MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 7 Come to work!

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  Chapter 7 Here comes the job!

   Ten o'clock in the morning.

  Yang Hongnian was going out of the clinic when graduate student Sun Xiaoyong hurried in.

When    arrived at Yang Hongnian's side, he whispered, "Director, Li Mengsan is here!"

   After hearing the name, Yang Hongnian instinctively frowned.

   This Li Mengsan... is really a patient who gives him some headaches.

   Li Mengsan used to be the leader of the Xigang District Committee. He is seventy-five this year and belongs to a retired veteran!

   In general, this kind of veteran cadre, Yang Hongnian likes very much.

   After all, this is a rare VIP patient, and it is very useful in terms of identity and connections.

   Moreover, such high-level leaders will not be checked by medical insurance, and basically hospitalization expenses will be reimbursed.

   But the key lies in the character of Mr. Li Mengsan!



   Very stubborn temper.

   likes to curse.

   Moreover, he likes to scold the leader and is very polite to the little nurse.

   This gave Yang Hongnian a real headache.

   People scold you, you can't retaliate, several sons and sons-in-law are now the leaders of Yuancheng, big and small, Yang Hongnian is really hard to say!

   In addition, the old man's disease is relatively complicated, Yang Hongnian's mentality is unstable, and he is a bit out of control when prescribing medicines, blindly seeking peace in the middle.

  This time... do I have to be scolded again?

   That’s all.

  Although the old man is ignorant, the children are still sensible.

  Yang Hongnian couldn't help but said, "Xiaoyong, let the old man come in."

  Sun Xiaoyong nodded and walked out. Seeing Li Mengsan sitting on a chair in the waiting area, he quickly said, "Mr. Li, the teacher told you to go in first."

  Li Mengsan was wearing an old-fashioned dark blue Chinese suit with buttons, a hat, and a cane in his hand.

   Hearing Sun Xiaoyong's words, Li Mengsan shook his head: "I heard the call on the 15th, and I'm on the 25th, I haven't arrived yet."

  Sun Xiaoyong whispered: "Lao Li, the director said to show you first."

   Li Mengsan frowned immediately: "Show me first? You see so many people in line, why do you want to show me first?"

   "You go, I'll be there in a while!"

   "The hospital has the rules and regulations of the hospital!"

  Sun Xiaoyong was immediately embarrassed and at a loss.

  犟 is nothing but an old man, so he can only enter the consultation room in a daze, and report to Yang Hongnian truthfully.

   When Yang Hongnian heard this, he smiled bitterly: "Okay, I understand, go see a doctor normally, and speed up."

   Waited for more than half an hour.

   Li Mengsan then entered the consultation room.

  Yang Hongnian stood up with a smile: "Old leader, you are here."

  Li Mengsan nodded: "Well, I've been feeling unwell recently, and I want to be hospitalized for a tune up."

   Yang Hongnian heard the sound and said quickly, "Come on, stretch out your hand, I'll give you a pulse."

After   , he put his hand on Li Mengsan's wrist and asked, "Why do you feel uncomfortable?"

   Li Mengsan sighed: "I feel irritable recently, I can't sit still, and I have a great temper."

   "Also, I feel sick to my stomach!"

   "You can't be bored!"

   Yang Hongnian nodded immediately when he heard the sound: "Master, give me your medical insurance."

   "I'll see how you were last time."

   Li Mengsan had stomach cancer before and had surgery, but...the family kept it from him.

   What a shrewd person Li Mengsan is, he already knew his situation.

   Generally speaking, people who have passed gastric cancer are prone to weakness.

   Whether it is surgery or radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the damage to the human body itself is very serious.

   Therefore, for patients with this type of cancer after surgery, it is generally necessary to strengthen the body and cultivate vitality.

   After reading the medical insurance book, Yang Hongnian continued: "You stick out your tongue and let me take a look."

  Li Mengsan stuck out his tongue, and Yang Hongnian frowned.

