MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 53 Fast wolf! The second battle of No. 64

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Although Chen Rui is already psychologically prepared, he still feels tremendous pressure when he faces twice the gravity. Not only the weight, but the weight of the internal organs has doubled, and the breathing has become extremely difficult. The rib wounds that had been healed almost began to ache.

I used to watch those novels or comics, and I couldn’t move dozens of times of gravity to practice hundreds of times. Now I really use gravity training to know what is difficult, which is only twice as much.

His mind was moving, and Star Force began to run all over the body. The speed of adaptation was actually much faster. The muscle control of the body also felt more subtle and clear under the pressure.

Chen Rui began to move slowly in the space, try to control the breathing, and make some simple movements to stretch the limbs. Don't look at this kind of small movements. It is definitely not a simple matter to be as casual as the normal state, especially the acceleration. It takes twice as much power.

At this time, the role of the star body was fully exerted, so that his loss of star power was timely supplemented. I don't know how much time has passed. When Chen Rui was able to run and jump relatively freely, the surrounding environment suddenly changed and returned to the arena. It turned out that two days had passed.

Chen Rui returned to the status bar of the Throne of the Star Temple and saw that the experience value has risen to 8%. It seems that in the gravity environment, the effect on Star Force is very good. In the translucent body, the smoke-like bone seems to be stable. Some give a more solid feeling.

He remembered that the actual time had passed a day, had not added food, and quickly quit the super system. The function of the super system is wonderful. In the training ground, there is no feeling of hunger or excretion. When it comes back to reality, the stomach suddenly screams and it is really hungry all day.

When Chen Ruigang got up, he felt that the weight of his body seemed to be a lot lighter. Instead, he was not suitable for the gravity under normal conditions. He just couldn't open it in the room. He was delighted: a few thousand reikis had no white flowers. This kind of training really worked.

After replenishing the food and sleeping beautifully, Chen Rui felt that the star power had recovered, and the injury under the ribs was completely recovered. Without delay, he immediately entered the training ground.

In the absence of a selection rule, Chen Rui let go of his hands and feet in the training ground, feeling a lot lighter, but still need to further adapt to this state.

He considered it and chose the rule of five times plus twice the weight, and spent seven thousand reikis, leaving more than 24,000 points.

Returning to the double-gravity environment again, Chen Rui is obviously more comfortable than the first time, and is more proficient in controlling muscles and stars. His training program is actually very simple, fully adapting to twice the gravity in daily activities, from ordinary walking, running, jumping, and then to attack and defense. The five-day period is no more than one day. Although there is no desire for hunger or sleep in the space, this sleepless practice is undoubtedly more unbearable.

Chen Rui can actually use the authority to go out from the training ground in advance, but he did not do this. This practice is not only tempering the body, but also honing the heart.

There is no white lunch in the world. Compared with others, the super system has provided him with an excellent platform. If it is only a trick, lack of perseverance and perseverance, it can only be regarded as stupid little clever. It is as if fighting with Lange, the real practice is to throw everything away.

In other words, if you practice, you must have the confidence to win and the determination to die.

In Chen Rui’s teeth, while sweating, the smoky bones are more and more solid in the translucent human body displayed in the status bar. It is just a smoke-like sputum. Now it has crystallized its solid form, and its appearance is slowly flowing. Countless filaments, moving in a loop, are endless.

The magical luster of the Devil's Moon is replaced by a day and night. In a blink of an eye, five days have passed.

Blue Wave Lake, Paglio did not leisurely lie on the lake to sleep, but sitting on the ground from time to time staring at the night of the sky, it seems a bit of a focus: Chen Rui does not say good five days later special training? Why haven't they appeared yet?

At this moment, in the distance, the familiar rhythm of wings flapping finally came, Pagliu jumped up: this guy, finally came!

Just as the two-legged dragon just landed, the poison dragon had already deceived it and had a sneak attack.

Just as Pagliu approached, the black shadow on the back of the two-legged dragon suddenly slammed, and in the blink of an eye he had already jumped to the back of the poison dragon. The poisonous dragon eyes lit up and returned to a boxing. The speed of the shadow is still above the imagination. The body shape is twisted, and the fist has been let go. I know that the poison dragon is suddenly accelerating, and the fist is incredibly crumbling, still hitting the black shadow. When it was about to be compacted, the black shadow punched out in time, and the two punches were paired. The poison dragon was not moving, and the man was shocked and went out. It was more than ten meters before he stabilized his figure. The mouth called: "Cheating guy, are you the power of the middle-middle demons?"

