MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 898 The dusk of the gods?

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The eye of Chen Rui’s analysis was combined with the power of deep analysis and evil spirits. I couldn’t think of a small universe like this!

The "small universe" haunts the powerful power, as if it is a great energy in the real universe, but it does not feel the breath of life or faith, as if it is completely silent. [This article comes from]

A little wrong, the "small universe" in the eyes has changed back to the "corpse."

I can't see the face, I can't even see the gender, but I can clearly feel the existence of the "human form".

Even the eyes of analysis can't continue to peek into the power of the "small universe." If this "corpse" is really a complete life, it must be a certain supreme existence, then now his (her) state is a long sleep. ? Still true death?

The "corpse" is not slowly standing still, slowly flying towards this side,

Chen Rui did not dare to approach the spy, not only because of the trembling of the mind, but also because of this huge "corpse" that gave him a strong sense of danger. He instinctively realized that although the "corpse" has no life, the horror power contained in it is a real existence. With his current strength, let alone attack or explore the "small universe", as long as it is close to a certain extent, it is The terrible power is completely transformed into the dust of the universe.

In the meantime, Chen Rui felt only a moment of swaying, as if he was in a new space, boundless, the ground was faintly faint, and there was a lot of energy everywhere, as if it were all terrible.

In the sky, it seems as if a pair of eyes are slowly opening, and the gaze has an indescribable power and looks down on everything on the ground.

In an instant, the tremor of the previous body and soul reappeared and was even more powerful. A strong feeling of worship and worship appeared in the heart of Chen Rui, and it was resisting, and the voice of the singer was heard in the ear.

"Believers can be eternal."

"Faith, you can have eternal life."


Every time the sound rang, Chen Rui’s will weakened a point, and the whole person seemed to be part of this space.

At the crucial moment, the super system galaxies in consciousness began to function. Begin to devour the invading souls. At the same time, the body of the angry Wang Kai issued a faint brilliance, Chen Rui suddenly woke up, screaming for danger, just if he lost consciousness. The soul will be completely controlled, and everything will be deprived and swallowed by this space.

It is necessary to break open the space as soon as possible and flee from this place.

After the implementation of "Red. Polar Star", the super system will enter a dormant state, but the power and vitality of the galaxy will not be exhausted, and the functions of the storage warehouse can be used as usual, but the active skills cannot be applied. Over time. This sleep state will be slowly released. It has been a few hours since the last time the "Red. Star" has been applied. The super system is not completely "thawed". It is in a semi-dormant state and can only use basic skills such as the Analytical Eye. At least one day later, if you want to re-use the big tricks like "Red." or "Dragon".

In this situation, the speed of systematically solving the different forces is much lower than usual, and the kind of alienation that invades the soul is very powerful. Even under normal conditions, it may not be possible to synchronize solutions.

Chen Rui felt that the soul began to blur again, especially the kind of voice similar to the singer. Endless in the ear, after the hearing is closed, it actually sounds in my heart. Chen Rui bit his tongue and his mind recovered a few more points. He turned his body into three figures.

Chen Rui is not using the super system moves, but the trick after the integration of Shura.

"Supernova. Starburst!"

The avatar of Shura and the core strength of Chen Rui are synchronized, and they are the peaks of the country. This is the avatar of three avatars at the same time. The power of superposition is far more than three times that of ordinary ones. It is the strongest attacking tactic of Shura.

The power of terror spreads out, and the space shines brightly, more dazzling than the sun, as if the star exploded.

Although there is no such power as the "Red.", this attack should also be equivalent to the attack of the first half of God.

However, under such a huge impact, there was no crack on the ground, and even those faint clouds were not changed at all, as if the "supernova. starburst" just blew a sigh of relief.

What is this? Chen Rui did not expect that this would be the result, and my heart was amazed.

The eyes in the sky are a bit more ridiculous. Chen Rui feels that the trembling of the soul is more intense. The mind is moving, and there is a mask on his face. It is the mask of the **** that can control the soul. The strange feeling is suddenly Isolated.

Although the outside interference is isolated, some of the forces that have entered the soul are still unable to get rid of, and are spreading rapidly, far exceeding the speed of the super system, and the voice of the heart of the singer has become even bigger.

"Trust me, you can get immortal..."

