MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 326 Unfilial children and grandchildren!

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  Chapter 326 Unfilial to descendants!

United States.


  This port located on the south shore of Lake Ontario is an industrial city on the shore of Lake Ontario in western New York State, USA, and also the third largest city in New York State

  This city is known as the "World Image Center" and "Flour City". Every spring, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, so it is also known as the "Flower City".

   After everyone arrived, they were warmly received by the staff of the pharmaceutical company.

  Chen Nan also enjoys the "corruption" of capitalism.

have to say!

  The United States is the country with the most complete pharmaceutical industry in the world, and medicine has become inseparable.

  Doctor, also the chief engineer of the drug.

  Medicines are also inseparable from the trajectory of doctors.

  This time, there are ten representatives of Chinese experts attending the World Oncology Medicine Conference.

  The whole journey is picked up by luxury cars, settled in high-end hotel restaurants, and various gifts from pharmaceutical companies.

  For these pharmaceutical companies, this amount of nothing at all.

   Even, these public relations fees are also included in the cost of drug production and sales of pharmaceutical companies.

  The staff of these pharmaceutical companies followed the crowd all the way, mingled with the medical staff, and talked and laughed happily with the experts of the Tumor Association, without any shyness at all.

   Chen Nan also met a British oncologist, Tilson.

  This man named Tilson is only forty-five years old, but he seems to be a professor in the field of oncology at the Oxford University School of Medicine.

  Participated in and published many papers!

  The reason why he has a close relationship with Chen Nan is because Tillerson read the article of Professor James Harken.

   He is also full of curiosity about Chen Nan, and Tilson is far more curious about Chinese medicine than anyone else.

  Originally, all the people who came to the new drug conference this time were Western medicine doctors. Even Yuan Chaomin, or Yang Fupeng and others knew little about Chinese medicine.

   But Tillerson and Chen Nan had a good chat.

  “After my great-grandfather came back from China, he admired Chinese medicine very much, and even translated books on basic Chinese medicine.”

   "I have studied for several years, and I feel very deeply. Chinese medicine is definitely a magical medicine. You can have an accurate judgment on the human body without passing through the inspection equipment!"

   "By the way, I heard that Chinese Chinese medicine practitioners know kung fu."

   "Professor Chen, do you know Kung Fu?"

  Chen Nan had some respect for Tillson at first, but after spending two days together, he found that Tilson was really a chatterbox.

   "No, it's all rumors, how can there be any effort!"

   While speaking, Chen Nan used **** slightly to break the claws of the big lobster, and then started to eat.

   As expected of a city near the sea, this big lobster tastes really good, and the price in the United States is not cheap. The only regret is that the pliers are a bit hard, and the staff needs help to open it.

  Chen Nan said while eating: "There is no such thing as Chinese Kung Fu, it's all a lie."

  Tilson looked down at the lobster on the plate and was dumbfounded!

  This... Are you so foolish?

  The prawn claws, you broke them apart with two fingers, and you still said you don’t have Chinese kung fu?

  Tilson looked at Chen Nan dumbfounded, speechless for a long time.

   " liar!"

  Chen Nan shrugged: "I am pure and strong."

  Tilson smiled awkwardly but politely, and couldn't help saying: mmp!

   This time, Chen Nan thought he was here to enjoy the meeting.

   No wonder the doctors in the hospital want to come to foreign countries to attend the meeting. Damn it, it's really blatant corruption!

  I have been here for two or three days, visits, receptions, excursions, high-end hotels...

   Is this **** out on vacation?

   In vain, I carefully prepared so many materials.

Now it seems…

   What a waste!

   At this time, people from the pharmaceutical company came to toast.

  The other party was very enthusiastic and did not have too much prejudice against Chen Nan and other people from China.

  Speaking of which, these multinational pharmaceutical companies will not have too much prejudice against China.

  Because everyone knows very well that Chen Nan and others who can come to the World Cancer Drug Conference are all guests. They have a strong right to speak, and can even affect whether their drugs can be launched in China.

  All kinds of small gifts and local products, such as expensive red wine, and Hermès silk scarves emerge in endlessly.

  Chen Nan suddenly felt a little bit emotional, it's really too much to use these tests to test them.

  Chen Nan suddenly felt that this was not a meeting at all, but a gathering to corrupt their pure hearts.

  Tilson saw Chen Nan's mood, and said with a smile: "Professor Chen, do you dislike getting along with pharmaceutical companies?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "No."

   "Just a little uncomfortable."

   "After all, in our country, everyone is more tactful."

