MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 803 Who is stupid B?

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After Li Daochong arrived, he did not pay attention to what happened between the three people of Luyuan Road. It was not his business.

Li Daochong’s attention was on the black scorpion vine, the first time he saw this filth.

Under the gaze of God, Li Daochong’s pupils shrank.

Du Ruo’s reminder, Li Daohong’s ignorance, he sensed that the rhizome of the black vine, such as a large net, wrapped up more than 20 contestants below.

Lu Yuandao only has Ange in his eyes. If he doesn't shoot, he will shoot it.

Ange does not dare to care about it, and all kinds of magical symbols are not released.

These two enchanting, the sky and the ground, the big hit, Lu Yuandao more and more crazy, Ange only passive defense.

Du Ruo was anxious, but he was helpless. On the spirit disk, his hand was like lightning, and he continued to measure the plan.

The contestants below were shocked and watched the fierce battle between Ange and Luyuan.

This level of combat can be seen casually.

The entrants who watched the outside saw the three masters gathered together, and the courage was a little bigger, a little closer, and wanted to see it.

Among all, only Li Daochong pays attention to the rhizome that extends into the bottom of the black vine.

Although Du Ruo said that his attention is also on the black vine, but he calculated **** the magic vine at the least cost.

As for the rhizome of the magic vine in the soil, he did not notice.

"Everyone flees."

Suddenly, Li Daochong screamed in the void, and the sound was like a thunder.

But everyone was so aggressive that I didn’t know what happened.

Only the three men, Li He and Yue Lu were suddenly alarmed, but they did not know why they wanted to escape.


The ground suddenly violently squirmed, and the squatting earthen bag was pierced by hundreds of magic vines.

Covering more than 20 contestants, they quickly entangled them.

In a hurry, Li Daochong flew down like a power, turned into a virtual shadow, the danger will be saved by the three.

Li Daochong put down a scared three people at the same time, and behind the hundreds of magic vines intertwined into the vine network, slammed down, and swallowed more than 20 contestants.

In the next moment, more than 20 people went to the resurrection point.

The black scorpion vine swallowed so many battles, the magic vines flipped again and again, more and more magic vines grew out, under the visual range below, all are magic vines.

The cracked gorge was wrapped up and it was shocking at first glance.

The crazy growth of the black scorpion vines is getting stronger and stronger, and more than a dozen daring contestants more than ten kilometers away are watching with horror.


There are several magic vines on the soles of the feet.

More than a dozen contestants were too late to respond and were strangled by the magic vine and went to the resurrection point.

The martial arts are also included in the magic vine, so that it has gained a lot of nutrients.

This scene caused the far-off waiters to fly high and not stop until a few kilometers high.

Li Daochong took the three people and flew high, and placed the Lei Li protection net around them three weeks, just in case.

"Dao Chong, are we going to leave this ghost place?" I frowned and looked at the crazy black vine growing below.

"You go first, I took the magic vine and left." Li Daochong said in an understatement.

"Unplug the magic vine? Li Daochong don't make a joke. Does the thing know how big? I met once on the front line. The repair army killed more than 100,000 people and destroyed it. The death star of the cultured vine was completely disintegrated. The black scorpion vine is the most disgusting magic plant in the meditation domain." He looked at Li Daochong with a look of horror.

"Hey, just accumulate some combat experience, the black scorpion vine has not met, it is a pity." Li Daochong laughed.

I looked at Li Daochong with a look of a fool, and I still wanted to say something. I eventually swallowed it back. The kid decided to do things, and others said it was useless.

Li He and Yue Lu are silent on one side, knowing that they have no right to speak, rather than saying something useless.

The battle between Luyuandao and Ange has entered a feverish, and they are not unaware of the changes in the black scorpion.

It’s just that Lu Yuandao doesn’t care, and there’s only An Song in his eyes. The latter’s heart is anxious but can’t get rid of it.

However, the increasingly strong black scorpion vine is no longer afraid, swallow the three people and it can be promoted again.


Dozens of magic vines, smashed to Luyuan Road and Ange.

The two were dodging and avoiding, and they were all drawn, but the defense of the coffin and the vestment was super strong.

The vines did not break their defenses.

"Damn ghost animals, Lao Tzu does not hit you, you are still coming." Lu Yuan Road was interrupted by fire.

At this point, it is impossible to ignore the black scorpion.

The magic vines launched a fierce attack on the two men. The vines had three-footed thorns on the top of the vine, and the roots shot, and the rain was like a tidal wave.

Tens of thousands of vine thorns, each of which is even tougher than Tong Xuan's top quality weapon.

Such an intensive attack, even if the Tianjiao such as Lu Yuandao and Ange are too much to eat, they have to defend their defense.

Du Ruo was also attacked, but the layer of defensive mask he supported, I do not know what caused it, previously resisted the magic vines to beat, at this moment the cone torrential rain can not be broken.

Tianyin Sanjie was still hesitant to escape, seeing this battle, not waiting for when.

The three looked at each other and turned around and ran.

"Can't let the three **** run away." At first sight, he snarled and turned into a Xiaguang chasing up.

