MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 8 Crazy heat

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The fainting of Qian Shengsheng was a trivial matter.

Even, even the loss of these stores in the downtown area is a trivial matter. With the landing of Naruto, this fruit ninja card is fully disclosed. This card is really hot.



Lu Luming wrote all in his dissertation at a glance.

很多 Many cardmakers, after making according to the design drawings, found that this function is indeed more complete, the content is more complete, and the fun is stronger!

As for the simplicity of the illusion?

But no one cares.

I can say that the fruit ninja is on fire, and it is all the rage. Lu Ming, the founder, is accompanied by his thesis and is known by countless people.

A college.

After reading all the information of Lu Ming, a deputy dean specializing in illusions sighed, "It is a pity that he is not a illusionist."

The rest of the teachers take it seriously.


It is a pity that he is not a visionary division.

幻 The success of this card of fruit ninja is the key point of illusion! If Lu Ming is a visionary, it is enough to illustrate Lu Ming's creativity in this area!

I'm a pity.

He is not.

He is a cardmaker.

Jain explained that he was just an idea, thought of this, and then asked someone to make it. And, even if he was really talented in illusions, it was too late.

Lu Luming is sixteen years old this year. After the best age for entry, he has re-trained his illusion science. It is too late to give up his original card and rebuild the illusion core.

That ’s why this vice president feels sorry.

"Where is the Cardmakers Association?"

Associate Vice President Wu asked.

"The response is very dull. After all, despite the popularity of Fruit Ninja, there is almost no card-making technology, so those old seniors don't care."

"This time ..."

"It's better to show his business talent."

A teacher said so.

"let me see."

Vice Dean Wu felt that it was still a pity. He actively recommended Lu Ming to his friend, a powerful cardmaker, but after reading it, he remained silent for a long time.

"This card is too crude."

"It's not just a fantasy, the entire card-making process is simple."

"Do you know what I see?"

"No technical content."

"Don't talk about the high-end card-making process, just talk about this design."

"The texture is chaotic. Only the textures used in the energy card are slightly neat. The other textures are in the correct position, but the drawing is very rough and has no beauty.

"There is no doubt that this is a cardmaker who specializes in energy cards!"

"He is a cannon fodder from an energy card training institution. It is completely different from a normal card maker, and there is no standard for a card maker."

或许 "Maybe the fruit ninja has a good idea and it makes him angry."

"But for card makers ..."

卡 The cardmaker shook his head and left.


Vice President Wu was silent for a long time and sighed, "It's a pity."

I naturally think that Lu Ming is not the only one. Lu Ming's popularity is so popular that many people notice him.

However, after seeing Lu Ming's drawing method, those cardmakers only shook their heads. The trace of the training institution's origin is too obvious!

"No way."

"Energy is unstable."

"Not standard enough."

Many cardmakers give evaluations.

People like genius, but obviously it is not.

How many training institutions can produce millions of low-level brick-moving parties every year? What's more, the way a training institution treats card makers as a money-making machine is even more disgusting to all card makers. Even with them, they also hate cardmakers from training institutions.

哪里 Where do they make cards?

That clearly is copy!

人 People from training institutions are not even worthy of becoming card makers!

"Training organization ... hehe."

"No matter how good a creative idea is, it can't stop this inferior technique, no matter how hot it is, it can't conceal his drawing method that can almost be described as ugly."

"It's a shame for the card maker to come out of the training institution."

"Business cards should have been elegant."

Many cardmakers are also bombarding Lu Ming.

However, no matter how they evaluate Lu Ming, they can't hinder one thing-the fruit ninja is on fire, and the fire is so high that no one can ignore it!

Even crazy version of the version.

No matter the news, the Internet, or the circle of friends, Fruit Ninja swept almost all sections.

"How many points do you have?"

"120, how about you?"

"I'm only 150, hehe."

"I'm going. There was a big eruption at 120. How do you hide from it?"

"I'm quick."

"No, I have to go back to practice."

People talked a lot.

Ranking, argument, and points.

The heat burst.

Fruit Ninja has almost become a must-have card for everyone.

Of course, some people are dissatisfied with the simple fantasy and start to improve.

Fruit Ninja ’s slashing life, Fruit Ninja ’s Meteor Hammer, Fruit Ninja ’s shooting through the sky, various strange versions are freshly released, different weapons, different occupations, and even the background of the fantasy are also fine-tuned. For a more powerful effect.

Fruit Ninja is carried forward by these illusion masters.

of course.

The most popular version is still Lu Ming's version.