  Tilson couldn't help laughing and said: "Chinese people are more reserved."

   "But in fact, you may not understand that the development of pharmaceutical companies is inseparable from doctors."

   "And the active participation of doctors is also a key feedback for pharmaceutical companies."

   "Because pharmaceutical companies need to prepare a high public relations fee every year, the role of this fee is to use it for the law."

  "The United States imposes relatively heavy fines on pharmaceutical companies, order to prevent such large-scale damage from happening, they have always maintained a relatively close relationship with hospitals to prevent things from getting worse."

   "Of course, there are exceptions to everything."

   "Actually, what pharmaceutical companies do is not a bad thing. Their research on new drugs also promotes the development of medicine. the United States, the contribution of pharmaceutical companies is far greater than the role of hospitals in promoting the health industry!"

  “After all, for enterprises, innovation is the lifeline and the root of corporate profitability.”

   "Of course, the profit-seeking nature of capital is unavoidable. In terms of medicines, they will maximize their scientific research ability to continue to generate value, and for this... they will spare no expense."

   "You should learn to look at them with objective eyes!"

   Chen Nan listened to Tilson's words, but nodded without denying them.

   Indeed it is!

  The United States is a country built by capital.

  The railway was laid by Vanderbilt, the buildings were built by capitalists, and the development of oil was also driven by capital...

  If capital wants to develop, it must better allow consumers to enjoy convenience.

   Chen Nan suddenly felt relieved.

   In contrast, the country is much more reserved.

  Chen Nan is not prejudiced either. Different systems give birth to different industrial structures and different social and interpersonal rules.

   After lunch, there will be a more important visit in the afternoon.

   That's going to the meeting room at the Mayo Clinic.

  All of them will be invited to visit the Mayo clinic process.

  Chen Nan is no exception.

   But it's kind of bad...

  Tilson said excitedly: "It is really a wonderful thing to be able to share the visit with Professor Chen in the afternoon!"

   "Professor Chen, would it be convenient for you to use your skills to help me open this shrimp shell?"

  Chen Nan rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

   And at this time!

   Dane and Balsa were also eating at the venue, but... neither of them expected that Chen Nan would come.

  Dyne's complexion was a bit subtle, with indescribable emotions. To be honest... he still had some expectations for Chen Nan.


  Balsha was different. He didn't like Chen Nan, the man who frustrated him repeatedly. He didn't like it at all.

   "This **** Chen Nan is not qualified to participate in such a meeting!"

   "Why should you invite him?"

  Balsha couldn't help complaining to Dane.

  Dain is also very curious, because as Balsha said, to participate in such a meeting, especially Chinese oncologists, need a strong academic reputation.

  But... Chen Nan doesn't seem to have any at all.

  Besides, Balsha's friend also glanced at Chen Nan curiously.

   I have to say that Chen Nan is very conspicuous.

  Because he is young.

  The youngest present was in his forties, and the Westerners were already a bit mature, while the Easterners were relatively young.

   This made the 26-year-old Chen Nan somewhat conspicuous in the crowd.

   "What if the last name is Pfizer?"

   One sentence made Balsha speechless.

  Indeed, regardless of the East and the West, this origin is very important.

   One sentence caused smiles from the people around the table.

  At this time, he continued to say: "But... To be honest, it is not recommended to participate in this way."

   "Easily embarrassing."

   "After all, such an academic conference is too professional, and it is easy for people to get down."

  This person is named Aruna, and he is also an oncologist in New York. He has a close cooperation with Balsha.

  Aruna's words seemed to wake up Balsha, making his eyes light up.


   It is extremely embarrassing to make a fool of yourself at such a meeting.

  Balsha was attacked by Chen Nan many times before, this time, he did not plan to let Chen Nan go.

   The day after tomorrow is when the real meeting begins.

   If you don't make a move, you will have no chance.


  This afternoon, he and Chen Nan are in a group to attend the Department of Cardiology at Mayo Clinic.

  Balsha suddenly had a special idea in his mind.



  Afternoon time, coming soon.

  The teams of Chen Nan, Yang Fupeng and others were also dismantled, and they went to visit the Mayo Clinic in the form of small groups.

  Dane came over to say hello to Chen Nan this time.

   "Professor Chen, hello, do you still remember me? Dane! Dane of Mayo."

   Chen Nan nodded with a smile: "Professor Dane, hello."

   "Your Mayo has developed really well."

   Dane nodded and smiled, a little more proud in his heart.

  Mayo is indeed a sign that many people are proud of. As one of the top medical institutions in the world, Mayo is a private non-profit hospital.

