MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 60 60%

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Shen Rongyu was stunned for a moment by Ji Qingzhuo's question, while the conversation between Ye Duanhong and Yin Muchen was still going on.

"If this matter is caused by the leftover party, then it will be easy to solve, but what I am most worried about is..." Ye Duanhong said in a deep voice.

At this time, Qin Wei had finished applying the medicine to him and cast a spell to help his wound heal. As he spoke, he pulled up his slightly opened skirt.

"Duanhong, are you worried that the seal of Huangshi will be broken?" Yin Muchen's tone was a little smile when he heard this guess, "You may not know how Huangxi was chased by my senior sister and fled all over the world of cultivating immortals. .”

"You started practicing Taoism later, and you don't know the situation at that time. In front of the Yuanduan Tower, my senior sister personally broke his protective formation, the Earth Vein and Star Array, but the erosion was powerless to resist, so I just tried my best to escape. He went out, and on the way to escape, he killed many innocent monks, including Rong Yu's family Dongshan Royal Family also died at that time." Yin Muchen recalled that year, speaking slowly, the "senior sister" she said was naturally the leader of the righteous way Yuanwu real person.

When Shen Rongyu heard his name, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Yin Muchen with a calm expression on his face, as if they were talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"The ghost energy of the earth veins is connected with the desertion. We can't kill the desertion completely. If he dies, the entire world of cultivating immortals will be swallowed by the ghost energy of the earth veins that dissipates in an instant. At that time, resentful spirits will be rampant and demons will walk in the world. It will be even more tragic. Because after tracking down Huang Cai who escaped, the senior sister sealed him again under the ruins of Yuanduan Building, as long as she is still there, Huang Cai cannot escape." Yin Muchen said this to Ye Duanhong, "In my Xuanyun Sect, there is a token that can show the status of my senior sister. If there is anything wrong with her, this token will remind me, but it seems that the senior sister is still alive."

"Didn't Rong Yu still bring her elder token from Xuanyunzong now?" Yin Muchen turned his gaze to Shen Rongyu, "Rong Yu, you said that you were taken captive to Yuanduanlou by the desertion, and since he was After the seal, you will also stay in the sealing formation until my senior sister rescues you and gives you a token to let you come to my Xuanyun sect to practice, right?"

Shen Rongyu never thought that he would hear such information, but when he heard the words "senior sister is still alive", his eyes suddenly turned cold.

His background is naturally a lie made up indiscriminately to make it easier for him to sneak into Xuanyunzong, but he still concealed his emotions and nodded without changing his expression.

"That's why Huang Cai is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that this kind of malice has always existed. Huang Cai has been suppressed, not only his remnant party, but also many others... the evil ghost Shura hiding in the dark..." Yin Muchen The voice was calm, "Like the human-faced spider that devours thousands of guests today, what a terrifying human heart, giving birth to such an evil thing."

"Isn't that evil thing summoned by the evil aura sensed by my Good and Evil Stone?" Ye Duanhong asked. Even though his cultivation base is high, facing a senior like Yin Muchen, he feels that he still has a lot to offer. I don't understand the reason.

"The human-faced spider can only be spawned by human lies. The teeth in the spider's mouth are all human teeth. When a person opens his mouth, he can tell countless lies. If the evil breath is not human, then even if he tells countless lies, he can't be born. The human-faced spider, because the product of the ghost energy of the earth veins is evil itself. This human-faced spider, after all, has a source... from the fresh heart." Yin Muchen said softly.

She is a very sensible head of the sect, and her words are also cold and rational.

On the other hand, Ye Duanhong, who was always serious on weekdays, had a look of surprise on his face. He seemed unable to accept such an answer. He couldn't bear that he was the same species as such hypocritical human beings.

Sometimes, he is always too upright, so that everyone can feel his sharp edges and corners.

Shen Rongyu listened to the conversation between the two of them, his expression was terribly calm, even though the protagonists of many incidents mentioned by them were related to him, there was still a programmed smile on his lips, his expression was indifferent, and deep in his eyes were thin lake.

The abnormal behavior a few times just now was just an accident caused by Ji Qingzhuo - she finally checked the umbrella, and he didn't feel anything unusual.

"Anyway, pay more attention." Yin Muchen warned Ye Duanhong, "Now I'm dealing with the demons that appeared in the north, and I won't be able to return to the sect for a while, and you need to pay more attention to the affairs of the sect."

"Okay." Ye Duanhong responded.

"Rong Yu, you should go back to rest too, Miss Ji..." Yin Muchen finally remembered that there was another Ji Qingzhuo in the formation, "She shouldn't have been bitten by a man-faced spider, right? That man-faced spider is poisonous. Bitten, need to be treated quickly."

