MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 916 Profiteer

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In the hall, I only felt the shaking of the outside for a while, but also the sound of many dragons’ exclamations.

After a while, Chen Rui walked in with a sullen look and patted the dust on his hands.

"Oh?" Palgoris’s interest in his eyes was even stronger: "Are you talking to him?"

"Yes, 'reasonable' he lost." Chen Rui spread his hands. "According to the agreement, Stanwell should apologize in public and compensate for all the property novels. But he started to say yes, he and Aunt Merria. The contradiction is only the internal affairs of the dragon. How to solve it, my outsider is inconvenient to intervene. The decision is still given to His Majesty and Auntie Melia."

Palgoris showed an unexpected color. This approach is equivalent to giving up the results after winning. Although it seems to be a loss, it takes good care of the face of the Dragon Emperor and even the entire Dragon. It is a kind of retreat. Means, from the perspective of Merial, is more rewarding than directly convincing Stanwell to apologize.

"It turns out that 'one of the most geniuses' is not Rolla, but you." Pargoris looked at Chen Rui deeply. "The youngest master in history, the youngest half-god, or I don't know... I have a feeling now, that is, ignorance. When did humans come out like a peerless person, I didn’t know until today."

Pargoris’s burning gaze passed over Isabella, and his brow slightly picked.

Chen Rui noticed the change of the eyes of the Dragon Emperor and smiled lightly: "Cooperation is not pity or charity. As the two sides of the cooperation, the strength is better, isn't it?"

"Not bad." Pargoris nodded. "Please sit down."

Merria suddenly spoke up: "Before your Majesty and Richard talk about cooperation. I want to say something first."

Pargoris slightly decapitated: "The elders, please."

"Original. I want to report this matter to Her Majesty before the Presbyterian meeting. However, I just learned about the news of Lola, so I rushed to meet my daughter again, and I was apologized. I apologize to my Majesty first."

"It doesn't matter, this mood is completely understandable."

"Your Majesty, the Presbyterian Church was founded with the original intention of assisting the Dragon Emperor, brainstorming and letting the Dragons move forward in a more stable situation. It has played an extremely important role for many years. The Dragon Valley has the scale and development of today, the contribution of the Presbyterian Church. It is obvious to all. But everything has advantages and disadvantages. Over time, we have also seen some deficiencies. What I want to explain here is the issue of the power of the elders. Since the original intention of the Presbyterian Church is to gather the strengths of the people, avoid one. The mistakes, then the elders should not have the highest power of arbitrariness. I suggest that the power of the elders be dispersed. Part of the power integrated into the Emperor of the Dragon, part of the power to the elders, each elder has the right to vote and decide The right, the elders are more important as the spiritual assistant. The focus of the function is to promote the implementation of the Dragon King resolution and the training of new people."

As soon as this was said, the elders suddenly felt awkward, which was equivalent to directly spreading the highest power of the elders to the elders. Not only the status of all elders and real power has been further improved, but also from the perspective of the Dragon King. It also further improved the power of decision-making, and the power of the original elders was greatly reduced.

Pargoris’s brilliance flashed for a while. Take a deep breath: "Meriya Elder, I am not politely asking, is this true?"

"These words are entirely my sincerity," Melia looked directly at Pargolis's gaze. "It is also my assumption. I am now officially presenting to my Majesty as a great elder. Please give permission."

"If I remember correctly, the power of the elders today should be the former elders, that is, your teacher, Neinus, was further enhanced, and the elders of Neils made the position of the elders before the death. Give it to you, now you are..."

"The teacher is dedicated to the dragons and does not have any self-contained selfishness. This is a god." Melia said categorically: "The world is constantly evolving and progressing. The Valley of the Dragon must adapt to this environment and constantly adjust and improve. In order to keep up with the pace of the times, the dragons need a more united and more harmonious leadership. Internal struggles or adherence to the rules will only make our footsteps stagnant or even retrogress. Let the dragons stand proudly at the peak of the world. It is also the original intention of the teacher."

Pargoris slowly stood up and solemnly yelled at Melia: "The elders, please accept my highest respect. I apologize for some of my misunderstandings. I swear by the dragon god, as long as I was in the day of Palgoris, and the elders of Merial were always the leaders of the Presbyterian Church. They were always the guides of the Dragons and would always be my mentor and friend."

Meriala also gave a ritual. This resolution was naturally unanimously passed by all the elders (except for some of the "big scorpions" outside.) The original subtle atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

Chen Rui nodded secretly, and the mother-in-law’s retreat was much more beautiful than before. By the son-in-law’s “potential”, she not only pulled out the biggest thorn in the dragon’s heart, but also made her position. From being in danger to being unbreakable, and the dragons will be more united, this is a result of a three-win, and it is the highest elder who has been driving the Presbyterian for many years.

