MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1170 action

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Lying in the trough! Bai Ze, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked. Could it be that these two goods knew that the state had the ability to discover him? Why is this direction that I look at is where he hides? So accurate?

He was kneeling in the same place, thinking about whether he was voluntarily showing up or escaping, or simply hijacking this state. During the thought, I saw that Zhizhou’s left-handed baggage was on his side. Just as Bai Ze’s stunned, the left-hander reached out and even took a small girl from behind the rockery.

Bai Zeqi had to turn his eyes straight, relying on it, and for a long time, he was not arresting him!

"I didn't tell you that I was very busy these days. I must see you in a few days!" Zuoda took the girl and tried to persuade him: "I can't help it. I have no one to come. I can't be wholehearted." I am immersed in the hospitality! The top and bottom of the house are busy for this matter, and I am also a lack of skills."

Then I was very unwilling to screw him up, and drunkly said: "When you ask, you are busy, you don't see what you are doing every time. How many days have you not seen me? If you don't have me in my heart, Just say it, I will not move that mind."

"How can I not?" Zuo Da patted his chest and promised: "I can have you in my head! I don't believe you ask the people in this house, which small room I have been in these days? Who is the house? I didn't go there, I thought about you! Hey, obedient, wait for me to take the Duanmu Anguo to the waiter, and I must comfort and comfort you, ah!"

Zuo Da is finally able to take a **** away, Bai Ze hides in the dark, eyes holding the other person picking up the luggage and being walked forward, bypassing a garden, wearing two corridors, and then entering In a small courtyard. The back of a painting in the main room of the small courtyard is the organ. When the organ moves, half of the wall is opened. The left big squats into the small song, and then takes the foot back to the hook and the wall re-closes.

The original secret room is here, Bai Ze smiled, it seems that he is far following Duanmu Anguo into the Zhizhou government, it is still wise, at least to find the old thief to come later is much easier. He thought, waiting for Wang Hao to come, let Wang Hao come to the night to find out the state, and cut the head of the Duanmu old thief, so that even if it is finished. Without Duanmu Anguo to stalk from it, it is only because of the intelligence of Zhizhou that it can win.

He carefully recorded the location of the secret room and quietly retired.

Duanmu Anguo moved into the secret room on the afternoon of the same day. Zuo Da was very enthusiastic to send people to the door of the secret room. He wanted to send another section. As a result, the people closed the door and directly shut him out. The left big mouth grinned, did not say anything, just shouted in the inside: "You have what you need, please call small at any time!" With the small twenty-foot image in the pub. Unfortunately, he did not give him any feedback.

In fact, Duanmu Anguo did enter the secret room of the left family, but the left big did not know, there are two other secret small rooms in his secret room. There was a man dressed in the clothes of the people of Zhizhou who came out of the small room. After seeing Duanmu Anguo, he said: "The master, this room is not known to the left, you can rest assured."

Duanmu Anguo nodded. He was a cautious person. When he made up his mind to come to Zongtang, he made a thorough preparation. Especially for the nearest Bincheng and Jiancheng in Dashun, they have their own people. Unfortunately, the city has not been prevented, and it has been calculated by Xuantianhua. This city must not fall again. Of course, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety. The sorrowful Ji’an County lord, he does not believe, hiding in such a place can still say and walk away.

At that time, there were rewards from the people: "There are 710 wells in the city of Jiancheng, and there are 200,000 troops of the Ancestral Hall. It takes three days for our people to gather together. May I ask adults, how do you arrange them?"

Duanmu Anguo blinked and was playing a night jewel in the left big secret room. Hearing this statement immediately ordered: "Tonight, start to put things into all the wells, not too much at one time, for three days, one A little bit of increase in the dose, to ensure that the whole city can not get rid of the bliss after three days."

The man nodded and asked again: "What about the state government?"

"The same." Duanmu Anguo waved: "What I want is for the people who built the city for my use. I want everyone, including Huangkou children and eighty-year-old women. Of course, I have to include this up and down. Being able to work for Zongtang and to contribute to defending the country and defending the country should be the most proud thing for them. As for our people, antidote is released and security is ensured."

The deployment of Duanmu Anguo brought a devastating disaster to the city. But he doesn't care, in order to realize his own career, in order to satisfy his unrealistic fantasies, for the future of his so-called Duanmu family, he has always been unscrupulous and never cares how many people will lose under his crazy behavior. life. The people of Jiancheng are not as good for him as he is, but he is planning to carry out the tools. Once they are used up, they can discard them.