"No." Shen Rongyu replied warmly, he was holding her, how could she be touched by the man-faced spider?

"Well, that's it. I didn't expect that a mortal who started out at the beginning could also get the first place in the two assessments." Yin Muchen blinked at Ye Duanhong, "Duanhong, if the formation class There were no accidents in the assessment, so she should be number one."

"Yes." Ye Duanhong replied, "A formation requires a lot of analysis and calculations. She seems to be very talented in this journey."

"Duanhong, I seem to hear a hint of jealousy in your words." Yin Muchen joked with a smile, and the entire Xuanyunzong knew that he was not good at dealing with numbers.

Ye Duanhong's face was solemn, he only glanced at Yin Muchen, but did not admit it.

This conversation ended here, and no one doubted Ji Qingzhuo and Shen Rongyu... Their cultivation was too low, and in the eyes of others, they did not have the ability to kill Jiang Qianke.

Shen Rongyu asked Qin Wei for a new thick robe, brought it to Ji Qingzhuo, and went back to Cunxin Pavilion to look for her. He held the white fox fur with one hand, his back was as hazy as a fairy, and the gesture he showed to others was gentle and kind.

"Rong Yu really cares about his little junior sister." Qin Wei looked at his back as he left, and said, "What a good monk, many disciples in our sect looked down on that girl Ji."

Ye Duanhong heard his words, he pursed his thin lips and remained silent.

After Ji Qingzhuo found something wrong with the umbrella in the Cunxin Pavilion, she didn't dare to touch it anymore. She felt a little uneasy and blamed herself a little. If the umbrella wasn't for protecting her, its umbrella surface shouldn't be destroyed. destroy it?

She sighed softly, her mood was a little complicated, she couldn't accept that her magic weapon had some minor injuries just a few days after using it, it felt like a new shoe just bought, worn carefully, but was caught off guard by someone stepping on it kicked.

Ji Qingzhuo knew that this was a very good magic weapon, so she felt distressed and blamed herself, and she was trying to remedy it.

At the first moment, she asked her system: "System, the umbrella that brother Xiaoyu gave me, can it be repaired?"

"This..." The system really wants to tell her that the umbrella is not broken at all, he is very good, but you messed around and made him feel bad.

Of course... the system knew all these things after Ji Qingzhuo was in a coma. It didn't tell Ji Qingzhuo, because Ji Qingzhuo was the tasker who wanted to attack Shen Rongyu. If she knew Shen Rongyu's terrifying side, would she not Will this cause a grudge and affect the progress of the strategy?

From the perspective of making Ji Qingzhuo happy, the system didn't tell her about it—but it didn't know that Ji Qingzhuo already knew who Shen Rongyu was. In the cultivation space, she scolded him countless times in her heart. scoundrel.

"You can't." Ji Qingzhuo heard the system's overtones, and she sighed softly.

She wanted to wait for Shen Rongyu to come back before thinking of a solution, so she asked the system other questions: "System, who is Jiang Qianke, and why did he kill me?"

"Maybe out of his mind?" The system replied, giving no useful information at all.

"What's his past?" Ji Qingzhuo asked from another angle.

"I do have the ability to ascertain the information of people in this world. After all, I am also transformed by the self-help consciousness of this world." The system said coyly, "But the host, the energy is not enough."

Ji Qingzhuo was a little annoyed. She felt that the system was bullying her. She hadn't read those novels with the theme of attacking someone. Their systems were all powerful, and the hero's favorability bar also skyrocketed. She could exchange artifacts or detect anything at will. Shocking secret.

But this system is too much, she is so close to Shen Rongyu, it even said that the energy is not enough.

"Then what should we do?" Ji Qingzhuo felt helpless.

"You figure it out yourself," the system said.

"Then throw you away." Ji Qingzhuo tried to open the golden finger but was rejected, impotent and furious, she stuffed the small mirror into her clothes, scaring it like this.

—However, from Ji Qingzhuo's few words, it can be seen that she actually trusts the system very much, and even regards it as her own, because Ji Qingzhuo will never show such vivid emotions in front of outsiders.

She is not completely free of emotional ups and downs, but she hides it so deeply that she is even willing to show it to herself alone.

So when she is alone, she is always a little different.

At this time, she was wrapped in the silk quilt on the bed and was checking the condition of the umbrella. When she was talking to the system just now, she was squatting by the window. In the shadow cast by the umbrella.

From a distance, she seems to be a fungus growing alone in the corner, with a red umbrella and a white pole, with a kind of secret cuteness, but also a little weird from the world.

