MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 720 Lu Ming was green.

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Late at night.

The Minister of Warfare suddenly awakened.

"what happened?"

The girl around was puzzled.

"It's okay."

The Minister of Warfare shook his head.

Somehow, he always felt a little uneasy.

Is something wrong?


He stood up and looked at the heavenly city. At this moment, it was late at night. The cultivators were all cultivating at home, and the people who could not practice also returned home early.

It's no different.


The minister stared.

"Stop making excuses."

The girl touched her small hand, "Hum, the day before yesterday, you said that work is too tired, the day before yesterday, you said you were on night shift, yesterday you said to go to the wild to fight the beasts, why should you be against me today.


The minister heard that his legs were a bit soft.

Not a thousand.

It shouldn't be.

At that time, you should not find a girlfriend of energy warrior ...



First Academy.

The instructor suddenly woke up from the dream and looked at the night sky.

"what happened?"

The assistant at the door suddenly broke in.

"It's okay."

The instructor shook his head. "There is always something going on."

"Are there any enemies?"

The assistant was alert.


The instructor shook his head.

This mysterious feeling, he can't tell clearly.

But he was sure that this kind of thing would not be an illusion, nor could it be an illusion. If he could wake up in a dream, something must have happened.

In the impression, like this last time ...


That time meteorite meteorite.

Lu Ming ...

It ’s gone, and it has nothing to do with him.


"Is the sword card master still undercover?"


"Sneak news."

The teaching director Shen said.

for a long time.

When the assistant came back, his face was weird and dignified. "Director, according to the undercover news, an hour ago, the little white girl's room was suspected of having a man left ..."


The instructor took a breath.

the man……

This point ...


Lu Ming is not here yet, and it's going to happen! ! !

He knew it.

According to the schedule of heaven and earth, Lu Ming will probably return tomorrow. If anything is found, it will surely be a terrifying battle. Then ...


The director was a little shocked.


If Lu Ming is okay, maybe people like multiplayer sports, but now, if Lu Ming is not, it means he has been green ...

With Lu Ming's strength, if he is green ...

Sky City ...

I'm afraid it's going to happen!


"Help me contact the Minister of Operations."

"In any case, first open the defense of Tiandu City to the maximum level !!!"

"Immediately! Immediately!"

The director said quickly.


The communications of the Minister of Warfare was connected, and the Director of Teaching told the seriousness of the matter. Unexpectedly, the Minister of Warfare even rejoiced.


The instructor wondered: "This time it may really be a big deal."

"I know."

The joy that could not be concealed on the minister ’s face, “It ’s my duty to sacrifice for the city of the sky. It ’s my duty. Tomorrow ... No, such a serious matter, I will come now.


The minister hung up the newsletter. At the last moment, the director of the teaching also heard the powerful words "help me up, I will go on an expedition".


The director is at a loss, is the minister so bellicose?


And now.


The Sword and Card Masters Association, no one knows when the sky and the city are surging, the inside of the Sword and Card Masters Association has been shrouded by a powerful force.

President of the Association of Cardmakers!


Nine stars.

In this world, the nine stars are like gods.

Even the presidents of the so-called Top 100 Associations are not nine stars. Each nine star represents incredible power and terror.

And now ...

Jiuxing shot.

In this way, it appeared in the Association of Sword Masters, but no one knew it.


It is the horror of Nine Stars.

of course.


Our Nine Stars are a little bit dumbfounded, especially when Lu Ming agreed to be his apprentice.

? ? ?

The old man's face was dumbfounded.


He read the online evaluation of Lu Ming-this person is kind, genius, handsome, brave, strong, and has almost all the advantages of genius.

Who is fooling?

Lu Ming, who did not agree just now, counseled him immediately after he showed his intention to kill.

Do you call it brave? !


"Shouldn't you swear to resist?"

The old man was in a trance.


Lu Ming was embarrassed, "Master, we are all a family. What do we say to resist or not to resist ... What do you always say directly?


The old man was silent.

He was surprised for a long time.


He has never seen such a person in his life ...

"You are the president of the Sword Master Association."

The old man reminded.

"If you want to like it, you can also be there."

Lu Ming said domineeringly.


