MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 127 ·?

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If it is an ordinary person, they will see the corpse, and they will not understand it anyway.

But the men looked at the professional tools in their hands and thought a few times in their hearts, how can the people who can be sent to communicate are waste.

But everyone stared at him, as if he would rush up if he refused. They all checked carefully at the time, there was no surveillance and only witnesses around, and everyone only saw him being thrown to the ground by her, and they all felt that it must have something to do with her. These people are really careful enough to actually record the video themselves.

Is it secretly recording now? Thinking of this, the man said solemnly: "The body has been dissected, so there is this autopsy report. Otherwise, where do you think the autopsy report came from?"

Talking about these things at this time is really unpalatable.

"So you're not going to show us the corpse?"

"And then you're going to say that people were killed by our people just because we had hands with him?"

"Slandering people has to have a face, right?"

The person next to him sang with a white face, "Of course you can see the corpse, although the corpse has been autopsied, but if you must see it, we can also take you there."

"But, until the result comes out, she must stay in the interrogation room." He turned to look at Huazhi, his attitude was very tough.

The two faced off again.

Why must she be here? Huazhi was a little puzzled, and Jing Huai held Huazhi's hand, "I'll stay here with her."

The spiritual force covering the outermost periphery of the villa fluctuated, and someone took the opportunity to enter the villa.

The man looked at the scenery suspiciously and hesitated for a while, but after thinking about it, it was actually better for them to stay.

"Okay, then we will each take a step back. You cooperate with our investigation, and we will give you the greatest convenience." His attitude suddenly changed, and the researchers were still a little uncomfortable.

Everyone can't figure out what medicine they sell in the gourd?

The two stayed like this, and the others went to check the corpse, but the corpse had already been dissected, and now there is only the remains of the corpse.

Sun Zhu still did not appear, as if she disappeared out of thin air.

The two were taken to an interrogation room. The room was closed and it was still a little cold. Wearing his warm sweater, Huazhi asked him, "Why did they keep the two of us here?"

"They entered the villa and opened our room."

There is nothing in their room, what are they trying to do? Thinking like this, Huazhi began to look forward to it instead.

After she found the map of Wei'an base, she sent the mutant rabbit out. It was very smart and could fully understand what she meant. As long as she is free these days, she will let it follow the directions of the map to check the address of the map.

They put a camera around its neck, and as soon as it becomes invisible, it can come and go freely anywhere on the base. However, I have walked several places in the past few days and found nothing.

Including the restaurant where they ate that day, the flower branch let it go around, but nothing was found.

They didn't wait long, and soon someone entered the interrogation room. They asked her a few questions and quickly left. The fast-moving branches feel a little uncomfortable, and I always feel that there is a kind of... a feeling of wind and rain.

In the afternoon, someone brought them water. It's like, there's really no embarrassment to their thoughts.

Flower Branch looked at the white rabbit toffee on the plate, took a look at it in her hand, and put it back on the plate. Don't eat anything outside.

But just like that, they still spent a whole day in the entanglement center, and almost everyone's time was spent here. There are not many things left to check. After careful inspection, they found that the autopsy report was not fake, and the time and cause of death were consistent with the autopsy report they issued before. And the first scene of his death has also been destroyed.

After spending a day here, Huazhi's limbs were stiff, "Have you found the results of your investigation?"

"Don't worry, the results haven't come out yet, just wait."

They are not in a hurry at all, and have time to gossip there. Huazhi has a good hearing, and the gossip that was separated several rooms also entered her ears. But it sounds like a trivial matter.

It seems that the video in her hand has brought things to an impasse, they have no way to prove that this matter has nothing to do with her, and the people in the base cannot be 100% sure that the man died because of her . But they don't seem to have any intention of letting go.

At this moment, Sun Zhu hurried over.

"You mean your father had a cerebral hemorrhage, this time is really an accident?"

Sun Zhu nodded, "He was taking medicine before, and he stopped taking medicine after he became healthy. These are all evidences, this matter really has nothing to do with Huazhi , she was there to save me that day."

The evidence in Sun Zhu's hand is enough to prove that her father has a problem with his own mind.

"Our house was messed up by him. He often accidentally stepped on something and fell and went to the hospital because he slipped and broke a bone. There is also a record here."

"His death was an accident, I will not pursue it, and don't waste everyone's time investigating this matter."

Sun Zhu's appearance took everyone by surprise, everyone thought she had escaped, but she went back to find evidence to prove that this matter had nothing to do with Huazhi.

Although everyone didn't say anything, they looked at her with more emotion and guilt.

The man nodded, "Okay, since you don't pursue it, you have shown evidence again."


