MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 604 Pull out, artifact, trident of Poseidon

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Chapter 604, pull out, artifact, trident of Poseidon

Up to 70% of the light of the sea **** has played a huge role. Seeing that the long handle is slowly rising under the efforts of Tang San. The blood flowing from his palm is also covered by more and more stalks. It became a mixed golden red light.

Gradually, Tang San saw the position of the long handle and the three-forked dagger. It was a ring-like connection, which was tightly buckled together, and the closer it was to the dagger, the bigger it was.

As the joint rises from the ground, the edge of the dagger, which appears as a triangle, appears with a crescent-shaped pattern on each side. At this point, the blood of Tang San has spread to which position, dyed the two-crowned crescent. From this position, it can be seen that the dagger is very large, and the more it pulls up, Tang San feels that the longer the handle in his hand is heavier, but for such a short time, he has already begun to feel weak. At the same time, he also felt that his hand was still bleeding before, but now it seems to be sucking blood, sucked by the greedy pattern on the long handle.

Gritted teeth, Tang three legs force, two hundred thousand years of leg bones gave him a great boost, the harsh friction sounded, the trident is gradually rising. From the edge of the triangle, each side extends to the bottom of the thick dagger, which is about three inches wide and has sharp edges and corners. The real dagger is unearthed.

Trident, naturally three points, the relatively thin sides of the left and right sides, while the central, but extraordinarily wide, feels like a sword. At the center of the central wide blade and the lower joint, there is a large diamond-shaped hole that makes the trident look like it is missing. At this position, the dagger has been pulled out by a third.

Under the blood of the three palms of the Tang Dynasty, the lines on the long handle of the Trident of the Poseidon have all been awakened. Although the light is not strong, the golden texture is much more beautiful than the previous one. And as the blood flows down, it is injected into the trigeminal dagger. The gold is still spreading. The two halves of the crescent-shaped lines below the dagger are already shining. It feels like golden light is like a volcanic eruption. The whole body of the Tang Dynasty, which shines on the ground, shines with a golden luster.

However, Tang San found that the trident in his hand became more and more heavy, no matter how hard he tried, he could not mention even half a point. The rate of blood loss is still increasing. This is obviously not a good sign.

Suddenly, there seemed to be something flashing in my mind. A strange thought controlled Tang San’s head, and the light of the sea **** erupted from the dark gold trident on the forehead gradually moved down from the long handle. After the stalk of Zhang Yuchang, it fell into the hollow of the diamond in the trident.


At this moment, the air seemed to solidify, and a strong golden light burst out from the head of the Trident. The Tang San and the Poseidon trident seemed to be truly communicated, and the golden magic lines on the Trident were identical. His body suddenly broke out, and the body of Xiaowu and Ning Rongrong was bombarded by the force of the giant force and fell to the sea **** platform.

The Poseidon under the stage took the shot and took them down.

The two women squirted almost a blood at the same time, but Ning Rongrong did not give up a trace of the increase of Tang San. The glory of the Jiubao Glass Tower became more prosperous, and it was full of strength for Tang San.

Xiaowu looked anxiously at Tang San, she hated, why she could not help him like Rong Rong, but she can't do anything now. I can only watch Tang San struggle in pain.

At this moment, the light of the sea **** sprayed by Tang’s forehead suddenly turned from gold to blue, like the deep blue of the sea, and the little golden light gradually disappeared from the blue, leaving only this pure color.

A blue triangle slowly floats out from the heart of Tang Sanmei, spinning in a whirlwind, and the bridge formed by the blue light approaches the diamond-shaped cavity at the head of the trident of Poseidon. It is the cover of the sea.

Even if it is Tang San himself, I don't understand why this is happening because he has no ability to spur the shovel of the sea. It is completely flying out of the body. However, from the cover of the Bohai Sea, Tang San felt a strong excitement. It seems that at this moment, this treasure from the Tiandou Empire also has life.