The old man was silent.

The plot is not the same as he imagined.


He soon realized that the look was complex. "In the rumors, Lu Ming's tongue is a lotus flower, and his mouth is very good. Now he is a leader."

Lu Ming: "..."

The older generation really used words to pay attention.

"Before you come."

"My eldest disciple, Qian Dingwan, told me not to be deceived by you ..."

The old man said in a deep voice, "He said that you can speak kindly, do the most mysterious way, and be good at marketing deception. Now I understand it."


Lu Ming sighed, "Brother Master misunderstood me deeply."


The old man's face was black.

This brother is really kind.

However, he believed his disciples after all.


He raised his hand.

"You can't hide it."

Lu Ming said lightly.

"Are you waiting for that little girl?"

"No need to wait, she won't remember you coming back."

The old man said lightly.

With his nine-star strength, cards that can be erased for an hour can still be made.


Lu Ming smiled slightly, then groped around his waist, and pulled out a snowflake. The once weak snowflake breath flashed an amazing breath at the moment.

Eight star peak.


The snowman of that year has now reached the peak of eight stars.

"This is a snowflake that brave the world ..."

Lu Ming Shen said, "As long as I crush it, it will appear here at any time."

"Too weak."

The old man shook his head.

The eight-star peak is already extremely powerful in this world. However, for him ...

Far from enough.

"What about this?"

Lu Ming felt it around his waist and took out a maple leaf.

"not enough."

The old man sneered, "Unless you have a nine-star token, this is something ..."

The old man was stunned before he finished speaking, because at this time, Lu Ming took out hundreds of guru-level tokens from his arms in one breath.

Old man :? ? ?

Are you a wholesale token? !

"Have you heard the sword card division's teleport?"

Lu Ming smiled slightly, "There are on every token, and the moment you want to shoot, these tokens will be activated and they will be sent here."


Lu Ming said slowly, "It's okay to kill me at the time, but kill hundreds of people ... oh, there are many eight-star super geniuses, elites from major associations ... such as this Lu Dan. Another example is Qiu Shuyi ... Genius, everyone represents a top force ... "


"There is also the Minister of Operations and the Director of Teaching ..."

"There are also wizards 'associations and pastors' associations ..."

"So, think about it again?"

Lu Ming smiled slightly.


The old man was silent.


It is indeed Lu Ming!

If the big disciple was right, Lu Ming couldn't let him speak, this guy ...

Too much to say!

"I shouldn't talk to you."

The old man sighed.

He originally came to kill Lu Ming, but now he can no longer kill him.

"Whether you speak or not, these symbols are there."

Lu Ming looked calm.

"If we continue to chat, will I be fooled by you to the Sword Card Masters Association?"

The old man laughed suddenly.

"It depends on how you talk."

Lu Ming smiled, "Since you have chosen to become a card maker, it seems that you are not a belligerent person, nor a killer person. Why not give us a try?"


The old man was silent.

Because he really had an urge to continue negotiations.

after all.

This is a new way of fighting a ship that has never been experienced. For him, there are some novelties and excitement. The most important thing is that he can convince himself.


After all, he is the president of the Association of Cardmakers.


The old man sighed.


He waved his hand.


A faint energy dissipated, and the surroundings were suddenly blocked. The figures of the two actually broke away from the Sword and Card Master Association and appeared in the sky, enveloped by a transparent cube.

this is……

Lu Ming was puzzled.

"rest assured."

"No one can see us."

The old man said lightly, "Although I can't shoot you, it's okay to destroy the Sword and Card Master Association. Since I'm shooting, I can't go empty-handed."

"If it's gone, I can build another one."

Lu Ming shrugged.

"You have no chance."

The old man shook his head, "The rise of the Swordsmen Association is due to various chance coincidences. If we come again, we will not give you any chance."

"Sword card division associations are mostly descendants of masters."

Lu Ming said.

"I know, so it's the Sword and Card Division, not the people."

The old man said lightly, "The Sword Card Masters Association, you are your respect, and it is your foundation. Every time there is a fatal threat, you create a new card and come up with new ways to easily resolve it. A fatal flaw is that once you are away, there will be no heads of dragons. So, I will trap you here and let you watch, how the Sword and Card Masters Association will be destroyed! "

Lu Ming: "(〃 \ '▽ \' 〃)"

good idea!

