MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 845 Blood King Beast

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Li Dao-chung looked up in the direction of Emperor No. 2 and his eyes were murderous. He didn't know where the silver bottle was.

But through the soul search, I probably know that the silver bottle is in the second imperial capital, and the silver moon knife was purchased by the person from the trading market.

The person who sold the Silver Moon Sword, Li Daochong knew.

"Pan Jialuo," Li Daochong said coldly.


Li Daochong soared into the sky like a cannonball, the air waves on the ground burst, and the monks at the scene stood upside down and unstable.

Li Daochong only sent a message to Xiaoying, "You can go to Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower to practice."

The words fell, and Li Daochong had disappeared into the sky as a purple light.

Li Daochong's anger almost ignited the passing sky, and Qianyin opened to the limit.

Speeding all the way, Li Daochong is all extreme flashes, even if the aura is hollowed out.

At the limit speed, the consumption is extremely great. Every half an hour, Li Daochong must take a lot of recovery pills for a whole number of hours before he can continue to rush.

However, the half-hour trip of Qian Yinyu at the extreme speed was extremely horrible. Ordinary monks could not fly at full speed for several days and nights using their natal magic weapon.

In this way, Li Daochong galloped all the way with anger, and arrived in the vicinity of Emperor No. 2 in less than ten days.

Li Daochong could feel that he was finally close to the silver bottle. Although he didn't know where it was, he intuitively told him that it would not be too far away.

Li Daochong wasn't stunned by anger, and it took too much speed to fly.

After approaching the No. 2 imperial capital, Li Daochong found a hidden place, laid down a ban, and immediately settled to start adjusting interest rates.

Adjusting the state to the best is the time to kill.


Magic Fire Mountain.

It is the largest hunting ground in the second capital.

The entire Magic Mountain range is vast and vast, larger than the largest planet Li Juichong that has come into contact with Black Jupiter.

At the end of the first round of testing in the Moyan Mountains, there will be various high-level generals and even monster king-level nine mysteries at every moment.

Two-thirds of the participants of the No. 2 imperial capital hunted here to obtain military exploits.

But even so, the Moyan Mountains still seem sparsely populated, just because the range is too wide.

Tens of billions of people flooded into it, and it soon became too thin to find.

In the middle of a mountain peak is the Devil Mountain Range.

It has been 11 months since Yin Ping was detained here. Since entering Jiu Xuan Shen Jie, she has never seen the sunshine of Jiu Xuan Shen Jie again.

For the past eleven months, the silver bottle has been imprisoned in the Sealed Spirit Circle, most of the time in a semi-coma.

In sober time, Yin Ping kept observing the entire cave structure and the spiritual weakness.

A month ago, Silver Bottle finally found a way to break the spirit formation.

However, just breaking the spirit array can not escape, Ye Hong's inseparable guard is outside the spirit array.

This guy has a very strong determination. For such a long time, he has always been in a stable state, while guarding the spiritual array while practicing with peace of mind.

Pan Jialuo will go out once every three to five. Usually he will return a few days later. Each time he returns, he will bring a lot of practice resources to Ye Hong, as well as some outside news.

Yin Ping knew that it was almost time for the two guys to take themselves out and threaten Li Daochong.

Over time, Yin Ping's heart became more and more anxious, she did not want to be a drag on Li Daochong herself.

On this day, Pan Jialuo who went out for five days returned again.

But this time Pan Jialuo's expression flustered, he rushed into the Dongfu, and immediately said, "Brother Ye, hurry up, we have to leave here quickly."

Ye Hong slowly opened his eyes and wondered, "Brother Pan, why are you so panic?"

Pan Jialuo was ashamed, and the two dead men who followed him always did not know where they had gone.

Pan Jialuo anxiously said, "After eight lives of blood mold, we have a blood king beast in this area. It is rumored that the combat skill is very high, and the masters are coming here, and they won't be able to leave without leaving.

Ye Hong's eyes slowly opened wide suddenly, "Blood King Beast? So what does it do to us?"

"Brother Ye, as long as the blood king beast has enough supplements, it can incubate the blood beast without limit. You and I may not be the opponents of a blood beast. Just now my two dead men were covered by a blood in order to cover me. The beast was killed and the resurrection point was killed. Now there are blood beasts everywhere, and we can only go to the resurrection point without leaving. "Pan Jialuo said in a breath.

The voice just fell.


A loud noise came from outside.

The cave shook fiercely in a loud noise, like an earthquake.

There are cracks on the wall of the cave, and it seems that there may be collapse at any time.

Ye Hong found that it was not right, and immediately got up, put away the spirit array holding the silver bottle, grabbed the silver bottle, and said, "Take this girl to the second imperial capital, the time is almost the same, you can also go to Li Daochong for that boy to go to battle. "

Pan Jialuo wanted to wait a few more days, and this time he couldn't wait.

Holding the silver bottle, the two walked away from a small door behind the Dongfu. There was a narrow passage behind the door, which stretched to the top of the mountain.

Soon after they left, the cave collapsed in shock.

Pan Jialuo was in front, Ye Hong grabbed the silver bottle behind, and the three rushed out of the passage to see the sun again.

The entrance of the passage is among the rocks on the top of this mountain. When Pan Jialuo rises, he will take off at full speed.

