MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1500 Everywhere

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The original demon Lord saw Liu Ming’s look at the moment, and his face showed a smug look.

However, the sound of the flute did not stop at all, but the rhythm accelerated.

With the countless purple runes in the void, the squares are hundreds of feet, as if they were turned into a dreamy world of purple light.

Liu Ming’s blurred eyes reflected countless purple streamers, and more and more, more and more thick, and gradually blinded Liu Yan’s eyes.

After a quarter of an hour, his eyes were covered with purple light, his eyes became dull, his arms drooped, and the whole person stayed in the ground, standing still in motion.

The original demon Lord saw this scene, his face showed a faint smile, which stopped the flute and put the quaint flute down.

This flute name is a treasure trove of prisoners. It is a treasure of mystery containing the law of temperament.

The law of temperament is combined with the law of time and space to the upper rule of the upper bound. With the power of the immortal monk, it is naturally impossible to escape the control of the flute, and it will surely fall into the endless illusion.

The original demon Lord’s eyes were slightly relieved. Although he was still far above Liu Ming in terms of strength, he also had hardships.

The reincarnation secrets he carefully created, in addition to being a battleground for the separation of souls, is actually a protective cover for the sky.

He has been ignoring countless years in the eternal life. The sentiment of the power of the law has gone far beyond the scope of this interface. Now it is only a step away from the eternal life.

Once the breakthrough, he can break the void without any scruples and fly up the upper bound. At that time, even the old things of the upper bound, he can not help.

It is only now that in the reincarnation, he still has a lot of scruples. Once he uses too much power, he will be rejected by the power of the lower bounds, leading to the embarrassing situation of forced ascension.

As a result, such a long-term plan may be a failure!

In addition, he seems to be more than easy and Liu Ming fighting, but in fact has to do so, after all, to kill Liu Ming, but can not hurt his soul, is also a small burden.

The original demon waved a hand, and the purple runes around the void stopped tumbling and gathered together. In order to become a few purple tentacles, they caught the body of Liu Ming and pulled it in front of him.

"at last……"

The color of excitement in the eyes of the original demon is flashing, waving a black light and licking the neck of Liu Ming.

At this moment, the change is sudden!

Liu Ming’s body suddenly trembled, and the purple light in his eyes swayed. In the blink of an eye, most of them faded, revealing a clearness.

The sound of "嗖", a green light rushing out from his hand, is the devil whip.

A blast, the devil whip and a whip shattered the black light of Liu Ming, suddenly elongating, as if a green snake, rushing toward the original Lord.

"What!" The devil's face was amazed. He didn't think that Liu Ming could break away from the illusion in an instant.

His face was amazed, but his movements were not slow. The black axe that was hovering in front of him suddenly burst into a black light. After a flash, he turned into a three-headed, six-armed, dark-faced demon.

The black demon took a handful of the devil's whip, as if he had taken the big snake seven inches, and the devil whip violently rolled and struggled, but there was no way to break free.

At this time, Liu Ming, the black and white color of the body shines, the purple psychedelic light in the eyes has disappeared, and suddenly turned to look at the original demon Lord, his eyes are cold.

The original demon master did not know why the heart was cold, a little under the foot, and turned back toward the back, while the finger slammed forward.

Bound in Liu Ming's purple tentacle, the light flashed, and the entanglement was tighter. At the same time, the devil's palm turned over, and a dazzling blue light spurred out from his hand and slammed toward Liu Ming.

Among the blue light is a long sword with a blue light, and the blade is curved, like a snake, and the tip of the sword is a snake head.

A chill out of the sky emanate from the blue light, and the blue ice flower immediately floated in the square space, which is a treasure of mystery.

This kind of hit is like a stone, but there is no intention to keep it. It seems that Liu Ming will be destroyed.

The original devil has finally emerged as a real killer.

After all, Liu Ming, although it is a good object of engulfing, can save a lot of time, but Liu Ming has made amazing moves again and again, so that he finally made up his mind.

Liu Ming faced the murder of the original demon Lord, his face remained the same, and his black light disappeared, leaving only the glare of white light on him.

Among the white light, the shadow of the sky mirror flashed past.

The next moment, the white light suddenly lit up, and Liu Ming’s figure disappeared in the light.

"No, you..." The face of the demon Lord changed, and some unbelievably exclaimed.

His voice did not fall, and there was a flash of light behind him, and Liu Ming’s figure emerged.

However, at this moment, Liu Ming has undergone tremendous changes, and it is no longer a white light wrapped in him, but a group of glare that blends with gold, blue, blue, red and yellow.

The faint scent of the five-colored ray is far more than Liu Ming’s own spiritual pressure.

