MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 4 private auction

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Come to the gate of the Empire State Building and give an invitation letter.

"You belong to Mr. Smith..." Moustache looked at the invitation letter, and then at the "Ms.", which clearly had the words "Mr." written on it.

"I am his daughter. My father is unwell today, so I will participate on my behalf."

"Sorry for your father, this way, ma'am!" Moustache made a gesture and said very kindly: "The auction is held at 8 pm, and you can take a break in the cafe on the 100th floor. "

Just... just this?

Is this the enemy of your life?

Xiao Hei, looking at the way you are working hard, you are really a fish-lipped Oudoudou!

The first level, completed.

Xiaobai showed a confident smile on his face, and raised his eyebrows at the mustache security guard.

Although the mustache has a serious expression and is responsible for his work, he is excited for a while. This woman is so beautiful!

In front is a security inspection post, which can detect the carried items through the X-ray irradiation equipment. Naturally, firearms and the like are not allowed to be brought in.

The C-9 hidden in the purse did not attract attention. After all, it is just a small bottle that looks similar to perfume. It is not uncommon for women to carry perfume.

High appearance and high charm directly reduce the difficulty to easy difficulty.

When the character boarded the elevator, Wang Hao suddenly thought: "If Xiao Hei carries a perfume bottle for inspection, will it cause another accident? For example, let me open the perfume and smell it..."

In the end, he could only sigh: "Being a man..."

"It's not easy."

The auction is located on the 101st floor. In theory, as long as you find the collection No. 1372, you can burn it with C-9.

As for how to escape safely after doing bad things, there seems to be no hard requirements, so Wang Hao is quite relaxed.

He focused more on the title of the game: "The Unsolved Mysteries of the World" Chapter 1922 "The Strange Auction".

Why destroy the collection No. 1372?

The strange auction, what kind of strange method?

A really good game always has its own unique worldview.

If you just cut the past, it's a simple action game, you'll get tired of playing it once, at most you can play the second episode again.

Only by hiding a huge world view can players be able to talk about it with relish, and even give birth to some natural fandom communities.

The quality of this game is so high, this degree of freedom alone is not comparable to conventional games, and the producer's ambition must not be small.

The title of the game must hide some content of the world view.

Just thinking about it, I arrived on the 101st floor. On the left is the exhibition hall for auction items, and on the right is the main auction venue.

All the collections can be appreciated in the exhibition hall, which is similar to the real auction setting.

Although the auction will screen the items in advance, it will not absolutely guarantee that all the items are genuine. Whether it is picked up or missed, it will be borne by the individual buyer with confidence. But then again, who can tell the truth?

"Xiao Bai" entered the exhibition hall directly.

The No. 1 auction item is a 1.5-meter-scale oil painting, which is a portrait of a character. The starting price is 1.2 million dollars.

Lot No. 2 is also a painting, and the starting price is much lower, only 30,000 dollars.

It's not what I imagined, each of which is tens of millions.

Wang Hao has no interest in artworks, so he walked along the number, and quickly came to the end. The final finale is a painting by Picasso, with a starting price of 120 million.

"If you burn it... um, forget it."

But it is very strange that there is no collection No. 1372 here, and the items in the exhibition hall will end in 1370.

I found the staff and asked directly: "Hey, I want to ask about Collection No. 1372 - where is it?"

The staff in the showroom wearing a suit had a very good attitude. When they heard the number 1372, they seemed even more respectful and bowed their heads: "Ma'am, the auction items after number 1370 are all in private auctions."

"Go out from here, turn left, and then turn right, and you will be able to reach the private auction house."

"But you need a special invitation letter to enter the private auction house."

"Ok, thank you."

Xiaobai walked along the route and found a large group of men in black guarding the corridor.

Yes, the guards here are not security personnel, but men in black with guns!

Just as he was about to enter, he was stopped.

"Ma'am, this is a private auction, your invitation..."

Take out the invitation letter.

The man in black shook his head, and said expressionlessly with a face wearing sunglasses: "Ma'am, what you have in your hand is just an ordinary invitation letter, please stop. You need a special invitation letter to enter."

This time, even the proud appearance has no effect.

However, Wang Hao was rather interested. It would be boring if he simply passed the customs by relying on his "appearance".

He controlled the character and retreated again, thinking in his heart, "Is this the second level in the legend?"

"Am I going to rob someone with a special invitation letter from the beginning, so I did it wrong from the beginning?"

Just thinking about it, Wang Hao found that an old white man with blond hair and a suit entered the passage, followed by four men in black.

The old white man held a dark golden invitation in his hand, which looked like a higher-grade one. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

On the man's head, the options of 【①steal】【②attack】【③ chat up】 appear.

Wang Hao first archived.

Then start stealing!

The way of stealing is appalling, that is, reaching out to take it openly...

Then he was pinned to the ground by the man in black...

It was sent like this.

Feeling offended, Wang Hao immediately read the file and chose ③ to strike up a conversation

The man felt that someone was calling him, turned his head, and was surprised by the appearance of "Xiao Bai".

"NONONO, beautiful lady, you may be curious about what's being auctioned inside."

"But I can't bring you in, that's the rule... Also, the auction is about to start, I'm sorry." He shook his finger, didn't agree to the request, and went directly into the corridor.

Watching the figure of the man leaving, Wang Hao was thoughtful.

"So the owner of this golden invitation letter is likely to be unable to rob..."

"Is it wrong from the beginning?"

I did some research on the "trained" physique of the mission panel. After all, she is a female character, and it is unlikely that she has beaten 4 men in black head-on, and it is even more impossible to steal things while moving.

After an hour and a half, he got stuck again.

So I can only wander around this floor of the building, chatting in every possible way to find more clues.

Until 8:12 in the game time, the game popped up a prompt: [Collection No. 1372 has been successfully transferred, and the mission failed. 】

This failed?

Wang Hao pricked up his ears and became even more curious when he heard the sound of the helicopter "rumble" leaving in the sky.

"What the **** is this group of people auctioning off? They actually left in a helicopter?"