MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 54 Lightning and wind

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Although ten days ago, the 64th reversal of the **** hand, but the audience also saw that he was forced by Lange to be in a hurry, now the opponent is replaced by a much stronger Jess than Lange, nature Few people are optimistic about the 64th.

The hosted female succubus scorpion came to the stage and introduced the general situation and record of the two to the audience. Jess is a dark-haired elf with sharp ears, a short silver hair, scars of different sizes on his face and body. His eyes are sharp and sharp. He can see that he is a veteran who has experienced many tests of life and death. .

When the succubus asked about the game declarations of both sides, Jess silently said that the succubus seemed to be used to it and asked Chen Rui.

Chen Rui thought a little and asked: "What is my odds today?"

"Today your odds are much higher than the previous one, and you will pay fifteen."

Is this still high? It seems that if it is too cold, it can make a profit. Chen Rui does not mind, throwing a purse: "Here are fifty black crystal coins, buy myself and win!"

The audience was amazed, fifty black coins! Such a heavy note!

Most of the competitions are civilians. Generally speaking, a black crystal coin is already a very heavy bet. Now this 64th one is actually fifty black crystal coins! The money is enough for the bottom family of the Mozu family to live for several years.

"Our arena does not accept higher than..." The sacred words did not finish, just to see the wave of the VIP seat Aroks, immediately took the black crystal coin, smiled and said: "So, then fifty A black crystal coin, please Jess choose the fighting method, empty hand? Or a weapon?"

Jess seems to be overjoyed, raising the cold eyes of the hands, and the succubus nodded: "Then the weapons are allowed to be used in this field. Except for weapons, they must not be sterilized on weapons, nor should they use any armor or Magic props. On the 64th, please show your weapon!"

"I don't need weapons." Chen Rui said faintly, he is not proficient in weapons. If he uses it rashly, he will be shackled.

Jess flashed through the eyes, looked at the opponent, and resumed silence. The confidence on the 64th has changed the audience that was not optimistic about him. Some people have started to raise the 64th number temporarily, and the odds have slowly changed.

The competition began. Jess did not launch a raid like Lange. Just staring at the opponent tightly, Chen Rui suddenly felt locked up, secretly vigilant, and did not rashly attack, just spreading the star power all over the body. Maintaining the status quo.

Jess's footsteps began to move. Unlike the high speed of imagination, the speed was not fast, and Chen Rui began to circle slowly.

Chen Rui carefully moves his body and always keeps his face in the face of Jess at his own heart, always guarding against the high-speed attack of the other side. Originally Jess turned around in the circle, he was only the center of the circle, the dark elf should consume more physical strength, but the dark elf's footsteps seem to have a strange rhythm, Chen Rui only looked for a while, and even felt a dizzy feeling.

Just when Chen Rui’s eyes were slightly stunned, Jess’s speed suddenly broke out. Chen Ruigang recovered from the loss of the gods, and he felt that a figure had appeared in front of him, but he did not panic, and the long-awaited rapid blow came out. This hit the chest of the dark elf, but the miracle happened, and the fist passed through Jess's body without any hindrance, like hitting in the air.

Afterimage! Chen Rui suddenly reacted, and at the same time, there was a huge sense of crisis behind him. A sharp wind and lightning hit, not yet, there is already a stinging feeling.

At the beginning of the millennium, Chen Rui’s effect under the high-pressure training of Duron suddenly showed up. When the mind was moving, the body had already made a muscle reflex in advance, and it was incredibly forward, and the sharp risk passed over the back muscles, leaving behind A shocking blood mark. Sharp wind hit a miss, did not retreat, and the shadow came up with it.

Chen Rui only feels full of dazzling sharpness, and that kind of residual image technique is especially difficult, and it is hard to measure. It is only a matter of time. It will take a while to work. The scar on the body has been on the ten-digit scale, and the cloak is gradually stained with blood. red.

Soon, Jess’s storm-like offensive finally slowed down. Without Chen Rui’s counterattack, Jess had already pulled away from him at a high speed and continued to maintain the slow pace of the previous, apparently looking for the next round of storms. .

Chen Rui refused to take care of his injuries, adjusted some of his disordered breathing, and focused on this terrible opponent. Compared with Jess, the former blood hand Langke is not in a grade at all. If it is not these days, I will practice hard in the training field and add Paglio’s high-pressure training. It’s just enough for him to make him a surprise attack. I have died ten times.

The afterimage, the deadly attack, and the information, but the confusing effect of the footsteps, the outsiders can not see, and Jess has reached a rather ingenious way of applying the afterimage, not just a literal skill. It is a tactic of killing the enemy.

The strongest of the mid-level devils in the middle of the section, really worthy of the name.