Therefore, this is what Shen Rongyu saw when he opened the door and walked in. He originally wanted to come back and ask Ji Qingzhuo why he kept touching umbrellas, but when he saw her, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Ji Qingzhuo heard the sound of pushing the door, she turned her head to look at him, the white silk on her shoulders slipped off.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu, are you back?" Ji Qingzhuo's eyes widened slightly.

Seeing Shen Rongyu, she became nervous again - this is also a sign that Shen Rongyu has not yet fully gained her trust, she is so reserved and uneasy when facing others.

In fact, every time Ji Qingzhuo faced Shen Rongyu, she had to give her full attention. In fact, she prefers to be in a completely relaxed state, just like this alone, in a daze, without thinking about or paying attention to anything.

This is the reason why she is more suitable for Shen Rongyu in the cultivation space. Although the red airflow is sometimes not very personal, she will relax when facing him.

It was very strange, Ji Qingzhuo couldn't explain why she did this, she blinked and stood up.

Shen Rongyu naturally doesn't like her reserved appearance, but every time she faces him, the voice she calls "Senior Brother Xiaoyu" is always so soft and tinged with unease.

On the contrary, under the sun and the moon, she called him "Xiaoyu", and that call implied the emotion that made him feel comfortable.

Shen Rongyu stepped forward, he put the white fox fur on Ji Qingzhuo's body, the end of the fox fur fell on her body, his movements were extremely gentle, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

He was extremely patient with her, because Ji Qingzhuo was a prey that Shen Rongyu couldn't capture for the time being.

Ji Qingzhuo wrapped himself tightly in the white fox fur, and finally he didn't feel cold anymore, but the wind and cold caught him, and it might take a few days to recover.

"Elder Qin said that there is no cure for wind-cold, because no monk will catch wind-cold." Shen Rongyu said to her.

"Yeah." Ji Qingzhuo lowered her head and tidied up the fox fur. She is not very good at wearing this new clothes, and the silver buckle on the front of her neck can't always be put on.

She was still thinking about what to do with the missing petal on the umbrella, should she tell Shen Rongyu? Will he be angry?

Seeing her clumsily pressing the silver buckle, Shen Rongyu lowered her body and approached her, with a soft voice: "I'll fasten it for you."

The familiar faint scent of soul came, Ji Qingzhuo pursed his lips, clenched the silver button on his chest, and took half a step back.

Shen Rongyu's eyes were slightly condensed, and suddenly became a little cold, she was avoiding him.

"I'm afraid I'll pass the wind and chill to you." Ji Qingzhuo covered his mouth and sneezed as he said.

"Zhuo Zhuo, I've never heard of monks catching wind and cold." Shen Rongyu said warmly to Ji Qingzhuo after the faint haze in his eyes dissipated.

Ji Qingzhuo loosened his grip on the fox fur, and obediently placed it by his side. She had already tied Shen Rongyu's belt last time, but now he turned around and tied the fox fur for her, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

She brought up something that had been on her mind for a long time, that is, the thing she suspected that the umbrella was broken...

Before Shen Rongyu patiently straightened the tassels she had messed up on her neck, her movements were methodical, her breathing was even, and she gently blew on her cheeks.

He was looking at Ji Qingzhuo, but Ji Qingzhuo was not looking at him, the atmosphere between the two was quiet and harmonious.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu." Ji Qingzhuo looked at Qingsha behind Shen Rongyu and said.

"Huh?" Shen Rongyu replied.

"It's just..." It was actually very difficult for Ji Qingzhuo to say these words, and she felt very...embarrassed.

Seeing her slightly uneasy expression, Shen Rongyu knew what she was going to say, and she responded patiently: "What is it?"

Ji Qingzhuo lowered his head, as if he felt very guilty: "The umbrella is broken, and a petal is missing on the umbrella surface."

Of course, she didn't expect that she was so close to Shen Rongyu, as soon as she lowered her head, her forehead was in front of him.

Shen Rongyu's deep voice came along with the vibration of his chest, and he began to make up nonsense to cover up the fact that he hadn't painted the umbrella well in the dark at night: "If there are a little less patterns on the umbrella, it's just that it consumes energy, and it will make up for it." Just come back."

" really is for me..." Ji Qingzhuo couldn't help feeling emotional, her mind was on the umbrella, and she even forgot that she was still leaning on Shen Rongyu's arms—he didn't push her away.

Shen Rongyu lowered her head, looked at her furry head, and asked warmly: "If Zhuozhuo is willing, I can take you to complete the patterns on the umbrella."