MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 557 Capital Hotel

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Before going online, Xiao Feng first visited the forums and found that there was nothing major. After the national war activities, all players in the whole server were paying close attention to equipment. After all, players died too many times during the national war. The original good equipment basically exploded. After going out for seven or eighty-eight, just like after the end of the previous war for supremacy in the Huaxia District, the players all returned to the refugee era, and the scale was still full-server level, so the equipment should be replaced as soon as possible.

   This also made the treasure pavilion make a fortune again.

In addition to playing equipment, the upsurge is also surging. After the end of the national war, the level disparity between players appeared. The god-level players are not the exception. The player level of the first echelon has approached 60. Players in the second echelon are only in their early 50s, and the gap of 10 levels is not the previous concept of disparity between three and four levels. This will directly break the original level balance!

   Therefore, whether it is the players of the first echelon who want to take this opportunity to widen the gap, or the players of the latter echelon who want to catch up, it has once again set off a wave of leveling in China.

The scene that Xiao Feng thought that players would rest for two days after the national war did not appear at all. Instead, after the official announcement of the distribution of economic resources affected by the national war, the players in the Huaxia District have a deeper understanding of the game world. The game time has not decreased but increased, and there are no players who choose to rest.

Xiao Feng and the others took the flight to the capital the next morning. They had to eat on the way, so Xiao Feng didn’t go too deep into the game and didn’t do tasks or anything. After going online, he chose to find a place to upgrade. .

  Because Xiao Feng is now at level 69, he will be able to turn four before the last level. In front of this level, leveling is definitely the most important thing, and other things can be temporarily set aside.

  The upgrade location is near the Dark Realm. Because it is next to the main cities of the Dark Empire, the nearby wild monsters are all dark attributes, and their level is not low, which is suitable for Xiao Feng's leveling.

It's a pity that the upgrade efficiency of spawning monsters is far inferior to spawning people. After 10 hours of spawning, Xiao Feng's experience bar actually increased by 5. This also made Xiao Feng extremely depressed, and missed the time of the war. Upgrade speed.

   The responsible persons of the major forces are estimated to be on the way to the capital. After going online, there was no private chat message, but it also made Xiao Feng clean, just boring and learning experience.

   In the early morning, Liu Qiangwei was called offline, and had an airplane meal with Doom Tianzun. I have to say that the life of Doom Tianzun as a young owner is quite moist. It is clearly an airplane meal, but it is not worse than a star hotel.

   Although Doom Tianzun said that it was deliberately prepared for Xiao Feng and others, Xiao Feng estimated that this was a joke. I am afraid that Doom Tianzun was treated at this level alone.

When Xiao Feng went offline, he realized that Ning Ke was not online, but fell asleep on the seat with his arms in his arms. After being awakened by the movement of the crowd, his face turned red and he let go of Xiao Feng's arm like an electric shock. , Nervously at a loss.

   Fortunately, her attention was quickly attracted by Xiao Ling, and Xiao Ling took her to the bathroom together.

The meal time didn’t take long. After a few words with Doom Tianzun, they continued to go online again. This time until the plane landed. Under the reminder of the middle-aged flight attendant, everyone took off the game helmet and looked at the capital outside the window. landscape.

   "Have you arrived in the capital?"

   "It's only 6 o'clock in the morning, isn't it a bit early?"

   "It's getting late, there is a reception table at 11:30 noon, and it takes more than an hour to get to the center of the capital by car from here."

   "Isn't the party time tonight? Why is there a table at noon."

  "The Crown Prince Ann

  In a row, Big Brother Xiao and Sister Liu are here, so how can he come to entertain first. "

   "Haha, God of Milk, we are so dazzled by you and President Qiangwei."

   The group packed their luggage and talked as they got off the plane. The Doomsday Tianzun also chased after the Doomsday God of War, and they wanted to follow Xiao Feng and the others to the noon reception.

   The prince’s arrangement was very thoughtful. As early as an hour before Xiao Feng and the others arrived in the capital, there was an extended RV waiting directly at the airport. There were also neatly lined up police cars for sanitation, and you could transfer directly without leaving the airport.

   Not only that, but the crown prince personally came directly to the scene, in a straight suit, waiting for Xiao Feng and the others under the boarding gate.

   "Welcome welcome! Welcome to the capital!"

   As soon as Xiao Feng and others appeared, the prince smiled and greeted him.

   "Is it so polite, the prince actually came to the airport to pick up people in person."

   Xiao Feng smiled, and walked over to hug the crown prince. The first time I met the crown prince in reality, the feeling was still ordinary, but it was faintly felt that the temperament was very deep!

   "Haha, God of milk, you can admire you, let alone pick you up at the airport, even if I go to Chenghai to pick you up, I am eager." Compared with the regular face in the game, the real prince is much more cheerful.

   "Prince prince, is there only a goddess of milk in your eyes? Even the number one goddess in our Huaxia District Goddess List is ignored. This is too shameful. As male compatriots, we can't stand it."

   Doom Tianzun also came over and shook hands with the crown prince, and then smiled and joked.

"Oh, President Doomsday, you are right. I blame me. I can't help but I'm sorry. The main reason is that the light of a few beautiful women is so dazzling that I don't dare to look straight. I almost feel ashamed to say hello. It must be President Qiangwei, right? No one in Huaxia District is not presenting about your beauty. Unexpectedly, your true face is even more beautiful than the rumors. You deserve to be the No. 1 Goddess of Huaxia District, and it’s a blessing in Huaxia District. Ah." The crown prince quickly apologized and continued to greet Liu Qiangwei.

