MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 351 After Tang Zheng's death (third update, 900 monthly votes added)

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Chapter 351 After the Death of Tang Zheng (Third update, 900 monthly votes added)

When the live TV broadcast of Tiger Empire ended, the whole world was quiet for a few seconds.

 Everyone watching TV couldn't believe what they saw after seeing Tang Zheng and his two subordinates disappearing into the shock wave of the explosion.

 Until a while later, the world shook.

  Triton City.

 Chen Hongchang jumped three feet high in excitement when he saw that Tang Zheng was dead!

He didn’t care about the image of the emperor. He danced and shouted: "Hahaha! Good, good, good, Tang Zheng, you will have this day too!"

"I'm so happy. You continue to be crazy. You can't. You continue to command your troops to fight! What's the use of conquering so many places? If you don't take them alive or dead, you'll end up in the end. Is there no bones left to die?"

“Hahahaha! I’m so happy today, Dr. Ma. Did your people plan this? It’s simply breathtaking. Come on, let’s have a drink.”

 Dr. Ma, Song Yinghao, Zhao Boxiong and others all came to Chen Hongchang's side and drank together to celebrate.

 Song Yinghao and Zhao Boxiong were also very happy, especially Zhao Boxiong, who felt that Tang Zheng had finally been avenged for killing his father.

Although he did not avenge this revenge personally, it was very satisfying to see Tang Zheng die in the explosion.

Facing the smiling people, Dr. Ma did not forget to remind: "Your Majesty, now that Tang Zheng is dead, it is time for us to take the second step of action. It is time to lure the sea monster into Didicui Island."

 Chen Hongchang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, it's time to take action."

 As he continued to arrange things, the plan he had prepared long ago began to proceed quietly.

 The people who are as happy as Chen Hongchang are the people of Orochi.

 Especially Akita who came to Hanyue, he was also a direct victim of the Battle of Yunling.

After the defeat of Yunling, they had begun to shrink their troops towards Lianzhou to resist Li Haocheng and Daliao's people in the north.

 But he was also very worried, worried that if Tang Zheng defeated Dayan and went north, their plan to attack Hanyue would be completely finished.

Now that Tang Zheng is dead, he naturally no longer has this worry, and even excitedly contacted Chen Hongchang again to study the next action plan.

Tang Zheng's death has had a chain reaction that goes far beyond that.

 In the southern region of the Han Dynasty, there were three warlords who founded the country.

 But during the early Han Yue Civil War, they had been sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers, and they did not help each other.

 Because at that time, Tang Zheng and Li Wuyou could still fight against the Four Nations Alliance by joining forces. There was no clear outcome in the battle, so they naturally chose to wait and see.

 But things are different now. Tang Zheng is dead, and the Light Chasing Army may soon fall apart.

Soon, the Coastal Empire, founded by the Sixth Army in the southeastern region of Hanyue, officially declared war on the Light Chasing Army.

 Subsequently, the Nanyang Empire established by the Fourth Army in the southern region also declared war on the Light Chasing Army.

Then, in the southwest region, the Plateau Empire established by the Second Army announced an alliance with a city-state in the south, and proposed to Li Wuyou that the Light-Zhuguang Army hand over the southern part of Western Sichuan Province to the Plateau Empire.

At the same time, the Tenth Army in the southern Baisha Sea also declared its founding and established the Baisha Kingdom.

 At this point, only the Third Army occupying the Pearl Islands on the eastern Coral Sea has not established a nation.

Tang Yafei was grateful for her relationship with Li Wuyou and did not want to betray the empire at this time. However, she was on the southeastern ocean and beyond her reach, and could not help Li Wuyou.

And life here is not easy. Several countries in the southeast once again proposed to garrison troops in the Pearl Islands. After Tang Yafei refused again, the southeast countries sent fleets to the Pearl Islands.

Tang Yafei sent a fleet to intercept, and the two sides have begun to have many small-scale conflicts, and a war is about to break out.

 In the northwest region, the Great Wilderness Empire established by the Ninth Army also began to take action.

