MTL - Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy-Chapter 166 Bill, please

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"That question... hehe."

As soon as Cheng Xu asked, they were a little embarrassed. In an instant, Cheng Xu understood what they meant.

"As you know, send it to a specialty store for repair. Not to mention the high fees. It will take a long time, and it will cost thousands of dollars to replace parts and do maintenance."

Cheng Xu also said helplessly:

"You guys are really. You spend tens of thousands of dollars on a meal. Why don't you want to repair a watch at this time?"

"That can be the same, we pay attention to what we pay for what we eat, and repairing the watch is different.

If we find you, first of all, the craftsmanship is better than theirs, and we have seen the effect, and then it will be faster, and it will be done in two days, and it will be cheaper in the end. "

"That is, we can spend money, but we don't want to spend money unjustly."

"You said that they would just take the watch apart, clean it, and put some oil on it, and they would dare to charge you ten thousand or twenty thousand. Isn't that a pure IQ tax?"

"We just want to do a simple maintenance, and we have to airlift it abroad, and it only takes two or three months to pass."

"It's okay to let your own people make money, but not allow foreigners to make money, right?"

Cheng Xu didn't expect that as soon as he asked these words, it was like poking a hornet's nest, hooking up the desires of several people to complain.

But according to what they said, there is some truth to it, but to be honest, isn't luxury play just an added value, and this thing can only be said that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

Not long after the meal, the secretary just now found Cheng Xu again.

"Mr. Cheng, our chairman invites you to come over."

Cheng Xu responded, thinking that this was an acceptance.

Following the secretary to the general manager's office of the hotel, there were already two people waiting inside.

One is Liu Hezhong. The middle-aged man next to him is wearing a Chinese tunic suit and is in his fifties. Zhenghuan, who is chatting with Liu Hezhong, seems to be either his friend or an insider of the association.

The two stood up as soon as they saw Cheng Xu, and the middle-aged man beside him greeted:

"Master Cheng, please take a seat, thank you very much this time."

Seeing how excited he was, Cheng Xu almost guessed his identity and replied:

"There is nothing to thank me for being entrusted by others to be loyal."

"I'll introduce myself first. My name is Meng Jiming, and I'm also the client this time."

Cheng Xu also quickly went up to shake hands with him, and briefly introduced himself by the way.

Meng Jiming has imagined the situation many times, but he just didn't expect it to be solved by such a young man.

"As for the watch, I just watched it with my old friend, he was very satisfied, even better than he imagined,

Liu Hezhong saw the two of them say hello and entered the topic.

"Yes, you leave a bank card number, and the money will be credited to your card within today."

Meng Jiming guessed that Cheng Xu, a young watch repairer, must not have enough money, so he quickly settled the money for him.

"I'm not so anxious about money. I actually think that since you are willing to spend so much money to repair this watch, it must be a sign that this watch is of great significance, so I also think about the beauty of adults."

What Cheng Xu said, although it sounds false, it is not true.

In another scenario, even if people can't afford it, he might help out.

After rescuing Grandma Wang from the fire that time, he has become more and more able to appreciate the sense of accomplishment of helping others or changing the fate of others.

Some people may think that he is pretending, but his personal experience of this kind of happiness is no less than the first 10,000 yuan he earned when he was penniless.

Seemingly feeling the sincerity in Cheng Xu's words, Meng Jiming's eyes also seemed to be looking into the distance behind the wall, recalling the past.

"This watch was left to me by my father. He often used it to encourage me, hoping that I could keep moving forward like the hands of this watch. Every time I see the watch, I can think of everything related to this watch. related stories.

Some of them were beaten for being late, some of them had to **** their watches because they couldn’t eat at home, and some of my lost and recovered memories of their watches…”

As he talked, his tone became more and more nostalgic for that era, and then he said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, as soon as this person gets older, he likes to recall things from the past, and he laughs."

Cheng Xu has been listening very carefully, and waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

"Actually, I also know that my request is a bit difficult, and it can even be said that it is a bit difficult for others. This is indeed because I am a little greedy. I want everything. I want to restore the vitality of my youth, but I don't want to let it change. A new face."

Cheng Xu looked at him with some self-reproach and said with relief:

"Actually, I can understand it. Many times the precious thing is not the item, but the person behind the item, or the elapsed time contained in it."

Cheng Xu's remarks also spoke to his heart.

"Actually, I just invited you over, and this old friend of mine wants to thank you in person. I wonder if Master Cheng is free tonight? Let's have a light meal together?"

When Liu Hezhong saw that the matter was resolved, everyone was very happy, and he recovered his businessman character, and planned to improve his relationship with Cheng Xu.

"Chairman Liu, dinner will be skipped. In fact, I'm in a hurry to come out this time. There is still a mess waiting for me at home."

Seeing Cheng Xu insisting on refusing, the two of them didn't stay any longer, but both left their contact information for each other.

Meng Jiming also promised Cheng Xu that he would find him next time when he encounters difficulties in the capital, and this time it is counted as a favor he owes.

The matter was over here, and Cheng Xu also returned the watches that they had sent over one by one at night, and settled the account.

Cheng Xu made a rough calculation. This time he came to Beijing for business and made a small profit of two million. He couldn't help but sigh that technology is productivity.

In Yixia University, in the material department office, several teachers are chatting and discussing.

"I tell you, my student is really promising."

Zhao Mengshan was chatting in the office about his meeting with Cheng Xu on a business trip in the capital, and the spittle stars flew up.

"How do you talk? I didn't teach him a and I said it as if you were a student by yourself."

Another hair teacher also followed his words and went back.

Several other young teachers watched the two of them bicker and listened with gusto.

They had just learned from Professor Zhao that the last paper published in Science had a high probability that Cheng Xu was the core.

After all, what a team can't solve can be solved easily by a second author, it sounds strange no matter what.

"I told you, it's more than that."

At this time, Zhao Mengshan completely lost the majesty of the stern face in the classroom, and the whole person was like a melon eater.