Even he couldn't help clapping.

after all.

When he was in the association, he also felt that he was a dictatorship, and his disciples could not do it without himself, but the facts did not seem to be the case ...


"Actually, I am a puppet."

Lu Ming decided to tell the truth.

"Ha ha."

The old man sneered, "I've read the information, don't you want to foole me, every time the plan of the card maker association fails, it is you who make a new card in crisis."

"That one……"

Lu Ming spread his hand, "You didn't think about it. The reason why I solved the problem was only because I was there, and the disciples believed me, so let me solve it?"


The old man didn't believe it at all, "I won't be fooled if I know your mouth is good. Of course, in order to prevent me from being persuaded by you, I have locked this cube."

"Even I can't open it."

"right now."

"Only peace of mind will automatically open when the time expires."

The old man said domineeringly.


Lu Ming was silent.

He did not expect him to use this predecessor's hands.

I even locked myself ...

This guy.

Cow batch!

What can he say? !

"at the moment."

"Just show me a show."

The old man said lightly, "Let me see how, without Lu Ming's Sword Card Masters Association, how can he resist the true full-scale attack of the Card Masters Association!"


The next day.

early morning.

The Cardmakers Association really launched a comprehensive general attack.

All cards made in the surrounding cities have begun to cut prices, and a large number of new cards in rectangular form have poured into the Tiandu market at ultra-low prices.

The original 10,000 Samsung card is now only 998!

Just 998!

Not only that, you can buy one and get one free with the new card appointment!


Sword Card Master's disc form market was quickly engulfed ... from the original 98% continued to decline, 90%, 80%, 70% ... one day plummeted to 60%!


Is still declining.



No one expected that at this time, some members of the Sword Card Masters Association bought all the cards of the card maker at a low price and sold them to the field at a high price ...

Also free shipping.

Cardmakers Association :? ? ?

What about the face?


They responded very quickly and immediately reduced the prices of cards in all places on a large scale, and began to subsidize cities all over the world!

in this way.

The war is just the beginning.



"If you are."

"You will make new cards and deal with us, but ..."

The old man smiled, "You are not disciples, the shortcomings of the Sword and Card Masters Association is that all problems are solved by you. Once you are away, they will be a mess."


Lu Ming scratched his head.

He also hopes so, but unfortunately ...


And now.

Sword Card Masters Association.

"So ruthless?"

The Li Haoran Association finally realized the problem.

He originally thought the other party was just ordinary market behavior.


When subsidies are synchronized around the world ...

He knew that the card maker association had launched a general attack on them.


He wanted to contact Lu Ming.


Lu Ming's communication instrument is still busy.

"A price war?"

Li Haoran rubbed his head.

Master said that the card maker association ’s funds are very scary. One day, they will definitely enter the Tiandu market in the form of “free subsidies”, and then let all practitioners use it to squeeze other cards out of the market. With their own cards left ...

They will raise prices and earn back the income from these two years.

What is this capital routine.

And now ...

The other party uses this kind of routine and wants to let them die.

Even if you subsidize the whole world, even if you lose all the gains of the past few years! ! !

Spend money with them?


Although the Sword Card Masters Association has good funds, it is still unable to compete with the Card Masters Association ... Forcing a price reduction will only hurt the Sword Card Division's profits.

and so……

There seems to be only one way.

"Is Zhang Yang here?"


"Let him come."

"it is good."


That day.

The Sword Card Masters Association revoked all low-end cards.

For those one-star and two-star Samsung energy cards, since the Association of Cardmakers provides 998 ultra-low cards, it doesn't make sense to remake them.

And for some special cards.

such as--

Kun card. (Unlimited charge)

Waiting for cards.

The Sword Card Masters Association has raised prices uniformly, making these unique cards more expensive, even if it is a low-level unrestricted Kun card.

The Sword Card Masters Association re-released its own products, which will be spread across all product lines, each of which is a super high-value skill card.

There are major departments self-researched.

There is a universal market but super powerful.

The only drawback-


Almost no one is cheap.