Admittedly, its illusion is simple, its reality is very low, and its duration is short, but its low cost is amazing and no one can surpass it!

Even the updated version requires only 45 points of energy!

Who can do that?

No one can do it!

Because the fireball with the lowest demand requires 50 points of energy! Some of them have improved the fruit ninja fantasy card, and some even have more than 100 points of energy!

Is more realistic and naturally consumes more.

各 After major experience storms, major card shops can only accept the popularity of cards and sell Fruit Ninja Wonderland cards as cultivation cards.

成本 The cost of each piece is 70 yuan, and only 100 yuan is sold, which is a manual fee.

"Boss, a fruit ninja card."

"Boss, I want ten."

Uh ...

Qingming City.


The flower arm man of the loan company looked at the reports on the Internet aggressively, and looked at the words of the founder of the fruit ninja, feeling a bit of pain.

That little white face, how can you still have this ability?

I **** it.

"Did you leave the film?"

The big man next to said, "If you keep the boy's negatives, you can knock hard."


The man with open arms opened his mouth and said uncomfortably, "This boy settled me early, so I cleared all the information, and his pictures were naturally cleaned up."

"Don't you have problems with film negatives?"

Dahan Han's eyes were fierce, "Don't tell me, you don't even have a negative with the boy!"

"I will stay with those beautiful girls."

He Huayi smiled bitterly. "Some blackmails with weak personality can do something, but this guy ... what do I keep those women's clothes for?"

Women's photos, what use is in addition to occupying memory!

God knows.

多 How amazing he was when he first saw those photos, even that ... what, until later when he knew that the goods were male, he almost did not feel sick.

If it was not for 100,000 yuan, he would have deleted it already!

How can I keep it?

Who ever thought that guy had such strength?

"Available money ..."

A few people were quite annoyed.

They know that without fruit photos, Lu Ming will not bird them!

Uh ...

And now.

In the popularity of parallel ninjas, the main character of Lu Ming is very low-key.

It's getting late.

Lu Ming is still making business cards very seriously.

He knows one thing, selling cards, but only to pay off the debt. Making money is just for cultivation. In this world, what we can really rely on is our own strength!

Online reviews, he also saw.

In fact, those people are right. Many people from the training institutions just move the bricks party and repeat the labor and work.

如此 This is the case in the previous life, and so is this life.

的 The genius who created the program, and the coder who repeated the code, that is not a species at all!

鸣 In the eyes of those card makers, Lu Ming is obviously the code farmer who is at the lowest level. He only knows repetitive labor every day, not even his own thinking.

However, Lu Ming did not care about their evaluation at all.

的 His journey has just begun.

Sooner or later, he will let these guys know what a real cardmaker is!

As for now ...

Of course, the most important thing is to improve your strength in a low-key way.

He originally only had 48 points of energy, because during that time, he was making 300 cards crazy, which boosted his energy by 12 points and rushed to 60 points!

I just.

The energy is still too little.

I was barely enough to make the lowest-level attack card.

"I'm still too weak."

Lu Ming understands his strength.



This is the most basic way to improve.

The improvement of the cardmaker's strength ~ ~ has two aspects.

On the one hand is the increase of energy, which is the basis. After all, the energy is strong, so you can make more powerful cards. On the other hand, it is the business card technology!

Only by controlling powerful card making technology can you make more powerful cards.

Enhancement of energy requires a lot of resources and can't rush, so Lu Ming is more concerned about technology.

Powerful card-making technology can make the texture look simpler, more standardized, and tidy, and it can complete some things that a single texture cannot do.

For example--

Lines cross.

如何 What should I do when the two striped roads cross?

If the drawing is straight, the energy of the two stripe roads will conflict, it will be chaotic, and the card will fail to make, so this is a necessary technique to master!

In addition, there are higher-end three-way interweaving, four-way intersection, and so on.

I want to become a real cardmaker, he still needs to learn too much.

Suddenly, Lu Ming's technology is zero.

"Learn hard."

Lu Ming took a deep breath.

Card-making technology, both on the market and the Card Makers Association, are naturally sold, and there are even complete learning kit cards, but that price ...

I can't count on his three pheasant vocational colleges.

"Go back and get an attack card first and study the texture."

Lu Ming decided to try tomorrow.

深 Late at night.

越来越 Fewer and fewer guests passing by.

Lu Ming looked at the time, ready to close.

I just.

As soon as he walked to the door, he suddenly saw a shadow under the tree, hiding outside the surveillance area, and immediately became alert.


Lu Ming drink low.