MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 928 You look down on me.

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This red color does not see a simple flame or radiance, but a sun-like flaming. The sun may not have this kind of fire red, and this kind of red is incredible to give Chen Rui a "sun" instinct.

This is the sun of death.

When death comes, you have no resistance.

This is what Chen Rui feels now. He can't see Michael's shot at all, only this feeling is left.

As long as it is illuminated by the fiery red sun, it will completely disappear.

This is undoubtedly a light attack, but it also gives Chen Rui almost desperate death feeling. For example, even if the body of Guangyao can offset 90% of the damage, the remaining 10% can easily destroy him. .

The strength of the pseudo-God is not national or semi-godable, even if it is to display "Red. Polar Star." Faced with the top of the pseudo-powerful, it is definitely the result of being spiked, let alone Michael, "closest to God."

Michael's reaction was killed in time! Don't give time to the power of this "human bomb"!

"The deeper memories will have a day of forgetfulness; and when you have deeper possessions, you will lose time."

"Everything in the world will be lost when you get it."

The sound of the clear sound is sounding, and the speed of the sound should be slower than the speed of light, but. The sound of screaming is the first come, under this voice. The blush suddenly dimmed, as if "lost" all the brilliance.

This is not a spell. It is a kind of power similar to the "speaking method", which combines various forces including beliefs, beliefs, curses, kingdoms, etc., and can also call it power.

Before I deliberately talked with Chen Rui, I was always building up my strength, and Michael’s reaction was as early as she expected.

When Chen Rui came back to God, he found that he had already appeared 100 meters behind Michael. In the hands of Michael, I don’t know when there was a fire red sword. The sword is a cross. Put a terrible weapon. The sun that just "death" was sent out.

However, the fiery red sword seemed a bit bleak, and the sly "deprivation" power was really strong, and the power of the "sun" was actually stripped.

Although the dark elements of the ground world, especially the holy mountains, are far weaker than the light elements, it is now the night and the most active time for dark elements. Under the mighty power, even the moonlight became eclipsed, and the entire holy mountain fell into the darkness of ink.

"Shenwei is like a prison! The hand of light will tear all evil haze." Michael's voice reveals the majesty and solemnity above the sky.

The golden brilliance shone, the darkness was torn apart, and the golden light came from behind Michael. There are six pairs of golden light wings. Like Carmel, these wings are real entities, and the golden feathers exude a rich, sacred atmosphere.

Michael showed twelve golden wings. Chen Rui only felt dazzled, and the whole space was refracted into numerous golden mirrors, and he separated the space where he was.

It's just a random movement of spreading wings. Split the space!

Chen Rui felt that he was driving his body in this moment. I have made countless unimaginable moves, teleports, and jumps. If it is an ordinary space, it has already been penetrated. And this golden mirror space, with a kind of reflection ability, no matter how moving the mysterious, even the attack, will be bounced back.

This is... the law of space!

Chen Rui was secretly surprised. At this time, there was no movement. The nearby mirror began to decay, and it was split silently and silently.

Poison! Awkward love, even the law of space can penetrate!

It’s like time, subtly, and it’s ruining everything.

Compared with this, Paglio's virulence can only be regarded as pediatrics.

In the blink of an eye, the red light reappeared, and a majestic rush came from it. Chen Rui felt as if he was in the oven. The blood of the flesh and blood was annihilated by a minute, and even the soul would suffocate. For a long time, he got rid of that terrible feeling, and found that the five senses bleed out blood and quickly evaporated.

At this time, the distance between Chen Rui and Michael was further extended. The steps between the two had disappeared, leaving only a huge hole in the bottom, and a few golden feathers in the air slowly fell.

In just a few seconds, he and Michael had already had several fierce confrontations. Obviously, from the point of view of the soul state, the big loss was in absolute disadvantage.

"You actually laid the poisonous rule in the morning, but the most taboo, or your 'deprivation' power." Michael sneered: "Unfortunately, you met me, and on this holy mountain, You don't have any chance of winning. With your current soul, can you still afford this kind of consumption? If..."

Michael hadn't finished talking, his face changed awkwardly, and he saw that Chen Rui's body gradually expanded, and the original horrible destruction of the source rose again.

