MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 910 Lola's acquaintance

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"The sunshine of the human world is very comfortable after getting used to it. (Baidu search)" Duron Dragon relied on the deck of the mandala's ship's side, and poured a bite of wine, and also took a bottle of amoeba on the opposite side. Nodded quickly.

Rolla and Krobe Ruth stood at the stern and looked at the hurricane in the distance and whispered something.

Krobe Ruth was the first to come to the ground world, and as a guide.

Rolla was originally from the ground world, and is no stranger to this world full of light elements, but she has been in the devil world for 20,000 years, and everything in the ground world has become strange. This stormy sea, even if it has not been in the past.

The relationship between the two dragons has always been good, and the men of each other are the life and death. Although the rollers sometimes habitually daze, there is never a shortage of topics between women, especially between acquaintances.

As the saying goes, three women have a play. However, there is a "post" but not together. It’s not that Isabella’s relationship with the two women is not good. On the contrary, Isabella’s closest intimate girlfriend is Krobe Ruth, and her friendship with Lola is also quite good, but she did not join their discussion. It is next to Chen Rui.

Unlike the powerful dragons, the Mozu who are accustomed to the dark environment need to adapt to the time to bathe in the sunshine filled with light. Not only that, Chen Rui is also using the power of evil spirits, in conjunction with the secret treasure of the Bailey family, "The tears of evil blue", trying to completely shield the dark elements of Isabella, so that it can perfectly cover Isabe Pulling the identity of the devil.

"The tears of evil blue" is known as the first secret treasure of the Beli royal family under the wind and shadow boots. Not only can it greatly enhance the mental strength in a short period of time, it can shield the body's breath, so that others can't see the true strength, and can greatly enhance the blood power of the evil king's eye, and thus promote the variation of the ordinary Mozu blood. However, the power of this mutation has a large side effect, which will greatly reduce the life of the recipient, and the effect is far less than the devil's fruit.

This was the treasure that Royce dedicated to Chen Rui that year, and it also led to the root cause of the Trois family tragedy.

Now, for Isabella, the most important function of the tears of evil blue is naturally to shield the breath. After combining Chen Rui’s transformation and evil indoctrination, the shielded breath function of the evil blue tears climbs again, even if it is super-order. The strong, can not glimpse this layer of disguise.

"Ini. Are you okay?"

"Well." Isabella leaned her head against his shoulder: "Much better, in fact, not only the body... my heart has been a little nervous."

Chen Rui gently stroked her hair: "Is it afraid to see ‘that person again?’

"One thing, for that person, I hate more." Isabella smiled bitterly. "In fact, the most important thing to hate is myself."

"It's all gone, whether it's fear or hate," Chen Rui wiped the wetness of her eyes and held her hand. "You don't have to be attached to this matter. No matter what you have to face, I will always stay with you." at your side."

Chen Rui did not mention the "wind and shadow boots", but this time he went to the bright mountain. Wind Shadow Boots is definitely the goal to fight.

"I feel very happy now." Isabella felt that her heart was down, and she was closer, holding his hand in the backhand.

It’s good to be able to hold this hand for a lifetime.

The island of storm has been seen in front. The sand people manipulated the mandala and leaned on the past.

after an hour.

"This is the island of the storm where the wind element king is located?" Lola looked curiously around, "Sure enough. The wind element is extremely rich, and if you use the wind magic here, the power will multiply."

Miss Fairy Dragon walked away, while holding Chen Rui's hand intimately, Isabella and Krobe Ruth together to talk and laugh, Duron Dragon Grandpa can only swear " really handsome" uncle.

Chen Rui knows that Isabella is deliberately like this. When sailing on the Datura, most of the time is the aunt's adult "occupied" him, although Miss Fairy and Betty chatted on the side, but from time to time It’s inevitable that there will be some taste in the light of the two people coming to the side. Nowadays, the aunt is deliberately letting the fairy dragon "exclusive", and Lola's heart naturally balances a lot.

Ini is not only smart, but also understanding, and people feel very intimate. Under normal circumstances, she can make the harem more harmonious, but don't underestimate the power of the head of the intelligence head, once the intention is to make a moth, the lethality is absolutely It is several times better than the succubus little goblin.