King Huai looked at Huazhi, "They have already left the villa."

Flower Branch scratched his palm, indicating that he knew.

This seems to be over. The mighty force sent someone to bring her over, and then put her back lightly?

However, because of this incident, Sun Zhu instantly won everyone's favor. When we went back in the evening, everyone felt that today was a very strange day. I couldn't tell why, but they always felt that something was weird.

"Maybe they just want to arrest people and show they can still do something."

"Yes, I don't think it would be clear if it wasn't for Huazhi's video testimony."

"So, when you go out to save people, you must take a video to testify, otherwise you will be misrepresented by eight mouths."

Yes yes yes, everyone nodded silently in their hearts.

When I came back at night, as soon as I entered the door, Huazhi also found that the room had been entered.

Although they were very, very careful, they left their mark.

Flower branches pulled the scenery, and the two of them checked the entire villa with great interest, but found nothing unusual, and they didn't even install more monitors and monitors.

"Did they just come to search?" But when they came, they also brought storage space. The important things are all in the space, how could they just put them in the room.

Jiang Huai shook his head, he didn't find anything unusual, but this feeling was very subtle, and there was an indescribably strange feeling.

"It's strange." Huazhi seemed to know what he was thinking, and said the same words as him.

"Go and rest, you'll know when they show up."

Flower Branch nodded, anyway, what they left in the room were hallucinations, and they rested in the bell every day.

A corner of the unsecured base.

"They've brought people back."

"They were careful and recorded evidence."

"Yes, otherwise, you can just keep people."

"Don't worry, it's the same after Sun Zhu passed."

At night, there is a shadow outside the base, and the moonlight shines on the roof, adding a sense of depression and loneliness out of thin air.

When the silver moon hung in the air, everyone fell asleep and fell into a deep dream.

Huazhi also had a dream, in the dream, their base was besieged by countless zombies, everyone fought day after day, and finally the snow got heavier and heavier, and everyone died in front of her.

Professor Duan died, her colleagues died, Qi Chaoyang and the mutant beasts died, and even Jing Huai died in front of her! She can feel her physical strength is draining, she is very tired, she...

"Huazhi, wake up." Jing Huai pinched her face and shook her gently.

He was awakened by her sobbing. She usually falls asleep and never speaks in her sleep. She occasionally says things like not eating carrots. Even when Han Meng fell into a dream, he never saw her cry.

Jing Huai frowned slightly and finally woke her up.

As soon as Huazhi opened her eyes, the sadness came up. She looked at the scenery Huai did not react.

"Don't cry, you just had a nightmare, it's all fake."

Huazhi realized that she was crying. She touched her face, tears running down her fingers.

The sense of reality and the feeling in the dream are intertwined, she wooed and hugged him, "I just had a nightmare."

She doesn't usually have dreams, let alone nightmares. The worst nightmare she ever had was when Jing Huai asked her to eat carrots. But this time, she seemed to be immersed in suffocation and sadness. These bad feelings wrapped her body tightly, making her seem to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to break free.

【Huazhihuazhi, how are you? 】 Little Gray Rabbit asked with concern.

She just slept and it didn't pay attention.

"I'm fine, I just had a bad dream." Huazhi felt sad, she had never been so sad.

It was different from being caught in a dream by Han Meng before. This time, she didn't feel any flaws, it was just that she was dreaming, not being deliberately guided by others.

Jiang Huai checked it carefully and found no problems. They are in the space, and it is impossible for anyone to pass through the space to cast powers on her.

That was probably a nightmare.

Jiang Huai frowned slightly, feeling that they should move faster.

But the next day, when they came together, they found that everyone was in a bad state. Some people have dark circles under their eyes, some people look very sluggish, and some people have red eyes.

Everyone was dodging at first, but when they looked up, everyone was in this state.


"It's okay, I just stayed up late last night and didn't sleep well."

"Yes, I am also busy with work. Really, I wasted a day by the Wei'an base yesterday."

"I slept, but the nightmare was still stiff, and now my neck hurts."

"Me too, I don't know what happened, I just had a nightmare all night."

He didn't feel any attack, and even Huazhi slept in the bell last night. But now, most people are in this situation, obviously something is wrong!

Just like this, another day passed, and Huazhi had nightmares at night. When I woke up the next day, I found that more researchers began to languish, and even the soldiers looked a little wrong.

Jing Huai called Sun Zhu directly. He hypnotized her with his supernatural powers, but after Sun Zhu's eyes were blurred, he still couldn't ask anything. She didn't know at all.

In the evening, Jing Huai looked at the flower branches, "Han Meng will come to you at night."