It's just started, and it's a puppet that almost didn't drop a dog to eat shit. Ye Hong was still strange at the back, but when he saw a group of contestants floating diagonally above, his head shrank and he couldn't get into the ground.

I saw a young monk holding a gray-silver lance facing a huge humanoid bat.

The reason Ye Hong and Pan Jialuo were frightened was because the lance held by the young man in the void was the Qiangun in Megatron.

The master of Qiankun Gun is Gan Cang's first day of Han Po.

The humanoid bat is a blood king beast, one of the twelve demon beasts of the underworld.

In the mountains below, thousands of blood beasts looked at each other, scrambling to yell at competitors in the void.

This mountain has been drowned by blood beasts.

Pan Jialuo and Ye Hong looked at each other, and at the same time, swallowed hard.

"There was no one just now. Why did you all come here in a while?" Pan Jialuo looked depressed.

"How come even Yueqing River is here." Ye Hong was surprised.

Pan Jialuo took a moment to find out that not far from Han Po, a young elegant man in a white robe wearing a void with the surrounding environment was perfectly natural and did not perform any magical powers, but if he did not pay careful attention, he would completely ignore It's like stealth.

The Confucian youth is the first day of Yuqing Taixu Republic.

The two great arrogances gathered, clearly not normal.

Pan Jialuo had just been hunted down by a blood beast.

With so many people present, he didn't even feel it at all. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, why wouldn't he have.

This level of fighting is no longer something Pan Jialuo and Ye Hong can participate in, they know very well how much they weigh.

Ye Hong just wanted to leave the land of right and wrong as soon as possible, no longer hide privately, and take out a stealth magic weapon, which is an ancient immortal magic weapon uploaded by Ye Jiazu.

Pan Jialuo, who was worried about how to escape, saw Ye Hong's "Hidden Cloak", and his eyes lit up. "The" Thousand Shadows Hidden Cloak "made from the mask of Xuanwu God Beast."

Ye Hong smiled slightly, "Brother Pan's knowledge is not small, it is true that this is the thing."

Pan Jialuo's hanging heart sank immediately, and the whole person felt a lot better. "Brother Ye has such a good baby, why didn't he take it out earlier, causing my brother to worry for nothing."

Ye Hong shook his lips and said, "How can this baby be taken out casually, Ye Mou cannot be used at all unless it is absolutely necessary. This is a life-saving guy."

Pan Jialuo grinned, "Brother Ye said so, so let's not be late, let's leave soon."

Ye Hong covered the three with the cloak, and the three disappeared into the surrounding environment.

Thousand Shadows cloak can temporarily hide the eyes of the fairy.

Even Yueqing River and Han Po's level of evil can't be sensed.

However, with Ye Hong's repair, it can't be supported for too long, and three or five minutes is already the limit.

Although not long, it was enough for him and Pan Jialuo to travel tens of kilometers with the silver bottle.

Taking off the cloak, Ye Hongchangshu breathed a sigh of relief, "Hoo, Brother Pan, it's almost here. This baby is good or good, but it consumes aura very much and can't be used for a long time."

Pan Jialuo looked around, looked a little bit, and smiled, "Brother Ye, we are out of the danger zone, enough."

Hey, bang!

Between the two of them, a sudden flash of light flare, two Guanghua attacked the two.

Ye Hong consumed a lot just now. He didn't notice more than ten steps to be repelled for a while. Pan Jialuo scattered Guanghua with one palm.

Yin Ping Cheng did not notice, and gave a full blow, fled towards the dense forest in the mountains.

"Slut, want to run." Pan Jialuo sighed, and a lunge caught up.

Silver Bottle has been imprisoned for too long ~ ~ The body is exhausted, and the speed cannot be faster.

However, Pan Jialuo was overtaken by dozens of meters.

All the items on the silver bottle were searched by Pan Jialuo, unarmed and without any available weapons.

However, Yin Ping didn't want to be arrested. Pan Jialuo was about to catch her.

This palm contains the power of some micro-laws, which is a supernatural power that Li Daochong gave her.

"Jade Girl Qiankun Gong" is the third important jade girl Feng Tianzhang.

Pan Jialuo dared to resist when he saw the silver bottle, scorned Guanghua's eyes, and then gave a slap.


Two palms face each other.

Alas, the silver bottle spit out blood and the whole person flew away like a disconnected kite.

Pan Jialuo stepped back more than ten steps, his chest turned over and over, his head buzzed, and he almost sat on the ground without a butt.

He couldn't think of a Kanu girl in his dreams, and the power of the singularization of the gods had such power.

Ye Hong's eyes were stunned, what Yin Ping just showed was not a skill, but a magical power.

When did Kanu have such a terrible talent?

Pan Jialuo gritted his teeth, swallowed a healing elixir, slowed his breath, and flew towards the silver bottle.

Yin Ping's body was too weak, and she was badly injured under her palm, even though she was not in the heyday of Pan Jialuo's opponent, let alone now.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Yin Ping couldn't escape, instead of being caught again, he might as well do nothing but endlessly explode himself and go to resurrect.

Pan Jialuo was extremely fast, and before the silver bottle took any action, he flew to his front.

When Pan Jialuo reached out to grab the silver bottle, he suddenly stunned, and the whole man froze.

The silver bottle that was about to explode just felt backed by a big hand, and a warm current poured into the body.

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