The magical scene appeared. When the 瀚海乾坤罩 flew to the front three inches of the position of the Trident's diamond-shaped hole, it stopped. Then, I saw that the 瀚 乾 罩 罩 光芒 光芒 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Doubled, it is like two 瀚 乾 罩 罩 连接 连接 , , , , , 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接 连接The intense blue light even overshadowed the golden brilliance at this moment. Tang San also clearly felt his soul, spiritual strength, the light of the sea god, and the blood in the body, all of them and their amazing speed passed away. The strong sense of weakness constantly impacted his brain, even if there was Ning Rong. Rong is assisted by the back, and he also has the feeling of being unable to support.

How could this be? Is it that the vast sea of ​​shackles... Even if Tang San’s wisdom is higher, it is impossible to imagine the appearance of this scene. But at this moment, there is a feeling of enlightenment in his mind.

Since I got the cover of the sea, my body has been subtly changing, especially the feeling of burning that often appears in several soul bones. After coming here, according to the sea **** Douro Posayi, he originally got a top eight test at most, but in the end it was the Neptune Nine Tests. Is it all because of this 瀚海乾坤罩?

The Emperor of the Tiandou Empire could not know such a secret. Otherwise, even if they valued themselves, they did not give the truth to the Bohai Sea. If the treatment you receive on Poseidon Island is caused by this little 瀚海乾坤, then all the explanations become reasonable.

The doubts that have existed in the heart of Tang San have been lifted at this moment because of the changes in the cover of the sea. If you pass the Poseidon six test before, most of them rely on their own strength and wisdom. Then, the seventh test of the Poseidon and the appearance of the Nine Gods test can only be explained by luck.

Perhaps 99% of a person's achievements depend on hard work, but 1% of luck and opportunity are often more important than 99% of efforts. When opportunities come and seize opportunities, then success will succeed. Otherwise, it will be a depression for a lifetime.

There is no doubt that Tang San is a person who can seize the opportunity and seize the opportunity. Although his body has been collapsed and the blood in his body is excessively lost, he still has no intention to give up. He knows that without the appearance of this scorpion, even the strength of Poseidon would not be able to pull out the Trident. This is your own opportunity, not only the opportunity to survive, but also the opportunity to reach the level of God. How could he give up?

The bang of the bang, the bonnet that turned into a diamond shape was finally imprinted on the diamond-shaped hole of the Poseidon trident. The harsh rubbing sounds are accompanied by an incomparable burst of energy. The entire hall was swept almost in an instant.

The original dark hall seemed to be lit by the golden light. Whether it is the ground or the top of the temple, whether it is the wall or the other seven platforms guarding the sea **** platform, it is baptized by a golden magic pattern at this moment. Originally, the quaint and simple hall was completely rendered by gold at this moment, and the huge golden light made it a luxury. An unprecedented sacred breath emanates from the position of the trident of Poseidon, turning into a huge beam of light that rises up to the top of the temple.

"Ah--" Tang Sanyang roared, because of excessive force, his muscles on his back and arms burst at the same time, but the trident, which symbolizes the **** of the sea god, finally loosened again, slowly, slowly, and detached. ground.

On the head raised by Tang San, the dark gold trident brand has once again become a golden color, and the intense light is integrated with the light released from the trident of the sea god.

The trident is like a long sword. The main blade is slowly raised on the side of the blade. The blood of Tang San is rendered down. It seems to wash away the black and dust above. The golden light like water is so dazzling. The glare, the dragon-like tremors constantly burst out from the trident.

The sea **** platform trembled fiercely, while the sea shrine was trembled, and the whole sea **** mountain.

Standing under the sea god, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, and Bai Shenxiang all stared at the direction of the top of the sea **** mountain.

In the sky, it was already dark clouds, and the light of the whole sea **** island was darkened. But at this time, the temple of the sea was bright, and the magnificent temple glowed with strong golden light. The darkness illuminates the Poseidon Mountain and seems to illuminate the entire Poseidon Island. The thick golden light column rises to the sky. Straight thorns.

At the same time, the seven pillars of Poseidon on Poseidon Island also lit up at the same time. Seven different golden lights of different sizes rushed from different directions. The golden light column erupted from the Temple of the Sea is condensed into one.