I said in a down-to-earth manner: "I didn't intend to fight hard with you at first, but when I spoke, I used virulence to lift the enchantment power of the barrier of this zone. I still have a certain position from the book of creation. Distance

Departed, but already able to feel the power of creating a strong source. In the case of such a barrier enchantment failure, once the power of the source is destroyed, it is likely to cause a chain explosion, and not only will the entire holy mountain collapse.

Risk, even you and me may be annihilated. My body has been lost. Since I dare to come to the three angels' nests from the devil world, I have already realized it. And you, my archangels, including Raphael and Gabriel, you are

Have you done a good job with the little woman who has nothing and spares everything... ”

Michael's brow wrinkled, and the red-red sword in his hand slowly hangs down. It's not a swearing. It didn't kill the "human bomb." It is indeed a bit of a rat.

Chen Rui’s body began to emit a lot of cockroaches. The fog condenses into a woman's form, floating like a fairy.

The soul of the soul. Finally separated.

"Well, the archangel grows up. It seems that you have no intention of stopping me. I am going to the Temple of Light now, this person's body retains my soul consciousness, just stay here, you know my Means, you are closed

The speed between the two is not as good as my soul, and the explosion will happen before you start. "Looking at the moving smile: "Reassured, I spoke, and after an hour, I will leave. Guaranteed that the book will not be created. but

Yes, if you dare to move again, then let's go and feel the aftertaste of the dusk of the gods. You know, old friend, I have this courage and determination, just like that year... I killed Uriel at all costs. ”

When it comes to the name of "Ulier", Michael's pupil shrinks slightly, and a cold light passes through his eyes. He said: "I don't doubt your madness at all. But I promise you that I don't even believe in half a minute. ”

"Since you choose to believe in my madness, you can only choose to believe in my assurance." 贲薨 seems very relaxed. Gently licking the little song in the mouth, turned and left, the graceful figure of the graceful. It is like a cheerful elf.

Michael’s hand holding the sword tightened and his eyes passed over Chen Rui. Finally did not start.

"Hey adults." Chen Rui said. "In fact, even an hour later, Michael did not do anything. You will detonate me."

When I stopped, I turned around and said, "Are you reminding Michael to start, or remind me that I will completely erase your ontology now?"

"Not a reminder, but a feeling. I have to admit, I am an underestimate of your mind, I am only trying to say a word to you, maybe the last sentence."

"Is it the confession and pain before the farewell? Or the last words before the death?" He smiled. "In fact, it is not so serious. Maybe I am in a good mood. I will take you away in an hour."

Chen Rui sighed: "What I want to say is... Although you thought that you have paid enough attention to me, unfortunately, I still look down on me."

Rubbing his eyes slightly, he felt that the connection between the master and the slave was cut off. Although she had expected the contract to be invalid, she did not expect that the guy who was weaker than himself could take the initiative to cut the contract. However, the removal of the master-slave contract is not very binding for her.

However, the next moment, I felt that the part of the soul in Chen Rui’s body was shaken and was already in a strange space. This is a huge galaxy. The endless star river surrounds the dazzling eyes with a special rhythm. The sun is spinning, and there is a vast expanse of momentum.


贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , As long as you move, you can completely defeat the illusion.

Suddenly, my eyes changed, because she clearly felt the power and life of the rich and powerful faith of the stock, which was emerging from the galaxy.

Countless creatures! Unspeakable huge beliefs!

Even if it is her kingdom, no, all the kingdoms of the false gods, there is no such degree of faith and life force!

This is simply...the kingdom of God!

How could he have this kind of country!

Her shock is still behind, a huge black hole appears in the space, her soul suddenly has a terrible feeling of being torn, and is involuntarily attracted by this black hole with the ability to devour horror.

贲薨 施 施 施 施 施 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 贲薨 , , , , , , , 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑

Soon, the soul of the soul that was close to the black hole was swallowed up by a "."

At the top of the sacred mountain, I feel that all this, including the disconnection of that part of the soul, can not help but scream: "No!"

Chen Rui looked at the archangel who had been standing still and shrugged his shoulders: "McKale adults... I think you need to seek your blessing before completely lifting the threat of the explosion." (To be continued) [] If you like This work, you are welcome to vote, the monthly pass, your support, is my greatest motivation. )