Xuantian Ming explored the state government on the night of the night, touched the location of the secret room given by Bai Ze during the day, and kept the big half-stay outside, but did not find any movement on the dark wall, even the door guard did not even have a guard. He almost thought that Bai Ze was wrong. In desperation, I searched for a circle in this Zhizhou government. I found a place that was strictly guarded against death. I finally sneaked in. As a result, the person sleeping in it was the one who knew the state. He also found a secret cave, and also dive in and found that the son of Zuoda was in the private meeting with the big left.

Xuan Tianming was somewhat intolerant and was about to leave. He listened to the son of Zuoda, who was the son of Zuoda, and said: "The new Duanmu old man here is really strange. I don’t know where to hide after coming in, It’s like a mouse. Ask me if I don’t say it, I really don’t know if I’m going to take the war or if I want to come to our left house to mix and drink.”

Xuan Tiandi shook his head and retired. It seems that Duanmu Anguo is very well hidden. The secret room is 80%, and his actual hiding place is definitely not there. He can turn the organ to see it inside, but in case someone inside is easy to expose, it is not the time to expose. He has to wait for the aunt, and when the girl comes, he can be unknown. Unconsciously go in and find out.

Under the eyes of countless secret guards, Xuan Tian retired. When he was out of the state, he was laughing. He studied martial arts at an early age. On the day of his graduation, Master became his defeat. Even so, it was lost to Xuan Tianhua at the time of Bincheng. However, that palm not only failed to destroy the brotherhood between them, but also made this family closer. A brother who can be guilty of his own crimes, what reason does he have to sit and enjoy his disregard?

On the way back to his residence, Xuan Tianming discovered a very strange phenomenon. The construction of the city tonight does not seem to be calm. There are too many dark guards walking through the night. He has only bypassed two streets and has discovered at least twenty people. At first, I thought it was because of the precautions of the war. I also thought that Duanmu Anguo was cautious, just in case. But the more he walked, the more he felt that he was not quite right, because he found that the dark guards seemed to have a goal, and the target was a well in the city.

In the house of the big house, almost every household has a sneak into it, and when it comes out, it goes directly to the next one. The small wells in the small door will be in the depths of the alleys. They are shared by everyone. Naturally, some people go to those wells. When they arrive, they will take out a small paper bag from their arms and pour all the white powder inside.

Xuan Tianming followed two dark guards, followed a few streets, and found that their actions were very consistent, that is, looking for a well, and then under the powder. There was no communication in the process, and there was no hesitation. When I finished a well, I ran to the next place, which was very orderly.

He was puzzled. He found a well and tried it with his portable device. He found that there was no poison. But he also remembers that Feng Yuxi said that there is no poison that can be tried by a silverware test. There are too many poisonous silverware in the world that do not respond to it, but it can still kill people.

Is it poisonous? He stared at the deep well in front of him, and some wondered. If it is poisoning, who is it that is poisoning on such a large scale? According to his estimation, this night will be tossed down, basically the water wells in the city will be put on this white powder. Well water is used by the people. That is to say, it is very likely that tomorrow morning, all the people in the city will be poisoned and killed, and the city will become a dead city.

At the thought of this, he was physically moved and went back to Zhizhou. The Zhizhou government is not small, there are also several wells in the inside. When Xuantian arrived, a dark guard put a packet of white powder into the last well, and then flew out of the house.

He was even more puzzled in his heart. Even the Zhizhou government had not let go. It is obvious that it should not be Zongxi’s own person. Now the party that opposes Zongtang is Dashun. Dashun has even won a city of Zongtang. Is it difficult for someone to do it?

This idea was immediately denied by him when he was raised. It is impossible. The Seven Brothers are in the world, and it is impossible to make such a thing that harms the people. But who would it be if it wasn’t made by oneself? Who hates the sects and hates to poison the people of the city?

Xuantian Ming did not idle this night, the two explored the state government, and chased the mysterious dark guard in the city and watched them poison the well. Finally, they even followed the soldiers stationed in the city to build a large camp, and found the wells there. Without exception, I was given something.

He was shocked by the fact that the other hand was so big, and he was anxious about how the city’s people would wake up early tomorrow to get a draught. But he can't save the people of the whole city. Even if he doesn't consider going door-to-door to tell if he will attract the attention of the poisoning party, he has no time to save so many people. Seeing the whitening of the East, Xuantian meditation, perhaps, this is the fate of Jiancheng people? Will Duanmu Anguo, who came here yesterday, have this road?