MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 917 Duron's choice

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The eyes of everyone fell on the ground, this is a black metal weapon.

A short stick, the front section is a round large spike hammer with a chain connected in the middle.

Chain hammer, also known as flail, is a heavy weapon of the swing type.

This flail seemed to be very heavy, and when it landed on the ground, it left a pit on the sturdy floor.

"This should be a good thing..." Duron Dragon looked at the flail with his eyes, and Palgoris gave the Isabella a sacred scale of the pseudo-god, so that Paglio had some Eyes are now at this rhythm... Is it necessary to give this uncle a baby? It seems that following the embarrassing human being is really glazed.

"This is a powerful artifact called 'Thunder Lian Ting'. Although it is only a preliminary artifact, it is very powerful," Palgoris added another ring with emeralds in his hand. "If you can pick it up." Not only can you get this artifact, but you can also have the inheritance of a huge treasure. The mystery of the treasure is in this ring."

Said, the ring also flew to the ground in front of the Thunder.

Artifact plus huge treasure? Paglieu thought that he had misunderstood, how the dragons on the ground world are so generous? Have you forgotten the fine traditions of the ancestors that have been inherited, such as “indecision” and “to be rich and not benevolent”?

In the spirit of cultivating the ancestors of the ancestors, the poisonous dragon shén, the poisonous dragon uncle does not allow the extra-thinking to bend down, want to grab the flail, I can not think of the heavy weight of the flail above the imagination, even the grasp can not grasp.

First, one hand, then two hands... but no matter how hard he is. They are like a stone pillar, and the silk does not move.

Paglio has already exerted his full strength. His face is red, and he still can't succeed. In the end, I only stood up, and the old face was a good baby. I couldn’t even get it, and in the presence of so many dragons, the shame was thrown into the devil.

The strange thing is that the dragon elders did not appear to be very surprised, and it was only natural that Puglio could not get it.

"You can't get it is normal," Pargoris said slowly. "Under normal circumstances, only the stronger than half **** can pick it up. But can't play the true power of Thunder, including my dragon. Inside. There is only one real method, that is, the power to burn the blood, try to get its approval."

The power of burning blood is different from the ordinary "blood-recognition", which reverses the blood of the whole body and activates the most initial and strongest inheritance hidden in the blood. The danger of this method is obvious and usually causes the vitality to be affected. No light damage, serious or even coma.

"All dragons in the Dragon Valley... are not recognized by it?" Duron is not a fool. I immediately understood a few points.

Pargoris shrugged and gave a correct answer: "The master of this artifact is the poison dragon."

The poison dragon is a very rare one among the dragons, just like the fairy dragon, so Paglieu nodded. Take a deep breath and start to pick up your strength: Isn't it burning blood? For the artifacts and treasures, the brothers fight... the big deal is for the human to give a bottle of resurrection.

Uncle Duron gave Little Betty a "safe" look. Beginning to reverse the flow of blood throughout the body, there have been numerous bumps in the body. Very awkward.

When Pagliu once again squatted and held the Thunder, he even had a faint glow. The short stick was slowly lifted up.

The golden mans of Palgoris’s eyes suddenly flourished, not only the Dragon Emperor, Melia and several senior elders.

Paglio is not easy. It is quite difficult to look at from the expression on his face. The dawn is that the short stick has a thousand weights, and the blood flowing backwards is getting more and more rapid. When the chain is pulled up, "嘭" Several groups of blood broke through the skin and burst open.

The poisonous dragon's unique green blood flew out, the ground was suddenly eroded out of countless potholes, and I became a green "blood man". The blood fell on the thunder, but I encountered a sponge. Absorbed in.

"Paglueu..." The tremble of Krobe Ruth sounded

Hearing the voice of Little Betty, Pagliosh shén stunned, ignoring the blood from the jet, screaming, his hands were forced, the big wolf hammer was lifted together, and the whole Thunder burst out.嘶" Black electric awn.

When the flail was picked up, Paglieu was surprised to feel the flickering of his hands and tried to change from his hands to one hand. Successfully, only the right hand was used to hold the flail, and the black electric light that screamed in the air made a terrible trajectory in the air, and the whole hall began to shake and shake.

Looking at Paglio's waving thunder and smashing, the dragon Emperor Palgoris stood up involuntarily, his eyes showing excitement, and several elders such as Mérieya nodded frequently.

After the poison dragon stopped the burning of the blood, it felt that the flail had become heavy again. Although there was no previous situation, it could only be lifted with one hand and could not swing freely.

"Dangdang", Pagliu dropped the Thunder and smashed, drank a bottle of master-level healing agent thrown by Chen Rui, said to the Dragon King: "Your Majesty, this should be considered qualified for me!"