The representatives of the Bauhinia Empire, Ferdinand of Daliao and others, colluded with the emperor of the Great Wilderness Empire, Lu Chen, and the representatives met frequently.

If they make any move, the target of their attack must be Light Chaser City.

Tang Zheng's death brought about a domino effect. Powerful powers from all walks of life took action one after another, and a new round of carve-up battle seemed to be about to begin.

During this process, not only Tang Zheng's Light-Chasing Army was directly threatened, but even Yuanjing, where Li Wuyou was located, was in turmoil.

Lu Chen in the northwest, Li Haocheng in the northeast, Chen Hongchang in Dayan, Akita in Orochi, Ferdinand in Daliao, and the emperors of several newly-established countries in the Han Dynasty all changed their faces and made many excessive demands.

 For example, leasing land, opening ports, reducing or reducing tariffs, agreeing to garrison troops, etc.

Even Chen Hongchang from Dayan and Lu Shen from Northwest China successively made more excessive demands on Li Wuyou.

 Chen Hongchang asked Li Wuyou to marry him, otherwise he might face serious consequences.

After Tang Zheng died, Orochi's people still supported Chen Hongchang, and his dream of becoming emperor began to revive again. As long as he could marry Li Wuyou, then this thing might really come true.

Lu Chen also made the same request and told Li Wuyou that now the Bauhinia Empire, Daliao Empire and many other countries are supporting him. Li Wuyou will get greater benefits by marrying him. As long as Li Wuyou supports him to ascend the throne, If you take the throne of Hanyue, you will get a lot of support, and gifts can be used as the queen of Hanyue. He will ensure the independence of Hanyue nation, and even restore the glory of Hanyue in the past.

Lu Chen also proposed that he and Li Wuyou could marry and at the same time regain Zhuguang City in the northern region, so that their territories could be linked together.

He also shouted to the Zhuguang Army, asking the defenders of Zhuguang City to put down their weapons and not make unnecessary resistance. He would give them a fair treatment and so on.

Also receiving attention is the Light Chasing Army in the Tiger Empire.

 The current Light Chasing Army is divided into three parts.

Part of the Zhuguang Army is stationed in the Northern Region to defend Zhuguang City, military camp base, university town base, manor base, international base, Jinghe County, etc.

 There is also a part of the Light Chasing Army stationed on Didicui Island, which includes the Navy and Air Force of the Light Chasing Army.

The last part of the Light Chasing Army entered the Tiger Empire to **** prisoners of war.

Tang Zheng died in the Tiger Empire, but Jin Junji did not. After he narrowly escaped death at the negotiation site, he immediately asked the prisoners of war to put down their weapons and return to the embrace of the motherland.

 But Kim Jun-hyun did not listen to Kim Jun-ki's words. Not only did he refuse to return to the motherland, he also wanted to overthrow Kim Jun-ki's rule on the grounds that Kim Jun-ki was a shameless villain.

The Light Chasing Army in the Tiger Empire was also excited because of Tang Zheng's murder. They responded to Jin Junxian's call and wanted to kill Jin Junji to avenge Tang Zheng.

 Soon, Jin Junxian and the Zhuguang Army joined forces and marched towards the capital of the Tiger Empire.

Jin Junji was a little panicked. He didn't expect that Tang Zheng was dead. Instead of disbanding, these light-chasing armies even joined forces with Jin Junxian.

 He asked Dr. Zhu for help, but Dr. Zhu had no choice but to spread his hands. His plan has been completed. Next is a legion-level battle. What can he do? After all, he has no armed zombies at this moment.

Kim Junki tried to bribe Jin Junxian's officers, but each of those officers was more stubborn than the last, and none of them betrayed Jin Junji's face and vowed to follow Jin Junxian to the death.

With no other choice, Kim Jun-ki had no choice but to go into battle and sent out the troops of the Tiger Empire. They used the battlefield around Qiushi County to start a battle with the allied forces of the Zhuguang Army and Kim Jun-hyun.

 The two sides started a big battle in this area, fighting to the death.

The civil war in the Tiger Empire has begun, but no one cares. Everyone believes that the Light Chasing Army is now leaderless. Even if it unites with Jin Junxian, it will be difficult to win in Jin Junji's territory.

