MTL - Devil-Chapter 268

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"Ah! Great, Snow said to give you a try!" The most unclear person in the room is the owner of the room - the owner of the drink shop, about what they said before, he completely I didn't understand it, but I felt a lot of words in my heart. There are so many words in the snow today, and then I am sincerely happy for both sides.

"Snow is very difficult to give the seeds to other monsters! Give the plants that are also cultivated!" said the boss with a smile.

"He is very efficient. I will tell you today. I will send it to me tomorrow. Can you stay one more day? Ah! Yes, the weather forecast for snow is very accurate. He said that the weather will become very Cold, it must be very cold, you should buy more fur and prepare for the cold on the road."

After saying goodbye to the enthusiastic boss, Ji Huan and his party left the drinks shop.

The head of Reim was sent back to the place after the tour, and the Nieer boss was holding the dungeon above it, and he was surprised to see it.

It is too big, although it is a professional hotel that accepts hunters and Warcraft hunters. Although the most solid dungeons have been prepared here, these dungeons can't fit this Roym completely, and the hotel finally broke three rooms. After the dungeons were re-reinforced, it barely put on the terrible abyss monster.

However, it is a great honor to be able to receive such a monster that has never been seen before.

If this Warcraft can be successfully closed, then their future advertising words can add a slogan: the prey cage can resist the struggle of the highest reward level Warcraft!

I believe this slogan will definitely help them attract more hunters and Warcraft hunters.

Nie's boss is a meticulous demon. He is worried that the aunts who are here are not enough. He also sent all the guards on his side. When Huan and others came back, he greeted him with a cold sweat.

"This Warcraft is really scary. I just shared it with it. I really don't know how Calli took it."

"Thank you." Aunt expressed his gratitude to him, and the Nye boss waved his hand and smiled and left.

In the following time, after the joy of reassigning the tasks to the guards, now they are ready to leave. Different from when they came, they not only prepared for themselves, but also prepared for the newly added "goods."

Three huge abyss monsters, although already dying, but Yu Wei is still, and such a top "goods", it is difficult to ensure that the road will not be robbed by other monsters, so the house immediately took a meeting with the subordinates.

As a group of friends and relatives, Aye and Naji may not be suitable for the internal meetings of the robbers, but they quickly found what they can do: to help purchase cold materials.

Mr. Aximu looked at both sides and said nothing. He took the ash from the other side and walked forward before he left. The black egg in his arms waved.

The black egg smashed and shook the small claws immediately. Soon, the family of the three was left in the dungeon.

Then they left.

Returning to their room in this hotel, after entering the house, he put the black egg down and felt that the room was not warm enough. He lost another piece of firewood into the fireplace.

The smell of the tree oil is very clear, and the room is filled with warm and low-key woody notes.

The black egg stood on the ground for a while, and quickly took off his cloak and wore an interior embroidered dress that the local monster used to wear. He put the cloak he had just worn on the fireplace and baked it.

The little monster not only took care of himself, but also saw that he had taken off his cloak, and he also carried the coat of his beggar.

Finally, he stood in the room, the only person who had not taken off his coat. In front of Auntie, under his gaze, Aunt took off his cloak and sat down at the bed. He lay down heavily.

His eyes stared at the ceiling. He felt someone moving his shoes, but the black egg noticed that his shoes were wet and he was taking off his shoes.

Aunt looked at the little monster that was trying to help him take off his shoes. He didn't know what he thought. He suddenly picked up the black egg and put the little guy on the bed. He forced the black egg to lie side by side with him. on the bed.

Put the black egg just off the shoes of the aunt and put it on the side of the fire, and put his shoes nearby. After walking to the bed where the aunt lay down, he walked up to look at him.

Black eggs are small tempers, and they are not irritated when they are forced to press on the bed. On the contrary, they sleep on the side of the aunt (cold), and the top of the head is looked down on the majesty. The little monster smiles and half a sigh. I started to sleep.

It didn't take long for the little guy to breathe regularly in the room.

The two adults started talking at this time.

"The demon named Snow is a tribe of Nila." After the joy is affirmative.

Auntie did not say anything.

