MTL - Devil-Chapter 230

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The sand that was still immersed in the sorrow of the elders suddenly stunned.

He is a very fast-moving person, and he can’t take turns to be the leader.

"This is..." His tears have not dried up, but the expression on his face has turned from sadness to a kind of caution.

"Don't ask me why, I only ask if you are willing to try." The black scorpion of the dead water is obviously hidden under the thick cotton coat, but the sight of the black-haired monster is still piercing the front of the beast head. heart.

The sand was looking at him with a sly look. After watching it for a long while, this beast wiped the tears on his cheeks with a rough hand and cautiously said, "Can you let me discuss with the tribe?"

"Go, the point is to let Zaire agree. If the parties are reluctant, this will not be 100% successful. Remember, you only have one hour to consider the time. More than this time, the chance of failure is higher. Aunt said only one sentence.

The sand nodded and quickly ran towards the people behind him.

After watching Auntie, Auntie has returned to the side of the car and picked up the black eggs. The two people don’t know what to say.

After thinking about it, I finally did not choose to ask at this time.

Not long after, after the joy of them, the position of the beasts suddenly burst into a scream! Afterwards, I couldn’t help but turn around and look at the beasts.

A screaming scream is a female beast. She is now a human figure, her arms are guarded in front of a young beast, and she is yelling at the sand in front.

Although her accent is very heavy, she still barely listened to what she was saying. Maybe she wouldn’t let Zaire take the risk. She would rather have her son’s life as it is now, and she would not want her son to risk her hundred. Divide the danger of dying to try the so-called "opportunity"!

"Grit! If you want to send Zaire to the past, I will leave with Zaire. If I take him anywhere, you should not have this son!" Lisa's emotions were obviously very excited, surrounded by The beast couldn't get close to her and Zaire, only the sand and her face.

The atmosphere froze for a while.

After watching the time, I have been fifteen minutes away from the time when Ayi just spoke.

Auntie is like nothing at all, just talking to the black egg there.

The black egg is like the old scorpion who just understood that he has been watching him dead, so he smashed the golden peas, and the aunt was licking a handkerchief and gently wiping his tears.

I don't know what the aunt and he said. The eyes of the little monster are still red and swollen, but in a short time they grin.

And on the other side of the beast, the situation has once again turned into a turning point -

The young beast, Zaire, gently held his mother's cloak with his mouth.

He whispered twice.

After listening to his voice, he obviously understood the beasts around him.

The female beast standing in front of him like a warrior jerked back, and the expression on her face changed from firm to anxious:

"Zaire, no... don't listen to your father, only 50% of the survival is possible, too low! It's too low!"

The young beast is only stubbornly biting the mother's cloak, and the big eyes show a pleading look.

It is pleading, but firm.

The female beast had fought her own husband, but after all, she did not fight for her son. After a long while, she finally retreated.

Covering the face with both hands, the female beast whimpered and wept.

Zaire used his body to work **** his mother, and the female beast was smashed by his body. He finally took out his face and took a few shots, but he did not I cried again.

Zaire eventually came with his parents and the oldest beast of the present.

"Thinking?" asked Auntie.

"Yeah." The answer is his sand.

"Is sure Zaire wants to understand it myself?" Auntie confirmed again.

Zaire shouted.

Not waiting for the sand to translate, the black egg whispered in the aunt's leg: "Xiao Huang said he wanted to understand."

Zaire snorted at him.

This is the smile of the beasts.

"Excuse me, this method... How many people have you used before? Is that person still alive?" After all, he was still not at ease, biting his teeth, and Lisa raised her head and asked her aunt.

Auntie looked at her in the same place, for a long while: "Only used in one person."

"The man is still alive."

Lisa’s face showed a cry of crying, and she still wanted to say something, and Zaire had bitten her cloak again.

The beasts did not rest this night.

Arranged to guard the guards, all the beasts are still not assured, they spontaneously encircled a circle, surrounded the aunt, Zaire family in the middle.

It is obviously a cold desert night. Because many of these beasts have blocked the cold winds with their bodies, for the first time, they have felt that the night here is not so cold.

The sight of all the monsters is concentrated in the middle of the aunt and Zaire.

"Do you want to live? Want to live, and then become a monster that can become a human form?"

Zaire nodded.