Li Dao Chong, who was about to deal with the black sorcerer, saw that he suddenly ran away, and in his heart, he temporarily gave up the black scorpion and followed it up.

It’s very fast, and it’s far faster than the range she can drive.

Li Daochong can't help but wonder that he hasn't lost anyone in terms of speed. He didn't use the thousand-tone cymbals, he flew almost at full speed, and he was only comparable to 虞妍.

Li Daochong saw a few more flying swords at the foot of his feet. At first glance, he felt familiar, and the second eye had searched for the source from memory.

"It turned out to be the Zhanxi sword of Qin." Li Daochong said to himself.

This sword has made great achievements on the sacred star. If Qin Zhan is not relying on this sword, how can he resist the ghost army? I am afraid that if I don’t come to Li Daochong, I will already die in the battlefield.

Later, Li Daochong was out of curiosity. He had specially asked Qin Zhan, and Zhan Yujian belonged to Tian Xuan.

Absolutely worthy of the real treasure, especially in the Sanctuary and the fighting level at the time.

The fit old devil can have a decent Tian Xuan Shangpin Zhenbao, which is not bad.

What's more, there was only Qin Zhan of Jin Dan.

In the relationship between Qin Zhan and Ao, the former will bring the Zhan Yu sword to the nine mysterious gods, it is not surprising.

However, a few breaths of effort, and Li Daochong intercepted Tianyin Sanjie.

The three looked at the angry sly, full of disdain, and they were able to get their only Lu Yuandao, Ange and Du Ruo.

Others are just a group of ants in their eyes.

Tianyin Sanjie ranks within 50 in the Nankun Tianjiao list, and the strength can be imagined.

At present, the three of them are also among the best in the ranks of the martial arts list. They are all within 400, and each has accumulated more than 450,000 battles, more than after Li Daochong’s arrogance.

"Smelly girls, three of our brothers are not looking for you, but you are coming to the door yourself. Since you want to resurrect you, then you will be yours." Shang Tiande cold channel.

"You are Tianyin three pigs?" Li Daochong asked if he didn't hurt.


I was so cold that I was so angry that I was angry when I was a second ago. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I sprayed the rice in the next second.

Tianyin Sanjie, his face suddenly changed, looking gloomy to Li Daochong.

"Do you know who you are talking to? There is nothing wrong with wanting to be in the face of beauty. It’s just too brainless, and it’s too stupid to force yourself. It’s too stupid, stupid, congratulations. "Shang Tianlou sneered.


A broken sound.

Shang Tianlou's sleeve shot Guanghua, a dark dart like an electric shot to Li Daochong.

Tianyin Sanjie looked at Li Daochong with sympathy.

Three pairs of contemptuous eyes seem to say, children, go to the resurrection point to think about life, think about when to show the limelight, when should not be out of the limelight.

The next moment, the three pairs of eyes clearly saw, Li Daochong raised his hand and flicked.


The crisp sound of the dark dart in the finger.

Hey, hey, the dark darts bounced, dazzled and plunged into the left shoulder of Shangtianlou.

Shang Tian Lou snorted and flew more than ten meters.

Shang Tiande and Shang Tianhao both had frozen expressions and stared at the injured Shangtianlou.

"If you know that you are stupid, then he is not stupid."

Li Daochong said indifferently.

"Bad boy, dare to go to the dark hand." Shang Tiande angered.

The wicked first complained?

Li Daochong didn't take it easy, only to laugh, call, and the figure flashed to the front of Shang Tiande.

"Only your three ants are also assigned to Li under the dark hand? You can see yourself too much ~ ~ Shang Tiande was shocked, he did not see how the young man moved in front of him.

"I want to fool me, look for death." Shang Tiande did not believe in evil, shouted, and the cyclone burst.

The fifth heavy effort of "Tian Yin Gong" was opened.

Shang Tiande is ranked 43rd in the Nankang Tianjiao list. It is really not a dog or a cat. The strength is there.

Strong and strong, even Li Daochong slightly stunned, some accidents, this kind of goods can actually practice this repair.

"Tian Yin Gong" majored in spiritual power, is a melee magical power, the body can produce the field of heavenly sound, control the opponent.

In this field, Shang Tiande has no bondage, but his opponent will be firmly contained.

Every space in the field is the eyes and ears of Shang Tiande, and the opponent's every move is under his control.

"Kid, maybe you are a little bit tolerant, but you are overconfident, then it becomes a reckless, actually dare to approach me, are you not self-investing in the net?" Shang Tiande is overcast.

The voice just fell, and a short knife was stretched out of the sleeve to directly take out a round of vigorously rotating cyclone, and the space seemed to be split.


Straight thorns Li Dao rushed to the heart.


The short knife suddenly stopped at the distance of 10 inches from Li Daochong. I saw Li Daochong's **** underpinning the short knife.

"What?" Shang Tiande exclaimed his shots, his eyes round and round, like a ghost.


Li Daochong's **** are slightly harder, and short knives such as crisp wood are broken into two halves.

Shang Tiande is as frozen in his field of heaven.

The expressions of Shang Tianhao and Shang Tian Lou are wonderful.

The two chins almost fell.

Unbelievably watching Li Daochong, the strength of this guy has greatly improved.

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