MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1211 Duanmu Anguo, come for my medicine

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Fang Jinsi thought, this Duanmu Anguo is really an old dog, the nose is more spiritual than the dog's nose. She washed so many times, and changed the clothes with aromatherapy, but still smelled bloody, is this really possible? Or Duanmu Anguo deliberately, is to want to stimulate her?

Fang Jinsi does not want to deny that this time the denial will reveal flaws, and the eyes will see things, and there must be no mistakes in this section. So she nodded and said to Duanmu Anguo: "The guards of the Ancestral Palace ruled Zheng Qi, did the father know this person?"

Duanmu Anguo nodded, "Know. For the father did not deal with the palace very much, naturally know that person, what happened to him?"

"She has been entangled in her daughter. I have been here for a few days. I have come back today. But now Dashun has started to attack the city. The people have opened the gates of the city. The soldiers who have married at home have also made a counter-attack. Obstruction took over the capital, and it was about to enter the palace. The daughter rushed to send her father out of the entanglement and killed him."

"Can you kill Zheng Qi?" Duanmu Anguo sat still and looked at Fang Jinsi. "Don't say that Zheng Qi has a kung fu in his body. You can't kill a woman with no hands." He, even if it is, is this time, isn't Zheng Qi not wanting to live? Don't want to run away? He picks what is entangled in you at this time?"

Fang Jinsi’s heart jumped up. He almost didn’t know how to answer it. Fortunately, his brain was enough. He immediately replied: “Father, Zheng Qi does not want to live. He is coming to meet his daughter! You hide I haven’t heard the wind before here, but Zheng Qi didn’t know where to hear it. He raised the idea of ​​using his father to change his life. He not only entangled his daughter, but also forced his daughter to father. Handed over. The daughter and the pleasing heart were fighting for a life to save their lives. As for Zheng Qi, but when he rushed to his daughter, his head was inserted into his daughter’s hair. Father, you should not doubt the daughter again. The palace can't be saved right away, let's go! The daughter doesn't want to die here, let's escape together!"

"Let's escape together?" Duanmu Anguo raised his lips. "Well, run away together. You will follow the father. If you don't die for the father, you will be treated well."

Finally, Duanmu Anguo will follow Fang Jinsei and Yuexin. Fang Jinsi took him to a path in the palace. During the occasion, he encountered one or two palace people. Duanmu Anguo was cruel. All the people who had seen him could not survive. Fang Jinsi and Yue Xin looked at him all the way to kill, pale to the extreme.

Finally, the last one turned, and there was a red man in front of Fang Jin’s eyes standing quietly at the end of the alley. This heart was finally put down. She knew that it must be the royal king of Dashun. The person who spoke said that the royal king would wear a red dress and harvest the life of Duanmu Anguo like a ghost, so that they would bring people here.

Now, Feng Yuxi is ahead, and their mission has finally been completed. Dashun saved their family. She believed that although she had never seen Dashun’s Nine Emperors and Yu Wang, she believed the two. Soon, you can reunite with your family.

Pretending to escape has accelerated, and Duanmu Anguo has some hidden feelings that something is wrong. I don't know why, it's an inexplicable fluster. This road seems to be wrong. Is this really the way out of the palace?

Look up, faintly see a red figure in front, who is that? Suddenly I thought of Feng Zhaolian! Duanmu Anguo remembers that the Zhaolian is one of the most loved red dresses. The red can make him more enchanting. The beauty is absolutely beautiful, no matter men or women, it can not be compared.

Can seal Zhaolian is dead! Duanmu Anguo blinks, not Feng Zhaolian, who is it?

The target person hasn't seen who it is, so he found the place where the red figure stood, and there was a wall behind it! This is clearly a dead end. Why do you want to run here?

be cheated! Finally, the alarm in the brain of Duanmu Anguo was re-popped. He turned his head and looked at Fang Jinsi coldly. He said loudly: "Hey! You lied to me?"

Fang Jinsi’s footsteps did not stop, or he was running forward with Duanmu Anguo, and he ran for another ten steps before he stopped. Feng Yu was far enough away from her. She released Duanmu Anguo and took a few steps in the direction of Feng Yu's enthusiasm. Then she returned to Duanmu Anguo and said, "Yes! You are fooled!" Duanmu Anguo, open your dog's eyes and see who this person is in front of you!"

Duanmu Anguo looked at the red figure again. At this time, he was very close. He recognized the person at a glance. Then a fierce spirit hits "Feng Yu? You really haven't died yet?"