"The sky is hovering with Thunderbirds." Isabella looked up at the dozens of thunderbirds in the sky. "Throw, they seem familiar with you?"

The amoeba proudly said: "Of course, Isabella hostess, lost but true - heart - handsome!"

"You are a mustard!" Chen Rui's brain is black, and don't talk about the lost looks. This matter has nothing to do with looks - for stealing thieves, Thunderbird is of course "cooked".

When he last tested the door of the starry sky, he left the lost on the island of the storm for two days. As a result, the cargo almost stole the eggs of the Thunderbird, triggering the collective violent sneak of the Thunderbird on the storm island. When Chen Rui arrived, the poor Thunderbird had two-thirds of the remaining eggs. If it weren’t for the amoeba, I wanted to keep the owner’s delicious braised bird eggs, and I’m already eating raw.

The surviving Thunderbird eggs were finally returned to the Thunderbirds by Chen Rui. Now, when the smell of stealing thieves appears, the Thunderbirds naturally stepped up their defense and reconnaissance work.

Paglio suspected that the Thunderbird was noisy, and released a little Longwei. The national-level Longwei was not the same, and the frightened Thunderbirds retreated.

After another walk, there was a huge figure in the basin in front, and Chen Rui’s spirit was impressed. The Titan giants bowed their knees.

"Master." The heavy footsteps are getting closer, and the slow sound of the Russian Alost is sounding.

Lola was keenly aware of the difference: "The Titan giant here seems to be more powerful than the Devil, with a clearer mind and a complete sense of autonomy."

"Russian Alos, this is my wife Lola and Isabella, this is my brother Pagliu and his wife, Krobe Ruth... Titan giants must remain awe and respect them like respecting me. Obedience." Chen Rui introduced everyone to the Titans. Lost has been here since the last time, no need to introduce.

"Your command is the will of Titan, the great master." Russell Alos bowed his head respectfully. "There is one thing to report to the master. Yesterday, a group of dragons from the Dragon Valley arrived at the island of Stormwind and started. Magical trials of magic games..."

Chen Rui patiently listened to the slow report of the Russian Alois. This trial is the masterpiece of his day and Lola’s father, Elf King, and the main body is a small copy of the magic game "Endless Warrior". In addition, there are The trap of the magic array and the actual test of the Titan.

Although this kind of trial is only a small part of the magic game, the effect is surprisingly good, whether it is the dragon or the dragon knight. Both showed a strong interest. Chen Rui thus successfully resolved the hatred of the Dragon Valley and the Storm Island, and the mediation of the mother-in-law, Melia, became a partnership.

Since then, the dragon has come to the storm island several times to try, the response is good, this time. It is said that the elites led by senior elders are trials, and the trials are all dragons with outstanding strength or potential.

"Elite?" Paglieu smirked and said: "Just let us know this wild way."

"You seem to be very resentful? Jealousy envy the dead duck dragon?" Chen Rui smiled and grabbed Lola. "Let's see, I don't know if I can see you acquaintances 20,000 years ago."

"Dead duck, your whole family is..." Pagliu has not finished. See the eyes of Miss Fairy Dragon. When I thought of the "discussed" that had been completely abused in the past few days, Duron Dragon suddenly fell a half and didn't say anything.

The land of trials is a basin, and the center is a mist. In fact, it is a small "magic game server" that combines the magic array. Participants will wear a special helmet, and the successful completion of the copy will appear at the entrance; the copy cannot be completed. Light is transmitted, but it is stunned by the spirit and even the soul.

The main reason was the lack of central life crystals at the time. The control and mental branding of this game server still has great drawbacks. Chen Rui has obtained a large number of Yuanjing from the mysterious location of the mysterious place. Now he has successfully created a core control crystal dedicated to magic games, which is stored in the storage warehouse.

Despite these shortcomings, the dragon testers are still very enthusiastic, and their hearts have long been aware of it. After all, this method is already safer than the dangerous trials of death in the past. Moreover, the Magic Array also allows an accompanying person to go into trials. This **** wears a sensory helmet that can forcibly cut off the power of the game's branding when it is dangerous to avoid accidents.

There are many men and women standing outside the basin. Apparently, the dragons have used human figures. The middle-aged man is headed by a middle-aged man with a thin face and a thin figure. The man is surrounded by the wind element King Sestin, who is talking.