"Hello there."

   Liu Qiangwei's attitude is very cold. This is also her character. People who know her are also used to it. After reaching out her hand and shook the crown prince lightly, she stopped speaking.

   "Hey, crown prince, is there only Sister Liu in your eyes?" Qian Duoduo interrupted, holding his chest in both hands, staring at the crown prince dissatisfied.

"How can it be, if I can't see a few beauties before my eyes, am I going to be blind! President Qian, the killer, the beauties in purple clothes, and two beautiful little princesses, welcome to the capital!" The prince hurriedly said, Yiyi had greeted Qian Duoduo and the others, but when his eyes fell on Xiao Ling, he stopped for an extra second.

   "Let's go, we won't waste time here. Get in the car and talk while walking. Many people have already arrived at the arranged hotel. Maybe we can call a few at noon."

   did not stay at the airport for too long. At the greet of the crown prince, the group got on the extended RV again and drove towards the capital city.

   "If you are so exaggerated in this posture, is it considered as using power for personal gain? Will it cause negative effects?"

Unexpectedly, when the RV set off, the surrounding police cars would also start, continuing to sanitize the RV in the middle. The sirens opened the way in unison, causing great attention between passers-by and passing vehicles, so Xiao Feng who looked out the window couldn't help but ask curiously. Tao.

   "What kind of selfishness is this, you are the heroes of the country, the milk god, this is the treatment you deserve, and the game world is popular, even in the capital, the number of vehicles on the road has been reduced by 90, which does not affect the normal traffic at all." The prince explained.


   Feng nodded and did not speak any more. Looking at the two police car convoys guarding the surroundings, the roaring sirens made Xiao Feng a sense of honor. If he hadn't been killed 5 years ago, maybe he would have been so beautiful at that time.

Talking all the way, and then at 8 o’clock on time, the RV arrived at the destination, which is the hotel arranged by the crown prince, the Capital Hotel. This is one of the most star-rated hotels in the capital, but it does not make commercial profits, only to receive state guests It can also be used to see the specifications of the crown prince’s reception this time.

They arranged two presidential suites on the top floor for Xiao Feng. Originally one was prepared for Xiao Feng and the other was prepared for Liu Qiangwei, because the arrangement of the suites was also based on status, and only hegemony-level forces were eligible. Arranged on the top floor.

   But the arrangement was arranged. After the crown prince and Doom Tianzun left to do other things, Liu Qiangwei and the others immediately ran into Xiao Feng's suite. It seemed that they were planning to squeeze one set, and that set was simply wasted.

"There are only 4 rooms, so let's divide it first. The party is at night. We have to stay in this hotel for at least a whole day. We will probably live here at night." Xiao Feng threw the duffel bag on the sofa in the living room and said, actually he What I brought was a gaming helmet, nothing else.

   "Then Xiao Ling and Coco, Sister Liu and Jingjing, Me and Ziyi, Brother Xiao, you." Qian Duoduo raised his hand first.

   "Yes, no problem." Xiao Feng agreed.

   "The little zero, you pick first." Qian Duoduo said with a smile.

Xiao Ling immediately happily picked up the room and went to the room. Xiao Feng stretched out and was too lazy to talk. There was no way to see how much money he had. This was deliberately spreading Xiao Ling, probably because he was afraid that Xiao Ling would pester Xiao Feng again. sleep.

   "I'm a little hungry, shall we go for breakfast first? After breakfast, go shopping. I saw a large chamber of commerce nearby on the way I just came." Si Yejing suggested.

   "Yes!" Zhanhun Ziyi agreed.

   "I'll order a meal right away!" Qian Duoduo ran to find the phone.

   "Are you going to go shopping?" Xiao Feng asked casually.

   "That's right, Brother Xiao, you also want to come together." Qian Duoduo said loudly in the living room.

   "I'm too lazy to go, I have to go to leveling after breakfast." Xiao Feng shook his head quickly.

   "That's not good! We have to buy you clothes! How can we let you try if you don't go! Leveling can be done anytime, and there is no rush this morning." Zhan Soul Ziyi said quickly.

   "What clothes to buy? I am not dirty, nor will I stay in the capital for many days." Xiao Feng asked strangely.

   "Are you in formal clothes? You don't want to wear your t-shirt at the party tonight, right?" Liu Qiangwei said with a headache.

   "What does it matter? Who else can look down on me?" Xiao Feng's tone is natural. He always believes that a person's confidence and strength are not set off by wearing these external factors, so his dress has always been simple.

   "No, you must go!" Si Yejing's tone was firm.

   "I really don't want to go." Xiao Feng slumped on the sofa, weakened, and went to the Chamber of Commerce with a few women. The scene was scary to think about.

   "Great God Xiao, if you agree to go, it will be good." Zhan Soul Ziyi walked over with a charming smile.

   "What's the benefit?" Xiao Feng looked at her strangely.

   "The four of us can put on the clothes you picked for us, and come to your room together tonight." Zhanhun Ziyi licked his lips with a charming voice.

   "In fact, it doesn't matter whether clothes or not, mainly because I like to go shopping." Xiao Fengteng stood up from the sofa and said with a serious expression.
