MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3305 Opener

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If you want to talk about the strength of the Storm team in the thirty-two teams.

It can only be said to be the last one, although it is not yet the first one.

But it won't go high.

The people from the Supernatural Society that Chen Zhao brought to practice with the Storm team.

The ones with the highest strength of the Storm team are probably close to the ones with the lowest strength of the training team.

There is another most important factor, and that is experience.

The storm team's actual combat experience is obviously not as good as the Occult Association.

As a result, this sparring has become unsightly.

The whole process is a crushed battle.

The only thing that is worth seeing is the battle between Captain Bai Yingchang Shiro and Gaia in this battle.

This battle also made the Storm team realize their lack of strength.

After the sparring exercise, Chen Zhao certainly needs to train them in a targeted manner.

And it's **** training!

Recently, the Storm team also let Chen Zhao put his mind and body into it.

Even at home, Chen Zhao has been watching training videos of the Storm team.

Study the combat style of each of them.

It's another three months.

Chen Zhao felt that their strength had improved significantly.

There were several rounds of previews at the same time.

And for the first season of the team draw, Steven came forward to be responsible for the draw on behalf of the Storm.

The Storm team will play as the opening game against the Toyo Fuji.

The whole world is waiting for this opener.

The first game was played at Telgte Field in California, North America.

Tens of thousands of media from around the world have gathered at the Telgte Arena.

As for ordinary audience tickets, they have already been sold out.

The opening match was first a large-scale singing and dancing performance.

Invite popular stars to sing a few songs on a simple stage.

Then introduce the players of both sides, as well as the general data of each player, as well as their respective magic attributes.

The narrators are two professional spiritual veterans named Frank and Aman respectively.

There is also a professional host, who is also well-known in the industry, Dot.

The three of them began to talk freely since the players entered the field.

"Frank, this shouldn't be our first cooperation." Aman and Frank are obviously old acquaintances.

"It's just that this cooperation is not on the battlefield, but in the host world." Aman said with a smile.

"Two masters, in terms of hosting, I should be considered your predecessor." Dort interrupted.

"Dott, you have to be our predecessors, be careful that we curse you behind our backs, you won't win the lottery for a lifetime."

After some interaction between the three hosts, the three of them entered the topic.

"This is the opening round of the first season of the World Supernatural Contest. Oman and Frank, what do you want to say about the strength of these two teams?" Dortmund took the lead into the topic.

"Because it is the first round, I can't conduct a comprehensive analysis, but from the large list and data released by the two teams, I can say some of my views." Aman paused, and said: "I am the captain of the two teams. Everyone knows them, they are all Dongying people, and now there is even a saying about the Dongying civil war. Bai Yinghuan Shiro has a very high reputation in the Dongying spiritual world, and his strength is very strong. I remember that he is the most in the spiritual world. A famous action was the incident that led Baiying's family to seal the Demon King of Kanto 13 years ago."

"As for the captain of the Fuji team, Shinto Mihina, although he is not very young, he is the best psychic in the new generation, and he also has a big tengu known as the **** of the gods..."

The host went from the captains on both sides to the players, analyzing the past one by one.

"The combination of the North American Storm team's team configuration is clearly an offensive and defensive combination. The battle is obviously biased towards the mid-to-long term. This team has a feature that is not suitable for scattered combat."

"The Dongying Fuji team belongs to the hermit killing stream. With three stealth lines, plus four kendo masters, they have extremely powerful lethality. Small and medium-sized team battles are bound to occupy the absolute initiative."

"In addition, the Telget are all forests. Although it is the home of the North American Storm, it is very suitable for the lineup configuration of the Hermits."

"Oman, if it were you, what do you think of their winning rate?"

"The North American Storm team has a 40% winning rate and the Toyo Fuji team has a 60% winning rate." Oman replied.

"Now that I have finished talking about the comparison of the players on both sides, now I will talk about the coaching staff on both sides. The head coach of the East Ying Fuji team is Zhao Tianshi from China. Basically, this person in the supernatural realm does not know him. The future leader of China’s supernatural realm does not know what price the Dongying Fuji team has spent, so please move this Mr. Zhao."

"As for the coach of the North American Storm team, the only message that is currently released is that he is also a Chinese. It is very interesting to say that the captain of the two teams is the Eastern Civil War, while the head coach is the Chinese Civil War."

"Neither have the coaching details of the North American Storm team?"

"It's not completely absent. Zhang Tianshi of China once talked about the coach of the North American Storm team in an interview, saying that they have fought side by side and are a very powerful psychic. Although what is said in this interview is mostly It is to flatter each other in accordance with the old business rules, but it is certain that the head coach of the North American Storm team is definitely not a weak one. The so-called side by side should refer to the cooperation or the battle under the leadership of Zhang Tianshi. There is the possibility of commercial flattery, but the strength will certainly not be weak."

"Today Fuji has already entered the field first. According to the rules of the game, the visiting team will enter the field 30 minutes earlier to familiarize themselves with the venue and take the lead in deployment."

"It can be seen that the Dongying Fuji team dispersed the ten starting players and divided them into four teams with 2, 2, 3, and 4."

"The North American team has also entered the field. They used three teams of 334."

"In the competition arena, there are twenty magic replenishment potions in the branch. These are all very important materials in actual combat, so they must first explore the game map and then start looking for the magic replenishment potions."

"Hey, on the northern **** of the forest, the teams of the two teams met. The Dongying Fuji team is a two-person team, and the North American team is a three-person team. They played against each other! The Dongying Fuji team took the lead in launching a sneak attack."

On the big screen, a horrible sword light broke through the air without warning.

The audience exclaimed.

This is a picture only seen in computer special effects.

Now it is shown in front of tens of thousands of people on the scene, and even in front of hundreds of millions of audiences around the world.

Everyone exclaimed.

Chen Zhao stared at the big screen, knowing that his team members could handle it.

Before the official game, they had conducted numerous surprise attacks.

But this is the first official match, the first confrontation.

Chen Zhao was still nervous.

At the beginning of the war, if the staff is reduced.

It will greatly affect your own situation.

At this moment, Chen Zhao could not wait to play in person.


A red beam hit the blade from the side.

In the sale of cigarettes, no one took advantage of the first offensive.

In the short silence, the audience burst out with excitement.