And our classmate Zhang Yang fired his gun in the community.

Cardmaker Card vs. Sword Cardist Card——

Cardmaker: A rectangular structure that is a hundred years behind.

Sword Card Master: The most advanced dual-ring form architecture!

Cardmaker: Irregular energy distribution is easy to explode.

Sword Card Master: Even energy distribution, stable energy structure like mountains!

Cardmaker: Energy customized solution eliminated by the Top 100 Association.

Sword Card Master: The only high-end customized special energy card designated by the top associations!

Cardmaker: Liu Hai's opposite-sex card face knocked out by the sword card master in the cottage.

Sword Card Master: Using the most advanced hollow disc ring symmetrical card surface, the success rate of card making is higher!


A detailed parameter list.

This list explains in detail how the rectangular card form adopted by the card maker lags behind, which should be eliminated as early as feudal society.

of course.

This is not without saying advantages.

Cardmaker's advantages: low price and room for decline.

Sword card division advantages: In order to provide better service, safer energy, more stable structure, more powerful power, the price is more expensive.

of course.

People are not all believers.

These words are true and false, but Liu Hai first used the Sword Card Masters Association, but it was always eliminated after being eliminated by the Card Masters Association, right?

High-end customized energy cards were originally made by the Cardmakers Association. Now everyone has abandoned the Cardmakers Association and chose the Sword Cardists Association. Is this always right?


And Liu Hai who was eliminated by the sword card master ...

Rectangle + bangs screen, it looks weird looking right?

That pattern ...

Is it really stable?

Instead, the ring-shaped symmetrical structure looks very stable.

It can be said.

In addition to the higher price, the ring card has no disadvantages!

By the way.

Send all the cases that have failed due to the use of skills.

My name is xxx, and I used to use energy cards to cause the skill release to fail, and I lost a leg ...

My name is xxx, how did I fail to use the energy card ...


It's very simple.

People always like to throw the pot to others.


When Zhang Yang found them, and actively blamed the cardmaker for the disability that resulted in their failure to release their skills, and was willing to help them get compensation ...


More and more similar posts appear.

"me too!"

"I rely on, no wonder I failed to release that skill last time."

"Woo, my sister died in the ruins, and she was carrying such a card ..."


The direction of the market has changed so quietly.

of course.

It's just direction.

This year, it ’s a **** to have a bargain, right? Although the card maker's cards began to be criticized, they were ultimately the most cost-effective cards.


In Tiandu City, the 100% CD card market that the sword card master has worked so hard to continue is still being lost. Eventually, it has dropped to 20% ...


Is still declining.

"Ha ha."

The bosses of the card maker just sneered.


The battle is over.

Sword card masters still have some small methods, but unfortunately, in the face of the huge card maker association, free ultra-low-cost subsidies, there is no resistance!


I don't know why.

He always felt something was wrong ...

Obviously they have occupied more than 80% of the market and are still gradually developing ...


The sword card division association is still tenacious.

According to the past expenditures of their association, this time should have been short of funds. However, they are still exporting cards to the market steadily ...

They are puzzled.


A card maker couldn't help but look around the ruins.

Then, it was horrifying to discover that a middle-aged cultivator, exploring and working, used cards from their card maker association and bought many cards.


When preparing cards for their children ...

They all chose the cards of the Sword and Card Masters Association.

"Hi, I heard that the card maker's cards are unstable ..."

"Yes, yes, what high-end ring-cutting technology did the sword card masters use ..."

"I blew it up by myself, I can't let the children take risks ... I don't want to even have a 1% chance."

"Safety first, it's okay to be more expensive."

Cardmaker :? ? ?

Go crazy!

of course.

There are even more terrifying.

"When I went to the mine yesterday, the skill display failed and I almost died. It was the card I used ..."

"Hey, who makes us poor."

"The above also understands us now, and occasional mistakes are also allowed."

The worker whispered.

Of course, he knew very well that it was his own mistake yesterday, but with such a good excuse, why not use it?

Cardmaker :? ? ?

He felt very bad.


The sword card division market is still declining, should ... should it be okay?

How much can those children use?


He thought so.


