MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1434 Against the sky

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Ye Chen did leave the forty-eight field. The reason why he did not leave was because the time to push the water rule was too short to push the law of water. He could only walk and could not fly.

It’s natural to leave the forty-eight fields to find Xu Jing and Murong’s Allure. To be honest, it’s too difficult to find someone in the chaotic battlefield. Maybe the two are not in the chaotic continent. On an island in the Chaos Sea, Ye Chen can only try his luck. He is very Fortunately, I gave them a set of celestial devices, otherwise the hope of survival is very small.

There is a natural danger between the domain and the domain. Of course, the so-called natural danger is only relative to the supreme.

Leaving the forty-eight domain, Ye Chen came to an adjacent domain, the forty-nine domain.

Forty-nine domain towns, Ye Chen could not find two people.

Did not immediately leave the forty-nine domain, although Ye Chen decided that the two would choose to stay in the domain town, but does not rule out the possibility of the population in the domain town is full, so Ye Chen has to inquire around the forty-nine domain to see Has anyone seen them.

"These two people have seen it."

On a mountain peak in the forty-nine field, Ye Chen seized a quasi-god, urging the law of water, condensing a water mirror in the void, and the image of Xu Jing and Murong's city was revealed on the water mirror.


The quasi-god was scared and stuttered.

"Don't lie to me?"

Ye dust eyes became fierce.

"Really, I swear!"

Quasi-half God quickly swears.

Seeing that the other party did not lie to himself, Ye Chen’s body shape flashed and turned into a spurt of water.

"It is also the supreme, the gap is too big!" This quasi-god is again afraid and envious. The anti-Japanese supreme of the forty-nine domain was basically killed by the demigod, and since Ye Chen was searching for people. Then you can rule out the anti-Japanese supremacy of the forty-nine domain. I think that Ye Chen is rushing from other domains. This person can't help but be afraid for a while. This kind of anti-sky supreme who can travel long distance is definitely a strong person, and can't be provoked.

It took a full 30 years for Ye Chen to “sweep” the forty-nine domain. Unfortunately, no one has ever seen Xu Jing and Murong, and he also played with a junior half-god. The result is self-evident, and the leaf's non-repetitive golden chaos has reached fifty-five.

Fifty domains, fifty-one domains, fifty-two domains...

The search for a domain and a domain, blink of an eye, is another hundred years.

On this day, Ye Chen came to the fifty-four domain.

Unfortunately, it is. There are five golden beams in all directions, straight into the sky.

"It’s a coincidence."

The chaotic characters of each domain are different when they appear in large numbers. Even if they are in the same domain, the interval is different every time.

The figure flashed and the leaf dust swept away from the nearest golden light column.

With the increase of golden chaos. Ye Chen gradually understands the fact that the lower the number, the less the number of golden chaotic characters, the smaller the number of golden chaotic characters in front, and the golden chaotic characters behind it are useless. This is a very cruel thing, countless cosmic life in the chaos battlefield to fight and work hard. In the end, only a small part of the universe can get together with chaotic characters.

One, two.

Leaf dust has a good luck. One of the two golden chaotic characters is not repeated. Now Ye Chen is rushing to the place where the third golden light column appears.

At the same time, another cosmic life is also rushing in this direction, this is a humanoid life, the whole body is like black metal, the eyes are full of red light, giving people a ruthless taste.

Far away, Ye Chen saw a group of cosmic life in a fierce battle, no one can smoothly approach the golden chaos, for most of the supreme, stealing chaos is a technical activity, they can not fly, so unless the strength is strong enough, Otherwise it is impossible to get a golden chaotic character in a short time.

As soon as the figure was in shape, Ye Chen silently plunged into the field and reached out to grasp the chaotic character.

"Well? It’s the 80th chaotic!"

Ye Chen Yixi, the 80th chaotic character is very late, this is the first one he got.

"Leave the chaos!"

The indifferent steel sounds came from far away, and the supreme look of the people was painful. The sound was like a pointed cone, stinging their eardrums and soul.

"It is Steel Supreme, he is actually here."

"What still to fight, the steel supreme, the half **** is not playing."

The fifty-four domain experienced a blood wash, and most of the anti-Japanese supremes were killed by the demigod. Only one anti-sky supreme survived. This anti-sky supreme is the steel supreme of the iron-blood universe, and the enlightenment is the law of gold. The fighting power is extremely powerful, and the defense is also extremely incomparable. The primary half-god of the fifty-four domain will not kill him. The fifty-four domain supernaturally secretly calls him the king of the fifty-four domain, meaning fifty-four. The strongest domain.

Ye Chen looked up and saw a metal life lasing not far away.

"If you can survive, it should be a bad thing."

The same is true against the Supreme, there is a difference between them.

Generally speaking, as long as you understand the power of the law, it is all against the sky.

Reversible temperament strength is strong and weak, the opposite of the Supreme Supreme can only fight a few strokes with the weakest primary half-god, the powerful anti-Supreme Supreme can kill the primary demigod, this is the difference.

"It turns out that it is a quasi-god!"

When the metal life stops, the leaves are stunned, and the other's repairs are very high, reaching the level of quasi-god. The top of the silver martial arts is the quasi-gold martial arts god, and the quasi-gold martial arts **** is the quasi-god. As a repair, you have the power of quasi-god, and you may not have the subliminal cultivation. For example, the martial arts **** of Ye Chen is the silver peak, which is the legendary supreme of the peak, and the other is the semi-god, one higher than the leaf dust. Grade, do not underestimate this grade, the higher the level of martial arts gods, the longer the force of urging the law, Ye Chen estimates, the time of the other party to force the law may not be shorter than their own, after all, the martial arts gods once involved At the gold level, a qualitative change will occur.

In general, the other party is quasi-god and anti-supreme, but it is more than ordinary.

"Hand over all the chaos, you can't die."

Steel Supreme looked at Ye Chen. He had never seen Ye Chen. He guessed that the other side should be the Supreme Supreme from other domains. It is because Ye Chen is the Supreme Supreme, he is willing to spare the leaf dust and replace it with other Supreme and even the primary demigod, he has already started, and all this comes from his absolute strength.

"There is no reason to hand over the things in my hands."

Ye Chen is really not afraid of each other. You are king in the 54th domain. I am not weaker than you in the forty-eight domain.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

A layer of golden light shines on the steel supreme body, and a golden rifle appears in the hand.

Kim's dress!

Golden Gun!

"There is a good show, and the Supreme Heaven is supreme, I don't know who is strong and who is weak."

"You are stupid! Steel Supreme is the king of our fifty-four domain. It is estimated that there are very few anti-Japanese sects that can compete with him."