Jess is still silent, but his eyes are getting sharper. This 64th is said to have died in the hands of Langke’s little character a few days ago. I can’t think of this kind of strength, just the deadly offensive. In exchange for a normal mid-level middle section of the Mozu, it has already been killed. However, this opponent did not suffer fatal damage in the event of losing the opportunity, especially the speed of response, not even under the talented dark elves!

Aroks, who had been stunned and sipped for a sudden drink, suddenly stopped the cup. The audience saw that the 64th, which was originally suppressed without the power to fight back, turned out to be an active attack!

And... that speed!

It is no secret that the characteristics and strength of the Wolf Jess are not secret. Even the audience understands the strengths and weaknesses of the Dark Elves. The speed is fast and the attack is fierce, but the endurance is relatively weak. Generally speaking, the best tactic is defense. Use physical energy to drag opponents. However, many of Jess’s previous opponents have chosen this tactic, but they have basically not succeeded, because Jess also understands his own characteristics, so he has worked **** the attack, not only strength and skill. And there are tactics.

Everyone knows that they want to defend and delay, but few people can withstand Jess's attack. Even if they fight back, they can't keep up with the speed of the dark elves. They can beat Jess or live under him. Most of them are endurance and defensive players, who have passed the required competitive time, and then Aroks to determine the outcome.

Today, the 64th has chosen the most unwise active offense, but the quite amazing. It turns out that the 64th is also the speed type!

On the 64th, the last time against the **** hand, there is definitely a reservation!

Faced with the equally amazing speed of the opponent, Jess was shocked first, then replaced with a fanaticism, the trajectory of the eyes in the hands is even more strange, the speed of both sides is getting faster and faster, the audience outside the field only sees two The high-speed silhouette collides and rotates under the illumination of the magic spar. The time is long, and the demon who is slightly weaker feels dizzy.

On the VIP table, Aroks drank the glass of wine and handed the cup to the side of Qidun. He saw the servant staring at the field with a hard eye and shook his head. "Don’t waste your energy. You can't keep up with their speed."

"Adult," Qidun rubbed his eyes effortfully. "Who are the speeds of these two guys faster?"

"Jess is faster." The two figures in the field are extremely fast, but in the eyes of Aroks, they can only be considered pediatrics.

Qidun stunned: "So, will Jess win the final victory?"

Araux shook his head: "If you compare Jess's speed to lightning, then the 64th is the wind, the lightning is faster, the wind is not revealing, but Jess should have no killing. Out, who wins and who is negative, and for the time being is not sure."

"The sixty-fourth day can only barely kill the blood hand Langke ten days ago," Qi Dun said with amazement. "Now I can compete with Jess. Is the seal thing true? Or he has been hiding strength. ?"

Arrox didn't answer any more, just faintly glanced at the empty glass of the sorcerer's empty hand, and Qidun immediately shut up his mouth with interest, and handed the wine to the great demon with respect.

Jess's speed is indeed slightly better than Chen Rui's, but the dark elf feels very bad at this moment, although the opponent's speed is inferior, but basically can keep up with his movements.

Generally speaking, speed and endurance are two relatively extreme qualities. Although the 64th is still maintaining high speed, it does not show the performance of overdraft. However, Jess himself has begun to feel a little bit behind.

After a fierce collision, the two high-speed movement figures finally separated, stopped the action, and watched with full alert. The audience finally ended the strenuous fatigue stage. The Devils are especially advocating strength. Although the two men are likely to survive only one, the wonderful showdown that shows the powerful power naturally attracts the audience's enthusiasm. .

Jess didn't see a big wound on his but it has begun to wheezing obviously, obviously the physical strength that was lost in the fierce high-speed battle just now is quite huge.

Chen Rui was slightly asthmatic, and the cloak was full of reddish cracks. Jess was faster than him. To keep up with the other side's movements, it took more effort. He had hit Jess several times, but because of the darkness. The speed of the elf, the power has not completely spit, it was dismantled by the other side. The characteristics of the star made him a large part of the cheap, quickly added to the physical strength of the flight, and the recovery rate of the injury was quite smooth.

Jess understands that although the other party is injured, it is far less serious than the appearance. Unless it can cause real fatal injury, it will continue to fight according to this intensity, and I am afraid that I will not be able to support it for two hours.

The dark elf runs the residual power in the body, and suddenly there is a spark of lightning. The familiarity of the sound makes Chen Rui think of the same family Aldas, instinctively sensing that the power of lightning is definitely not an illusion.

This kind of electric spark not only makes Jess's speed suddenly increase, but also has an enchanting effect on the dagger. When Chen Rui's ribs are accidentally crossed by the dagger, not only the hair is straight, but also a short paralysis, if not fast response Has been pierced by a hole.

This kind of skill has not been seen in the information of the arena. It is probably the secret technique of the dark elf or the newly-killed killing trick. It should also be his last trick!

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