"Because I have nightmares?"

Jiang Huai nodded, "The situation is not right, but I can't find the problem, find Han Meng and let her see your situation."

Blossom nodded. Han Meng gave her something before, saying that they could discuss in their dreams in the future, and she put it in the space of the scenery.

Jiang Huai handed the thing to her.

It is a perfume-shaped bottle, but the liquid inside is very small, and it can only be sprayed a few times. Han Meng said that this thing is very rare, so I can only give her this first.

The flower branch carefully sprayed on her head. If Han Meng was nearby, there would be no need for these things. She only needs to be in contact with the other party, but now that Han Meng is not here, if she wants to get in touch, she needs to make a mark for herself.

Huazhi finished marking and called Han Meng again. After the two agreed, she lay on the bed.

She is also tired, so tired, she has never been so tired. She had nightmares every night, and for the first time she felt the mental weakness that everyone said.

And in the dream, she could subconsciously tell herself that it was a dream, but she would still be trapped in that bad mood.

The flowers are covered with a quilt, and they are like a big enemy for a while. It was the first time she encountered something that she couldn't even see. It was different from the previous ones. Even Han Meng and Jing Huai could find it in advance, but this time, neither of them found it.

No, Huazhi thinks the most incredible thing is that she is clearly inside the bell, not outside at all, outside is an illusory dummy made by Jinghuai, so the other party wants to attack, attack It's also a phantom.

However, this time, most of the people were recruited, only Jing Huai was not recruited, but Jing Huai's spiritual power has been lingering on her, even more than himself. more.

Flower Branch turned over and hugged Jing Huai, "I can't sleep."

After two days in a row, sleeping has become a bit of a resistance for her. But she is like this, and the others are even worse.

Huazhi also asked the mutant rabbits and mutant eagles, but fortunately none of them had such a situation.

King Huai patted her back gently, "Go to sleep."

Huazhi looked at him eagerly, "I can't sleep, or if you tell me a story, I can fall asleep quickly listening to your voice."

King Huai thought for a while, "I haven't read any stories."

Flower Branch grabbed the quilt, still looking at him eagerly. She didn't show anything on purpose, but she looked pitiful. Jing Huai got up and found a storybook in the space.

He had enough space, so there were a lot of books in it at that time. Jing Huai picked out a book and read it to her.

His voice has a magic that can make people emotionally stable. The dim light is matched with the goose feather snow outside and the warm quilt. Huazhi soon fell asleep.

There seemed to be something swaying in the air, Jing Huai closed the book and turned off the light.

He still patted the back of the flower branch gently, and the breath of the flower branch became longer and even.

In the dream, Huazhi was very tired holding the little gray rabbit, and she indulged in this feeling that made her very sad, this time there was no scene, she lived alone in her old life in the past forest.

Here is blue sky, clear water, green grass, but she is very sad.

Little Gray Rabbit tried to comfort her, but it didn't work.

Huazhi feels like she is now split into two parts, one part is sad, and the other part is trying to find the reason for her sadness.

But there seems to be no reason, she and the little gray rabbit found nothing. There is no energy fluctuation, no black qi, she is inexplicably caught in a very bad mood.

Han Meng saw her pitiful appearance as soon as she came over. It was the same big lawn last time, but Huazhi was holding a gray rabbit and weeping silently.

"Why are you crying, this is the dream that makes you sad?" Han Meng looked around.

Flower Branch wiped her tears, "You're here."

Her eyes were red and tears were swirling in her eyes. Han Meng thought she was cute in her heart. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears of Huazhi, "Don't cry, come, come to my sister's arms. Come in."

She patted Huazhi on the back comfortably, Huazhi felt strangely that her mood seemed to be better. But she still held the little gray rabbit tightly in her hand.

Han Meng looked around, "I'll take a look at the situation first."

Jing Huai had already introduced the situation to her in detail, and she was very interested as soon as she heard it. You must know that there are almost no people with the ability to fall into a dream. Huazhi can defeat her in the dreams she has compiled, but now there is a stronger opponent.

Huazhi shook her head, "I don't know, many of the people we came with are having nightmares, and everyone's spirits are very bad." These days, when she is sad, she will never dream When I woke up, I would have nightmares again when I fell asleep, and I was stuck in this bad mood all the time, and it went on and on.

Han Meng looked around, "I don't feel any other abilities."

Huazhi nodded, "Yes, yes, I don't have either, nor do I have the scenery, but I just have sad dreams every night."

There are many dreams in one night, sometimes there is no content in the dreams, like today, she is sitting on the lawn, but she is very sad and sad, and then she wants to cry.

The emotion of Huazhi is obviously not right.