Feng Yuqi picked up his lips and hooked up one of the most terrible smiles in the world. He said: "What should I do? Duanmu Anguo, your thunder will not kill me. Don't think that you are cheap. I can tell you that in this world, I am using the ancestors of Lei. You can't even tell the thunder and the mines, you want to use those things to kill me? Dream!"

As she talked, she stepped forward, like a sacred Rakshasa, step by step to take the hope of Duanmu Anguosheng.

"The seven emperors of Dashun are dead, aren't they?" Duanmu Anguo suddenly laughed. "The seven emperors like the gods are dead. Feng Yu, can you still say that my mine is useless? I still fry. A person who died is still a person who can be sad all over the world. Think about it, it’s really fun!”


A long whip suddenly came over, and Duanmu Anguo wanted to hide. The body flashed, but left the only remaining arm.

Feng Yu's long whip entangled his arm, and then saw her biting her teeth, and in the face of Fang Jinsi and Yue Xinsheng, the other arm of Duanmu Anguo was dragged down. The bloody, hard-boiled, bone-bone and meat separation process is so brightly visible in front of people, seeing Fang Jinsi and Yuexin almost scared.

Feng Yu is too scary! This is the only thought of Fang Jinsei at this moment.

Duanmu Anguo screamed and screamed, his arms were lost, and he stood out and lost balance. He swayed to the ground under the pain, but he heard the sound of Feng Yu’s **** and passed on: “The old thief Don't be too happy, who told you that my seventh brother is dead? Just want to break my thunder in front of me? Dreaming!"

Duanmu Anguo is almost crazy, and Xuantianhua is not dead? How can this be? He laid so many thunders and paid the price of an arm. Didn't one kill him? impossible! Never possible! He glared at Feng Yu, and said: "Are you all monsters? Or how can you not die? Feng Yu珩! You said that you are a monster, you said that you are a ghost, are you really not a person? What are you changing? of?"

In the face of Duanmu Anguo's questioning, Feng Yuxi did not have the courage to fear the six gods. After all, Duanmu Anguo’s questioning is only questioning, but it’s true that the real Feng Yu is reborn. For that person, her body has an irresistible reaction. To be precise, it is not her fear, but the body is afraid. Therefore, the current Feng Yuzhen can not have those burdens, she told Duanmu Anguo: "What do you think I changed, what I changed, in short, you step by step to force me to be the most afraid of you, Then, I will send you the last life in the way you are most afraid of. Duanmu Anguo, I will use your flesh and blood to pay homage to Zhaolian, and then draw your muscles and your skin to solve my relationship with my brother in Tongcheng. The sinister hatred. But you can't die, death is no different from liberation for you, I want to make you a shackle, and let you try my latest drug. Duanmu Anguo, the drug I made, It is much better than a thousand weeks! You gave the idea of ​​a thousand-week emperor to harm Feng Zhaolian, and all the sins he received will be counted back to him."

Duanmu Anguo is going to be scared to death. For the first time in his life, he feels that death is so close. But it’s just a step, but he can’t go too far, between life and death, through endless torture.

Feng Yu's dark guard took Duanmu Anguo away, and even took the arm and threw it outside the city to feed the dog. The old thief shouted loudly before leaving: "Fang Jinse, you kind of this kind, I fell in the hands of Feng Yuxi, your family is not much better! How do I torture me, my people How will you try to torture your parents, your brothers and sisters?"

Fang Jinsi was all picked up, but he heard Feng Yuxi said to her: "Reassure, your family's nine princes have sent people to protect them, and they will be foolproof. I will send you out of the palace to go to Beijing to reunite with your loved ones. Anguo gave me this love, I Feng Yu took the lead. Let's go home and go to a good life, Zongtang will soon disappear from this continent."

The main entrance of the palace, Xuantian meditation and the army broke into the door, simply did not care that tied Li Jian is ready to talk about the conditions of darkness. Zong Yijun was scattered and scattered, and there was no chance to regroup. He was also smashed by the crowd, and he was still reluctantly clutching Li Jian and shouting loudly: "His Royal Highness! Emperor Zongxi is here, I caught him and dedicated him to you! I..." I haven't waited yet. After that, suddenly he felt that Li Jian, who was in his hand, was smashed out by a force. He took a look at the work of God and his right hand was empty and nothing was gone.

I was so dumbfounded that there was no Li Jian in hand. What did he still talk about with Dashun? What do you want to keep your life in one family? They can be different from other officials at home! His son-in-law and Dashun are enemies, and finally died in the hands of Feng Yuxi. He can't believe that Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuxi will let go of their homes for no reason.

However, no matter how good the plan is now, Li Jian was taken away by a soft whip, and the man who was holding the soft whip was riding at the moment and looking back at him...