MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2147 Surfaced

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The destructive power of the main gun against the bombs is obvious to all.

‘戮炎圣帝’ is very satisfied, and what is the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ to stop.

"Haha, the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ is sure to die, but their ‘Sacred Cannon’ is indeed terrible, and it can contend with our four main guns.” The sinister emperor exclaimed.

"We are bursting out in a hurry. If it is a full-scale attack, how can the 'Wanhua holy cannon' be able to withstand it." ‘The **** holy emperor’ sneered.

"It is indeed extraordinary to be able to be an enemy and four. The ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ must be annihilated.” ‘The Shura’s Holy Emperor’ thought of the murderer’s picture on the same day, and the heart was angry.

"This is nature. Now there is no means to resist the "curse origin" in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." When the "Shu Yan Sheng Di" said this sentence, there is also a lot of taboos in the heart, the same big If the attack is on the four major origins, the consequences are unimaginable.

In the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’.

Everyone saw the 'war sand table' and trembled fiercely. This saw the four rays spurting out from the 'Longevity Gate' and colliding with the 'Wanhua Sheng Can' to make the whole 'war sand table' In the Xizhou area, after the red light flashed, it turned into a darkness.

"No, it was resisted by them. How could it be possible to know that we have to shoot the main guns and attack them, obviously covering up a lot of breath." Wu’s war sand table trembled fiercely, only in the Western Zhou Dynasty, he was completely I couldn't find out, and everyone looked at that piece, it was all dark.

"There is only one explanation. These people who are present have appeared inside. Otherwise, the five major origins of the ‘Changsheng Shenmen’ cannot make such a quick response in the first place.” Xuanyuan looked sharply.

"Who is it." Wang reversed and stood up and shouted.

"Who is it, is it that the conscience is eaten by the dog?" Sun broke the voice.

"The Qinglong Holy Land has never been ill-treated to every citizen. At such an important moment of war, it turned out to be an enemy." Xiaoman Wang angered.

Xuanyuan did not say a word, and immediately shot, ‘Wanhua Shenquan’, the power of six in eight, and the bombardment of a figure.

I saw that a group of people in the hands of a big stick manifested, rushed between, a blow, and Xuanyuan's fist collided with, a loud bang, passed out.

The power of violentness was turned by Xuanyuan as the body of 10,000, and it was seen that it was flying out.

"How did you find out?" "The fighting buddha" stood in the air, the big stick in his hand, this is the 'Qi Tian Ruyi stick' left by his father 'Qi Tian Sheng Di' that day, is a piece Incomparably close to the existence of the Supreme Dao, now he is thoroughly condensed into a supreme device.

"In the beginning, I didn't think it would be you, or even suspected that I had a predecessor, but I recalled the memories of many emperors and finally understood everything. In those days, fighting for the holy family, many older generations. On the existence, life is aging, come to an end. Suddenly, shortly after you are born, you will find the so-called longevity, and the lives of the people up and down will be improved as never before, even after you are born, The memory has not fully awakened. Knowing a place can help the family to improve their longevity, so the life expectancy of the fighting sacred family has been improved as ever. Yes, these are the speculations from Xuanyuan, who stare at the fighting Buddha. Son', this person is extremely dangerous now, and his fighting power is terrible.

"Haha, yes, I was only trying to help my father to relieve his troubles, to strengthen his family, not knowing his own life, and inadvertently helping the people." ‘The fighting Buddha’ laughed.

"Then, the Taikoo people were shocked and wanted to follow your father's desire to seek a longevity, but did not expect to provoke the supreme killings that you had laid out in the previous world, making the big "fighting sacred" family, overnight. In the meantime, it was instantly lost, and it was cursed. 'Qi Tian Sheng Di' has experienced this unprecedented catastrophe, but it has been at an unprecedented cost."

"'Qi Tian Sheng Di', he cares for his younger brother, for fear of being implicated by you, let him go far away from the starry sky and bring you into the Buddhist temple. He wants to use the power of Buddhism to practise the murderousness in your body and enable you to raise a compassionate heart. Don't continue to hunt for the holy road. After all, you are his own son, even if you know the reincarnation of your supreme being, but I hope that you can also confront your thoughts of the last life."

"It is not the Xuanyuan Lord, the analysis is in place, it is just like this, but unfortunately my will cannot be shaken, and all the emperors in the world, this is my unshakable Supreme Word." It is the third lord of the Holy Hunting. At this moment, he has become a human form, not the appearance of the face before the face.

"Today I deliberately observe all the people present, especially you, and sure enough, the road is different, and it doesn't matter." Xuanyuan's voice did not fall, and the man shot, he was three, clear, one boxing, dimly dark, many holy Emperor Qiqi joined forces to kill.

