MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 529 Horrible Metal Storm

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Several people in Zhao Wu thought that Zhang Checheng was in the chest, but he knew it at the moment.

Although this metal tyrant is afraid of fire-type attacks, especially congenital fire-type attacks, it is a seven-star high-order alien beast after all.

In contrast, Chiyan Cunning is only six stars, and it is a big difference in the ranks. Its strength must be greatly reduced. Whether it can be the opponent of this horrible monster is unknown.

As for Yuan Wang, Zhang Che had no way of knowing her rank, but she wasn't much better than Chiyan Cunning, otherwise she wouldn't be surrendered easily by herself.

What worries Zhang Che most is that the physical attack strength of the metal tyrant is too powerful, especially one of this guy's attack skills has obviously not been used up.

A metal storm attack made of pure metal elements can make your scalp numb, which may not be so easy to resist.

In the event of accidental folding of Chiyan and Yuanyuan here, Zhang Che would be very distressed.

Whether to fight or not to fight is a serious problem.

At this moment, if Zhang Che is trying to escape, he can definitely get rid of all the strange beasts here at the speed of Xuansha Hades.

After all, from the beginning to the present, he has not found any flying beasts. After all, these are all metallic beasts. They are inherently flawed in the speed of movement. On the Xuansha Hades.

However, if he returns in vain like this, Zhang Che's heart is extremely unwilling.

The attributes of this metal tyrant are so great that he is reluctant to give up.

What's more, when he boasted about Haikou at first, he promised to help Laozhangren get an epic quality beast card, but it turned out that he really encountered an epic quality beast. Face to face.

"Bet on it, first find a way to seduce this metal tyrant to release his attack skills. As long as Chiyan Cunning and Yuan Wang are not killed, then they will be beheaded with my powerful babies. "

Zhang Che gritted his teeth and decided to gamble.

As long as you are cautious, the chances of success are still great.

Thinking of this, Zhang Che gave the order to Xuansha Haolong, making his first charge towards the metal tyrant.

This guy has an undead body, and the metal tyrant wants to kill it with his skills, which is simply impossible.

Even if he was severely hit in the next attack, Zhang Che also had unicorns to help Xuansha Helong to heal, and he didn't worry about losing a powerful pet.

The first time I faced such a strong opponent, I already had the war-conscious Xuansha Heilong, and after receiving Zhang Che's order, he immediately shouted in excitement, like the same blue lightning, and rushed towards the metal tyrant in front. .

Yuan Wang was eager to try beside Zhang Che, please fight:

"Master, why not let the slave go up too, this iron golem is restrained by the slave's flame, and the slave can kill it!"

Not only the Yuan king, but also the Chiyan cunning on the side, as well as several other epic-quality imperial beasts, all through spiritual contact, they challenged Zhang Che.

Zhang Che shook her head and explained:

"You underestimated this metal tyrant. This guy's attack skills are very horrible. I don't think there is a god-level physical defense and I can't resist it. Let Xuansha Heilong try to trick it into using his skills. Next you Then you can swarm up and beat the water dog. "


After listening to Zhang Che's explanation, Yuan Yuan could not help breathing down.

It turned out that the iron golem across the road had such a terrible method?

Non-God-level irresistible skill attacks really are powerful to a certain degree!

Although Yuan's body can be transformed between reality and reality, he cannot guarantee that he will be immune to physical attacks of this level.

After thinking about it, she felt that there were still many wonderful things in her life, but she did not dare to take such great risks.

Then let the master's Xuansha Dragon go first, anyway, that guy has Xuanming undead, as long as he is not attacked by a god-level element, he will not be killed at all.

Thinking about this in his heart, Yuan Wang saw Zhang Che beside him, who had made Amethyst Turtle into a set of amethyst armor and completely wrapped him.

That was comparable to a god-level physical attack, and Zhang Che wore amethyst armor just in case.

At the same time, in order to be more secure, he stepped back hundreds of meters.

After all, no one knows whether the skill attack of the metal tyrant can really reach the level of physical attack. If it is true, it is not easy to use amethyst armor. If it is accidentally hit, it is dangerous.

