MTL - Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel-Chapter 27 [027] Get bigger! Get big!

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   Chapter 27 [027] Get bigger! Get big!


  The golden beads that had been broken into several pieces fell to the ground, becoming dull and unpretentious.

   Anyone who sees it will never believe that the spectacular out-of-phase scene just now was revealed by this golden bead.

   "This..." Ning Xiu looked at the sky with a complicated expression, sometimes he realized something in his mind, and sometimes it was cloudy and confused.

   The long scroll of golden characters that was transformed by the golden rain just now, if Ning Xiu guessed correctly, it should be some kind of exercise.

   I don’t know which Buddhist and Daoist great masters have preserved the knowledge of the practice in this six-character golden pearl. As long as others open it up, they will be able to see the miracle and comprehend it for themselves.

  Looking at the appearance of this golden bead, the spectacle just now obviously can only appear once, and the real purpose must not be opened like Ning Xiu.

  Otherwise, if you encounter a person with poor understanding and no wisdom root, there is no way to comprehend anything from the golden scroll.

   will only waste such a huge opportunity in vain.

   Fortunately, Ning Xiu's understanding is not a peerless genius, but he is not an ordinary person. He really noticed the existence of a practice method from the golden scroll.

   It’s just a pity that because the duration of the golden scroll is too short, Ning Xiu has no way to comprehend the entire exercise in one breath.

   had to jot down the text first to ensure that he would not get a incomplete exercise.

   Fortunately, Ning Xiu was not fighting alone. As he called out the proficiency panel, he saw that there was a brand new exercise on it.


  【Pure Anode Fist: Nine Layers (41/5000)】(+)

  【Golden Bell Cover: Nine Layers (12/5000)】(+)

  【Spiritual Observation of Qi: Five Layers (21/3000)】(+)

  【Great Sun Mystery Scripture: Nine Floors (9/5000)】(+)

  [Tianwang King Kong Gong: Not Entry (0/1000)] (+)

  General Proficiency: 5200


   Looking at the brand new exercises that appeared on the proficiency panel, Ning Xiu couldn't help but be a little surprised. Just getting started requires 1000 points of proficiency in exercises. This was the first time he saw it.

   Without the help of general proficiency, he would have to spend half a year of ascetic practice before he could complete the introduction to this technique.

   It can be seen from this that the power and origin of this Heavenly King’s Diamond Art is definitely not simple.

   Directly add 3000 general proficiency points to the King Kong Jinggong first, but Ning Xiu wants to see what effect this mysterious practice has.

  【Tianwang King Kong Gong: Beginner (0/1000)】→【Tian Wang King Kong Gong: 1st Floor (0/2000)】

  【Tianwang King Kong Gong: First Floor (0/2000)】→【Tian Wang King Kong Gong: Second Floor (0/3000)】

The moment    ascended to the first floor, Ning Xiu felt a tingling and tingling appear all over his body, as if countless ants and insects were crawling and biting at will in his body.

   This kind of itchy feeling is even more tormenting than torture. It really makes people unable to live or die.

  Ning Xiu relied on clenching his teeth to stand up. Not long after that, an extreme pain erupted in his body that was pulling bones, tendons, and muscles violently.

   Directly made Ning Xiu fall to the ground uncontrollably, and the whole body was sweating profusely, and in a short while, the ground was soaked in a large area.

  If anyone else is here, you can see Ning Xiu's body growing and expanding with the naked eye.

   His limbs are extended by a foot, and the ribcage, waist, crotch, shoulder width, and skull are also proportionally enlarged.

   This made Ning Xiu's body, whose limbs become longer, not look too deformed and uncoordinated.

   Dashang length measurement system, three feet is one meter in Ning Xiu's memory.

   is about 0.33 meters per foot.

  Ning Xiu was originally five and a half feet long, but at this moment it was extended by another foot, and the height directly exceeded two meters, reaching the level of more than six feet.

   Putting it anywhere, it can be regarded as a giant, standing out from the crowd and looking down on everyone.

   However, because of the enlarged body, Ning Xiu's originally muscular body became extremely thin.

   When people who don't know see him, they will probably think that this guy has been starved for days without food, which is why he looks like this.

  The night wind was blowing, and Ning Xiu, who was lying motionless on the ground, finally moved.

   I saw that his tall and thin body suddenly began to shrink, and within a few blinks of an eye, he returned to his previous normal body shape.

   If it weren't for the torn clothes on his body, even Ning Xiu himself couldn't believe what kind of changes had happened to his body just now.

   "This kind of body training is really unheard of and never seen before!" Slowly regaining consciousness, Ning Xiu struggled to get up from the ground, and said in a very shocking tone.

   Heavenly King King Kong Kung Fu, Buddhist and Taoist body-strengthening magic, can actually cause the body to expand in violation of the rules of bone growth after practice.