"Then, in the next time, keep this idea and stick to it." The quiet voice of Auntie came out from the black cloak, and his voice did not fall, suddenly -

No one saw when he shot, and when all the monsters saw it, the aunt's pale palms were already deep in the heart of the young beast.

"No!!!!!!" Lisa made a scream, but before she rushed, the sand reached out and stopped her.

Very firm, his power is much greater than his partner. When he really wants to stop her from doing something, Lisa is completely unable to resist.

Lisa could only watch her son slamming his eyes after the sudden insertion of the black-haired monster's palm. With the fall of the young and powerful body, the left hand of the black-haired monster slowly emerged from Zaire's chest. Come out.

After a heavy muffled sound, the young beast fell on the cold sand.

He didn't die, but his body was constantly twitching, as if he had suffered a great deal of pain, and the young beast that had never been called for by bitterness kept calling.

"Let me go! Let me go! Zaire is calling me! Zaire is calling mom!" Lisa cried aloud.

"Don't be impulsive, you see Zair's wound, you look at the boss's left hand again..." The sand saw it clearly, he knew that his partner had been rushed to see nothing, and could only suppress her voice to remind her.

When Lisa finally listened to him and looked at her son's wound, she discovered that Zaire's chest had cracked a slender wound, but...

There is no blood in the wound.

Look at the left hand of the mysterious big boss, there is no blood.

The pale palm did not retract under the cloak in time. The little monster around him was grabbing the hand and looking up and down, left and right.

"Hey?" The little monster looked at it for a long time, and did not find the stone in his hand.

Yes, others don't know, but the black egg is clear: before, he put the stone from the sand in this hand!

"Tonight is a crucial period. You will accompany him well. If the sun can rise into a human form before it rises, it will be successful, if not..."

"That is a failure."

When the aunt finished, he picked up the little monster that he didn't want to leave, and then he glanced at the young beast that was constantly rolling on his eyes. After a long while, he licked his mouth and followed the aunt.

They re-entered the car, and the beasts remained firmly in a circle, surrounded by the Zaire family safely.

After thinking about it, I finally sent people to the beasts to send a few buckets of water plus enough fuel to burn overnight.

The black egg always remembers the little friend outside, but in the arms of the cockroach, he is finally asleep.

Put the black eggs that are asleep in the quilt, and there will be a happy and aunt in the car.

After the joy, he looked straight at the aunt. He didn't talk. However, the aunt seemed to be clear about his inner doubts. After a long while, he slowly opened his mouth:

"The black egg just gave me the sand for his stone. I asked him if he was willing to give the stone to Xiao Huang, and he promised."

After that, he extended the left hand that had been inserted into Zaire's body before, and showed the pale palms and palms without a trace of blood to him.

"Just, I used this hand to get the stone into Zaire's body."

"Exactly, it is not a stone, it should be called a nuclear."

"Nuclear is the most fundamental difference between the devil and the Warcraft. In a long time ago, this world is full of Warcraft, there is no magic, until one day, the first World of Warcraft refining a core in the body, this world has The first monster."

"The beast named Zaire... is really just a Warcraft, but he is young, strong, and smart. I have explored his body. The energy concentration in his body is already quite high. You only need one thrust. Refining and nucleating."

"But it is very dangerous to refine the core. If it is slightly unstable, the newborn nuclear may explode. It can be said that he is at a very dangerous critical point. The death of the old beast tonight is given. He has a chance."

"The degree of repulsion of the nuclear from the same family is the lowest. When the owner of the nuclear is used within an hour, it can absorb the turbulent force of the user to the maximum extent and act as a buffer for the user's own core. In this case, the possibility of his original nuclear condensation is greatly improved. If the will is strong enough to endure the pain in the body, he will be born with his own nuclear."

After waiting for the question, Auntie explained all the questions.

But after watching Huan or quietly watching him.

Auntie suddenly calmed down, and after a long time, he sighed softly.


"This method was discovered by myself. The only object I have experimented with before is myself. And as you can see..."

Aunt Wu’s nephew looked straight into the eyes of Xiang Qianhuan:

"Don't worry, I am alive."

As he said, he gently took the hand of Ji Huan with the left hand that had been inserted into Zaire’s chest before, and pressed the hand of Qi Huan on his chest.

"Although there is no heartbeat, I am alive."