At a distance, several of Zhao Wu's heads became more and more puzzled.

It seems that Zhang Shao seems very cautious.

Could it be said that the strange beast with epic quality is so powerful that Zhang Shao, who has several epic quality beasts, has to pay so much attention?

In this case, let's hide a little further, so as to avoid accidents and Zhang Shao can't take care of a few people, then it will be troublesome.

Of course, they didn't think of running away first.

In this environment, if there is no Zhang Che's care, if the four of them want to break through the infinite army of alien beasts and escape safely, it is a very low probability thing.

The best way is to stay here honestly and wait for Zhang Che to solve the epic quality beast, and it will be safe.

Zhang Che just put on amethyst armor here, and the Xuansha Heilong there has broken through the siege of the alien beast army, facing the metal tyrant who is almost twenty meters tall and full of metal barbs.

In the face of this beast of the same rank and quality, of course, Xuansha Haolong is not afraid, and when it comes up, a bite of Xuanming cold air sprays out, covering the huge body of the metal tyrant.

Facing the attack of Xuansha Hades, the metal tyrant was extremely angry.

Although he is not afraid of Xuansha Helong, with his wisdom, he naturally knows that even if he kills this strange beast, his main enemy is the little one that is nearly two hundred meters away.

As long as Zhang Che can be killed, these powerful pets and royal beasts naturally fall apart.

The problem is, at present, the metal tyrant has no time to hunt Zhang Che.

It is also very jealous of Yuan Yuan and Chi Yan. These two guys are both fire-type attack modes, and they are still congenital fire-type attacks. Metal Tyrant, as one of the most powerful monsters in the Meteor Mountain, will naturally cherish his life , Dare not take risks at will.

As for His Majesty's strange beasts, it naturally does not have much hope. It is basically impossible to expect these guys to hunt targets.

The thoughts turned in his heart, and in the face of the Xuanming Hydra's Xingming Frost gas attack, the metal barb on the metal tyrant suddenly flew out, forming a metal shield directly in front of him. Xuanming's frozen air was blocked directly, without leaking at all.


Xuanming's frozen gas sprayed on the metal shield, and it was stained with a faint blue, and then a click sound sounded. This supposedly solid metal shield suddenly appeared cracks on the surface, and then directly on the surface. The air shattered into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

Xuansha Haolong's Xuanming freezing gas attack, but the temperature is extremely low, although the metal shield of the metal tyrant blocked the freezing gas, but also could not withstand that terrible low temperature, was directly frozen into slag.

Xuansha Haolong roared excitedly, it seemed to warn the metal tyrant, his attack is not so easy to resist, what are the big moves, let it come out!

After roaring, Xuansha Minglong even opened his mouth and sprayed a faint blue ray. The strongest single attacked him and greeted him directly.

Anyway, the cathode ray, a single attack skill, has a cooling time of only one minute. For Xuansha Hades, there is no need to hide it, and it can almost be used as a conventional attack method.

As soon as the cathode ray came out, the metal tyrant's heart was immediately jealous. The huge body moved horizontally directly on the ground, passing through the chest and skull.

This fast attack skill, it knows that it has no time to form a metal shield to defend, naturally it can only rely on the body to resist a mark.

Anyway, it has enough self-confidence, as long as it is not hit by the key parts, even if the body is penetrated, there is not much to do.

The fact is the same, the cathode ray shot out quickly, directly on a huge right limb of the metal tyrant who could not avoid it, and then the area the size of the washbasin was directly turned into a deep faint blue.

The sound of a click sounded, and the body surface of the metal tyrant's area suddenly shattered, and then a puddle of metal debris spattered down, and a huge wound appeared on the right limb.

However, the metal tyrant who also has an undead body is completely indifferent to this injury. The rapid flow of metal elements in the body can quickly repair the injury on the limb and looks brand new.

"Xuanming, you can't kill it, tempting it to use its attack skills!"

Zhang Che watched it for a while, and quickly ordered through spiritual connection. The Xuansha Haolong probably estimated that he didn't want the other party, or he seduced him to use his attack skills as soon as possible, and then let the Yuan king and Chiyan go forward. should.