"A few years ago, in the process of changing the terrain of Salouye, the place where their family lived was just in the transformation zone. The environment on which they lived was devastated, and the tribes were also severely damaged and separated. Nara was accompanied by Kara. Sis saved, and most of the remaining tribes were seriously injured, selling the donkeys that were raised for Callas, so it’s easy to get enough of the cost of treatment, yet..."

After the joy did not say.

"Saroye is a fool." After a while, Aunt whispered, then he closed his eyes.

The greater the ability, the more cautious, how many good things this ability can do, and how many bad things can be done.

Salouye certainly can't think of it, he will die, it is because of a "good thing" that was done many years ago.

Jin Murphyt Firzaha suddenly felt a little funny. He thought about why he and Saloye were attacked for a long time. He thought about the greed of other monsters. He thought about his enemies with Sarah and thought about it. A lot, but in any case, I have never thought of a monster that I have never seen before.

But being able to find this reason is really a coincidence:

He is not the first time to encounter the old monster. Although they are very happy, they are not at the level of deep friendship. If it is not the second time that there is a grandfather, Callas is on the train, the old one. The monster will not tell his story, and if he didn't tell his story, he wouldn't be able to catch the silver-haired monster that had been hidden behind the whole thing—snow.

"If you say this... A grandfather is not a descendant of Carras in that ethnic group." After the joyful sitting on the bed, the grandfather told me about the detailed passage of the snow. To this size, Aye was treated as a junior for the first time. His old man was touched and smashed!

"It can be said that it is possible, or it can be said that it is impossible." Auntie did not open his eyes, but like seeing a fascinating sight, he continued to explain: "I saw Kara at your first time. I felt very strange when I was."

"Karas is the monster of ours. Although it is not a very high-order monster, it is not a monster that can be nurtured in your world."

"Karas there may only be from our borders, but direct flow is impossible. Every world has natural laws. Foreign monsters above this law cannot enter. If you want to enter." His strength must be dispersed, and even the entire body will be dispersed."

"I suspect that Karas in your hometown is where Callas passed in the second form."

"Even if you die into a free magical spirit, after a period of gestation, it is still possible to grow into a kind of native magic. If he can be lucky enough to swallow all the scattered forces of the year, it may even become the same year. The monster itself, some similar to regeneration..."

When I said this, Aunt suddenly opened her eyes.

The eyes of the black hole looked directly at the ceiling. Suddenly, he slightly licked his head and his eyes fell on the face of the white horse.

For a moment, he felt as if he had seized something about it, but he was so close that he could not think of it more thoroughly.

For a moment, he felt as if he had seized something about it, but he was so close that he could not think of it more thoroughly.

After the joy did not look at him, the young man usually looks cold and difficult to get close to the face of the little monster sleeping on the bed, his eyes have a gentleness that he does not know, he gently held the little hand of the little magic, even if the little monster In his sleep, he also recognized the screaming, slamming, and he stretched out his small claws and forced the hand of Ji Huan.

It was a little white hand. It was no longer a black paw. The black egg still had a "black" character in its name, but he is now a white and tender child.

The pressed hair is soft and soft, always neatly combed, the face is round, the chin is pointed, and the more slap-up face is clear and lovely, the red mouth is red like blood, and The white skin lacks blood, white as snow, and he now looks like Snow White in his favorite fairy tale.

If you haven't seen him grow up, you probably won't guess that this little guy has grown out of a fog.


That is what it was like.

A group of chaos, free forces gather together, when accumulated to a certain extent, there will always be births from birth, but these creatures are not necessarily magic, more is a collection of forces that even World of Warcraft can not be called. .

They have no feelings, no consciousness, no consciousness, and others are numb.

The black egg can grow like this, although it is related to the bracelet and other forces that he gave him halfway. However, it is more important that he should be loved by him and his grandfather. The strong feeling of being needed makes him finally feel. Then he began to instinctively ask for more free force, so that he can become the person he likes and look forward to. This is the simplest question and answer, and it is also the most basic reward and feedback.

The black egg grew up in accordance with the expectations of Ao and Aye. It grew up according to what he understood and what Aye liked. Now, who can think of his original appearance?

and many more--

Aunt suddenly sat up.

"No, it is not just that Saroye will die, not just the revenge of snow. There are other reasons."

"There are other monsters behind the snow."

Aunt suddenly said.