MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 868 shot

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Li Huowang's words obviously had another meaning, and the abbot of Zhengde Temple naturally heard it.

He clasped his hands together and waved towards Li Huowang. "Amitabha, goodness is goodness. Monks don't tell lies. Since the poor monk has said that Daqi belongs to Li's benefactor, he will never go back on his word."

"However, although Zhengde Temple is the state religion of Daqi, it can't control everyone's hearts. If the monks of Zhengde Temple can't do it, other people will naturally believe it."

At the same time as he said this, four monks supported an old man with a scepter and directly lifted it up.

When he was held in front of Li Huowang, he immediately poured out everything he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans, as if he was going to be treated inhumanly if he was too late.

"I don't know, I really don't know who passed it on."

"They said that the Tianchen Kingdom did not expect to fight against the Daqi Kingdom. The people of Daqi were deceived by that fake Bodhisattva. What they did was to be used as a knife for others, and to shed blood and sweat for others."

"They also let them say that so many disasters in Daqi were caused by fake Bodhisattvas."

"It's gone, it's gone, I know so much, I really know so much!!"

"I dare not, I really dare not!!"

"Rumors..." Li Huowang never thought that the opponent's first move would be this. This move has to be said to be very dark, half true and half false.

Now it seems that it wasn't that Tianchen Guo didn't take any action before, they didn't intend to confront him head-on, but directly came to play secretly.

They also understand now that it's no good to be right with themselves, even if they win, it won't be good for both sides to suffer.

So they planned to use rumors to disintegrate Daqi's hearts and reduce their prestige here. If they could not command Daqi, then everything would be hard to say.

Li Huowang could tell that this was Beifeng's method, if it wasn't for Beifeng, it would be the end of Tianchen Kingdom's Si Wangdao.

Li Huowang, who thought for a moment, turned his head to look at Chandu. "Abbot, since the other party has made a move, does Da Qi Supervisor Tiansi think of a move to deal with it?"

"The poor monk has already let the people in the department pay attention to this point, and must strictly guard against this news from spreading."

Li Huowang shook his head, "You can't do this. Rumors can't be sealed. The more you seal the people in Daqi, the more they think it's true."

"And even if it is temporarily contained, so what? They can come to Daqi to pass it again at any time. In this respect, we have no advantage at all."

"Then how about that?"

"Forget it, leave this little trick to me." Li Huowang said, and walked outside.

Rumors are one of the tools of sitting and forgetting the truth, they will use it, and Li Huowang will naturally use it. It will be solved naturally if you can use it.

"Didn't he want to spread rumors? Then I'll help him spread the word!" As Li Huowang pulled his face, an ordinary face replaced his.

He put his hands in his cuffs, hooked his neck and walked towards the West Market. As his heart moved, the Taoist robe on his body gradually turned into a worn-out padded jacket.

The east and west markets are all places to sell things. Compared with before, the variety here is much richer.

At least it won't appear, before four or two meters can cause crowds to watch.

However, Li Huowang did not stay outside, but made a quick turn and walked directly into a secluded alley to the east.

After going around a few more times, he finally opened a disused sewer well, and a dark path appeared in front of him. This is a black market, selling some things that are not officially allowed to be sold outside. ,

As long as there are no major problems, the military strategists outside will turn a blind eye. Even if it is temporarily banned, it will appear in other places.

And here is an ideal place to spread rumors. Although some people deliberately lowered their voices, Li Huowang Mingrui's hearing was still clear.

"Hey, have you heard? It is because of that Bodhisattva that we have such a miserable life."

"Don't talk nonsense, the Bodhisattva brought us food, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Oh, this is all a lie. I heard that this Bodhisattva has forgotten his way, and he likes to lie the most."

Hearing this, Li Huowang turned his feet and walked over directly. After looking to the left and right with mischievous eyebrows, he said, "Hey, you also heard that this place is dry? I heard it too, and I know something that you don't know. of."

Hearing this, the two people who were chatting moved closer curiously. "What? Is there something we don't know?"

Li Huowang looked around in a panic again, and said in a low voice again: "I'll tell you two, don't tell others, I heard that it's not just Daqi who has suffered so many disasters, it's all caused by that Bodhisattva." Yes, even the world has become like this, it is all caused by Bodhisattvas!"

"Hiss~" The two of them gasped and their eyes widened. "Really?"

"Let me tell you, what he did was picking someone! If he is chosen, he will be taken to the Heavenly Court to become a god, and everyone else will be ignored!"

"Really?" Li Huowang didn't know when five or six people had surrounded him with shock.

While they were discussing, Li Huowang had quietly retreated and continued to look for the next target.

Following Li Huowang's actions, these rumors of unknown origin gradually gained more details.

At the beginning, it was just a supplement, but gradually the rumors were taken by him and deviated from the original meaning, and finally reached a very outrageous point.

"Hey, have you heard? I heard that this Bodhisattva is transformed by Na Danxi. When he breathes out, the sky will change, and when he breathes in, the earth will collapse!"

"You're not right. I heard that the Bodhisattva is the Jade Emperor. Because of the five kalpas of heaven and man, he came down to cross the kalpa. After the kalpa is over, he will go back."

"Why is one more outrageous than the other? Is what you said true?"

Li Huowang, who was not far away, heard the final change in the rumors, UU Reading calmed down again, Tian Chen Guo's move was useless.

To deal with rumors, explaining or not explaining is not the correct way to deal with it. In addition to letting a bigger rumor attract everyone's attention, the other way is to use some means to distort the original meaning.

No matter how many times you misinterpret it, people who believe in rumors will only take the rumor as a whole, and never think that the rumor has changed its original meaning.

When a rumor becomes more and more ridiculous, it is no longer a rumor, but has become a nonsense of gossip, and it has no use value.

Li Huowang still doesn't believe it, and he can be misled by other people's rumors in his own territory.

He wants to see what the other party wants to do next.

If the other party still wants to use these methods of sitting and forgetting the way, I am willing to accompany them to the end, just because I have a lot of non-gang here, which is useless.

However, the plan did not change quickly, and the opponent's next move was beyond Li Huowang's expectations again.