"Of course!" Pargoris did not hide the strange emotions in his eyes. "In fact, you can't use it because of the lack of integration of strength and blood, as long as you reach half-god or completely merge the blood of the blood." The power of inheritance can truly exert the power of Thunder."

"So, I can get the Thunder and the ring of this treasure?" The poisonous uncle has turned into a black crystal coin, and even the blood on his body can not be rubbed.

"Of course, the son of Kyle Reyro." Pargoris's smile was a little more intimate with no forgery.

"What?" The dragon's hand reaching for the ring suddenly stopped, slowly stood up and looked at the dragon, "What do you mean?"

"It's what you understand, Kyle Reyro Trisila Londo Artes, your father's full name."

"Tricy La Rondo Artes?" Pagliu's thumb turned to himself: "Are you mistaken? The name of this uncle is Sandro Achillas!"

"Sandro Achillas? Is this the name of the dragon who adopted you?" The rudeness of Paglieu. The Dragon King did not think so embarrassed, but patiently explained: "Kelrealo. Tricy Lalongdo Artes. Dragon elders, dragons famous warriors. I am like a hand and foot, the closest comrades and brothers, It is your true father. Thunder is the best proof. No one except his descendants can use this artifact with blood."

Pagliu sneered and said: "I am the dragon of the Devil. You mean that Kelly, isn't the elder of the Dragon Valley? How could I be his descendant!"

"It's Kyle Reyro," the Dragon Emperor solemnly corrected: "Your father. When I went to the Devils to practice and returned to the ground world, I told me that I had left my descendants in the Devil. Unfortunately, yours My father fell in a later battle. Since he has no other children, the Thunder and the legacy have always been kept by me. Your age, plus the blood of the Thunder lock, can be completely determined to be Kyle. Yaro stayed in the devil's son. Although the dragons were born with innate advantages and strengths far superior to the same strength, but each difficulty is much more difficult than the average person, but fortunately we have a long time, once the breakthrough, strength Will once again surpass the same level. With your age and the national strength you are now reaching. Although not as good as Lola, but also a very good genius, you will inherit everything from your father, including artifacts, wealth and elders. I am very happy that Thunder Lock has a new owner. Our Dragon Valley will also usher in a talented new elder, the son of Kyle Reyal."

"Long Valley Elder? I?" Paglieu stunned. Suddenly laughed exaggeratedly: "If you send artifacts and rings, I certainly won't refuse, but the elders of the Dragon Valley will be counted. As for Kyle Reyro, Tricy Lalongdo Artes, this is Who, I don't know, or I don't have a little relationship with me. I am Paglio Sandro Achillas! Sandro Achillas is the name of the uncle himself. It is this! It will be this in the future!"

Chen Rui looked at Pagliu's angry smile and suddenly understood a lot.

"I was born, except for the eggshell, I didn't see anything."

"In these years, there are no loved ones, and there are many enemies."

"The dragon doesn't need friends, especially the poison dragon. Have you seen God have friends? They only need admiration and fear, and don't need those unnecessary care and understanding."

This is Paglieu. If you don't meet a human being, then a series of changes, or he will always be a lonely poison dragon with no relatives, no friends, and only power.

"Kyle Reyal is your father, no doubt." Pargoris shook his head. "No matter what you have experienced, you are unwilling to accept this fact, but you can't change it, you can't deceive yourself."

"I am sorry to disappoint your good intentions, Dragon King," Pagliu said coldly. "How can I be so proud of this kind of giants? Little Betty, let's go!"

Say, don't look at the underground Thunder lock and the emerald ring, and take the Krobe Ruth and walk outside.

Palgoris’s eyes flashed, and an invisible barrier appeared at the door of the hall. Paglieu and Krobe Ruth, who walked to the gate, could not move half a step.

"You can get out of this door today, not only the artifacts and rings can be taken away, but the rest of everything I will not force you." The dragon emperor sounded with a sensation: "If you can't do it, stay in it." Dragon Valley thinks hard, let's talk about it again, I can't let my brother's only descendant make this confused low-level mistake."

At this time, the power of the barrier suddenly disappeared.

Chen Rui’s figure appeared behind Paglio: “You go first.”

Duron laughed is really a big laugh, he understands the eyes of this sly human, this guy must have absolute certainty, and now with Krobe Ruth striding out the door.

No need for extra politeness, only the trust of delivering back and life.

"Little Betty..."


"It's nothing."

(Our future children, when they are born, will not only see the eggshell.)

It seems that the heart is in the air, and the two holding hands are tighter. To be continued...

Ps: A whole day is out. In the morning, I took a boat for four hours in the Lijiang River. In the afternoon, I went to Yangshuo by car. It was already 9 o'clock in the hotel back to Guilin. If it wasn't in the morning, I couldn't finish it.

I am going to get to the train station at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. The train is at 7:15. It will be home at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. If it is updated, it will be late.