  The biggest income is from donations.

   Every year, many enterprises and companies, or rich people make large-scale donations to Mayo Clinic.

   Nowadays, with such a scale, it is really not easy.

   "If Professor Chen has time, I can show you around after the meeting."

   Dane took the initiative to shake hands with a smile.

  Chen Nan also nodded.

   At this time, Chen Nan and Tillson followed the guide and watched the introduction continuously.

  The world's most advanced CT inspection equipment, using the latest digital technology, accurately photographs the lesion.

   There is also the color ultrasound image similar to the bionic 3D construction.

  This is a rapid blood testing instrument, which can analyze and process blood samples in a very short time.

   And that multi-arm surgical robot!

  Bionic human skeleton 3D printing technology…



  The visit of everyone can be said to be spent in awe.

  Here has the most advanced medical technology and equipment in the world.

  Even Tilson, whose eyes were above the top, couldn't help being amazed!

   "This Mayo is one of the top medical institutions in the world!"

   "It really opened my eyes!"

  Everyone around me couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   Only Chen Nan, although stunning, did not have the envious expression of others.

  Tilson couldn't help asking:

   "Professor Chen, don't you feel shocked?"

   "Don't you feel anything about the inspection equipment and various advanced treatment methods here?"

   "Don't you want to work here?"

  Chen Nan was stunned for a moment, and asked back: "I am a Chinese medicine doctor, okay?"

   "These inspections don't seem to have much effect on me, do they?"

  Those words made Tilson speechless.

  However, Chen Nan's words attracted the attention of many people around.

  Balsha couldn't help laughing and said: "Could it be possible to diagnose it by relying on your gold, wood, water, fire, and soil?"

   "Oh! No... and that pulse!"

   "Professor Chen thinks that this latest inspection instrument is not as good as yours?"

  Balsha obviously wanted to sow discord.

  At this time, everyone has come to the place to visit today, the Cardiovascular Department.

  Hearing what Balsha said, even Mr. Wright, the chief expert of the department, became a little more curious.

  Everyone looked at Chen Nan one after another, wanting to know how he would turn back when faced with such a question.

   And at this time!

  Chen Nan glanced at Balsha, and suddenly smiled: "Hehe, Mr. Balsha's memory is really not very good."

   "Have you forgotten who saved your father half a month ago?"

   "Or...have you forgotten that these two hands are better than your pet-ct?"


   "Sorry, Mr. Balsha may be more forgetful."

  Chen Nan has no habit of spoiling others.

   And he is also a person who repeatedly criticizes himself badly.

   Obviously, these words are very effective!

   Immediately, Balsha blushed and was speechless for a long time.

   "It's just a coincidence!"

  Balsha couldn't help but quibble.

  Chen Nan smiled: "It seems that you don't want this coincidence to happen, do you?"

   "I really feel sorry for old Mr. Deren!"

   "It turns out that his son didn't want old Delun to be treated smoothly."

  During speaking, Chen Nan shrugged.

   These words are definitely a one-hit general for Balsha!

   He was speechless for a long time!

  The people around were somewhat curious by Chen Nan's words.

  Obviously, Chen Nan changed everyone's impression of Chinese people.

  It seems that in the eyes of most people, Chinese experts are modest, low-key, and modest.

   But Chen Nan is very flamboyant!

   Without any euphemism, Balsha was defeated directly.

  Professor Wright couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"All right!"

   “We are all top experts from all over the world.”

   "Our office is conducting a case discussion. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

  Dr. Wright's words made the scene calm down instantly.

  However, everyone around still looked at Chen Nan with great interest.

   Especially Dane and Aruna.

  Aruna quickly asked, "Dane, what happened?"

   "You can see that Balsha's mood seems to be very bad."

   Dane didn't hide anything, and explained it roughly.

  Balsha came over at this time, with a bit of anger on his face.

   "Damn bastard!"

   "I won't let him go!"

   "I'll let him know that entering this circle by relying on relationships doesn't prove that he has such abilities!"

   Dane saw that Balsha was so angry, he couldn't help but said: "Balsha, he is your father's savior."

   "Why do you have to be serious with him?"

  Balsha became even angrier when he heard this: "Dane!"

"you you…"

   "You're my friend, okay?"

   "How can you speak for him?"

   "Besides, do you think he is qualified to stand here?"

   Dane was also a little speechless, he was just stating a fact.

  He shook his head and followed everyone into the room.

   At this time, after Wright entered the office, he clapped his hands to everyone: "Patients in bed 23, the case discussion can now begin!"