"Your rabbit is quite cute." The little gray rabbit was held by a flower branch in his hand, looking like a rabbit police officer.

The little gray rabbit was startled, and soon became motionless, pretending to be just a toy.

Not only the little gray rabbit, Huazhi was also surprised, she looked down at the little gray rabbit, and then at Han Meng, "Can you see it?"

Han Meng nodded, "It's cute, you like it, I'll give you one later."

Even the rabbit fur on her body is very fine. If Huazhi can dream, he must be better than her.

Han Meng looked around and searched again with his abilities, but there was still nothing abnormal.

"He is not in your dream."

Her tone was very determined, and Huazhi gave a soft "ah".

She is so cute, beautiful and cute. Last time they only focused on fighting, but now she has the time to look at Huazhi, Han Meng couldn't help but get started, "What's wrong with your skin? so good?"

"Your skin is fine too."

Han Meng shook her head, it was not the same, she was far behind.

"Although he is not in your dream, he must have used something to affect you."

She raised her hand, the white light gradually covered the surrounding, and the picture around Huazhi turned and appeared in the white space.

As soon as she entered the white space, Han Meng could no longer see the rabbit. The little gray rabbit was too nervous to be seen for the first time, and took the opportunity to run away.

She directly held Huazhi's hand, "Later, you can recall it carefully, no matter what you recall, don't reject any picture that appears."

Speaking, afraid of Huazhi scrutinizing her, she continued: "You don't have to worry that I will see your secret, I will not see you and recall anything, but if there is a key things that I can sense."

Huazhi nodded and began to recall seriously.

There is no clue in the memory, she simply recalled from the day she started dreaming.

Everyone went to the picket office during the day, and then came back at night to have dinner together, everyone thanked Sun Zhu, and then she took a steaming hot bath, went to sleep, and began to dream...

The memory clips flashed very fast, but Huazhi didn't realize it. The pictures in her mind passed by at an extremely fast speed, frame by frame, Han Meng did not speak, and tried to feel at the tiny fragments of her mind.

Suddenly—, Huazhi suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart, and tears fell unconsciously.

She opened her eyes suddenly and looked at Han Meng blankly.

"What did you see?"

Flower Branch opened her mouth, and couldn't say anything.

"It's okay, it's all a dream, you're being influenced by others now, let's see it again."

Flower Branch closed her eyes again, this time, she finally saw clearly, it was a big white rabbit toffee.

"Look at it carefully, look at it well, does it have any other characteristics besides being like an ordinary candy?"

"There is a rabbit on it, and that rabbit is painted, blue edges, white body, but its eyes..."

"Can you open it?"

Huazhi nodded, although she felt an inexplicable sense of fear, she still took the candy in her mind.

The big white rabbit toffee felt dangerous all over her body, but she was just dreaming now, she…

Huazhi built her own feelings again and again, but she was still hesitating, as if something terrible would happen if she opened this candy.

She hesitated, and suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

"Let's open together."

It's the scenery!

"How come you are here!" Huazhi leaned against him happily, with her back against him, and the fear that she had just created was instantly swept away.

"When Han Meng appears, I can follow her into your dream." He didn't care what Han Meng would find at the moment, "Open it."

Flower Branch nodded and opened the big white rabbit toffee. But the moment she opened it, what was supposed to be toffee turned into a finger! On the section where the flesh and bones are separated, warm blood is still flowing!

The blood flowed down her hands and quickly dyed her hands red. Huazhi's heart was beating violently, and she felt her nerves tense up.

"Don't be afraid, this is what gives you nightmares."

Xiang Huai looked as usual, gently took the finger from the flower branch, and then wrapped it with something.

When he did this, his hands were immediately stained with blood, but he didn't seem to care at all, as if it was really a very simple and ordinary thing.

Flower branch's beating heart slowly eased.

The next second, after she opened her eyes, she returned to the white space again.

The finger also appeared in the white space, but at this moment it returned to the appearance of the white rabbit toffee.

Huazhi held the candy and felt her hands were stiff. She wanted to throw it away, but she didn't know where to throw it.

"It should be this thing." Han Meng took the candy from the flower branch, "I'll take this away, this thing is a bit interesting."

"Is this really a finger?" She usually sees a lot, so she won't be afraid of this kind of thing.

Han Meng scrutinized it carefully and nodded, "They still made a lot of money for you, and they actually came up with this kind of thing, but also, ordinary hints are nothing to you use."

Huazhi looked at her curiously, "What the **** is this?"

"This?" Han Meng pinched the white rabbit toffee, "I don't know."

But she knew that this was a living finger that was cut off soon.