longer keep flying, and fell heavily on the ground uncontrollably.


  The entire earth was instantly crushed by this huge heavy object, and its sound waves and vibrations spread in all directions, and soon alarmed the great merchants and commoners in the Yang Yaohuang Pole Array.

"what happened?"

   "The earth dragon turned over? It's a loud noise."

   "Could it be that the undead is attacking again, the frequency has been high enough recently, and if this goes on, I don't know if our big merchant's army can hold on."

   "Forget it, in this world, it's only a day to live. We are already much luckier than those who didn't make it to Zhongzhou in time."

   The soldiers who were defending the Yangyao Emperor's pole formation quickly walked to the side of the formation to check, but there was no movement or abnormality outside, which made them all feel very strange. Where did the sound come from?

   At this moment, people floating in the air suddenly appeared on the boundary of the Yang Yaohuang Pole Formation, and they were all Dragon Elephant Upper Realm.

   At the moment Kunpeng landed, these golden dragon subduing demon captains finally realized that something was wrong, so they rushed over to check on them one by one.

   Following the direction of the sound, they found the figure of Kunpeng on the ground, and they all showed extremely unbelievable expressions.

   "Such a big bird, no, it's a whale, where did it come from, is there really such a monster in this world?"

   "As expected, this should be the rumored Kunpeng. I always thought this mythical beast only existed in legends, but I didn't expect it to really exist! This is really amazing."

   After being shot by the Great Annihilation Spear Technique, Kunpeng's injuries are already incurable, and the vitality in his body is weakening to the extent that the naked eye can see.

   Feng Jiukuang was extremely angry when he saw it. This Kunpeng was an egg that he finally discovered in his early years. It took a lot of resources and energy to cultivate a different species through the magic circle of heaven and earth.

   This Kunpeng alone is enough to hold down an interior sanctuary for half an hour, but he never imagined that it was not Ning Xiu's one-shot opponent.

   As for the gun Ning Xiu just used, its momentum of annihilating the black light was something that even Feng Jiu Kuang himself would feel terrified.

   He also didn't have the confidence that he could block the shot without any problems. Kunpeng's death was entirely based on his own life, which forced Ning Xiu's trump card for his master.

   "I don't know what kind of benefits you can get by killing the strong in the interior scene." Ning Xiu couldn't help thinking as he looked at Feng Jiukuang.

  Feng Jiu Kuang should be the one that Ning Xiu has seen so far, the one with the best preservation of personal strength among the powerhouses who survived from the previous era.

   If he hadn't been able to break through the sacred realm of the interior scene, Ning Xiu would never have had the chance to fight against this person, and if he missed Feng Jiu Kuang, he would most likely lose his understanding of the truth about the Stone Monument of the Great Merchant God.

  After all, in the remaining memories of Emperor Zhenyang, there is no impression of the Divine Stone Stele. It is something that can last for hundreds of years of great business and national fortunes just by comprehending it. The real effect hidden on its body will definitely be more important.

   "What exactly is the Tiandao inscription tablet that can make you travel thousands of miles and come to **** it specifically, and you know that suddenly there is a Tiandao inscription in Dashang." Ning Xiu asked.

"The stele of Tiandao was activated by an external force, which triggered the rules of the heavenly dao, such a conspicuous and dazzling scene, but any interior scene can be easily detected. I advise you to hand over the stele of Tiandao obediently and let me take it away. Your small country may still be able to keep the fire. If you are stubborn, other people will come to fight for it in the future. It is not as easy to deal with as I am. Although you are also in the Holy Land of Interior Scenery, you do not have enough backers. You can't hold it, grabbing your hand will only kill your fellow clan in vain." Feng Jiukuang said.

   Knowing that Ning Xiu possessed the Great Annihilation Spear, his attitude was not as arrogant as when he first appeared, but instead he chose to start negotiating with Ning Xiu in a good voice.

   His words gave Ning Xiu a lot of useful information.

   First of all, those mysterious runes that appeared in the sky above Dashang were called Tiandao Wengui. This kind of strange appearance would attract the attention of the interior holy realm, and it might even be a higher realm powerhouse.

   In addition to Feng Jiukuang, there will be more powerful interior scene saints coming in the future, and these powerhouses are trying to no longer fight alone, they have some backing behind them.

   It seems that the real benefits of the Stone Monument of the Great Merchant are far beyond the imagination of all the great merchants.

   Something that can make the strong inside the Holy Land can't help rushing over to compete, can it be an ordinary treasure?

   I'm afraid that after the secret inside is cracked, the entire big business will get a great fortune.

   "You don't need to worry about these things. Tell me the specific situation of the Tiandao Monument, or you won't want to leave this place alive today." Ning Xiu's voice just fell, and he has already released his own battlefield.

   The first battle field in his life, even Ning Xiu himself didn't know what kind of situation his battle field was like.

   (end of this chapter)