The ray lasted for ten seconds before it was closed, and the dark clouds in the air had been completely turned into golden clouds by the golden light that they condensed. The golden light group slowly deformed in the air, gradually becoming a human nature, which can be seen in the vagueness. The human form is illusory, wearing a gold armor, and the deep blue long hair is scattered on the shoulders. The armor almost covers his body. Each part. The most important thing is that this human figure is in the hands of the golden trident that seems to be able to break through the sky.

Standing in front of the Temple of the Sea, the Seven Pose of the Poseidon of the Poseidon looked up in the air. They almost fell to the ground at the same time. The devout eyes were filled with the blazing light, worshipping the virtual image in the air.

The same situation occurred in every place of Poseidon Island. The inhabitants of the island saw the aerial vision and walked out of the room without hesitation. They stumbled in the open space and worshipped the huge virtual image.

The power of the sea **** is visible for thousands of miles. In the sea, it seems that all the creatures feel the breath of the golden shadow. At this moment, the ocean suddenly falls into a pause, the anger subsides, everything in the sea stops swimming, and their bodies unconsciously turn to the sea **** island. The direction, trembling and respectful worship. Even the deep-sea whale king who is about to turn the dragon has already opened his huge one-eyed eyes, and only the horror and unwillingness are revealed in his eyes.

Thousands of tiny golden mansions have appeared in all directions. Some of these rays come from the sea **** island, but more are from the ocean. If the sea **** Douro Posey sees this scene, I will understand that this is what she calls the power of faith. The belief in the sea **** from all things in the ocean.

With the light of that faith, the huge sea **** image in the air gradually became clear, like the general clarity, the discovery of the five people suddenly surprised, the sea **** hidden in the golden armor, the face is so familiar .

"Small three, then, that is a small three." Yes, the clear face is exactly the same as Tang San, but the look is inviolable sacred majesty.

Inside the Temple of the Sea God, on the platform of the sea god. Tang San’s right hand has been lifted up, and the body has grown up to more than two, and the trident of the sea god, shining with infinite golden light, is in the middle of his right hand.

At this time, the black on the trident of Poseidon has completely disappeared, and the rest is only brilliant golden light, and each golden grain is so clear that it extends to the top. Trident blade, the central main blade is two feet long and half a foot wide. The huge diamond-shaped gemstone inlaid in the sea is inlaid in the middle and lower part of it. At this time, the original blue has completely turned into gold, avatar. For the gold crystal, it is generally integrated with the Poseidon trident.

The dividing edge on both sides of the main blade shines with the same golden light as the owner, and there is a barb on the outside of the blade. The entire Trident's three-edged blade can't see the edge, because it has been completely replaced by Golden Light.

Yes, Tang San succeeded. He successfully pulled out the Trident of Poseidon and successfully completed the seventh test. The golden light burst out of his eyebrows and turned into a broken light curtain. At the same time, the Ning Rongrong and the small dance on the forehead of the stage also appeared red light and broken.

The little dance got the hint: "Complete with the 7th test of Poseidon, reward the superposition."

Ning Rongrong is different from her. This is her last test. The tips she got are also very long. "The top seven exams, the seventh exam is completed. With excellent support ability, help partners to overcome one difficulty after another, show Outstanding talent and excellent ability to increase. All seven exams passed, and the red level authority of Haishen Island was granted, the second ritual authority was awarded, and the soul level was awarded three levels. All soul rings were upgraded for five thousand years. To reach the bottleneck, reward the extra gods with a soul ring, and the top seven exams will reward the gods with a soul ring."

Listening to the prompts, Lian Rongrong felt that she was incredible. She only had one more exam than Dai Mubai, but this test gave her the rewards that were higher than others. . Even God's soul ring is two. What is the concept of this. She is now at the 70th level, and there are only two soul rings needed. As the soul ring is increased for years, her own ability to withstand will inevitably increase. In the aftermath, the two gods give the soul ring a chance to hit the soul ring of 100,000 years!