  This increase to the second floor increases the body by one foot, which is only the initial effect. If it continues to increase, Ning Xiu's body will be extended without an upper limit, and the vigor will be correspondingly strengthened.

   At the same time, the body enlarges and returns to normal shape, all of which can be controlled by the practitioner's thoughts.

   A person who can create this kind of exercise must be a Buddhist and Daoist, whose strength and imagination are unfathomable.

   "It was a coincidence that I was able to get the six-character golden pearl with the Heavenly King's King Kong Gong hidden in it. I just don't know why this Buddhist gold pearl was obtained by the demon of the Heitianmen."

  Ning Xiu was very puzzled, but the reason behind this was obviously impossible for him to guess, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to investigate.

  Looking at his tattered clothes, Ning Xiu shook his head helplessly, and then he went to the gong at the gate of the prison and beat it hard.

  The sound of the gong was loud and harsh at night, and there was no need for Ning Xiu to find someone. The arresters and yamen who heard the sound would soon arrive.

  Deal with the horrific situation in the prison.

   The next day.

  As the day dawned, the people of Wendeng County went out one after another to start their daily livelihood.

   Ordinary Wen Deng County is still the same ordinary life as before.

   "I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy! I really saw King Kong, what a big King Kong!"

   "Dad, kid, where did the King Kong come from in our county, you must have lost your sleep."

   "It's true, there are golden rains, lotus flowers, and the entire Wendeng County sky has turned golden. That King Kong sits cross-legged in the sky with a Buddha pestle, which is bigger than the entire Wendeng County!"

   In the house of the fishmonger Su Yong, Su Yong with his legs bandaged was lying on the bed, even though his face was covered in sambu, his entire face was swollen and disfigured.

   In his mouth, he was still very firmly muttering what he saw and heard when he woke up last night.

   Su Yong's daughter-in-law, who was decoction next to her, shook her head helplessly, but she was both angry and funny.

   A good-looking big man, he got up in the middle of the night and fell into the thatched hut, and he fell so badly.

   When someone asked him how he fell, the manager refused to say anything, but insisted that he saw the golden rain in the city, the golden lotus in the ground, and the diamond in the sky.

   You said this is not a sleepless night.

   If there is such a big King Kong statue in the sky above Wendeng County, why haven't I heard others say that this kind of vision can only be seen by you, Lao Su?

   Who do you think you are, a soul boy reincarnated?

  No matter how Su Yong explained it, no one believed what he said, and they all thought that the reason for this person's fall was too hard to explain, and that's why he made up such a bizarre story.

   Therefore, there is no following.

   After waiting in the yamen all night, Ren Qianxing and his two puppets finally returned.

   and also brought back a piece of good news, all the incarnations of puppets in this county have been seen through and destroyed by him.

  The demon who is good at puppets has no success in Wendeng County since then, and the hidden dangers have been completely eliminated.

   This makes Ning Xiu greatly relieved. Since the problem has been resolved and he has caught the demon involved, it is time to **** the two demons back to Beijing.

   This monster is locked in the Wen Deng Yamen for a day, Ning Xiu cannot relax his vigilance for a day, and it is very tiring after a long time.

   And once he was sent to the Fu Mo Division and handed over to other Fu Mo Wei in charge, then everything that followed had nothing to do with him, and he was completely freed from this incident.

   Let Dong Fu dispatch two specially made prison cars, one for each of the two demons, and Ning Xiu and Ren Qianxing negotiated.

  Quickly decide, and return to Beijing today with the demon without too much delay.

   But before he left, Ning Xiu still had one thing to do, and that was to go to the Yellow House and take away his hammer.

   After obtaining the King Kong Jinggong, Ning Xiu felt that in a short period of time, it might be difficult for him to come across a weapon that could be more suitable for him to play than the drum and the golden hammer.

   In normal state, holding a drum and a golden hammer might seem a little awkward.

   But after performing the King Kong Jinggong, the picture will definitely become extremely natural and harmonious in an instant. The big man should use this kind of heavy weapon.

   came to the Huang Mansion alone, when Huang You heard the news, he ran out to meet Ning Xiu.

   This time his father was able to resume his post. Huang You knew that Ning Xiu was behind the scenes, so the benefactor could not be neglected.

   "Lord Ning, where have you been these past few days? I also want to show you the three major characteristics of Wendeng County, so that you can feel the beauty of this county."

  Huang You ran to Ning Xiu with a smile on his face, showing a very cordial expression.

   "Young Master Huang, you're welcome. My goal of coming to Wendeng County this time has been fulfilled. I'm busy with official business, so I have to leave for Beijing today." Ning Xiu said.

   "Ah?! This, this is too rushed, so Master Ning should stay and have a meal before leaving, so that I can entertain you."

