MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 359 The migration of corpses

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Chapter 359: Migration of Corpses

 On the coast of Chongsheng Island.

The battleships of the Light Chasing Army launched a fierce attack on the enemy's land positions along the coast.

Huge naval guns fired fiercely on the shore, and the rumbling sound of the cannons was loud, blasting the Orochi's position to pieces.

In the sky, fighter planes from the Light Chaser Army roared past from time to time, launching deadly missiles.

At this time, the Orochi's anti-aircraft firepower will sound violently. Even if it cannot knock down the Light Chaser Army's fighter jets, it will still prevent the opponent from approaching.

But the Light Chasing Army did not only have fighter jets. The battleships played the largest output in this wave, and the Orochi defenders were unable to hold their heads up.

Whenever the battleship's bombardment pauses, the landing force of the Light Chaser Army will try to land on the island.

 At this time, Orochi's troops will start to engage in close combat with the Light Chasing Army.

At the risk of being bombed, they fought to the death with the Light Chasing Army.

 The quality of the individual soldiers of the Light Chasing Army was most vividly demonstrated at this time. Although the number of people who landed on the island was not particularly large, the quality of the individual soldiers was very strong. It seemed that every attacking soldier was a mutant.

These mutants put on bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets, moved quickly and flexibly, and used the seaside rocks as bunkers to continuously launch charges.

It is not easy to hit them, and even if you hit them, it may not be fatal, and the opponent's marksmanship is even more superb. Everyone is a sharpshooter, and they can easily kill the exposed defenders.

Orochi clearly had a defensive advantage, but they were overwhelmed by the Light Chaser Army, which was outnumbered by them. The number of casualties quickly increased.

The defending generals repeatedly observed and determined that the Light Chasing Army was only launching an offensive on the west bank. They simply reduced the number of defenders in other directions and began to gather troops on the west bank to increase defense efforts.

After several tentative increases in troops, he found that the Light Chasing Army still had no intention of moving, so he simply concentrated most of the troops on the west bank.

There is no other way. The Light-Chasing Army's offensive on the west bank is too fierce. Without more people, it really can't be defended.

 When the Orochi troops gathered more than 60,000 people on the West Bank, something terrifying happened.

 After more than a day of fighting, the Light Chasing Army has figured out the location of the Orochi's air defense position.

The battleships focused their fire again, and several of the suppressed Orochi's air defense positions were unable to be used normally, while the Light Chaser Army's fighter planes were dispatched again.

 Under the cover of two flying groups, a bomber dropped bombs on Chongsheng Island.

 A small nuclear bomb was thrown down by the Light Chaser Army.

This is the second time that the Light Chasing Army has used small nuclear bombs against humans. The first small nuclear bomb was used when bombing the Triton City military port. At that time, Orochi also suffered, but this time it was Orochi.

 The Orochi's defensive position was blown into a center by this small nuclear bomb.

Huge mushroom cloud rose above the island, and the shock wave swallowed up everything around it.

Some people hid in air-raid shelters and escaped temporarily, but most people were reduced to ashes in this bombing.

 More than 40,000 Orochi troops died in this nuclear bomb attack.

There were still 20,000 people who did not die immediately, but many people were also affected by nuclear radiation and suffered a lot of irreversible damage to their bodies. It is estimated that their lives will be short-lived.

At this moment, the small nuclear bomb almost completely destroyed the fighting spirit of the Orochi man.

 The living people began to abandon their positions and fled deeper into the island.

 But they, who had lost their anti-aircraft weapons, once again withstood the fierce bombardment from the Light Chaser aircraft.

  Carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier took off frequently, and the aircraft guns locked on the fleeing enemy troops and began to fire wildly.

The Marines finally no longer had to continue to attack the enemy, but instead swarmed onto the island and began to chase Orochi's troops.

Orochi's troops held on to the island for three days.

 Supporting their will to persevere is the rescue from the Orochi native land.

However, after receiving the news that the Light Chaser Army on the west coast had used nuclear bombs to level the area and the defenders collapsed, Orochi's native reinforcements stopped the rescue effort.

 In their opinion, Chongsheng Island can no longer be defended and has no rescue value anymore.

 Furthermore, Orochi's local troops are already stretched thin, and they don't have much power to continue the rescue.

 At the beginning of the Han Yue Civil War, the total strength of Orochi was nearly one million.

 However, after many battles and losses, the current national strength does not exceed 400,000, and they are distributed in many places.

 At Haiwei City, some troops were besieged by Li Wuyou's troops.

 In Baishan Province, some troops confronted Li Haocheng's troops.

 Part of the mainland, part of Chongsheng Island, and the rest were all killed in battle, with almost no prisoners.

Orochi could no longer take the risk of rescue. They finally ordered the troops from Chongsheng Island to break out and abandon the island.

On the night of the third day, Orochi's remaining 30,000 soldiers planned to break out from the north bank area.

Tang Zheng did not want to let this group of people go, so he immediately sent the navy to chase them.

On the vast sea, the Orochi man drove various ships, even speedboats and assault boats, and fled in a hurry towards the mainland.