Ning Rongrong’s Jiubao Glass Tower has not yet been recovered, and the seven soul rings have surfaced on the body surface. The original soul ring colors are purple, purple, purple, purple, black, black, and black. But after this last level of reward, her soul ring color changed again, becoming purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black. It was actually two thousand years of soul ring, five million years of soul ring. At this point, she finally understood why the soul ring of the sea **** Douro Posay is eight black and red, it is from the top assessment reward! Poseidon is the top eight test, the reward of the soul ring repair is definitely higher than the height of the age, so there will be a spectacular scene of the soul ring for more than 10,000 years.

At this time, Tang San was completely immersed in the golden light. The trident of the sea **** in his hand seemed to have only a hundred kilograms. It was not much more than the casting hammer he used. But at this moment, Tang San, who holds the Trident, has been unable to move. Standing there, like a **** person. Almost all the muscles in the body burst because of excessive force, and he can only maintain this position to stand.

Just before he was completely in a coma, he heard a hint from his mind, "The 7th test of the sea god, pull out, artifact, trident of the sea god, pass. Reward, the sea **** affinity increased by 15%, total pro Eighty-five percent of the sum is recognized by the Trident of Poseidon and has the right to use the Trident of Poseidon."

Outside the Temple of the Sea God, the huge golden light and shadow suddenly contracted. After absorbing the power of countless prayers, it turned into a streamer from the top of the Temple of the Sea, through the top of the temple, and directly into the Trident of the Sea God in the hands of Tang San. At this time, Tang San could not hold on again, and fell to the ground with a common stun.

With his fall to the ground, the original shining light in the hall suddenly faded a lot, especially the change of the trident of Poseidon, almost instantly, and restored the dark look before Tang San pulled it out. Most of the pressure on the body of Tang San, the tail of the long handle hit the platform of the sea god, the loud noise made the whole sea **** island tremble for a moment.

"Three brothers."


Ning Rongrong and Xiaowu, who had reacted to it, almost rushed up at the same time. The little dance went to Futang III. Ning Rongrong grabbed the cold-filled Poseidon Trident and wanted to take it away. However, it was pressed against Tang San. The Poseidon trident is not moving.

You must know that after Ning Rongrong’s current soul is rewarded, if he absorbs the soul ring, it should be 82, even if it has not been absorbed, it is also the spirit of the 80th level. Although he is an assistant soul teacher, but the physical strength of the 80th level soul teacher is so powerful, go all out, the power is definitely more than a thousand pounds, but the sea **** trident is not moving, giving Ning Rongrong the feeling, it is not a A weapon is actually an unshakable mountain. This situation proves that this thing has at least a weight of more than 10,000 pounds.

But what makes her strange is that this trident of the sea **** is on the body of Tang San, but it only slightly collapses the damaged skin of Tang San. If it is really over 10,000 pounds, how can it be just that? Tang San, who lost his ability to resist, was crushed to death.

"I am coming." Posayi Pinghe's voice sounded, when Ning Rongrong turned to see her, I found that Posisi had collapsed by her side. In her opinion, the strength of Poseidon is unattainable. It is only the case of picking up the trident of Poseidon from Tang San. It should be easy to do with empty intake.

But Possey now not only squats around Tang San, but also looks like a dignified color. Both hands hold the trident of Poseidon at the same time. Under the turbulent soul fluctuations, she also released her own martial arts. Eight black and one red, nine soul rings appeared at the same time, in order to pick up this sea **** trident, look at her look, it seems to go all out.

“Getting off—” Poseysey snorted and could clearly see that from her hands, she had a huge soul to wrap the Trident of the Poseidon. That is the case, the Trident was not picked up at once, but it was extremely slow. After leaving Tang San’s body, Poseid’s face was tense and he could even see the blue veins on his forehead, but he really used all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong immediately released his own Jiubao glass tower, a force that did not hesitate to increase the strength of a soul increase, two lights on the body of Posay.

The role of the Nine Treasure Glass Tower as the first auxiliary martial arts in the world immediately appeared, and the two lightening lights of Ning Rongrong were obtained. The look of Poseidon suddenly calmed down a lot, and quickly picked up the Poseidon trident, gently Placed next to Tang San. When I looked back at Ning Rongrong, I was a little more appreciative in my eyes.

"Predecessors, is this trident so heavy?" Ning Rongrong could not help but ask.

Poseidon said: "Save the Tang three and say it again."