"The elders, and the negotiations and cooperation with Richard will be handed over to you. I believe that you will bring me the results that satisfy me." Palgoris passed the color of his eyes.

"Your Majesty, you...this seems to be a little kind." Chen Rui’s expression is stagnation, and Merial is not a Rolla. From the previous point of insisting on returning to the peak of the Holy Spirit, it can be seen that the responsibility and interests of the tribe are in her heart. The problem is that there is a mother-in-law, and this big knife for bargaining is definitely difficult to wave. How can this be bargained?

"Meliya is the first person except the Dragon King except the Dragon King. Do you think she can't represent me?" Palgoris's smile is very profitable in Chen Rui's eyes. No, it is a profiteer.

"Amount... Of course not! Aunt Merria is absolutely qualified!" Chen Rui opened the topic: "Right, first apologize to Your Majesty. When we negotiated with Elder Stanwell, our words are somewhat jīè, Both sides are the age of bloody, the result..."

The dragon elders on the side are quite speechless, and your blood is just enough. Stanwell is tens of thousands of years old and still has a **** side.

"If necessary, you can talk to him again." Long Huangfu answered the elders with a serious answer. "Even if you want to really call him a big sister, it is not bad. His sister Lorraine is a famous beauty of the dragon. I can introduce you to know."

This time it’s silent, Chen Rui. He understands it. Whether it’s the devil or the ground world, the dragons are thicker and thicker, especially when they send their mother’s wife to negotiate. Now they are in front of their wives. The face was pulled up by him.

Feeling the sharp eyes of Lola, Isabella and Melia and Span, Chen Rui wiped the sweat on his forehead and opened the topic again: "Is it seems that some people said that Rolla is not suitable for marriage to people other than the dragon? ”

"Who said?" Pargoris angered. "You will have a wedding tomorrow! From now on you are the son-in-law of the Dragon Valley. Who dares to mess with you?"

Chen Rui: "..."

Chen Rui turned to think about it and pointed to the aunt: "This Miss Isabella is also my wife."

"No problem! Three weddings together! I am your witness!" Pargoris suddenly showed a strange smile: "For the dragons, there is no difference between the Mozu or the human beings, only friends and enemies. And I can Make sure that all the elders present, even your quasi-big scorpion, will not say anything extra to anyone."

Pargoris really peeked at Isabella's identity! Chen Rui’s heart is dark.

"In fact, your wife's means of disguising his breath is extremely wonderful. If it is not the Holy Dragon's sensitivity to the darkness, he will barely notice the clues. So, I will give her a sacred scale of false gods. Change your own looks and hide the darkness, so that even the false gods can't see through, and... If she can fully integrate the power of the scales of the Holy Spirit, the promotion of the kingdom is not a problem."

There was a silver scale in the hands of Isabella, and there was a radiant glow. When the scales started, they turned into a mark and fell into Isabella’s forehead. The eyebrows suddenly had a crystal enamel, and it looked different. Have a charm.

The sacred scales of the Holy Dragon are extremely rare, equivalent to the essence of power, and can reduce the damage of ordinary light magic by half. For Isabella, who has already absorbed the flower of the Snowdale, it will undoubtedly do more with less. This person of Rees is a bit too big.

"What are the requirements?" Long Huang squatted and looked at Chen Rui. "I try to be satisfied, but whether it is a big scorpion or a wedding or a sacred scale, the dragons have made great efforts and come up with enough sincerity. Cooperation is Both sides, sincerely, believe that when you negotiate with the Great Presbyterian Church, you should be able to express your opinion."

Chen Rui secretly swears a sincerity to your In addition to the sacred scales, the wedding is a cut-off, as for the big scorpion... forget it, or not your sister.

"If you don't have any requirements, then I have a more personal question I want to ask." Palgoris's eyes fell on Paglio's body.

" should be a poison dragon. I venture to ask if he is from a place with Miss Isabella?"

"Yes, this is my brother, Paglio." Isabella has been dismantled anyway, so Chen Rui said frankly.

"Poisonous dragon...and the poisonous dragon of the Devil..."

As soon as this was said, several senior elders seemed to think of something, showing a different color.

The strange eyes of Pargoris looked like a poisonous dragon uncle, and when Chen Rui was worried about the chrysanthemum of the dead duck dragon, the dragon king suddenly threw out a thing.

"Take it up and try it." (To be continued...)