The market for cardmakers is still expanding, from 80% to 90%. In the end, the share of sword cardmakers is only less than 10%!

This is a huge victory.

According to tradition, they have won the market of Tiandu City, and the sword card master is destined to be slowly eliminated, however, at this time ...

A week of sales came out.

The cardmakers glanced.

Tiandu City: 91% share of rectangular cards and 9% of discs!

Other cities: Occupation rate of rectangular cards is 97%, and the disc form is 3%!


The entire Association of Cardmakers is silent.

and many more……

other cities? ? ?

3%? ?

Damn it!

Isn't the Swordsmen Association not having branches in other cities?

How did this 3% come from?

The marketing department immediately went to investigate, and suddenly panicked.

——A school community——

"Your children's performance is so good?"

"That's not it, the **** card used by my children."

"Oh, I heard that disc-shaped card?"

"Yes, our child's teacher said that using this card is the safest, can't let the child appear dangerous?"

"Okay, I also gritted my teeth and bought a baby."

"Me too, no matter how bitter the child is."

"You can't let the children lose at the starting line ..."

Parents said so.


It ’s just a microcosm of the world ’s parents.

Under Zhang Yang's pervasive advertisements, parents panicked and began to resist ordinary cards, even fearing other students using ordinary cards.

"Their normal card blew up and could hurt our children."


"Schools will unify the specifications, I can make up the money."


Amidst the protests from parents, the slightly better schools all adopted a compact disc card.

in this way.

The general trend is now established.

Although the sword card division has lost 91% of Tiandu ’s market, its profits have not decreased much because of the high price, and the world ’s 3% share has far exceeded Tiandu ’s revenue by 10 times and 100 times! And successfully became a representative of high-end cards!


The rally is gratifying.



Over the Sword Card Masters Association.

The president of the Association of Cardmakers watched this scene with eyes and eyes, he tried to intervene several times, but was forced to stop because the time was not up.


Watching the card maker association step into the abyss ...


When the Card Manufacturers Association did n’t look good, when they gave up the subsidies and were ready to return to the price, they were met with anger from everyone: Why did n’t I buy a CD card at this price?

Buy your low-end card?


The reputation of the Cardmakers Association plunged again ...

In order to redeem, they can only continue to cut prices, cut prices, but they can never be recovered ...

So far.

The rectangular card has become the low-end card in everyone's mind.



The president of the Cardmakers Association shook his hand.

The old man is old, and he hasn't felt this kind of stimulation ...

He doesn't understand.


Obviously Lu Ming is not here this time. This group of disciples who have not experienced any setbacks. Why can this group of young disciples come up with such a plan? !

They have read the sword card master information!

They checked the history of the sword card division.

Almost all disasters were solved by Lu Ming!

In any case, this group of disciples does not have this ability to solve!

To this.

Our Lu Ming is just an innocent stallmate ~ ~ I said, I am just a puppet. "


The old man was furious.


At this moment, Li Haoran, who had been busy for a day, returned to the room and took out "Secret of the Sword Master". The old man looked at it subconsciously.


I saw that Li Haoran wrote a pen-

On a certain day in a certain year and a certain year, the card maker launched an economic war. Under the leadership of our teacher Lu Ming, we lightly resolved this war.

The Sword Card Masters Association has a world market and has become a truly world-class association.



Light luxury ...

We should keep this knowledge in mind.

This is Master's merit.


? ? ?

The old man looked dazed.

and many more.

What did Master lead? !

Lu Mingming is trapped here, where did he lead you?


The old man suddenly understood what leadership means here ...

Gan Li Niang!

Does spiritual leadership count? !

Therefore, many things in the Secret Records have nothing to do with Lu Ming. Is this group of disciples thinking that Lu Ming's test, Lu Ming's leadership and the like? !

Therefore, Lu Ming's presence does not affect the association!


The reason why they will mislead the leadership structure of the Sword and Card Master Association is because this group of so-called disciples ... are TM's Lu Ming's dog licking!

This pit father's association! ! !

This is the moment.

Suddenly he knew what the sentence that the big disciple said when he came back to practice while crying on Valentine's Day ...


Dog licking is not to die!


PS: Seven thousand words ah ah ah ah ah ah hand sore!

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