 The warships and aircraft of the Light Chaser Army then pursued and killed them, and their blood flowed all over the ocean.

Ocean monsters also came to participate in this feast. Those big snake men driving small boats were easily capsized by the ocean monsters, and finally perished in the sea. Of the 30,000 people, less than 300 people finally escaped back to Orochi's homeland. The rest were all killed in the battle and no prisoners were taken.

At this point, after three days of **** battles, the Light Chasing Army finally captured the Chongsheng Island military port, pulled out Orochi's most important overseas nail, and also opened up the sea channel into the Atlantic Ocean.

 After the attack on Didicui Island and the fall of Chongsheng Island, the power of Orochi was severely damaged and it no longer had the strength to continue its expedition.

It is estimated that the battle over Triton City is almost over. By then, Orochi's remnant soldiers will either return to the mainland or die in a foreign land.

 At the same time as the naval battle of Chongsheng Island ended, there was also the encirclement and annihilation of Dayan's 150,000 troops.

 After learning that all friendly forces had been wiped out in the Atlantic Ocean, the people of Dayan almost lost their will to fight.

At this time, the air force of the Light Chasing Army joined the battle, and the large-scale bombing immediately defeated Dayan's troops.

 A large-scale surrender trend occurred among Dayan's troops, and those soldiers began to surrender in an organized manner.

Different from people abroad, these people are all Hanyue people. They don't hate Tang Zheng in the first place. It's just because of the different interests of the top officials that they have to choose to fight.

Many of them were even eager to surrender as soon as possible, because after so many battles, they also realized that it was too difficult to defeat Tang Zheng, and they were no match for him.

 The battle was over within a few hours of the air force's entry.

Out of the 150,000 people killed, less than 30,000 were killed, and the rest all surrendered.

The defensive battle of Didicui Island ended here. Except for the sea monster's attack that caused some minor damage to the island, the conspiracy of Dayan, Orochi, and Binhai countries was completely broken.

 The end of this battle also completely announced that the country of Dayan would soon be destroyed.

 Now their last strength is only in Triton City.

But that was the battle between Li Wuyou and them, and it had nothing to do with the Light Chasing Army.

 The battle on Didui Island did not attract much attention from the outside world.

Since Light Chaser City broadcast the sea monster siege, it did not continue to broadcast the subsequent battle. Therefore, many people in the outside world did not know that several Dayan countries were still attacking Didicui Island.

 Actually, even if the Light Chasing Army broadcast this incident at this time, not many people would pay attention.

 Because just at the final stage of the Light Chasing Army's attack on Chongsheng Island, a worrying thing happened.

 Zombies crossing the border!

The zombies in Huijing Base City left Huijing at some point, crossed the Haojiang River, and headed towards the Northern Region!

 When people discovered this, the forward troops of the zombies had already crossed Fengcheng and entered the territory of the Light Chasing Army.

And people were shocked to find that the total number of zombie mutants in this group of corpses seemed to be even greater than in Huijing.

 When they first attacked the Huijing base city, the total number of corpses was about 50 million.

 When attacking Huijing, some losses were lost, still more than 45 million.

 But I don’t know when, this group of corpses grew again, and now it seems that the number exceeds 60 million.

And as the corpse group advances, this number is still slowly increasing.

This shocking discovery made people’s hearts pick up in their throats.

Fortunately, as this group of corpses advanced, they did not turn around to go to the military camp base, nor to the manor base or the international base. They just passed through the wild and entered the Northern Territory.

 But this cannot help but worry people, especially the people in Chasing Light City.

It is true that the Light-Chasing Army has super strong combat power, but the main force of the Light-Chasing Army is not in the Light-Chasing City at this moment. If this group of corpses attacks the Light-Chasing City, it will definitely be unable to defend it.

When this news was passed to Tang Zheng, Tang Zheng was also worried.

 But that was the critical moment for him to conquer Chongsheng Island, and he couldn't leave at all.

 He could only ask the Light Chasing Army to strengthen their vigilance and pay attention to the movements of the corpses at all times.

If this group of corpses is heading towards Light Chaser City, he will rush back immediately even if he abandons Chongsheng Island.

 Compared to Chongsheng Island and Didicui Island, Zhuangguang City is its foundation and cannot be missed.

Although he knows that a group of 60 million corpses is difficult to deal with, his current strength is not what it used to be, and with a huge sum of nearly 200 million, he may not be unable to fight.

And Tang Zheng has always had a feeling that this group of corpses is not scary.

 So he could only observe and observe the specific direction of the corpses.

 At the end of the battle on Chongsheng Island, the results came out.

 The group of corpses did not approach Light Chasing City.

This group of corpses passed by more than a hundred kilometers outside of Chasing Light City. However, when passing through this section, their progress seemed to be slower. It took more than a day to pass through the area of ​​Chasing Light City.

 After that, the group of corpses began to move toward the northwest.

 That direction is where Mangye Town is located.

This time, the panicked person was not Tang Zheng, but Lu Chen and the multinational troops stationed in the Mangye Town area.

 (End of this chapter)