  "All of you who come to visit are experts from all over the world. If you have any opinions, you can put them forward."

  “The concept of our Mayo Clinic is to brainstorm, and we can speak freely in our case discussion.”

   "Okay, let's get started!"

  Everyone found a place to sit down.

  Obviously, today's case discussion was also arranged in advance.

   After Chen Nan found a seat and sat down, Tilson gave him a thumbs up:

   "Professor Chen, you are amazing!"

   "This Balsha is the Chief Surgeon at New York Presbyterian Hospital."

   "He's well known in New York State."

  Chen Nan said lightly: "Does it have anything to do with me?"

  Tilson was also dumbfounded when he saw Chen Nan's calm expression.

  This guy...doesn't he have other expressions?

   Always has such a flat expression.

   Soon, the case discussion began.

   "The patient, female, 63 years old, was sent to the emergency department due to "abdominal pain and fatigue". She had a history of hypertension and was treated with calcium ion antagonists. The patient had no fever, and no obvious positive signs were found in the abdominal examination."

   "The last time I was admitted to the hospital was a month ago. After we were admitted to the hospital for routine examination, we found that the blood routine examination showed: white blood cells 6.7×10/L, no signs of infection, and a color Doppler ultrasound found pericardial effusion!"

   “Abdominal CT revealed a dissection of the descending aorta extending into the abdominal aorta to the distal end of the right common iliac artery (Stanford type B), the false lumen perfusing the celiac trunk, and the true lumen perfusing the superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, and renal arteries.

  Chest CT showed pulmonary embolism in the right upper pulmonary artery, left pleural effusion and a small amount of pericardial effusion.

  By thoracentesis, 600ml of **** pleural effusion was extracted. Percutaneous angioplasty was then performed and an inferior vena cava filter was successfully implanted. "

   "As a result, the patient went to the doctor again because of severe dyspnea and left chest pain. On admission, the patient's heart rate was 120 beats/min, and the body temperature was 38°C. Blood routine showed that white blood cells were 5.3×10/L, and CRP was elevated (9 mg/dL).

   Echocardiography showed massive pericardial effusion and mild aortic insufficiency. "

   “1 day later, CT scan of thoracic vessels revealed pericardial effusion, diffuse aortic dilation (maximum anteroposterior diameter of 45 mm), diffuse thickening of thoracic aortic wall, and aortic dissection (Stanford type B)

  You can see the results of imaging examinations of patients, and we have further improved cardiac MRI.

  Subsequently, the patient's dyspnea symptoms worsened, and cardiac tamponade was considered, and emergency pericardiocentesis and drainage were performed. "

  The patient's imaging data will be projected on the large screen quickly.

  “The patient was hospitalized twice, and pericardial effusion recurred. The laboratory examination of the pericardial fluid showed a small number of white blood cells and many red blood cells, and the bacterial culture was negative.

  Multi-point pericardial biopsies were taken, and pathological analysis showed non-specific fibrosis with mild chronic inflammatory cell infiltration. No suspicious malignancy was found, nor were there specific inflammatory lesions. "

   "The main reason now is that we can't find the cause of the patient's pericardial effusion now!"

  Professor Wright also began to say to the video data:


   "The current patient's situation is very special, with repeated episodes of pericardial effusion."

   "However, the cause of the patient has not been found."

   "Even after checking all kinds of suspicious situations, the cause of the patient's pericardial effusion still cannot be found."

   "So... here, the question we focus on is what is the cause of the patient's pericardial effusion?"


  Everyone fell into a crazy discussion.

   At this time, the people who came to visit, without the slightest shyness, began to raise their hands to speak.

   In the chat with Chen Nan just now, Balsha obviously felt that he had lost his prestige, but this time, he began to act crazily.

   "Now, I think there's a reason for prioritizing infectiousness."

   "The infection is characterized by recurrent attacks, and the patient has no systemic diseases, such as connective tissue, allergies, metabolic diseases, and major diseases of the heart."

   "Besides, according to the situation, I think infectious pericardial effusion is more suspicious."

   "Although the patient has no changes in white blood cells, ... many infectious diseases, such as parasitic infections, do not necessarily have infection corrections."

"This is my idea!"

   Balsha's opinion quickly aroused everyone's discussion.

   And at this time!

  Tilson is also eager to speak.

  After all... Such a case seminar where rich families gather and experts gather makes people's thinking and emotions surging.

It can be said!

   This is a peak forum and a discussion on swords in Huashan.

  Of course...but don't overestimate everyone, after all...most of you are oncologists.