At the same time, Liu Ming's eyes also showed a five-color radiance, mourning the spell in the mouth, a five-color beam suddenly rushed out from his hands.

Under such a close distance, it is impossible for the other party to dodge, and under a vagueness, it is entangled in the demon Lord.

The five-color ray suddenly slammed into a ellipsoidal five-color seal, wrapping the original lord inside.

In the five-color seal, there is a blurry illusion of five people, including the old man.

The five people formed a circle, encircling the original demon in the middle.

"Cardman! It turns out that you guys! Hey, do you think that you can trap the deity with the power of some ghosts in the district?" The original demon saw the figure of five people, such as the old man, shouting in the mouth. .

Then the original demon Lord suddenly burst into the light and wanted to break out.

Although the five-color seal flashed under the impact of the Lord, it seemed a little crumbling, but it still trapped the original Lord.

"Liu Ming, we can't hold on for a long time, hands-on!" The old man shot a yellow mang, and he was continuously injected into the five-color seal. He suddenly turned to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming didn't have to tell the old man that he had already swept away toward the Lord of the Lord. After the body slammed, the black and white glow flashed, and the two rays of light, one black and one white, flew out from Liu Ming, with unspeakable Pang Ran Sword is in the sky!

Among the black light, it is a sturdy long sword like a black stick, and among the white light, it is a white long sword with a wide body and a white body.

It is the punishment of heaven and the robbery!

The power of the two pure and powerful laws were swept away from the black and white light. The two seemed to be hit by a pair of huge waves in midair.

The whole void is slamming for one!

Then the whole sky is like being split directly into half, and it is turned into black and white!

At the moment, the two swords were circling in the air, and the black and white ripples in the circle of the waves were smashed with the swords as the center. The passing of the scenes caused the roar of the void, and the black and white sky was like being stirred. In general, follow it up!

On the other hand, Liu Ming is at the moment, and I don’t know when there will be more than one black and one white and two hundred high.

With the two-handed method of violently urging, the two laws screamed in the mouth, and then the two bodies were blurred, and they turned into a large black and white fog, and the endless stream of infinity Robbing double swords!

With the influx of fog, the speed of the double swords is getting faster and faster, and the black and white sky is also dripping into a huge black and white gossip. Under the rapid rotation, it is like a huge vortex of black and white. Inside. Countless black and white two-color runes are flying out.

The robbery of the two swords was like a giant force from the whirlpool. A flash of light fell into it, and a sound of the dynasty sounded.

The black and white vortex trembled, and the power of a suffocating law of heaven and earth also came out of it.

A series of actions seem complicated, but it is also the time of one or two breaths.

The black and white whirlpool flashed, and a black, white and two-handed giant sword emerged and fell in front of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming has no expression at this moment, but his face is pale and almost transparent to see the facial blue veins.

The mana in his body is constantly being sucked away by black and white swords. Originally less than half of the mana, it has already bottomed out in an instant.

Not only that, the two swords seem to have no bottom hole, even the essence of his body is also absorbed.

There was a horror in Liu Ming’s heart. Although he had been a double sword for hundreds of years, he was used for the first time in order to be afraid of being detected by the demon.

The double sword turned out to be evil!

In his mind, he turned his mind and turned around. After he left these thoughts behind his head, he did not hesitate, and swung one hand toward the demon in the seal.

The black and white giant sword "嗡嗡" trembled, and then turned into a black and white two pillings, a blur appeared in the five-color seal over the sky, suddenly crossed, squatting down.

Among the five-color seals, the demon Lord looked at the black and white practice under his knees, and his face showed a hint of fear, but he recovered calmly in a blink of an eye.

In his eyes, there was a stern flash of light, and there was a word in his mouth. There was a flash of light on his head, and a gap was cracked. A red vertical eye of a grinding disc emerged, emitting a faint red light, which was very strange, as if it were a pupil of the ghosts. .

An extremely evil atmosphere emanates from the red eyes.

When the old man and other five people saw the red vertical eye, the body was shocked, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

A faint **** radiant glow from the vertical eye, bombarded on the surrounding five-color seal.

The sturdy five-color seal "squeaky" was easily penetrated by a big hole in this strange blood hole.

Then there was a crack in the five-color seal, and it took a break to break the crack.

The huge impact spread out, and the five old people of the old man flew out.

The blood-light hole wore a five-color seal, and the rest was not lost. The bombardment was at the intersection of black and white swords.

It is also a loud bang of "Rumble"!

The black and white swords suddenly stunned, and they were swept away by the blood, but the blood was also dissipated.

Where the two collide, the space is like a mirror that is generally broken, and a huge space fluctuation suddenly spreads in all directions.