The arrival of Chen Rui and others has attracted the attention of the dragons. In particular, when the Titans who can compete with the dragons kneel down and kneel down to the men, many dragons are surprised.

"You are coming." Setin flew forward. In the eyes of the elemental king, there is no difference between the devil or the human being. After solving the biggest crisis with the help of Chen Rui last time, even if it is known for its fickleness. The wind element has also become his friend.

Sethtin introduced the two to each other: "This is the Principal of the Dragon Valley Senior Elder, one of the leaders of the Dragon Valley Trial, and one of the elders Groaes in the trial area The dragon who participated in the trial. This is the creator of the trial land, Lord Richard."

"It turned out to be Lord Palin, fortunately." Chen Rui remembered that he had heard the name "Peilin", but he couldn't remember it for a moment, and politely expressed his respect.

The eyes of the analysis show that Palin is a blue dragon, the strength has reached ss+, the peak of the country, from the evil feelings to the judgment of the elemental breath, this is a strong man who controls the power of the terrorist wind.

Palin looked at Chen Rui, who had only the appearance of the emperor, and showed his arrogant color: "You are the one who signed the contract with Melia?"

This attitude made Chen Rui frown and his face gradually cooled down.

Palin's gaze fell on the side of a pair of glasses, holding a man's glasses, suddenly condensed, and his eyes became more and more surprised.

Palin had not spoken yet, and a trembling voice sounded up: "Rom... Rolla!"

The vocal is a short-haired dragon, beautiful and slim, but unfortunately there are some flat plates on the chest, giving a neutral special beauty. Only the face of this beautiful woman is full of horror, as if to see what is the most terrible thing, the corners of the eyes are twitching.

The beautiful appearance of the Chu, I see the pity.

Chen Ruiyi, I can't think of myself as a poke, I really met the acquaintance of Lola. What did Lola do for the year? Let the beauty show something so scared?

"Hey!" Lola pushed the glasses frame and said scornfully: "Karl, you still look like this, when can you be a real manly?"

"Men?" Chen Rui, Paglieu, Isabella and Krobe Ruth blurted out at the same time.

"So cute must be a boy" - Chen Rui's mind summed up the "famous saying" of previous life.

Only one word can be used to express the mood of everyone at the moment.

"It turned out to be the **** elf and the daughter of Merial..." Palin's eyes were rounded.

This sentence is heard in Chen Rui's ear, suddenly thought of it, Palin, Karru! That's right, the object of Lola's escape from marriage was this pseudo-woman Karru! And Palin is the father of Callu!

Actually encountered such an acquaintance, more accurate, it should be "narrow home" is right.

Laura then put their own married Kaer Lu Meili Ya heard a huff to Kaer Lu violent beating, then robbed all the wealth of the poor pseudo-mother, and then, Alice home away from home.

Elf King Span learned that her daughter had left home, and when she was angry, she hit the door and violently beaten the poor pseudonym and the poor false mother, and then robbed the wealth of the Palin family, and then, no.

Looks like, the protagonists of these two stories, the passage of these two stories, is strikingly similar.

No way, people are fathers and daughters.

Chen Rui understands why Callu sees that Rolla will be scared like that. The poor child has been covered by psychological shadow for 20,000 years, and now the "nightmare" is coming again.

The dragons have whispered.

"The daughter of the elder's daughter, Lola?"

“I heard that she did not leave home 20,000 years ago?”

"She actually got so intimate with this man named Richard..."


Palin's eyes smashed hid the surprise and hate, and changed his face with a smile: "It turned out to be Rolla. After so many years, you finally appeared. Just right. This time, Uncle Palin will take you back to the Dragon Valley."

Miss Fairy Dragon looked at Palin with a stunned look: "Who are you?"

"I am the father of Callu!" Palin was unable to use the title, and his fingertips lingered with a hint of blue electric mans. "It seems that I want to teach you on behalf of the elders, what is the basic courtesy."

Still waiting for Palin to "teach", the hair suddenly stood up and saw the purple electric flower faintly on the body of Lola. An extremely dangerous feeling came out from the heart of the blue dragon.

Ps: Due to the time relationship, the latest updates have been moved to the evening, but the number of words is mostly around 4,000 words, and the little bit is trying to write with the heart, everyone likes it.