"Less nonsense! This adult is happy! Have the ability to fight back!" Duron's eyes flooded, gently jumped to Chen Rui, began a rapid attack.

Chen Rui's body is flexible, but Paglio's speed is faster, Chen Rui's eyes can't keep up with the speed of the poison dragon, but relying on the feeling of star force and the muscle reaction trained in the gravity environment, even successively Avoid the attack of the poison dragon.

He counted the movement track of the poison dragon, took advantage of the empty space, and a hand knife counterattacked. The poison dragon figure came to an abrupt end, but Chen Rui’s wrist was firmly grasped and could not force. The Duron did not continue to attack and loosen. The palm of your hand reveals the color of surprise: "Not only is speed, but the power is faintly close to the middle section. How do you train in these days? If you continue this way, after two months, it is entirely possible to reach the high-end demon!"

“Where is it so easy?” Chen Rui shook his head with a smile, but Pagliu’s evaluation of his strength approaching the middle section made him think of the crystal skeleton in the state bar that was about to solidify into a solid state.

In the past five days, his life has been training, sleeping and then training. In this cycle, he has entered the training ground three times. The first time is double time and gravity. The second time and the third time are five times. Add double gravity, the rest of the time is rest and adapt to normal gravity.

Today, Chen Rui has fully adapted to the state of double gravity. In the fifth time of the third time, he even tried not to use the force of the stars to directly counter the double gravity with the strength of the body. This attempt was absolutely not easy, but the effect was beaten, and it was inadvertently matched with the "smelting body" of the stars. The essentials, not only the experience value rose rapidly, reached 30%, but the physical strength in the tempering progress is very fast.

The "bones" are close to the solid state, which is why they come. The training ground is quite powerful, but the cost is equally high, and the 35,000 aura is now only 17,000.

"Paglu, do you think that my current strength can overcome that fast wolf? I checked the guy's information, is a dark elf, good at melee and dagger, but also residual skills, opponents are more fatal. ”

Pagliu thought for a moment and replied: "With your current strength, there is at least a fight. I am not sure, at least there should be a fight. The dark elves are talented in terms of speed and induction. In other words, endurance is a weakness, especially the other side's killing, the residual image, should be a combination of talent and high-speed skills, mainly to confuse the other party. How to fight specifically, depending on the performance of the opponent on the spot, can not be set too dead Remember, there must be no luck or slack before you completely defeat your opponent."

Chen Rui had a deep understanding of the last sentence and nodded. Paglieu then pointed out that although his speed has improved rapidly, he is not enough control. The real speed is not only reflected in the movement, but also the frequency and explosiveness of the attack. Pay attention to the perfect combination of speed and strength. Then there is the timing of the problem, in the face of the dark elf opponents, we must control this.

There is not much to say about the theory. The key is to comprehend and progress in practice. After Paglio said a few essentials, he started the practical training directly. Faced with tremendous pressure, Chen Rui did not protest the level of power used by Duron, but actively and devoted himself to training.

Duron obviously felt the change of the human spirit's mental secretly happy, his men are more unwilling.

Ten days passed by, and at night, the Darkmoon City Arena was brightly lit, and the old ones were about to start the final battle of the finale.

This time, the celebrities of the arena, the strongest middle-class devil in the middle, "Xunwo" Jess; and the other side, is the sixty-fourth who killed the "blood hand" Langke ten days ago. This competition has attracted a lot of viewers, and the bet on betting has almost doubled.

At this time, Jess, who was dressed up in a short dress, has slowly stepped off, and the 64th of one of the protagonists has not yet appeared.

Qidun on the VIP table showed an anxious color, but it was Aroks who was tasting the wine in his hand.

"The 64th, it won't be afraid to come!" The sorcerer frowned slightly: "If he escapes this competition, then our loss..."

The words have not been finished, and the sound of Arrox's gold iron sounded: "He has come."

Just seeing the masker wearing a cloak in the opposite channel of the contestant, it is the 64th.

Aroks’s gaze gaze at the mask for a while, and his brow suddenly picks up. Although he is far away, he can still feel the power of the high-level demon. Compared with ten days ago, the breath of the sixty-fourth has already been Changed a lot.

"Middle mid-stage?" Arrox's fiery red pupil shrank slightly, passing over the color, and suddenly smiled: "This battle should be a bit of a look..."

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