'Fighting the Buddha' has been prepared for a long time, the hair is picked up, the avatar is tens of millions, and it flies in all directions. People can't capture it at all. I only see the power of Xuanyuan fist, madly swallowed, and will fight for some fighting. 'The body swallowed, and eventually only turned into monkey hair.

'Fighting the Buddha' knows that if you are in this 'swallowing Xianfu', you will definitely die. He has been here for such a long time, the most clear, but now he has everything he needs, he can leave. .

The way of the sun in the sun, let him reach this unprecedented height, has a great breakthrough, as long as he returns to the hunting saint, it will make its strength, there is a huge leap, the three masters of hunting, once combined It will be the most terrible to activate each other's memory.

In the blink of an eye, the ‘the fighting Buddha’ disappeared and could not be pursued.

"Mom has a microphone, the third owner of the Holy Hunt is actually fighting the Buddha, this..." Even if Pengfei is unbelievable, you must know that 'the fighting Buddha' has helped the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Anyone who has doubted that he has never doubted him, Xuanyuan has also sensed it, but he has not found it.

"When you want to come, you can only compete with the 'Wanhua Holy Body'. Over the years, he has been deliberately hidden in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', gathering heaven and earth, and turning it into his own use. In my 'Qinglong Holy Land', the nine ancient techniques, almost no hidden, there is no secret at all, now that he escaped, it will not be easy to deal with later, knowing himself and others, he is to my 'Qinglong Holy Land' I fully understand that we don’t know anything about hunting saints.” 'Chaotic Holy Emperor' descended from the sky, even if he was not sure to compete with the 'fight of fighting', from the moment he showed it, the means of avatar Look, it is as difficult as Xuanyuan’s gasification of Sanqing.

"Forget it, now he is no longer in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', we can rest assured that it is a battle, he is hunting the holy is the way of conspiracy, my 'Qinglong Holy Land' is the way of conspiracy, even if I know] The Qinglong Holy Land's means can be, he still can't resist." Xuanyuan through his own "swallowing Xianfu" induction, 'fight fighting Buddha' alone, from the original Protoss channel, he will "God Road The hidden technique is cultivated to the extreme, and no one can stop it.

"Yeah." Many of the emperors are now reassured, especially the golden scorpion, the music, the emperor, and they have always been cherished by the third emperor hiding in the Buddhism. Fighting the Buddha, there is no secret, but he did not think that the third Lord of the Holy Hunt was in front of himself, and he did not know.

"But I didn't think that my Buddha's door actually raised the tiger. The "Qi Tian Sheng Di" did not say this thing in the past. It suddenly disappeared and disappeared." ‘金蝉子’ lamented.

"No matter, this thing will let him go, in the midst of it, everything is self-determined." Xuanyuan waved his hand.

"Kid, we used the second main gun to attack." The voice of the pig's head came.

More money, the body bells jingle, holding the Jubao Tao, said: "Shrimp new book "Zhutian Wanjie" has 600,000 words, everyone is coming soon."

"No, you don't want to shoot." Xuanyuan quickly yelled.

"Ah, let them use their magical powers to endanger us." The head of the pig's head jumped, and the **** array of the other party's blood was unusual.

"I have my own arrangements, don't disturb my plan." Xuanyuan Shen Shen.

"Well, then listen to you." The pig's head was incompetent, but looking at the **** squad, he kept twitching.

In the sky of the ‘长生神门’, the **** color continued to expand, and a blood-stained slave was sacrificed by blood.

There are only a few billion blood slaves left, and there is no sacrifice yet. Although this is one of the supreme arrays of the origin of the curse, the strength of the three great emperors cannot be seen at this moment. The array is fully played out.

Accompanied by the ‘Soul of the soul,’ the thoughts, suddenly a **** sword emerged above this **** array.

The tip of the sword is facing down, suspended in the air, and above each blood sword, it is branded with mysterious runes, intertwined.

At this moment, the 'Fighting Buddha' appeared next to the 'Shuyan Shengdi', and he sighed: "'Qinglong Holy Land' has an extremely terrible bureau called Feng Shui Burial, once it comes, In an instant, the layout of the four origins of 'Changsheng Shenmen' collapsed instantly, but now there is no emptiness to bury the burial. I must know why."

"What do you mean, ‘the origin of the curse’ has three problems with the Holy Emperor.” Suddenly, the face of ‘戮炎圣帝’ was pale as paper.

"Yes, although I don't know if they all have problems, but there is no big mistake. The big force of 'curse origin" should not exist, it is a threat to our future." The War Buddha's is determined at this moment, and the three great emperors of the 'curse of origin' must be problematic.

"Fast, retracing," "The sacred emperor" informed the many emperors of the incident, which made them shocked. From the beginning, they did not trust the three emperors of the "cursive origin".

But they never imagined that the three great emperors of the ‘curse of origin’ would stand on the side of the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’.

The blood sacrifice ceremony has not yet been completed. At this moment, Xuanyuan also perceives that the four emperors of the four origins have moved.