  For heart disease, it is good to know, but...after all, it is not good at it.


   At this time, Tillson was about to speak, but Chen Nan stopped him directly.

   "What are you doing? I feel like I have an idea!"

   "I will definitely answer correctly!"

   "Did you know? This time, Mayo Clinic has prepared a special gift!"

   "If you can win the top spot, maybe you can get a reward."

  Chen Nan didn't answer, but said: "Stop talking, what you said must be wrong."

  Tilson suddenly became anxious: "We are friends, can't deny my strength!"

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "You don't go to see the patients, but you treat them based on the cases alone?"

  Tilson was quickly rendered speechless by Chen Nan's words.

   "Let's go, follow me to see the patient."

   While speaking, Chen Nan led Tillson to the outside.

  In the room, everyone was also a little curious about Chen Nan's departure.

   And Balsha sneered.

  He felt that Chen Nan retreated in spite of the difficulties!


  Chen Nan couldn't understand all these, could he?

  Staying is indeed asking for humiliation.



   Soon Chen Nan brought Tillson to the ward.

  The patient was lying on the bed in pain, clutching his chest, and moaning.

   Seeing this, Chen Nan smiled and walked over: "Hi, can I diagnose you?"

  The patient froze for a moment: "You are..."

   After explaining, Chen Nan took out his temporary badge.

  The other party did not refuse: "What do you want to diagnose?"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly and said, "Just give me your hand!"

  Tilson also saw Chen Nan for treatment for the first time.

  Stand aside without saying a word.


   Chen Nan just waited until the diagnosis was over.

  It's just... After Chen Nan came out, his expression was a little serious.

  Tilson on the side asked curiously: "Why don't you let me diagnose?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "Do you need a diagnosis, Professor Tilson?"

  Tilson couldn't help but smile for a while: "Are you complimenting me?"

  Chen Nan shook his head: "Yes!"

   "You are a brave man, a professor who is not afraid to make mistakes!"

   "You don't need to check."

   "After all... You have finished the examination, and you don't understand cardiovascular medicine."

  Although Tilson was angry, he had to admit what Chen Nan said.

  He is indeed not an expert in this field.

  Tilson rolled his eyes: "You don't look Chinese at all!"

   "You are not humble at all, let alone tell white lies!"

  Chen Nan smiled: "Lies will only make you admit your failure as an excuse."

   "Let's go!"

"Let's go back."

  Tilson was taken aback: "Do you know what the patient's disease is?"

  Chen Nan shrugged: "Is it difficult?"

  Tilson was speechless: "Bragging..."

   While speaking, the two returned to the office.

   And at this time!

  In the room, after the intense discussion just now, everyone is obviously a little tired now, and the result has not yet appeared.

   Seeing Chen Nan and Tillson's return, everyone didn't pay too much attention.

   And at this time!

  Balsha suddenly said: "By the way, Professor Chen, what do you think?"

   “Everyone posted their suggestions.”

   "You Chinese medicine practitioners should have your own opinions!"

   For a moment, everyone looked at Chen Nan curiously.

   Most people are curious about Chinese medicine.

  Even Professor Wright looked at Chen Nan, smiled and nodded.

   Just when Balsha thought that Chen Nan would not stand up, Chen Nan stood up:

"I think…"

   "Actually, the examination of patients is not difficult."

   "The key is that everyone has gone wrong."

   "Have you considered a surname disease?"

   "I think the patient's symptoms are more like syphilitic cardiovascular disease!

   This syphilitic cardiovascular disease is a cardiovascular disease caused by Treponema pallidum invading the human body.

  Including syphilitic aortitis, syphilitic aortic insufficiency, syphilitic aortic aneurysm, coronary artery stenosis, myocardial gummoid swelling, syphilitic myocarditis, etc. "

   "I think the patient has a great possibility, and it's here!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked solemn.

   And Balsha stood up even more excitedly: "Your language is a doctor's diagnosis, and you need to be responsible."

   "How do you tell if a patient has syphilis?"

   "If this is misunderstood, it will cause legal disputes, you know?"

  Chen Nan didn't take it seriously, but looked at Mr. Wright.

   And at this time!

  Wright fell into thinking.

   After a while, he suddenly thought of something, quickly looked through the medical records, and then hurriedly said to the doctor beside him:

   "Search for syphilis urgently!"


  ps: Sorry, it’s a little late, something happened today, grandma may have pneumonia.

  Thanks to "Are you going tonight?" The boss gave another 10,000 reward, thank you boss!

  (end of this chapter)