Chen Rui’s body trembled, sweating like rain, and angered, and suddenly he held a sword in his hand.

The sword of the angel.

Like the wrath of the wrath, the Sword of the Angel also flashes the light that was not there before. It seems that even the mask of the **** on the face is the same.

Chen Rui is trying to resist the erosion of the soul, innocent to think of these details, a sword stabbed out.

This sword is a barb.

Actually it was pierced into his body.

Prior to this, he had already controlled the position of the protective wrath of the wrath, so this sword did not hinder it.

After the sword is "self-mutilated", the mind becomes gradually clearer--the sword of the angel has the characteristics of "breaking soul". After stabbing the enemy, it will directly kill and split the soul of the enemy, and swallow the flesh and blood. For the power of the user. Because Chen Rui is the master of the sword of the angel, his soul and flesh and blood will not be affected by the "breaking soul", but the soul of the invasion is quickly killed and divided.

As the invading soul annihilates, this space, including the eyes in the sky, begins to become thinner and eventually disappears. Chen Rui only felt a flower, and returned to the original chaos, just holding the sword of the angel in his hand and maintaining the "self-mutilation" posture. Everything just now is not an illusion!

Chen Rui’s first reaction was not to draw a sword, but to fly at full speed, because he is now close to the distance of the "corpse". To be precise, he should have been under the influence of certain forces. "Flying to the "corpse".

Not only him, but also Tiffany. The closer to the "corpse", the faster the vitality and the power of faith will flow, as if there is a black hole in the universe that devours everything.

Chen Rui’s eyes were fast, his body was shaped, and he carried out the “light burst” flying technique. He grabbed the divine Tiffany, who was in the shape of electricity and flew in the opposite direction, finally getting rid of the terrible feeling.

The "corpse" did not respond at all, but floated from the ground and gradually moved away.

Until the flight to the safe distance without feeling dangerous and different, Chen Ruicai pulled out the sword of the angel who was embedded in the body. Compared with the great sinister danger, this kind of trauma is nothing at all, with his physique, very soon. It will heal.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. The "corpse" should be silent. The danger encountered just now should be its own "passive character", which can automatically swallow the nearby living body. Become a part of yourself.

There is such a terrible existence!

If the "corpse" is awake...

Chen Rui recalled the encounter in the strange space, and thought of what he was thinking, and his heart was shocked: Is this "corpse" is...

Tiffany, who was caught by Chen Rui, gradually opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, his soul seemed to be unaffected, or he was wearing some kind of body protection. Looking at the huge "corpse" that went far away, Tiffany seemed to recall what happened just now. He took a few deep breaths and broke his hand. He said softly: "Thank you."

"Do you know what it is?" Chen Rui saw that Tiffany seemed to know more about this mysterious land than he knew. He pointed to the "corpse" and asked.

Tiffany glanced at him and flew silently forward. Chen Rui thought about it and didn't ask much. He continued to follow.

About two days later, the meaning of Tiffany's crystal has been dimmed, indicating that the reserve of faith and vitality has consumed a lot. Chen Rui has the power of the super system's galaxy, and it constantly generates vitality and belief, and the loss is lower.

Tiffany is not aimlessly flying seems to be advancing according to some kind of induction, and her preparation is very full, with a lot of food, from time to time can add physical strength. Chen Rui's storage warehouse has more food, but after entering the super-order, he has no need to rely on eating to maintain his life. Occasionally he takes out the food to Tiffany. The other party just refuses to swear by the words like gold.

Chen Rui knows very well that Tiffany's heart still maintains a strong alert to him. If he asks about silver scorpion or other related issues, he will definitely not get an answer. Anyway, his mission here is to protect Tiffany, the silver scorpion is just Incidental, so there is no entanglement.

There was another huge "corpse" in front, and this time it was two.

As before, the two "corpses" are also invisible, but one thing is the same, that is, "the universe", each "corpse" is a "small universe."

With the lessons of the past, this time Chen Rui and Tiffany have played a 12-point spirit and cautiously opened the distance between the two "corpses". Sure enough, as long as the safety distance is maintained, the two "corpses" seem to be truly dead, without any reaction or threat.

Chen Ruimu sent two huge "corpses" away, and a familiar term emerged: "The dusk of the gods."