Ning Xiu said with a smile, "No, the time is urgent, and there is no room for delay. I remember Mr. Huang's good intentions. When you go to Chaotian Capital next time, I will definitely give you a chance to spend a lot of money, and forget it today. "

   "Ah..." Huang You was stunned for a moment, isn't there something strange in what he said.

   However, he didn't dare to go against Ning Xiu's intentions, so he could only answer: "Okay Sir Ning, I'll be sure next time."

   went back to the room where he lived and took the Weng Jin hammer, and Ning Xiu left the Huang residence without any delay.

  Although he had not left Chaotian for a few days, he was eager to return to Beijing.

  According to the agreement, Ren Qianxing had been waiting for a long time outside the county gate of Wendeng County with two special prison cars and Juling Banner.

   When he saw Ning Xiu carrying a rather domineering Weng Jin hammer and swaggering out of the Wendeng County gate, Ren Qianxing's expression became somewhat surprised.

   No matter what he thinks, he can't even guess that the weapon Ning Xiu uses is this.

   "Brother Ning, your contrast is really big enough. Who would have thought that you look like a quiet scholar, but you are such a weapon." Ren Qianxing smiled at Ning Xiu who approached.

"What I want is this effect. Brother Ren has been in the Fumo Division for longer than I have. I have seen some Fu Mowei who are good at hammering in the division before." Ning Xiu took a truck from Ren Qianxing. The reins of the prison cart's horse immediately led the horse to the official road to the south.

Ren Qianxing followed on horseback and replied, "I have never heard of the iron-horse-class Demon-Fuwei, but the Bronze Leopard class knows that there is a 'Bronze Leopard Hammer King' who is the leader of the second team of the Bronze Leopard. When I get to the Silver Tiger level, I don't know anymore, those are the existences of Shenlong who see the beginning but not the end on weekdays, and even the information is pitiful."

   "The Hammer King?" Ning Xiu wondered, "Does this person have no name?"

"Most of the Demon-Fuwei who can survive to the bronze leopard level in the company are 6th to 4th rank masters who have experienced hundreds of battles. People can remember their prestige by their strength, not their surnames. very."

   "Wei Ming..." Ning Xiu became interested when he heard this, and asked, "Brother Ren, do you know the leader of the sixth team that I am in, is He Weiming?"

   "You mean Master Su's prestige, I think about it, it seems to be called..." Ren Qianxing thought for a long time, and Ning Xiu looked at him with anticipation throughout the whole process.

   Who ever thought that Ren Qianxing scratched his head in the end, smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I don't know why I can't remember it next time."

  Ning Xiu was speechless: "You... you might as well not think about it, this is not to make people lose their appetite."

  The distance between Wendeng County and Chaotiandu would only take more than an hour if you hurry up.

   But because Ning Xiu was carrying a Wengjin hammer that weighed 320 pounds, it would affect the speed of some horses to some extent.

  After spending three times as long as usual, the magnificent crimson city wall of Chaotiandu finally appeared on the earth at the end of the official road.

  The Demon Commander would get the full help of the local government and soldiers wherever he went. When he saw Ren Qianxing in black silver chain armor with two prison carts approaching the gate of Chaotian Capital.

   Immediately, the soldiers who defended the city ran up to lead his horse to lead the way. There was no need to wait in line like other people to enter the city, and he could directly enter the city through the side gate dedicated to the government, which was a privilege.

   Entering Chaotian Capital, it is difficult for a demon to fly with its wings attached. Ning Xiu finally relaxed his vigilance along the way, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   When he came to the gate of Fu Mosi, Ren Qianxing looked at the Weng Jin hammer on Ning Xiu's shoulder, and suddenly said to Ning Xiu:

"Brother Ning, although your hammer looks mighty and domineering, it's too inconvenient to carry. If you have any tasks that need to travel far, this hammer will not only not help you, but will become a burden on you. ."

   "I know this too, but I don't know how to solve this problem yet." Ning Xiu said.

   Ning Xiu had already checked when he was still in the champion camp. It seems that there are no such artifacts as storage bags and space rings in this world.

   Therefore, it is a burden to carry objects on the warrior.

Seeing Ning Xiu sighing, Ren Qianxing said mysteriously, "I know there is a place that can solve your problem, Brother Ning. If Brother Ning is free, you can go to the Qianji Pavilion in the company. have a look."

   Qianji Pavilion, Ning Xiu has heard of it, it seems to be a building in the Fumo Division.

   But Ning Xiu joined the Fumo Division for a short time, and he hadn't been to that place yet.

   But now let Qianxing talk like this, it shouldn't be easy to come to this place, maybe there are some powerful ways.

   So Ning Xiu nodded and said, "Thank you dear brother for your advice, I will definitely go to Qianji Pavilion when I have time."

  The two drove the carriage to the entrance of the Demon Town Prison, and soon a jailer came out and skillfully took the two demons in the prison cart into the big prison.

   (end of this chapter)