Without the oppression of the Trident, Tang San has been swayed into the arms by a small dance. Seeing that there is almost no perfect place in the skin of Tang San, the tears of the little dance are coming out, and they are desperately injecting their soul into Tang Santi. Inside.

On the right leg of Tang San, the blue-gold light slowly spread throughout the body, and the blue-and-white emperor's right leg bones were accompanied by wildfires, and the spring breeze was spontaneously launched. However, the speed of treatment is very slow, and it can be seen that Tang San’s body is seriously damaged.

Poseidon pressed one hand on the chest of Tang, and his mental strength almost instantly covered his body, and his face suddenly became more dignified.

"His situation is very bad. The strength of the soul bone may help him repair the body. But he has lost too much blood and must be replenished in time. Otherwise, there is danger to life. The blood of ordinary people is only three points." One of them is hard to live. The blood that he just passed through his hands and the muscles that have been broken are probably more than six."

The little dance did not hesitate: "Predecessors, I gave him blood."

Possey looked at the little dance and looked at her head with kind eyes. "You are such a silly boy. Tang San can have such a confidante like you, it is the greatest fortune in his life."

The little dance shook his head and choked: "No, I can meet him. It is the greatest luck in my life. Seniors, what do I do?"

Possey looked at the little dance deeply, "Give me your right hand."

The little dance heard the words and raised his right hand. Poseidon's fingers flicked, and the little dance's wrist veins suddenly had a breach, and blood flowed out.

Poseidon muttered: "I hope that your blood does not conflict with his original blood."

The little dance affirmed: "Brother absorbed my soul ring and soul bone, which is equivalent to blending with my blood, and certainly will not be rejected. Seniors, save him."

Poseidon nodded, and the right hand was cited. The blood of the little dance suddenly became a scent, and a red blood group was gathered in the air. In the eyes of Poseidon, a layer of pure blue light spread out, shrouded in the body of Tang San, and I don’t know how she did it. Under the injection of this blue light, Tang San’s blue silver emperor’s right leg bone The speed of repair was significantly increased. Posisi's right hand was connected, and the blood was separated from the blood cells. At the same time, he was injected into the body from the broken skin of Tang. The blood ball seems to be the bridge between Tang San and Xiao Wu, and the blood of the little dance is constantly passed to Tang San.

Tang Sanwan's face like gold paper gradually recovered a bit of blood, while the beauty of the little dance became more and more pale. However, her gaze was very gratifying. Poseyi shared her spiritual ability to explore Tang's physical condition to the little dance. She could clearly feel that Tang San's body was recovering at an alarming rate. Obviously his own blood has played a role.

It took a little half an hour to make a good deal. Posisi long gas and a wave of his right hand sealed the wound on the wrist of the little dance, so that the blood no longer flowed out. At the same time, he ordered a few times in Tang San. Under the blue-gold light, the wound on the surface of Tang San's skin has all healed.

"Predecessors, don't stop! He hasn't recovered yet. I still have a lot of blood and continue to lose to him." The little dance endured a strong sense of weakness and said anxiously to Posey.

Poseidon frowned: "You are a stupid girl, you have already given one-third of the blood to him. If you go on like this, you must not hold on. Don't forget, your soul is only attached. Body, not really in your own body, even if you used to be a soul beast of 100,000 years, you can't stand such blood consumption."

The little dance didn't care: "As long as you can save him, you don't care about me."

Poseidon angered: "You don't cherish your body so much, will you be happy when he wakes up? What's more, you don't need to worry about him. The injury on his body is definitely fatal. But his Survivability is too strong, even surpassed me. With the injection of your blood just now, coupled with his own physical response, there is no problem. Rest for up to three days, with his tyrannical physical ability, Can recover. It is you, I see, your soul has been outside for too long, it should go back."

Listening to Posayi said that Tang San was out of danger, and the little dance relaxed, and the body swayed and almost fainted. Ning Rongrong hurriedly handed a restored big sausage into her mouth.

The little dance barely swallowed and said: "Predecessors, Rong Rong, wait for him to wake up, you must not tell him that I pass the blood to him. Otherwise he will be uncomfortable."