  Because, he was stunned when he saw that there was a protruding tongue coating like a granulation at the base of the old man's tongue.

  This is… what is this?

   He had never seen such a tongue coating.

   "Master, what's the matter with your tongue? Why is there a protrusion?"

  Li Mengsan shook his head: "I don't know very well. Did I bite it while eating? It doesn't hurt or itches, and I don't care!"

  Yang Hongnian has never seen such a phenomenon, but human tongue coating is full of strange, as long as the dialectical is correct.

   So, he continued to look at his tongue to diagnose.

   Red tongue with little coating, very red tongue with obvious cracks, combined with fine pulse.

   However, the tongue body is a little fat, the tongue is smooth, like a mirror surface, and there are some water-slip moss.

   Mirror tongue?

   Crack tongue?

  Yang Hongnian knew something in his heart.

   "Master, you are showing the deficiency of both qi and yin!"

   "The body is tired and weak due to qi deficiency."

   "Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous, causing the five hearts to be irritable and hot, and have a big temper."

   "Well, you have been hospitalized first, and you will complete the examination today. I will give you a specific treatment plan during the ward round tomorrow."

   Li Mengsan is also a frequent visitor to the hospital.

   is also an understanding of the process.

   nodded and said, "Okay!"

  Yang Hongnian was about to issue a hospital permit when he suddenly had a headache. Who should Li Mengsan give?

   Generally speaking, as the director, Yang Hongnian will not directly manage patients.

   He will refer the patient to the doctor below.

   Just... Who is Yang Hongnian for?

   This old man has a bad temper and is very difficult to get along with. Every time he is hospitalized, he has a bad time with the doctor in charge.

  Li Mengsan basically lives in the hospital two or three times a year, and the deputy chief physician in the department has already taken a turn. No one wants to take over this hot potato!

   Or, to Xu Rui?


  Yang Hongnian thought of a person.

  Chen Nan!

   Thinking of this, Yang Hongnian's eyes lit up, he was looking for Chen Nan's shortcomings.

   Well now, found an opportunity.

   This old man Li Mengsan is not an ordinary person, his temper is strange and big, and ordinary people are easy to deal with.

  Chen Nan, aren't you very rigid?

Isn't    not afraid of power?

  Come on, have another fight!

  Look how talented you are!

   As for the diagnosis and treatment, Yang Hongnian is not worried.

  Because he will make rounds, he is basically in charge of the treatment plan and so on.

   Moreover, what kind of emergencies can occur in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

   The dosage of the Chinese medicine you prescribed is slightly higher, and the pharmacy will not ask you to sign it.

   So, there is no treatment problem!

   After thinking of this, Yang Hongnian wrote Chen Nan's name directly on the hospital certificate.

   "Old leader, after you go up, just ask Dr. Chen Nan directly."

   "But don't worry, I will take care of your treatment plan myself."

  Li Mengsan nodded: "Okay, thank you Director Yang."

   After saying that, he left with a cane.

   "Leader, shall I let the students go through the formalities for you?"

   "Xiao Sun, you go..."

   Before he finished speaking, Li Mengsan shook his head: "No, I have hands and feet, I can do it myself, and I don't engage in privilege!"

  Yang Hongnian then called the nurse's station.

   "Just received a new patient, an old one, led by Mr. Li Mengsan."

   After hearing Li Mengsan, head nurse Cao Meijuan was stunned for a moment: "Director, who is it for?"

  Yang Hongnian: "Let Chen Nan be in charge."

   "Prepare a single room for the old man."

   The head nurse was taken aback: "Chen Nan..."

After    hung up the phone, Cao Meijuan couldn't help sighing.

   He knew very well that Yang Hongnian had an opinion on Chen Nan!

   Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen!

  You, why don't you know how to be flexible?


   Now the director has put on small shoes for you.

  Thinking of this, Cao Meijuan couldn't help shaking her head.

   (end of this chapter)