 The current situation in Han Yue is a bit confusing.

  But there is one indicator that is very important, and that is Li Wuyou's final decision.

If Li Wuyou is forced by the situation and really announces who she will marry, then the person she marries will definitely gain a huge advantage.

 After all, Li Wuyou is still Han Yue's orthodoxy, and still controls an army of 600,000. Her decision affects Han Yue's fate.

 Many analysts also jumped out at this time and began to analyze the pros and cons of Li Wuyou from all aspects.

 There are also people behind them who are instigating. These people each stand up for their masters and advocate desperately.

For example, some people advocate Lu Shen in the northwest.

“General Lu Chen is young and promising, and he is a good match for Her Royal Highness the Princess. Moreover, many powerful people in the Western Continent now support General Lu Chen. As long as the princess gets married, he will gain many natural allies.”

“The only thing standing between General Lu Chen and the princess is Zhuguang City, but as long as the princess gives the order, I believe that the remaining soldiers in Zhuguang City will make the right choice.”

"Even if they don't understand the current situation, if they are attacked from the east and west, the City of Chasing Light will definitely be defeated."

“So I am optimistic that the princess and General Lu Chen will get married. In this apocalyptic environment, this can be regarded as a good story.”

These people put pressure on Li Wuyou through public opinion agitation.

From their point of view, in this situation, Li Wuyou, a young girl, would definitely not be able to withstand the huge pressure and would definitely make a choice.

  Yuanjing Base City.

 After summer comes, the weather gets better and better.

 Tonight, the long-lost moon appears.

Although the moon is hiding behind the dark clouds, there is still a clear and cold moonlight shining faintly.

 Many people left their homes and sat outside to watch the moon.

Although the chaos of the last days has left the people at a loss as to what to do, they have no choice and no right to speak.

Looking at the moon at this moment, I miss the things I see and the people I see, and miss my relatives and friends before the end of the world. Many people feel that they are like duckweeds and have no control over their fate.

 The top of the hill where the palace is located.

 The insects that went to bed late kept chirping.

 It’s just that the chirping is far less loud than before the apocalypse. It seems that after the apocalypse, there are fewer insects.

The desolate cry echoed in the night, like a heartbreaking song.

 Li Wuyou sat on the chair where he and Tang Zheng sat that night, looking up at the night sky.

 The big, beautiful eyes in the past are now swollen and full of red bloodshot eyes.

 She really did not expect that Tang Zheng would die in the Tiger Empire.

 A few nights ago, she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. She didn't expect that in just a few days, they would be separated forever.

 The heartbreaking pain was destroying her fragile nerves all the time.

 This time, she could not accept it even more than the time when her father and mother left.


 “Tang Zheng.”

“Why are you so bad? You clearly promised me that you would work hard with me to restore this country and the world together.”

 “If you hadn’t encouraged me, I would have despaired of this world.”

"I listened to your words, I cheered up, I became strong, I saw hope, but you were so cruel, you just abandoned me and left our promise."

 “Tang Zheng, come back!”

 “We’ve done it, why don’t you keep your word! Woohoo~~~~~!”

Hiding her face with her hands, she huddled into a small ball in the night, her body shaking as she cried.

The beloved white scarf was held in her hand, with the words "Tang Zheng Favorite" written on it. It looked so dazzling at the moment, but it was also the only sustenance of her spirit.

She wanted to follow Tang Zheng many times, but she didn't even see Tang Zheng's body. She was unwilling to do so no matter what.

 This is the third night she has cried.

So many things happened in the past few days that she could hardly hold on.

 The only thing that can support her now is to avenge Tang Zheng!

"Tang Zheng, wait for me. Our promise can no longer be fulfilled, but I will avenge you and then come to accompany you."

Little Li Wuyou made a decision in the night on the top of the mountain.

Today I happened to look through the voting records and saw an old friend of mine who had voted for me eighteen times in a row.

Tang Yafei, the Duchess of the Pearl Islands, is played by a group of friends (Zimeng Qiqiyue).

   Continue to add more updates tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)