Ning Rongrong's eyes are red, "Little dance, you..."

The little dance pleaded: "Rong Rong, I beg you. I don't want him to be uncomfortable. Anyway, I am fine. Promise me, don't tell him?"

Ning Rongrong can still say anything, only to nod, the heart not only admires the little dance, but also deeply touched by her relationship with Tang San. No wonder the third brother is willing to give everything for the little dance, between them, it is really...

The little dance's gaze turned to Poseidon again, and Poseidon sighed: "When you get a wife, what do you want? Come back to him. I will keep it for you. You gave him the blood, maybe It is also a good thing."

The little dance finally relaxed completely, the red light flashed, and the soul returned to the body of Tang San, hidden in his soul bone and soul ring, and immediately fell into a deep sleep. Her body was also softly fell in Ning Rongrong's arms, and she was in a coma.

Tang San was in a coma for a whole day, only to wake up from sleep. It is true that Poseidon judged his physical condition. It wasn't just the skin and muscles of the outside that were damaged before Tang San. Because of excessive exertion, it also hurt the internal organs, bones and tendons. It really takes a long time to repair.

But what Posey is not knowing is that the little dance once ate the crystal blood ginseng and the fairy tales in the fairy tales. Her blood is comparable to ordinary blood, and there is a full three-point. Once injected into the body of Tang San, although most of the medicine has been absorbed by the body of the little dance, only a small amount of medicine in the blood has greatly increased the recovery speed of Tang San. That Acacia broken heart red can be a dead person and a fleshy bone!

Awakened from the drowsiness, Tang San felt that his body was sore and weak, his spirit gradually became clear, and he felt the cold stone floor under his body, and his thoughts gradually returned.

The sea **** temple is not the darkness of his first arrival. The top of the hall is full of gorgeous pale gold lines everywhere. Although the light is not strong, it is barely able to illuminate the interior of the hall. These lines continue to spread down the wall, and Tang San can feel the same light around his body.

The sense of powerlessness is definitely because the wildfire of the right breast of the Blue Silver Emperor is not exhausted, and the spring breeze blows back the side effects caused by the repairing skills. After all, the body was severely damaged. However, he was very excited to pass the seventh test. In particular, he also deeply remembered what he heard before he was in a coma. The most important thing is that it has been recognized by the Trident of Poseidon and has the right to use the Trident of Poseidon. For Tang San, this is undoubtedly a strong shot.

"Get up when you wake up." The voice of Poseidon echoed around.

Tang San turned up and sat up, only to see the sea **** Douro Posayy sitting in front of himself, between them, across the sacred trident that killed him. The huge body of Zhang Erchang still has a strong sense of weight.

After sitting up, Tang San discovered that all the places in the entire temple of the sea had spread the pale gold lines, including the sea **** platform under him and the other seven platforms around. This original simple hall looks extremely gorgeous.

"Congratulations, Tang San. After passing the 7th test of Poseidon, you have already begun to get the recognition of Poseidon." Poseysey smiled and said to him.

Tang San sighed and said: "Predecessors, I understand. I can get the approval of Poseidon and the Trident of Poseidon. I am afraid that it is because of the slap in the sea. You should know this too. But why didn't you I take it here? I believe that you must have a solution."

Poseidon shook his head gently and said: "No, you are the one chosen by Poseidon, and what other people can replace? I have no ability to take the heart of Poseidon from you. It is its own choice. You are not only lucky, but you meet the requirements of Poseidon. This is also the fact that no one can change."

The heart of the sea god? Tang Sanmuguang fell on the diamond-shaped gemstone in the position of the trigeminal dagger. At this time, as the trident turned black again, the diamond-shaped gemstone became transparent, and there was no way to see when the trident was pulled up. Zunwei.

"The heart of the sea god? This is the real name of the 瀚海乾坤."

Poseidon first said: "Yes. The heart of Poseidon is not only the core of Poseidon's Trident, but also the core of Poseidon's heritage. When you get it and it is recognized by it, Poseidon's assessment of you has already begun. From the heart of Poseidon, I saw a lot of things. It has saved you more than once. For an example you know, remember the deep sea whale king you met on the way?"