Upon receiving Zhang Che's order, Xuansha Heilong immediately roared and stopped dealing with the metal tyrant.

Through the tentative attack just now, he also knows that he probably cannot hunt this strange beast.

Therefore, Xuansha Minglong fired at full strength, and the bitter Xuanming frozen gas was sprayed out like money, covering the entire metal tyrant and its tens of meters around it.

For a time, the temperature in this area suddenly dropped, and some strange beasts that were too late to escape, as if they had been immobilized, stood in place, and then the activity in the body was immediately driven away, and the body turned into metal fragments. Kaka Kaka's pieces broke apart and fell to the ground.

Just in this wave of attacks, dozens of strange beasts died on the spot.

As for the metal tyrant, its huge body has also been greatly affected. Although the body has not been frozen and cracked by the extremely low temperature, its ability to move has also been greatly affected. It is impossible to avoid it and can only move. Beaten.

As if the metal fragments were rubbing fiercely, the metal tyrant made a harsh hissing sound, and it was already extremely angry.

It has understood that without solving the abominable ice dragon in front of it, it is almost impossible to hunt down the little one on the other side.

After roaring, all metal elements suddenly flowed abnormally within a hundred meters of the center of the metal tyrant.

Zhang Che's expression was serious, but she was pleasantly surprised.

Dude, this metal tyrant can't hold his breath like this, is he going to use skills to attack?

Thinking about this in his heart, he quietly moved his steps and hid himself behind a huge metal rock.

Although he was nearly two hundred meters away from the metal tyrant at this moment, who can guarantee that the attack will not be able to reach here?

The next moment, the metal elements around the metal tyrant's body had been agitated to the extreme. Suddenly, these metal elements circulated rapidly from the ground with the naked eye, forming countless sharp metal fragments in the air.

A powerful force field shrouds these metal fragments, as if they were equipped with powerful propulsion devices. In a split second, all the metal fragments broke from the speed of sound in an instant, moving towards Xuansha Helong, and Zhang Che poured out.

In mid-air, it seemed like there was a heavy rain.

No, the word rain is not enough to explain the speed of these metal fragments.

Endless metal fragments radiated from it, as if even the space had been cut apart.

Xuansha Haolong had a cold heart, and just wanted to dodge, but even at its speed, at this moment, he had no time to dodge.

The next instant, countless metal fragments passed over the body of Xuansha Hades.

In the whistling sound, the body of the Xuansha Heilong directly turned into fragments, and then burst into a thick blue air stream directly in place.

Zhang Che screamed in a bad voice, and leaned down and fell down on the ground.


Countless metal fragments came flying, as if an invisible hammer hit the huge number of rocks in front of Zhang Che. This metal rock with a size of tens of cubic meters was instantly twisted into powder, and then cast away. Min, carrying these rock powders, swept back.

Zhang Che was lying on a pothole on the ground, and only felt that the space above him had been cut off. At that moment, even the air was completely squeezed away, leaving his body almost vacuum.

He couldn't help but be glad ~ ~ Fortunately, he saw the plane early and fell down in time, otherwise even amethyst armor may not be able to resist this level of attack?

Metal Storm, as it really is, is like an extremely horrible storm, destroying everything in the area.

As for several epic combat pets and royal beasts, such as Yuan Wang, they felt a huge danger just before the metal tyrant launched the attack. They didn't need Zhang Che to tell them to escape.

Therefore, except for the horrific blow of the metal tyrant, except that Xuansha Haolong was unable to avoid it, and he was beaten into a mass of xuanming frost, Zhang Che's team did not show any damage.

It's actually that Zhao Wu, who is far behind, should have been far enough away, so I didn't expect that the metal tyrant would have such terrible attack skills. For a while, they were smashed by rocks and violent airflow, one by one. Falling like a gourd, he fell a dozen meters away and was sorely hit.

This is also a few people far enough away, and their own strength is also strong enough, they evaded at critical moments.

Otherwise, the four high-ranking beast masters might be damaged here.